Chen Xi was slightly taken aback when he saw Zhou Wenbin's text message, and suddenly felt a strange feeling in this text message.

"I'm spending the night at my new home, not near the rental house, are you sure 'he' looks like me?" Chen Xi replied.

Then Chen Xi went to the chat software and asked the head of the room to send a photo to see.

However, the head of the room's QQ avatar is dim, and the chat interface is silent. After a few minutes, there is still no news.

Chen Xi made a call, but his mobile phone notified that the number he dialed was not answered.

"Did something happen?" Chen Xi said to himself, frowning.

Go out and ride the tram to the city.

The whole journey was swift and swift, and thirty minutes later, Chen Xi arrived near the rental house.

Chen Xi parked the car aside, put on a black robe, and walked in a place where the street lights could not see, blending with the shadows.

Xiao Hui hurried over and put aside the work at hand.

By the way, Xiao Hui has already searched around the mountain where the Miracle Leaf was summoned, and also searched around several nearby mountains, and found that only one mountain has five strange spider webs.

Fortunately, there were no spiders near that mountain. It seemed that all the spiders moved with the large army, but unfortunately they were all wiped out by Chen Xi and the men in black.

But the possibility that some spiders go to other mountains cannot be ruled out.

Chen Xi heard from Xiao Hui that the bewitching effect of the white spider web is extremely poor, and it can remove the bewitching effect in an instant.

Such a weak bewitching effect can't even control the whole mind. Many non-spider beasts become fierce after seeing the spider web, but they will return to normal posture when they leave the spider web area. It can be seen that the white spider web is very weak, and it only has a miraculous effect on spiders.

When Chen Xi heard such effects, he guessed that it did not have the conditions to impart the leader's will across borders.

This matter is temporarily slow, Chen Xi wants to take Xiaohui to the rental house to have a look.

After walking a few steps and turning the corner, Chen Xi saw a stone bridge in front of him.

There is a row of houses on the left on the other side of the stone bridge. The third house from left to right is the one rented by Chen Xi. The lights are not turned on, and the curtains are drawn tightly. Chen Xi cannot see what is going on inside.

First, he summoned some ghosts to sneak together with Xiao Hui. Chen Xi approached slowly, and Xiao Hui brought a few animal ghosts to the downstairs of the rental house.

The bodies of several ghosts turned into phantoms, passed through the gate and entered the lobby on the first floor of the rental house.

The lobby on the first floor is a huge parking room. There are no cars in it, only empty ground.

Chen Xi didn't see anything unusual, and immediately let the ghosts go up the stairs.

A few ghosts slowly floated up the stairs, and the stairs from the first floor to the second floor were not dangerous.

The ghosts stopped at the door on the second floor, three of them passed through the door and entered Chen Xi's house, and the rest floated upwards and entered the head room on the third floor.

The house on the second floor also looked normal, and there was no sign of any furniture being moved. Chen Xi immediately turned his attention to Xiao Hui's perspective and another ghost's perspective.

The ghost knocked heavily on the door and took several shots, but there was no sound from inside, and the ghost and Xiao Hui started to pass through the door.

After the ghost entered Zhou Wenbin's room through the door, the atmosphere became different.

There are very strong Yin Qi traces inside, a total of twelve Yin Qi traces with different smells.

Chen Xi knew that Zhou Wenbin's ghosts had a total of eleven ghosts, and there was no so-called twelfth ghost, so who did this twelfth Yin Qi trace belong to?

Thinking of the head of the office not replying to Chen Xi's message, Chen Xi's heart sank slightly, something might have happened to the head of the room.

The ghost and Xiao Hui came to Zhou Wenbin's bedroom, the door was locked tightly, and there was no sound inside.

The ghost controlled by Chen Xi called Zhou Wenbin inside, but no one answered.

When I called, there was no cell phone ringing in the room.

Seeing that Xiao Hui got into the crack of the door, and saw that there was no one inside, the items were neatly arranged, and the items were not damaged. It seemed that there was no fighting in the room.

So where did the headmaster go?

Chen Xi went to the rental house, took out the text message and saw the message sent by the room manager before. He said that he saw a person who looked like Chen Xi.

"Did he go out to find me?" Chen Xi analyzed.

One thing is certain now, the chief was involved in a supernatural event, and this supernatural event was related to him.

Use Chen Xi's appearance to induce Zhou Wenbin to go out, and then carry out an assassination?

After killing Zhou Wenbin, assassinate Chen Xi and defeat them one by one?


Looking back on the troubles he caused before, Chen Xi could think of many mortal enemies, such as Hu Jing, the headless female ghost, the bronze drum king, the black robe and other troubles.

The recent troubles were the ghosts of the thirteenth step, and the black robe Chen Xi was wearing was their ghosts.

The Thirteenth Staircase was not seen last time at the Gray School, and they will most likely make a comeback.

While thinking this way, Chen Xi had already walked up to the room on the third floor, watching the traces of Yin Qi at the scene with his yin and yang eyes, and saw the twelfth ray of Yin Qi coming from the window and walking away from the window.

Chen Xi opened the curtains and stood by the window to look at the trace of Yin Qi, just like Zhou Wenbin looked at the other side by the window back then.

He saw a familiar figure at the corner of the opposite bank. He was wearing the shirt of the head of the department and had a familiar face——Zhou Wenbin.

It was at this moment that "Zhou Wenbin" glanced at Chen Xi, waved to him, and signaled him to follow.

Chen Xi didn't go there personally, but let Xiao Hui chase after him, took out the token and threw twenty-eight ghosts to protect him, and then sent ten ghosts to chase after him.

Xiao Hui arrived at the opposite bank, Zhou Wenbin dodged around the corner and ran towards the street.

Xiao Hui continued to chase with the ghost, while Chen Xi jumped down from the window and chased at a normal speed, while observing all directions with Yin and Yang eyes.

The residential area is very quiet, and the dark streets are empty of people and cars, like a country of the dead.

In front, "Zhou Wenbin" was very fast, and kept locked on a hundred meters in front of Xiao Hui, neither shaking off Xiao Hui nor letting Xiao Hui approach.

Xiao Hui tried to slow down, and "Zhou Wenbin" in front also slowed down, keeping the distance unchanged.

Chen Xi's eyes flickered, and he immediately let the ghost chase after him, and Xiao Hui retreated.

"Zhou Wenbin" still kept the same distance, continued to hang the same distance, and pulled Chen Xi to a certain place.

But Chen Xi wouldn't let him get what he wanted. After retreating, Xiao Hui turned into a two-dimensional posture, merged into the shadows, and detoured at full speed from the side. Two minutes later, Xiao Hui circled in front of "Zhou Wenbin".

"Zhou Wenbin" didn't expect that Xiao Hui would take a detour and continued running.

Xiao Hui suddenly popped out from the shadows, turned into a materialized little puppy, and slapped him in the face with its paw.


"Zhou Wenbin" looked like something made of paper, his face was blown out, his body was distorted and deformed, revealing the prototype - a small paper drum.

With a bang, the paper drum fell to the ground with a crisp sound, the paper drum was rotten, and the shape of the palm matched Xiao Hui's dog's paw.

Chen Xi came to the scene ten seconds later, picked up the small paper drum, saw a strange pattern on the surface of the drum, reorganized the rotten paper, and saw that the pattern on it was a human face, drawn with gray pencils, and drawn in a sketch style .

After careful observation for a second, the owner of the human face is the head of the room, Zhou Wenbin!

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