The Almighty Asura

Chapter 791: : The Secret of Mingjia (Five)

"Less master, this time should be almost the same."

Among the boxes next door, Mu Feng, Mo Hu, and Mo Sanlang are sitting together to enjoy tea.

They have been here for six days and come here to drink tea every day.

"The estimated time should be almost the same"

Mu Feng said.

And in the other box.

"what happened?"

Ming Chan looked at the maid and asked.

"No, I don't know adults, I feel my body is soft and my limbs are numb."

The woman said anxiously after she fell down, and then she was in a coma.


The two men of Ming and Zen are going to get up and look at them. The two men are also soft, and they fall down.

"What happened, how can I move?"

One exclaimed.

The other person also fell down, his face changed greatly, saying: "Adult, not good, someone puts medicine!"

Mingzen’s face suddenly sank, stood up, and felt a numbness in his body. Some of them swayed, and there was a sudden emergence of numbness in the body. He quickly ran the power to mobilize the force, but he found that the acupoints in the connection between the Yuanmai and the veins were closed. It is impossible to mobilize Yuan Li.

Ming Zen body stunned, leaning against the back wall at once, sitting back against the wall slowly, looking at the only woman in the room who did not fall down.

"Is it your medicine?"

Ming Zen anger channel.

The woman smiled indifferently and knocked on the wall. This woman is not someone else, it is charming.

Another woman who had long been blaming for Ming Zen was arranged by them to make it easy for the money to enter the thousand teas, and then replaced the original tea girl's position, waiting for the arrival of Ming Chan.

At this time, the room door opened and Mu Feng three people came in.

"Ming Zen elders, long time no see"

Mu Feng looked at the soft Zen sitting on the soft seat.

"who are you?"

Ming Chan angered: "Why poison me?"

Now Mu Feng is still a maple leaf, he naturally does not know.

"How long has it been, the elders of Ming Zen have forgotten me?"

Mu Feng smiled and restored his original appearance.

Ming Zen scorpion shrinks, and instantly recognizes this person: "It's you, Mu Feng! What are you doing in my Ming Dynasty?"

Ming Chan angered the voice, a while ago, Mu Feng made a big noise, Ming Zen was also there, but at that time, Mu Feng did not know Ming Zen.

"Reassure, this time, I am not coming to kill, I am just asking some questions, I hope that the elders of Ming Zen can cooperate."

Mu Feng smiled and sat down in front of the coffee table.

"How did you apply medicine to me? I have tried this tea. I can't have anything. I have been drinking Linglong Longjing for decades. If I add other things, I can taste it."

Ming Chan asked coldly.

"Oh, who said that I am taking medicine in tea?"

Mu Feng smiled lightly.

"Not in the tea..."

Ming Zen scorpion shrinks and looks at the incense burner, and instantly understands.

"It’s really smart, even the medicine is in the incense burner."

Ming Chan snorted and said: "But you will also use these three ways."

"There is no way, I can only deal with the strong man of Mingzen Zen."

Mu Feng smiled and poured himself a cup of tea and took a sip. He reminisced and said: "It’s a good tea, but this cup of tea is worth a million dollars. It’s really not affordable for the average person."

"What are you doing when you come to me?"

Ming Chan asked coldly.

"When I first understand the Zen Elders, I will answer the questions of the elders of Ming and Zen."

Mu Feng Ping said, a side of Mo Hu heard a tear to open the chest of Ming Zen's robes, a knife inserted in the chest of Ming Zen, suddenly blood spewed. ..


Ming Zen is low and screaming, but the room is soundproof and there is no movement outside.

The knife is not inserted into the heart, but the wound can be seen in the beating heart.

Mu Feng's palm stretched out, and a **** force poured into the heart of the Ming Zen elders, forcing a drop of pale gold blood to be pumped out.

"You bastard, what do you want to do?"

Ming Chan roared.

"When you wait for the Zen Emperor, you will know."

Mu Feng Ping faintly, forced out a drop of his own blood to merge into it, and then sealed the spiritual pattern, a control of the mind lines condensed out, shot into the heart of Ming Zen.

When the mind was touched into the heart of the Ming dynasty, Ming Zen sent out a scream of screams, his body was slightly twitching, and he could not move, and the tears were all painful.

Through the wound, a heart can be seen to wrap the heart, like a needle, and it is shrunk in the heart. Mo Hu and others see that some scalp is numb.

After afflicting Mingchan for a while, it was almost painful to see that Zen was in a coma, and Mu Feng only closed his hand.

"You, what do you want to do?"

Ming Zen whispered, and there was already a bit of fear in his eyes.

"I don't know the Zen elders. I just gave you a break. Your life and death are completely between my thoughts. As long as you let me have any dissatisfaction, I can let you experience it anymore."

"Now let's get down to business, I ask you a few questions."

Mu Feng faintly said.

The Ming dynasty reveals the color of horror and despair. If you are a strong person in the spirit of the sea, you will be mastered by such a small child in the future.

"I ask you, can you tell me the woman who went to your Ming family on that day, and where did you fall?"

Mu Feng asked.

Ming Chan heard the words and shook his head. "I don't know, I only know that she was rumored to be killed by the formation."

Mu Feng feels the change of the mind, this guy, no lying.

Mu Feng's brow wrinkled, is it really just being mistakenly forbidden and being killed by the formation?

"Then I ask you, what do you do for the people who have so many pure souls every year?"

Mu Feng asked again.

Ming Zen heard the scorpion shrinking, then shook his head and said: "I don't know this."


But as soon as he said this, the pain of the heart was immediately heard.

"You lied, the truth of what you said, I also perceive it."

Mu Feng cold channel.

"No, I know, stop, stop, I said!"

Ming Chan pains and asks for mercy, that kind of pain, he is really unbearable.

Mu Feng snorted and stopped to torture Ming Zen.

Ming Zen took a deep breath and said: "Can you heal me first?"

The wound in his chest is still bleeding, even if it is the strongest of the Yuanzong, the blood will dry and die.

In the hands of Mu Feng, a blood force poured into the Ming Zen wound, and the blood at the wound was immediately stagnant. Mu Feng shot another medicinal medicine in the mouth of Ming.

Ming Chan began to say: "I know that people who have pure souls are trying to kill them to collect their souls, collect them in the light soul crystal, and submit them to religion every year."

"Killing to collect souls"

Mu Feng heard the words, his face was gloomy, and this Ming family was really evil. He even murdered to collect pure soul refining soul crystals. Cold channel: "What religion?"

"Bright sacred religion, one of the super powers on Tianwu mainland! I am a Ming family, and it is only a family power under the sacred sacred religion. Every year, we must provide a batch of bright soul crystals."

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