The Ball at Your Feet

: Section 914 The Will to Win

After winning the World Player of Football Award, Real Madrid also ushered in the Champions League draw, and this time, Real Madrid's luck is also quite good.

What they drew was not any team in the five major leagues, but the Portuguese Super League team Porto.

In recent years, Porto has been regarded as one of the best in the Portuguese Super League, especially when Benfica was a little sluggish, becoming the only one in the Portuguese Super League, but after all, the Portuguese Super League is relatively small and incomparable with the major leagues. Although this season, after they replaced the new young coach Boas, relying on their South American foreign aids Hulk and Falcao, they played pretty well, and even broke into the Champions League knockouts, but they met The opponent is Real Madrid, which means they are unlucky.

However, Porto does not seem to attach great importance to the Champions League. For them, it is more important for them to be able to make their players show enough strength to be valued by other teams.

After the draw was completed, Real Madrid also entered the winter break. This time during the winter break, Real Madrid is surprisingly calm: for Real Madrid, the current lineup is good enough, there is no need for signings.

At this time, what is more widely discussed is the issue of the World Cup.

The World Cup groupings, which were released almost at the same time as the Golden Globe Awards, attracted a lot of attention and exclamation from the very beginning. The biggest exclamation is the grouping of the most interesting players in the world.

Messi’s Argentina group is probably the best. Argentina, Nigeria, South Korea and Greece are four teams. Almost all of these teams do not pose a big threat. Argentina's qualifying seems to be almost a matter of course.

Moreover, because the Argentine coach is now replaced by Maradona, the current media is also constantly bragging about the story of the old football king holding up the new one. After all, Argentina and Brazil are the best players. Once they have good players, they can't help but think of that aspect.

And the grouping of Portugal where Ronaldinho is in is also very good. Although Portugal was forced to play in the play-offs due to poor strength and was forced to play in the European zone before it was promoted. His division is relatively poor, but his group grouping is indeed Not bad. They and their hosts South Africa, Mexico, and Uruguay were assigned to a team. After all, Portugal's strength is still good. It met South Africa, the weakest host in the seeded team. There were no other European teams in the group. At the same time, they avoided Argentina and Brazil. It is also quite possible for them to qualify.

In contrast, the grouping of the Chinese team that Zhao Yaning is in can only be described as the group of death: Spain, China, Ivory Coast, France, such a grouping, how can it be seen that they are deliberately trying to kill the Chinese team.

Almost all the media had the same idea after reading it: Zhao Yaning, this time, is probably going to travel to South Africa.

"If we want to qualify in the group, we have to beat European champion Spain, World Cup runner-up France, and Drogba, Ivory Coast led by the Touré brothers-is this trying to kill us!"

Zhao Yaning didn't know the idea of ​​fa, but this grouping was really troublesome. He knows the strength of Spain very well, and he is also very familiar with the players of France. In addition, an Ivory Coast with Drogba, the Touré brothers, Gervinho, etc., and a defense line are all Ligue 1 players-this grouping is basically a grouping to eliminate all hopes of the Chinese team. . Two European powerhouses, a top three team in Africa, any Asian team throws it past, you have to feel the desperate atmosphere on your face.

"This World Cup is very likely to be Messi's battle for the gods, and it may also be Cristiano's show of himself, but for Zhao Yaning, we can't ask too much. Such a group, any team will encounter It is very difficult to qualify. We can't demand Zhao Yaning's ability to lead a team like the Chinese team to the death team."

The World Cup has not yet started, many people are already building momentum for the World Cup, and Zhao Yaning... looks like a tragic hero no matter what. Even when shooting the commercial, the media prepared Zhao Yaning as a background template for tragic heroes. Speaking of it, both Zhao Yaning and Klose may break the World Cup record of 15 goals this time, but there is really no hope for Zhao Yaning to break the record-six goals, three games, that is simply unrealistic. .

However, during the interview, Zhao Yaning was hard-hearted for a while.

"The game hasn't started, so everything is still very clear. They are indeed very strong teams, but I am not defeating a strong enemy once or twice to win the championship. Who wins and who loses, don't say so early."

Such an attitude only adds some topics to the media. After all, no one believes that Zhao Yaning can really stand against the sky in such a group.

But at this time, Zhao Yaning also had his ideas.

"This ball is really interesting."

The football that celebrated the whole world was soon named by Adidas after it was launched. The roundest ball in the world, the lightest ball in the world... However, in Zhao Yaning's view, it is better to add another name: the world's most floating football.

After all, Real Madrid is a giant, and the influence of giants is reflected in this kind of time: before other teams have been exposed to Universal Celebration, Real Madrid has already used it as an experiment. And after Zhao Yaning played a few times, he discovered that the ball floated very much, I am afraid the team that is good at long passes will suffer a lot.

However, this also gave him a little excitement. Even right in front of Ribe, he made no secret of it, "Frank, do you know what is the biggest benefit of this ball? This kind of ball, playing deciduous ball, It couldn't be better."

Although I know that Ribery and Yaya Toure are both enemies of his own national team, Zhao Yaning did not evade them in the slightest. "The players, the field, the football, the mentality, and myself, I am all in every respect. It has been adjusted to the best. If this time, I lose money again, then it is my problem. Frank, I know, you want to win, but believe me, you guys have nothing. Now, I am in the best shape. When it’s good, even if Qi Zu returns, Maradona will play in person, and if I meet them, I will kill them!"

Inside the Barcelona training base, looking at Messi sitting on the edge of the stadium resting, Ronaldinho has something to say. After arriving at Barcelona, ​​he felt that everything went wrong, which made him quite angry. If the other party is Rooney, he will walk over without hesitation, but the other party is Messi. Although it seems harmless to humans and animals, Xiao Luo knows that Messi is not Rooney and he will not be so easy-going and easy to talk.

Although Messi is very easy-going and never said anything bad, Ronaldinho has encountered a lot of soft violence. He had never realized that not allowing him to take a penalty kick, not allowing him to take a free kick, and not passing the ball to himself when he was in front of the goal, could bore himself to this point, but now he understands it all.

I'm the footballer

"You have to adapt to the team." He still remembers Guardiola's words, but it seems to him to be farting: obviously it was the Catalan players collectively boycotting him, how did he adapt to the team?

However, the national derby is approaching. Although Xiao Luo was extremely disgusted, thinking of Zhao Yaning, he gritted his teeth and walked over.

"I know you don't like me." When Xiao Luo came to speak, Messi still ignored him and looked far away. However, Xiao Luo quickly asked him to turn. Overdone, "But you’d better understand why I came here. I’m not here to compete with you for the position of the boss. I’m here, Li Lai, to play football. I don’t Don't go too far with you. You have to give me what I want."

Messi turned his head. Although his face was calm, he still spoke, "You can't fight me if you want to."

"If I only talk about strength, I don’t know. But let me recognize Catalans as my ancestors, and insist that I have Catalan descent. I can’t do it. If you really want to win, it’s up to you. "It’s hard to say who the boss is if we two transfer to another team together."

"Why do I want to transfer? Here, Harvey, Iniesta, they help me, Pep, Cruyff, they all take care of me, my salary is also high, and there are many endorsements, why should I transfer? Everything here is fine, why do I have to go elsewhere? I am different from others. I grew up in a wealthy family and I don’t need those proofs."

Little Luo could not say anything, but he also admitted that it is true, "Well, these are secondary, I will say the primary. I came to Barcelona, ​​in fact, the biggest purpose is to once again A showdown with Zhao Yaning."

"There is still a question of money."

"That's secondary." Xiao Luo blushed a bit. This is indeed a problem. "The main thing is to defeat Zhao Yaning! If you say money, where am I going to have a high salary? Going to Real Madrid has to give me the highest salary, which is better than yours. High. But, my choice is not Real Madrid. Although I know that when I get there, I will be treated better than here, and Zhao Yaning’s temper is better than you. I will not suffer such a frustration, I can live. It’s good, but I’m here anyway, and there is only one reason."

"Is it so important to you to beat someone?"

"Of course you don't understand, because you have never beaten him. So you don't know, the joy of winning."

"Last season, we were the champions."

"For the championship that you won with Bootsques' hard work, how much did you contribute to the championship?" Xiao Luo asked rhetorically, making Messi's face even redder.

"Listen, Leon. I don't want to talk nonsense about who is better or who is stronger. It's boring to fight with you. Even in a team, it doesn't matter how you fight. But, I want to defeat Real Madrid, and you should also understand in your heart that no matter how hard you suppress me, but if you don't defeat Zhao Yaning, you are at best second in the world in the eyes of others. Are you really content to be the boss in this place? When the world's first honor is placed in front of you, in your eyes, there is only such a small interest in the competition?"

"I really want to be the best player in the world, but I don't understand now, what is your purpose for doing this." Messi raised his head.

"Is my purpose for doing this? It's very simple. I still don’t give You and me, the two of us, can only defeat him and become the two top cards of the world's No. 1 team. We Only then can we consider who is the greater one. The greatness of Puskas and Disdifano must be left to others to comment on, but if they do not rule an era, then they are nothing. You. I’m the same now, we won first, and then it’s not too late to say so much."

"How to win?" Messi looked at Ronaldinho and asked.

"I can do everything I can do. I can do off the ball, I can do back-to-back support, I can also do everything that Pep needs me to do, I have done all the things I should do Now, the rest is your business." Xiao Luo looked at Messi, but got up and left, "Don't let me down too much, I'm waiting for you to make a decision."

Ronaldinho left the court for a long time, and Harvey also came over, "What did he say to you again?"

"Harvey, I think we should be a little more tolerant of him."

"How come you suddenly remembered such a sentence?"

"It's nothing, I just think... Maybe, we can cooperate better, we will play better." Messi said, "He is indeed a very annoying person, but there is one thing he is right. I want to win. , I really want to win that Asian man. I need his help. Together, we two can definitely beat him! Harvey, maybe we are all different, but the will to win is exactly the same. There is such a strong With the enemy in front of you, what's the big deal if you cooperate once? After all, my goal is not to be second in the world!"

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