"If you want to eat fish, you go to the market to buy it, why should I give it to you for nothing! I won't give it to you if I feed wolves or dogs."

"Xiaobei, Xiaonan, I know I'm not human, and my mother treats you badly, but she's dying, she can't make it through, I want her to have a full meal."

The second idiot broke down and cried suddenly, "Please give me a fish, I know I'm shameless doing this, I'm willing to work for nothing in the future without money, I'll help you mow the grass, I'll help deliver the goods, I don't want a penny Ok?"

Liang Xiaonan read a sentence he said in the morning to fight against injustice, and asked him: "You idiot, eating fish can't cure your disease, I can give you a special medicine, which is more effective than the medicine the doctor said, do you want it?"

"Yes, of course, Xiaonan, please, give me some medicine. You can tell me to do whatever you want." The fool will do whatever you tell him to kill people, as long as he can save his mother.

"I can give you the medicine, but I won't ask you to kill and set fire."

When it came to setting fire, the fool obviously shrank his eyes. Liang Xiaonan and him knew that the fire in Wang Cuiying's house must have been set by the fool.

"I will work for you, and I will be there whenever you are called."

Liang Xiaonan didn't say anything. He really wanted to work for his family, and she didn't object. There is no free lunch in this world.

She called Erlangzi to the Artemisia annua next to the fish pond, and said, this is the special medicine for treating scorpion. You cut off the stalk, squeeze out the juice, and mix some water for your mother to drink. If you are not afraid of hardship, you can also drink it. The juice can be drunk directly.

"Don't you need to boil it?" The second fool was very surprised, he didn't expect that the weeds that grow verdantly under his nose every day, turned out to be a special medicine for treating slaps!

"Don't boil it, the efficacy of the medicine will decrease when you see heat."

Er Lengzi excitedly went to cut the Artemisia annua, Liang Xiaobei stopped him and warned him: "My sister has already sold these medicines to the public, if someone finds out and destroys them with evil intentions, everyone don't think about it." .”

The idiot swears with three fingers facing the sky: "Don't worry, if I say a word, I will fall to my death if I walk... No, I can't save my mother!"

Liang Xiaonan said that she would pull people all over the country, and she would not pull people in Dakeng Village in her life, and the fool remembered it.

Liang Xiaonan said lightly: "Since I promised you, I will cure your mother. You cut one back today, squeezed the juice for her to drink a few more times, and cut fresh ones tomorrow."

The second fool left thankfully.

Liang Xiaobei said, "He won't play tricks again, will he?"

"Probably not, who knows?"

Liang Xiaonan had given up hope for the people in Dakeng Village, and the commotion in the morning had worn out all her patience.

Seeing Xiaobei's dark face, she gave him a tug, relaxed her tone, and said, "Don't be so embarrassing, how about my sister's quiz?"

"Sister wants to test me in arithmetic?"

"No, your brother-in-law has a friend who has a very bad sense of direction and can't distinguish between north and south. One day his mother asked him to go to Nanfeng Town to buy a watermelon. Guess what will happen?"

"I've gone to Xiaoyun Town." Xiaobei used what he had learned to give himself a thumbs up.

"No! Guess again."

"You won't run to the city, will you?"

"He's back with a pumpkin!"

When Liang Xiaonan announced the answer, Liang Xiaobei was stunned for a moment, and suddenly understood what was going on, and laughed hiahiahia, my sister is so funny, she has a poor sense of direction and even bought a watermelon into a pumpkin, why didn't she buy a winter melon?

It seems that you can also buy a winter melon!

"Sister, one more, one more!"

"Your brother-in-law has a friend who has been too poor to eat. Suddenly one day, he has 1 million in his hands. What do you think he should do?"

This kind of little joke is to tease Xiaobei to come out of the depression of the day.

Liang Xiaobei really became happy, 1 million, what a huge astronomical figure!

"Then build a house, buy new clothes, go eat a good meal..."

"No, think again."

"Why don't we all deposit in the bank and get fixed interest?"

Oh, what an honest boy!

"His mother slapped him and said, 'It's time to eat, get soap and wash your hands'!"

"Ah, 1 million is written on it?" Liang Xiaobei looked at his sister nodding and rubbed his stomach with a smile, "Sister, what kind of friends are my brother-in-law!"

"Haha, your brother-in-law's friends are all talented!" Liang Xiaonan was really happy this time, Zhou Yan, I'm sorry, for the sake of my brother's mental health, your friends should be more supportive!

Seeing Xiaobei's mood adjusted, Liang Xiaonan said, "Xiaobei, sing a song for sister."

Liang Xiaobei's originally raised lips came down, but he was not sad, and said seriously: "Sister, I don't want to sing anymore."


"I want to raise the fish well, save more money for my sister, and buy yards in the town, county, and city. No matter where I live, I just want to leave Dakeng Village as soon as possible."

Liang Xiaobei felt that his singing had influenced his sister and almost put her in jail, so he stopped singing and never wanted to sing again.

"We will leave Dakeng Village sooner or later. We should sing what we should sing. Why not? Do you think Wang Cuiying and Liang Jinbao will interfere with us? They will not be able to protect themselves."

Zhou Yan didn't say it, but it doesn't mean she didn't expect that Zhou Yan looked like a ruffian and a gangster, and he was very smart.

As the two of them were talking, they saw a small black shadow jump down from the mountain with a whoosh, stood by the fish pond, and fished directly from the fish pond.

Liang Xiaobei took the pole and was about to rush over, but suddenly stopped: "Sister, why do I think this is your wolf friend?"

Liang Xiaonan had noticed earlier, it wasn't who the wolf dumpling was.

She walked over, and the wolf group saw her, and didn't hide. His hair was blown up like weeds, and it seemed that he had just experienced a fierce battle, and there was a lot of blood on his body.

Liang Xiaonan said distressedly: "Who did you fight with again? Why are you fighting so viciously?"

Stretching out her hand to touch the bleeding place on its body, the wolf dumpling didn't hide, but trembled a bit, and she knew that the wolf dumpling was seriously injured.

She searched among the Artemisia annua bushes, and found a Panax notoginseng, which was transplanted a few days ago after she opened the door of primary medicine to treat bruises. The spirit spring liquid has irrigated many Once, it has matured, and its healing effect is definitely far better than other herbs.

She dug out a piece of fresh panax notoginseng, handed it to the wolf dumpling and said, "Eat it."

Wolf Tuanzi sniffed it, squatted beside her and ate the herbal medicine with his teeth bared.

Liang Xiaonan was really distressed, and said to it: "The medicine may not taste good, but you will heal after eating it."

Liang Xiaonan caught another fish with a dung skip and gave it to him.

"Have you not eaten for several days? Why are you so thin?"

The wolf dumpling didn't say anything, after eating the herbs, grabbed the fish, turned and left.

Not long after, a few howling wolves came from the mountain.




It seems that there is more than one wolf, and it seems that they are fighting in groups!

"Sister, do you feel a little weird today?"

"You mean wolves howling?"

Liang Xiaobei said that since the afternoon, he has seen countless birds chirping in the middle of the mountain, and rare eagles circling, but now it feels like wolves have come out of the deep mountains!

When he said this, Liang Xiaonan also felt that tonight was not normal, the mountains were usually very quiet, and the birds should have returned to their nests long ago, but now there were birds all over the sky constantly tossing about.

Thinking about the wound on the wolf group, something must have happened on the mountain. Could it be that the wolf clan is choosing the wolf king?

Could it be an earthquake?

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