The Amber Sword

Vol 5 Chapter 90: Death shadow iv

At this moment, the majestic battle in the air was divided into victory and defeat. The shape of the silver dragon Missile was not dominant. The injuries left before had more severely affected her speed. After being continuously hit hard, she finally Unable to support, the action was obviously delayed for a moment, and the huge black dragon seized the opportunity to hit the waist of the former and hit the former's waist heavily. Mithril issued a wailing, and fell from the air in a scaly manner. She crashed to the ground, and her huge body swept through several streets in an instant. At that moment, Greystone Town seemed to make a painful sound, and the subsided ground layer spread to all directions, and the houses fell over.

The falling Mithril advanced on the ground, and the momentum was still there. The small and large buildings were broken and broken under her body, like a bulldozer, and scraped away a small half of the gray stone town. The neighborhood where the compass is located.

At the moment, the Eruin envoy was preparing to move. At that moment, the world felt overturned. Everyone fell on the ground with instability. In the screams of barren and wild horses, the people near the window looked desperately at a shadow and pressed themselves. That scene looks very much like a tsunami, except that it is replaced by a silvery broad spine. Rows of houses collapsed and shattered under this spine, and then are drawn under it. When the last row of buildings collapsed, the shadow of death Almost in sight.

The nobles were in a panic scene, leaving the building like ants and fleeing, but how fast could they get past the falling dragon, and fled just to delay the death for a moment.

The house made a terrible creaking scream, a wall had fallen down completely under pressure, and Enid, who was under the wall, was stunned. The Count stood in awe and looked at the scene, Even forgot to dodge.

"Yenid, get out of here!" Shouted Oni.

The latter is indifferent.

Medicia rushed out on the occasion of a critical moment--

"Spiritual Wings!" She shouted, a gray-white net spread from her left and right sides, and a flickering hexagonal net-like structure formed the shape of a wing, and the little silver princess gritted her teeth. The wing tips of both sides of the wings were bent towards the middle, resisting in front of Enid, resisting the collapsed wall, the wall hitting it, torn apart, the ground rumbled, and Misriel's back came out of the wall, and Matissa's spirit wings collided.

With a sob, Matissa wheezed. The power of the black dragon Malthus she indirectly resisted was a full blow from the sage. Even though it had dissipated a lot, it was still not her rule to withstand. Spiritwing supported Mithril. In an instant, the solid hexagonal network structure began to bend and deform, and then exposed white cracks, which were fragmented like glass, and people could even clearly hear the crisp sound when the crystals broke.

The arms, palms, and back of the silver elf little princess shattered, and cracks appeared on the skin, and the fire of soul spewed out like it was burning on her face.

"Woo ---"

Enid seemed to be sober now, "Metisha!" The count shouted in panic.

At this time, a second person finally rushed out. It was Aiko, "Miss Metisha, let me help you!" Then the officers of the White Lion Guard, and then Marjorie, the deputy head of the Summer Solstice Knights cloth Longfield, summer solstice knights, everyone rushed up and tried their best to block Mysreal's back, but except for Bronfield, the human power seemed so weak in this level of battle, everyone was in The first time was hit and fly.

"Nia!" Dilferi's forehead was full of cold sweat, and she loudly reminded: "Support me!"

"Miss, you can't ..."

Dilfery had put her hand on her chest, the black spells flashing on the white arm one by one, she reached out and pointed at the broad spine of the silver dragon. The black flame seemed to burn from the chest, and it was burning. The upper body of a huge demon was formed, this devil howled, his arms waved, and pushed heavily behind Mithril. The power of this blow was so powerful that the silver high walls were slightly Meal—Spell Curse, Banuk's Claw, this demon spell can summon the power of the seventh lord under the river of sulfur, Banuk the Lord of Black Fire Abyss, but like all other demonic spells, its The anti-phagic effect is also amazing. Dilferi was weak. At the moment, he vomited blood and passed out.

After all, her spells worked, and Mattissa's pressure eased a little bit, and she finally took the time to cast them.


The Law of the Wanderer's Mage is activated. The bright white light rises from everyone nearby, and the broken spiritual wings of Metisha have a tendency to re-solidify in this white light. The death of Silver Dragon Mithril has finally eased. .

"It's almost there!" Aiko shouted.

The little silver elf princess only felt straight, the power of the dragon seemed to be endless, making people almost desperate.

At this time, one hand appeared beside her from nothing, and that hand gently pressed on the back of Yinlong. The whole space seemed to be slightly shaken. Numerous silver line segments spread out from the contact point between that hand and the back of Yinlong. The line segments are intertwined with each other, slightly shining, forming a huge net, and Mithriel hits this net heavily. At that moment, the sharp air currents form a howling, and the silver giant net shines a dazzling light, but That's it, everyone was surprised to see it--Missreal stopped slowly.

Meditis was completely relaxed the moment she saw that hand, as if her whole body strength had been evacuated, her body was soft and she almost fell to her knees. Before that, she supported her with one hand, and then Bran Many faces appeared in her vision, and the latter glanced at him in the air with a cold face, before looking down at the little princess she called.

"Master Lord ..." The little silver elf princess was so weak that she could barely make a sound.

"Don't I let you go early?" Brando looked at the injury on Metisa with some heartache, but more angry.

"But Miss Romain ..."

"She's fine." Brando interrupted her. "Come on, let's leave this place with the others first."

With a moment's glance, Matissa saw a hamster standing on Brando's shoulder. The hamster was as ordinary as it could be, but the breath of her soul was very familiar. She opened her eyes and said, "White mist! What are you doing? It looks like this! "

Bai Mi snorted softly, apparently disdain to answer this question.

Seeing the white mist, Meditha knew that Roman might be out of danger. Most of the former came to report. She breathed a sigh of relief before she nodded weakly to Brando. Brando frowned at Matissa's condition. He held the little princess and asked softly, "Can you stand now?"

Matissa's face was slightly red, and the loss of soul fire in her body was quite serious. It was almost as if the living person had exhausted her physical strength, but she nodded slightly.

Brando sighed, "Don't be stubborn."

After all, he bent down directly, crossed the little princess's knee with his hand, and hugged her directly. Meditha then looked up and smiled at the Lord Lord who was holding her, "Thank you, Lord Lord."

"You are more generous than Antitina." Brando was surprised.

"After all, I'm the commander of the Silver Elf, Lord Lord." Said Metisah, she began to feel very tired, leaning her head gently on the Lord Lord's chest, and fell asleep with her eyes closed.

Brando looked at the silver elf girl in his arms and sighed. He told Metisya to take other people away, after all, it was just a comforting statement. The battle between the two dragons had completely destroyed the gray Shizhen, now they have nowhere to hide, they can only hope that the silver dragon will continue to attract Malthus's attention. But Mithriel, lying in a ruin, tried several times to get up from the ground, and eventually fell back heavily. Black Dragon Malthus looked indifferently from the air to the entire Greystone town. He noticed the small ones below. Humans, it is unwilling to do it by itself, only to signal the flying hilly dragon beast to circle down and surround these poor insects in its eyes.

When Brando saw this scene, he was secretly unlucky. While thinking about his escape strategy, he asked Cooper to gather Cruz's nobles, and then let Eco leave first with the injured, and he turned himself Turned over, and pulled out the sword at the same time as Nimei Sisi, facing the dragon beast that came to the nest in the sky.

These dragon beasts were not a concern to him, but he knew how proud the dragon was. Although Malthus now disdains himself, he will never let them leave. How difficult it is to escape under the eyes of an adult dragon. You can think about it with your knees.

There was only one solution at the moment, and he subconsciously set his sights on the scarred Silver Dragon Mithril.

"Humans, we need cooperation." It was at this time that a voice sounded in both minds at the same time.

Brando was a little surprised, but he didn't expect the other party to think of himself together. In his impression, the pride of the dragon would never let them be so condescending—with such doubts, he looked up, Opposite Missile's gaze in this direction, the silver dragon's mercury-like eyes flashed a soft light.

Miss Riel was covered in blood, and the scales on her back and wings were blurry. She gasped heavily and replied softly, "Malthus will never let you go, humans, you can help me get some time as long as I can fly When I get up, I can find a way to take it away— "

To gain time? Brando was a little blind. He looked up at Malthus in the air, but it was a dragon, and his teacher Mephisto might be able to do it, but he was not enough to jam his teeth.

"I don't think I can do it, dear lady." Brando had to answer honestly.

Missile shook her head and said suddenly, "No, I think you can do it-I have seen the same power in you as a person, about a thousand years ago, I saw in the Silver Sea After that man, he was only a young and famous wizard of the Bugat then. Do you know who he is now? "

Brando certainly knows who it is, and the name is afraid that no one knows or knows anyone on the Warnland. He didn't expect that the lady Ms. Dragon who met with him for the first time made an analogy with that person. I don't know if this is a compliment.

Above the sky, overwhelming dragon beasts are flying in this direction.

"I really can't get you time. Dear Madam, this is not a game I can participate in," Brando shook his head, as he said, he took out a strange dial from his arms: "But I think We do have room for cooperation. "

"The passing pointer!" Miss Riel exclaimed, "You didn't tell me to read wrong--"

Brando glanced into the sky: "There is still a problem. The passing pointer can only accelerate the creatures or objects that I and I have come into contact with. How can I come to you without attracting the attention of that guy, It's better to be faster, my people can't stop the dragon beasts. "

"It's very simple," Mithril replied, she moved slightly over the ruins, her huge wings pulled down, and she covered Brando.

"I can only speed up the flow of time for you for about five minutes, is it enough, dear lady." Brando calculated and accelerated the five-minute time with the existence of a power level like Miss Riel, and he had to drop at least two Level, but this time, he had to choose so.

Ms. Yinlong calculated for a moment, then nodded: "Slightly less, but I think it is enough for me to recover."

Brando nodded, and time was limited, so he stopped talking nonsense, and directly put on Misriel's wings with his hands, and activated the passing pointer.


Dragon beasts are already roaring. They are greeted by gargoyles who scream and launch a near suicidal attack on these top-tier air forces from the ground. The gap between the two powers is too great to At the beginning of the contact, the latter's incomplete corpse almost fell like rain, and Malthus looked at this scene with interest. It did not expect that these humans had a means of resistance, but that was it. Never worry about what these poor bugs can change.

Above the battlefield, the Knights of the Summer Solstice and the White Lion Guard soon joined the battle, and at the other corner of the battlefield, others were also facing the threat of dragon beasts.

The evasive behavior of Xianni and the elf completely annoyed the humpback dragon beast, which issued a snarling roar, vibrating its wings and instigated a strong wind, and rushed directly at the two, no longer using a cat to catch a mouse's little flame Instead, the blood basin that opened the flames of Mars was biting at the elf with a big mouthful. The elf and Sunnie Qiqi screamed, climbed up with hands and feet, and turned to run, but their movements were no better than the monster dragon beast. The latter roared angrily, and the stench from his mouth would The two were blown upside down, the elf was so scared that she cried, and she tripped herself to the ground with her feet soft. She turned around and saw the rows of white teeth in Dragon Beast's mouth, screaming and closing her eyes, Raise a pair of small hands to block in front of yourself.

"Mom! There is a monster to eat the elf!" The elf screamed, and suddenly felt a slight heat in his palm, as if a powerful force came from the front, and the reaction force blew her directly out of the ground, fighting. After flying horizontally for more than ten meters, he fluttered and fell to the ground.

The elf looked up dumbfounded, his face was covered with dirt and mud, almost turned into a small face, his forehead was red, and there was a nosebleed, but she stared at the eyes roundly. Ahead—There, a humpbacked dragon beast that has lost its head is crumbling, and the part above its neck seems to be taken away by something. There is only a scorched black cavity, and the rotten flesh and bones are exposed in the cavity. With the broken internal organs, the filthy blood came out like lava, sprinkled the entire street, and the dragon beast that had lost its head took a few steps forward, and then fell to the ground with a loud noise.

The movement of the dragon beast falling to the ground was so great that it knocked the elves on the ground.

The elf looked at the corpse of the dragon beast dumbly, then looked at her hand, and finally fell on the spear she had been holding tightly, and her open mouth could not be closed. At this time, Xianni finally fluttered her wings and flew back to the former. She was obviously frightened. She had only seen a flash of white light before, and the behemoth was her first separation. She did n’t know what happened and shouted: " What's wrong, what happened just now! Damn elf, did you steal the bow of the world again? "

"No, no!" The elf quickly pleaded, "This is it!"

Both eyes fell on the spear. The silver spear was slightly different from the previous one. The part of the pattern on the top of Yun Xia's body was glittering and became conspicuous golden.

"What is this?" Sunny asked.

"I don't know." The elf shook his head blankly. "But a bad guy just said it was theirs."

"Bad guy?"

"The bad guys who came to catch you before!" Said the elf, very embarrassed.

"I see," she suddenly realized, and spreading her wings and flying around the elf's head, she replied with excitement: "This is what they call the slaughter gun!"

"Slayer gun?" The elf didn't even hear the name.

"I have seen its name in the legend of the Cruz. This is the gun of the legendary knight Sir Freud. He used this gun to fight in hell. The gun was stained with demon blood. This gun is "A genuine secondary artifact!" Xianni said enviously: "You are so lucky, elf, how can you use it?"

"I don't know, I was scared at the time, like this--" Before she finished, the spear in her hand suddenly buzzed and trembled, and the tip of the gun extended a thin white line pointing to the street ahead.

They both looked up in that direction at the same time.


(PS: Ask for a monthly ticket.) (To be continued. Please search for floating astronomy, novels are better and faster!)

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