It took a long time to eat this hot pot. An Chen even took a photo of the table before eating and posted it on Weibo after a long time.

After dinner, it was the familiar game time. Casting the game on the big screen, coupled with An Chen's god-level operation, was perfect.

Although the fun was very exciting, everyone still dispersed before twelve o'clock and went back to their rooms to rest.

An Chen took a shower and then collapsed on the bed. He coughed too hard this afternoon, and the wound was a little painful, and it's not completely healed now.

Without drawing the curtains, An Chen stared outside and slowly fell asleep.

In the dream, she was wearing a cute dress bought by her mother, and her father was holding her hand. The three of them were having a great time in the amusement park.

This scene can really only be seen in dreams. In reality, An Chen has been treated as a boy since he was a child, and he never wears small skirts.

Anyway, the dream was beautiful, and An Chen had a sweet sleep until the alarm clock rang.

He walked to the bathroom by feeling with his eyes closed, and then started to wash up. Only when the water touched his face did An Chen wake up a little.

After breakfast, they set off on their way to the set.

What we are going to shoot today is a group scene. It is also the first time An Chen has acted opposite anyone except Attles so far. There is still some vague expectation.

The studio was still in a familiar lively state. Fu Yanxing left after sending people there today, but he didn't forget to tell Ji Xuan that he was done and told him in advance.

An Chen changed his look again, his hairstyle also changed a little bit, and Bai Yu was ready.

Although Bai Yu has not officially become An Chen's makeup artist yet, it is almost there. Now on the set, Bai Yu almost only does makeup for An Chen.

Director Liu also arranged for An Chen to go out and greeted the others, then exchanged words while waiting for the official start.

Fifteen minutes later, everyone was officially in place.

...plot dividing line...

"Bang bang!" Two muffled knocks on the door sounded, and there was a loud thunder outside.

Ji Qinglin sighed, and then looked at the door. He already lacked rest, and if he was frightened a few more times, he would have a nervous breakdown.

"Hello, my takeaway is here." A boy with long curly blond hair poked his head in from the door, it was Bai Yuzhi.

"Is this yours?" Ji Qinglin handed over the takeout.

"Thank you, but I have to put it here for a moment. Could you please tell me where Director Wang An's office is? I couldn't find it."

"Sixth floor, turn left and take the second to last room."

After getting the answer, the blond "boy" walked out.

...plot dividing line...

The scene, which was not too difficult and only had a few lines, passed smoothly.

Then there was an ensemble scene besides An Chen, and a rival scene between An Chen and the actor playing the director.

Before the filming started, Director Liu added a shot of An Chen going upstairs and entering the elevator, as well as a set of shots inside the elevator. These may not be usable and may be skipped directly, but the material still needs to be there.

After this period, several actors were still waiting for the next scene, almost all by themselves, and occasionally someone would chat for a few words.

Jun Hao looked at the script and occasionally asked An Chen about it. Apart from that, An Chen didn't interact with anyone else and only said a few words during the dialogue.

This is okay, not everyone will become friends, this feeling of distance is good, and it saves the awkwardness of having to talk to each other.

After a short rest, preparations for shooting a new scene have begun.

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