"No, no, no, you're fake! you're fake, you must be fake!" Lin Han's expression was extremely struggling

How much he hoped that Hu Xianjun was true, so that at least it would prove that he was still alive, but he didn't want Hu Xianjun to be true, so it would show that Hu Xianjun had become a ...... of the people who destroyed the Holy See

No matter what the situation is, Lin Han is very uncomfortable, after all, it was Hu Xianjun who saved him, and when everyone wanted to kill him in Shangjing, only Hu Xianjun was sincere and good to himself......

Don't forget Gou Fugui

, the grace of dripping water should be reciprocated by the spring, besides, Hu Xianjun is not the grace of dripping water, it is a great grace to save lives, although Lin Han kills people without blinking, but since he was a child, he has listened to the gratitude of his mother's teaching, and all kinds of emotions are intertwined, and he is even more confused at this time.

"Xiao Han, are you trying to kill me?" Hu Xianjun glanced at the headless corpse of the red card gow, and smiled indifferently.

"Say, who are you, is it Uncle Hu?" Lin Han asked sharply with red eyes.

"I'm Hu Xianjun, if it's fake!" Hu Xianjun pulled out his panel, "Look at it, if it's fake, I'm me."

Hu Xianjun clasped his hands to his chest, as if he had eaten Lin Han and couldn't bear to do it to himself.

Indeed, Lin Han really couldn't bear to do anything ...... him

"Why?" Lin Han's hands drooped weakly, "Why did you join the Honkai Holy See?" "

Of course it's because...... Feel free, do whatever you want!" the corners of Hu Xianjun's mouth rose slightly.

"Is it because you were persecuted after sending me out of Shangjing?" Lin Han lost his eyes, "Is this the reason?" Uncle

Hu ......" Lin Han swallowed his saliva, he desperately hoped that Hu Xianjun had fallen because of the persecution at the beginning, and he joined the Honkai Holy See ...... in desperation

"Do you still have the face to say?" Hu Xianjun's voice cooled down, "I really regret it, if I hadn't taken you out of Shangjing, maybe I wouldn't have been ruined, maybe I wouldn't have been persecuted by your Chu family

!" "My wife won't be ......" "It's

all your fault!" Hu Xianjun roared with a hideous expression, and immediately, he seemed to be paralyzed to the ground like a deflated balloon, "Blame you ......"

"Hahaha...... The object of my revenge, the Chu family has been destroyed, and the only revenge power that supports me to live

is you......" Lin Han heard Hu Xianjun complain like this, and his heart suddenly breathed a sigh of relief - at least, Uncle Hu, he was forced, he was forced to do so, and now that he has the strength, he can take him out of the Honkai Holy See......

Everything, there is still room for turnaround.

"Uncle Hu, I can take you away from the Honkai Holy See, I'm very strong now......" Lin Han squirmed his Adam's apple with difficulty, and walked towards Hu Xianjun with trembling hands.

"It's impossible, I can't go back......" Hu Xianjun shook his head, and suddenly burst into tears

, "I have been forced to kill too many people over the years......" "Do you know how many faces

have been recorded in this mask on my face?" "Over the years, the screams of the people I killed have been echoing in my mind, like a nightmare......

" "I want to escape, but the Honkai mask has changed my thinking and ...... little by little".

"I want to die, but when I think of my wife praying for me to live before she dies

, I can't die......" "My sins are too deep, I can't go back!"

Hu Xianjun looked at the pouring rain outside the window, and the neon lights in the distance shone through the curtain of rain and night, a little dazzling ......

"If you want to kill, kill me!" Hu

Xianjun closed his eyes.

Wow, ......

In the distance, a platoon of helicopter gunships flew over.

"Please pay attention to the irrelevant people inside, leave the ...... quickly

" "The Great Xia Machine Alliance's operation to clear the Honkai Holy See is about to begin!" "

When you encounter someone who has destroyed the Holy See, you can kill them directly without communication, this is a common sense ...... that almost every Great Xia person knows

In a way, these beasts are more hateful than the beasts!

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