The Absolute Speed of a Comic

Chapter 437: veritable hell

The room itself is a huge cave!

I also know that no one wants to step in there!

But Jiang Li's movements didn't stop at all!

Even after picking up the key, he didn't even look at the door behind him, but rushed straight to the door directly opposite!

There are only two doors in this room, of course, even if it is a trap, if you trap your own people in it, it will be meaningless. All the rooms here are designed like this.

Jiang Li didn't plan to go out through the door he entered.

Before he came in, he saw the opposite gate and aimed his escape target there!

It's just that the door there is naturally closed, and the silver door still shines like dark gold under the dim magic stone light.

Someone must be controlling that door.

But as long as you seize the moment and use the key to open the door the moment you rush in, you can jump out of this room!

Jiang Li has an extraordinary intuition, he can subconsciously judge the most correct behavior in the battlefield, and he used the key as early as the moment he came in.

But no response!

The door was still heavy, and there was no sign of it being lifted at all!

There is no reaction to the key!

"Hmph, those guys have no way of knowing!"

Valetta stood behind the gate with a brutal smile on her face, holding a red gem in her hand.

"If the two keys are used together and the order is contradicted, the door cannot be opened. After all, they only had one key before!"

That's right, they can't possibly know this with only one key!

They are busy marching, and they have no chance to conduct such an experiment, and even ordinary people can't think of such a possibility!

Therefore, those who break into this room will definitely fall into the cave!

And the cave in this room is specially made.

There is no exit below, it is simply a huge patio, filled with corrosive liquid several meters high, all the corrosive liquid extracted from the green caterpillar, even if it is Lv.6, it will die after a long time. corpse!

It is also inevitable to put the key here. As long as the cave is opened, the key will be destroyed when it falls into the cave, and there is no need to worry about falling into the hands of the enemy.


There was a voice that did not contain the slightest temperature from the side.

"That's right."

Valetta smiled smugly, and a vigilant look appeared in her eyes at the same time.

"Why, are you worried about them?"

"Why should I worry?"

The man sneered.

"It is only natural that the trash fish will die. They will die only because they are too weak. The mere trash is not worthy of sympathy at all."

He has silver-white hair, a tall and sturdy figure, but the aura around him is extremely dangerous, and his eyes are like choosing someone to devour him, making people dare not approach him at all.

"He's really a ruthless guy, and he's also your past companion anyway."

Valetta laughed.

Seeing that he didn't want to do anything, she was a little relieved.

This guy came in suddenly from the entrance of the underground waterway ten days ago.

But after coming in, he didn't fight anyone, on the contrary, he said that he planned to join the dark faction.

According to him, it was because he was excluded from the family and was ordered by Finn to leave the family.

"It's just scolding trash fish as trash fish, what's wrong?"

He declared so dismissively at the time, and the whole person was as cold as ice.

After investigation, it was found that this was the case, and Thanadus accepted him with suspicion.

At that time, they had just learned that Istar had been returned, and that the Kali family was imprisoned by the guild. It was when the number of personnel was greatly reduced, especially the high-end combat power was severely damaged, so they opened up to him.

Of course, he didn't give him much credit.

Even though it is Lv.6, he has not been given the labyrinth key by Thanadus, which is the best proof.

As long as he is in the labyrinth, he can't walk without the key, and he doesn't have to worry about his backstab. If there is a sign, he will be directly trapped in the labyrinth.

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Even, he was not allowed to approach the core area of ​​the labyrinth, which shows Thanadus' caution.

"Hey, here we come."

He suddenly spoke up.

Werewolves have excellent hearing and sense of smell, so it's up to him to signal.

It was also an opportunity to test his loyalty.

But will he really give the signal honestly?

Could it be that this guy really has left the Loki Familiar?

Valetta secretly looked at the face of the werewolf next to her.

It was icy cold, and I couldn't see the slightest bit of intolerance and sympathy.

It was as if six years of classmates were all fake.

This icy appearance even made Valetta a little scared.

"It's now."

The werewolf suddenly made a sound.

Valetta immediately activated the key.

She lowered the door across the room abruptly, and at the same time restrained the door behind her tightly, preventing it from being opened.


But at this moment, a strong wind suddenly swept in.

The figure of the blond girl came out from not far away, and shot silently!


He approached the two of them at an extremely fast speed.

Ais swung out a sword!


Valetta The oncoming wind fascinated her eyes and made her unable to see clearly. There was no way to escape in this narrow passage, and the door behind her was also given to her by herself. lock up.

Before she could react, her right hand snapped.

The red gem fell into Ais' hands, and the door opened with just a thought.


The silver door slowly rose.

A stream of light shot from the opposite side, stepped on the other side of the sky from the gap of the rising gate, rolled and landed firmly in front of several people.

"Huh, it's good time!"

Jiang Li slowly let out a sigh of relief.

He also held four keys in his arms.

"Damn it! The troops are divided into two groups? Are you stupid?"

Valetta picked up the broken arm and retreated to the wall with a very ugly face.

"When you know there are traps, you still spread your combat power? Even if you encounter danger, can't you pull a back cushion!"

"Taking your companions as a backstop? You're such a rotten commander!"

Jiang Li sneered, looking at the woman with contempt in his eyes.

"Don't think our Loki Familiar thinks the same as a despicable villain like you!"

"It's mean to live long, doesn't it?"

Valetta was dismissive.

She survived the nightmare on the 27th floor just because she was despicable enough to pull many adventurers back.

"But you're going to die now."

Ace stepped forward.

However, her eyes did not fall on her, but instead looked at the expressionless werewolf next to her.

"...but why are you here, Mr. Burt?"

The werewolf youth standing next to Valetta was Bert.

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