
The power of the black spear gradually wore out, but the barrier of Yousbell was only a little cracked

, and the moon above the nine heavens was getting closer and closer, and the outline was becoming more and more obvious...

Tides erupt on the seashore, followed by huge tsunamis

, fish in the sea surface, and even the sea level almost rises, large earthquakes tremble, land plates shift, earthquakes, subsidence,

volcanic eruptions and other natural disasters appear all over the world.

[Pale Emperor's Aria Dance], but it is a real dance of destruction!


Sakura Country

, "Mt. Futu has erupted, the scale is unprecedented, quickly organize an evacuation!"

"The secret realm of Waseda has been lost, and the desolate beasts have rushed out!"


Secret Realm lost...""Osaka Secret Realm lost...""

A total of 13 secret realms in Hokkaido have been lost, and a total of 5 emperor-level desolate beasts have appeared!"

"The red card Q of the Honkai Holy See deacon appears..."At

the headquarters of the Sakura Machine Alliance in Tokyo, the supreme head An Yuan Sanjin listened to the report of his subordinates, and jumped up and down in a hurry.

There are too many emergencies, and this is long beyond the control of the Sakura Machine Alliance...

"Eight Ga Ya Road!"

"The matter of evacuating the masses will be handed over to the local machine alliance branch!" An Yuan Sanjin roared, "The secret realm is guarded, and all the machine alliance branches must dispatch all their forces!" Mobilize the forces of the major groups..."

"Tell those oligarchs, if they don't make a contribution, they will be held accountable after the incident, and none of them will think about running, and they will all be punished for treason!"

"Five-headed emperor-level desolate beasts..."An Yuan Sanjin clenched his fists, "Go find His Majesty the king general and ask her to make a move!" The

subordinate shrunk his neck, "And over there in Great Xia, it is said that the Lord of the Aragami has recovered, do you want to inform His Majesty?"

"Not allowed! Block this news, if anyone lets His Majesty the King know the news, I will kill his whole family! An Yuan Sanjin said viciously.

"We'll wait until they're both defeated, and then we'll inform Your Majesty, and then we might be able to get the remains of the gods... Hahaha

" "Anyway..." An Yuan Sanjin looked at the sky, the traction of the planets was fading, and they were returning to their original orbits.

"Anyway, the Great Xia Emperor is so powerful, she is on top of the sky when the sky falls, Meichuan is a cool fungus, you say yes?"

Beautiful country,

"The branches of the Free Federal Aircraft League in each state will send all their troops to mobilize all families and businesses, and whoever doesn't contribute will get who!"

"As for Great Xia... There is no need to inform His Majesty, let her old man be free to be a bard first..."

"After the two sides of Daxia are defeated, I will notify Your Majesty to go... Hahaha..."

Woolly Bear Country,


"What about His Majesty the Ice Emperor? What about people? The furry bear chief roared.

"Your Majesty, she... In the Siberian retreat in the north, it is too cold there, and no matter how hot the energy is, it will freeze, and the Valkyrie can't enter at all..."In

other words, His Majesty the Ice Emperor can't be contacted?" The head of the furry bear was impatient.


"Well, Kodelev, you yourself go and arrange the defense and disaster disposal in various places, and I will personally go and advise Her Majesty the Empress!"

At the same time, the reactions of other alliances in the world are different, each with a ghost fetus, and some with weak energy, and basically a mess.

No matter what time it is, human beings are always intrigued...


The major secret realms and the desolate beast battle line are completely crazy, and countless desolate beasts attack humans like crazy, wanting to break through the blockade of humans to welcome the return of the master, and the human side can only fight with all their might.

King-level, emperor-level, and even emperor-level desolate beasts that are rarely seen on weekdays poured out of their nests and rushed out from the desolate beast battle lines in the extreme north and south...

It seems that the beasts and humans are about to go to war again!


Returning to the battlefield of Dacheng, suddenly

, in the golden city below, a figure flew out - it was the emperor, she flew up with twelve badges as dim as stones!

Inside these badges, the twelve S-class talent commanders and Valkyrie cores of the Great Xia Machine Alliance are stored! This is the energy supply they have sacrificed their lives to fight for the emperor!

Emperor Ji put away the core compression badge, grabbed the black spear in her right hand, and summoned a golden spear in her left hand to pierce Yusbel's golden shield, and

at the same time, a Star Destroyer cannon shot from outside the

sky again!

"Thousands of walls!!" Emperor Ji spat out a mouthful of hot blood and shouted at the vast golden earth.

Boom boom -

the ground under his feet cracked, golden light rose from the ground, and in a blink of an eye, it turned into a

golden sacred mountain, the golden sacred mountain is surrounded by rings, heavy rocks, mountain peaks are like dogs' teeth, all

over the world,

the gravitational loss caused by the displacement of celestial bodies is getting more and more serious...

Boom -

more than a dozen Star Destroyer cannons blasted out, coupled with the monstrous power of Emperor Ji, blasting Yusbel and his invincible barrier into the Golden Divine Mountain.

The Golden Sacred Mountain is a basin-like structure created by the Emperor, and the golden materials around it can concentrate the power of more than a dozen Star Destroyer Cannons on his arm, pushing the black spear and golden spear to pierce Yusbel's protective shield

, as long as this protective shield can be broken,

the [Pale Emperor's Aria Dance]!

And if it can't be broken, then the moment the dance of destruction is completed, the other eight planets of the solar system and the sun will hit the blue star in an instant...

Everything will be destroyed!


Yousbell can't even cancel the [Pale Emperor's Aria Dance] now, he is completely suppressed!

It's going to be successful!

Suddenly, a figure of a man appeared on a tall building, a man

wearing a mask... A clown mask!

Honkai Holy See, ghost card?!

I saw that the ghost card snapped its fingers, the space shattered, and two huge figures appeared...

Is it the mechanical dragon black card Q that appeared for the first time before, and Bai Ze of the Great Xia Machine Alliance? They had been fighting in the subspace before, but they didn't expect this time....

I saw two kilometer-long mechanical beasts, one smashing towards the Emperor Ji, and the other smashing towards the Star Destroyer Cannon...

It only takes a second of delay, a second, and Yousbell will be able to break free from the suppression!

Zizi - Zi

Annihilation Star Cannon instantly destroyed the body of Black Card Q, directly splitting it into two halves, and Bai Ze's corpse also smashed Emperor Ji a little bit...

But at such an instant, the suppressed Yousbel broke free in an instant!


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