When Wang Cuiying lowered her head and took a sickle to cut the wheat, Liang Xiaonan rushed past her without saying a word.

First, he pushed the person to the ground, then quickly pulled up Wang Cuiying's blouse, turned it up, and his entire face was covered.

He stretched out his hand again and took off her lower jaw.

Immediately afterwards, he was dragged into the cornfield and beat him to death, punching and kicking without hesitation.

It is revenge against the vicious stepmother who abused Liang Xiaobei, it is a crusade against Wang Cuiying and Zhang Xinyi who spared no effort to ruin her reputation, and it is also a lesson for Wang Cuiying to destroy her fish pond.

Wang Cuiying's jaw was removed, and her face and hands were bound by her own clothes. She was unable to speak and had difficulty breathing. Although her whole body was in pain, she was powerless to fight back.

After beating violently for ten minutes, Wang Cuiying passed out and left quickly.

Back at the fish pond, Liang Xiaonan saw that the scattered poles and buckets were gone, Liang Xiaobei told her the names of people, and Liang Xiaonan said, "Remember these people."

Liang Xiaobei went to mow the grass, and Liang Xiaonan went to fetch a few more barrels of water from the pond to top up the water in the pond. I moved out a few baskets of Artemisia annua seedlings from the space, planted them in a large circle around the fish pond, and carried another basket back home.

She roughly recognized these Artemisia annua seedlings, which were often seen in her previous life. Although the name was Qinghao, it was actually Artemisia annua, also called Artemisia annua, the kind that can bloom small yellow flowers when it grows up.

Except for a few pheasants, the yard is quite empty, and she wants to plant Artemisia annua around the yard.

Filled half a bowl of water, dripped two drops of Lingquan liquid, and drank it for the 10 chickens who were compensated by Er Lengzi.

The psychic liquid has a high concentration and a tangy aroma. The chickens scrambled to eat it, and the pheasants also came to grab it.

After a while, half a bowl of water was drunk.

She started to plant Artemisia annua along the base of the wall in the yard, and built another shelf in the yard, planning to plant a few grapes back, and planting roses on the top of the wall.

After planting a large basket of Artemisia annua seedlings, she went to look at the chickens sent by Erlianzi. They had grown to at least a catty and a half, not to mention Erlianzi's mother, even if the chickens and their own mother came to see them in person, they would not be able to recognize them.

Grandma Liang came back to cook at noon, with a strange expression on her face, she was stunned for a moment when she saw the green Artemisia annua seedlings all over the yard.

"Xiaonan, what did you plant?"

"Artemisia annua."

"Can I eat it?"

"It's a medicinal material, but it can be eaten as a vegetable. It's a bit bitter."

Grandma Liang looked at her granddaughter. She was wearing a simple flower jacket, light green trousers, and a black braid hanging behind her. She looked demure and intelligent.

Xiaonan is so pretty.

"Grandma, what happened to you?" She saw that Grandma Liang had a complicated expression when she entered the door.

"Wang Cuiying was beaten with a sap in the field, her mouth was removed, and there was no good flesh in her body. I don't know who hated her so much and beat her so hard!"

"Oh, how is she now?"

"Liang Jinbao's family found out that she was injured first, and asked someone to carry her to Xiaoyun Town."

"Grandma, the family has already separated. Let's not interfere with her affairs. Whoever beats her has nothing to do with us. We just need to live a good life."

Grandma Liang nodded, looked at the dozen or so big fat chickens in the chicken coop, and said in surprise, "Xiaonan, where did you come from?"

"I went to the town and bought a few chickens. Let's save them to lay an egg. Everyone will make up for it. The family always needs to raise some live animals, and the money on hand will be more abundant."

When Grandma Liang saw these chickens, she remembered that Liang Dazhuang's house was on fire, and the stupid mother said that Wang Cuiying stole her chickens.

"Xiaonan, do you think Wang Cuiying really knows how to steal the chicken from the second fool's house?"

"How did I know, and I didn't see it. If the stupid mother has evidence, she will naturally ask Wang Cuiying to settle the score."

Liang Xiaonan basically guessed what was going on now.

Yesterday the fool said that he wanted to prove it to her, that is, he wanted to set fire to Wang Cuiying's house.

The second fool stole the chicken from the house and paid it to Liang Xiaobei, but he didn't dare to tell his mother, so he set fire to Wang Cuiying's house at night, and threw two chickens over, so that Wang Cuiying's reputation as a chicken thief would be placed on Wang Cuiying's head.

"Da Zhuang was caught by wolves, his house and deposits were burned, Wang Cuiying was beaten again, and the stupid mother was still staring at them asking for money, alas!" Grandma Liang sighed.

"Grandma, they are so unkind to me. I will never recognize them in my life! It's not easy for Xiaobei and I to make such a small amount of money. Don't try to subsidize your son."

Liang Xiaonan's speech was very unpleasant, so the old lady was vaccinated. Grandma Liang will feel distressed, and she may subsidize it. This is a mother's instinct.

Liang Xiaobei kept telling her: "Sister, you keep all the money for yourself, don't give it to grandma. If you take out too much money, it may not be a good thing."

It is impossible for Liang Xiaonan not to understand something that even Liang Xiaobei can understand.

"No, I don't ask him to take care of me in the old age. There is no reason to support him." Grandma Liang shook her head and said, "I feel sorry for what happened to him, but I know very well that he doesn't have a mother in his heart. No children, only Wang Cuiying's family."

After lunch, Liang Xiaonan said, "I'm going to the city to pull a cart full of corn grits, so don't wait for me for dinner."

Grandma Liang said, "Is it too late for you to go to the county seat now?"

"It's not too late, I'll come back as soon as I buy it."

Still pulling the trolley and the big plastic bucket, this time she also packed the two plastic boxes for fry, and she was going to send the fish to Wanghulou.

After leaving Dakeng Village, she immediately put the scooter and other things into the space, and ran to the city.

Not far from Fulong Lake, she found a deserted corner, released the cart and barrels, filled dozens of big fish, and she vomited up dozens of catties of snails after so many days of raising them.

The trolley "Gululu" was pulled to Wanghulou, and the advertisement for free food samples was very effective, and the business in the store was obviously booming.

Cheng Gang was in the office looking out at Fulong Lake, when he suddenly saw Liang Xiaonan coming, he hurriedly said to Qiangzi and Dasha, "Quick, Xiao Liang is here."

The three of them ran down in a panic, before Cheng Gang could see Maitreya's face, the laughter came first: "Grandma, you are finally here!"

Seeing that Liang Xiaonan brought several large buckets of fish, he suddenly complained happily: "You said you won't come the next day, I thought you wouldn't come for a day, who would have thought that if you didn't come for so many days, I would be torn apart by the guests Yes. Mr. Wang Jiantiandi called me to ask me if the fish arrived and if there were any peaches!"

Liang Xiaonan said, "Didn't Zhang Ming get mandarin fish from other places? Why don't you get mandarin fish from there?"

Cheng Gang smiled and said, "Are you sincere? I'm not Zhang Ming. I agreed to import fish from your place, so I will import fish from your place. How can there be such a villainous behavior?"

While carrying the fish from the car, Dasha said loudly: "Xiaoliang, you don't know that Gangzi was almost driven out of mental illness by Director Wang. Now it's better, you sent so many fish all at once."

Liang Xiaonan's brows and eyes also curled up with a smile.

They unloaded fish and chatted. Qiangzi pointed to a man who ran away in the distance and said, "Gangzi, that man has been wandering outside our restaurant for several days. When he saw our fish coming, he ran back to report."

Cheng Gang snorted and said, "I'm waiting for him to make trouble."

Dear friends, let’s test the water today, thank you for coming, if you like it, please recommend it, thank you.

The weather is extremely hot this year, and the highest temperature here has hovered at 39 or 40° for two consecutive weeks! Everyone pay attention to heatstroke prevention, I love you, okay~~

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