The Abnormal Life of the Summoner

Chapter 44 The Faceless Smoker

Speaking of this, the man coughed, and the woman suddenly stopped talking.

Chen Xi was slightly taken aback, but this senior male was quite vigilant.

However, what the two of them mentioned was very exciting, and they actually mentioned supernatural games!

In the past, Chen Xi would definitely have thought that these two people were patients with secondary illness.

Now when Chen Xi heard about supernatural games, he couldn't help but think of the real supernatural games on the supernatural legends forum.

"Could it be that the two are members of the forum? No, no, they may be tourists playing entry-level supernatural games... Not right, since the woman calls him senior, it should not be playing entry-level supernatural games."

Chen Xi's mind started to run fast, temporarily forgetting about ghost hunting.

Now Chen Xi is in urgent need of supernatural games. He has played two entry-level supernatural games. If he wants to play more difficult supernatural games, he must find a way to become a forum member.

buzz buzz.

The elevator went all the way to the seventh floor, and with a ding, the elevator door opened.

The down man and the cool woman walked out of the elevator together and walked to a certain room.

During this period, Xiao Hui kept hiding in the shadow of the down man, but was not found.

Chen Xi also stopped taking the stairs, and took another elevator to quickly chase after him.

When Chen Xi came to the seventh floor, the other party had already stepped into Room 723.

Standing outside the door, Chen Xi saw a large amount of cyan shredded tobacco gathered at the door of the room, entangled in layers, and he couldn't even count them.

"What kind of supernatural game is this?" Chen Xi watched those cyan shreds of tobacco gathering quietly, wanting to circle around Chen Xi.

Because Xiao Hui was not with him, and Xiao Hui was hiding in the shadow of others, and he couldn't get away for the time being. If he slipped away, he would definitely be discovered, so Chen Xi could only try the feeling of being surrounded by shreds of tobacco for himself.

After a while, there was a green smoke around Chen Xi, just like ordinary people.

Chen Xi didn't feel anything, and didn't feel that he was affected in any way.

"Strange thing." Chen Xi muttered.

Just let Xiao Hui come back and swallow it later, it shouldn't be a big problem.

Then, Chen Xi peered into Xiao Hui's consciousness and saw the layout of the room.

There were two men in the room, both about twenty, very young.

With the addition of the down man and the woman in shorts, it becomes four people.

On the floor there is a circle of yellow paper money for sacrificial offerings, a circle of chicken blood is sprinkled on the yellow paper money, and four wicker sticks are placed in the center.

"Have you all warmed up?" The down man coughed and shivered.

"Senior, we have all preheated it once, and I promise it will be fine this time."

"Very good, by the way, turn the air conditioner to the heater, I'm very cold."

When the down man said this, he tightened his body again, not paying any attention to the way others wore short sleeves.

"Yes, senior!"

"Senior, your aversion to cold physique looks so hard."

"It's not hard, I'm an invincible existence in the tropics, and I can freeze others into popsicles with one palm, who would dare to touch my bad luck." The down man said proudly.

He sounds like a man in his thirties.

The other three showed respectful expressions.

Outside the door, after confirming that they were supernatural game players, Chen Xi ran back to the first floor, opened a room near them, waited with a partition wall, and continued to monitor them with Xiao Hui.

"Okay, without further ado, when this 'Catkin Green Smoke' reaches the third game, we will enter the gray world, where I will take you to the fourth game, and then in the fourth game you will play according to your own abilities Well, it depends on whether you can get the ability." The down man coughed and let out a breath of cold air.

"Yes! Senior!"

As they spoke, the four of them took out needles and pricked their fingers to drip blood into the wicker on the paper.

After the four wickers were all stained with their own blood, the four put on band-aids, and then set up a copper censer with a pile of sand in it.

The four of them took the lighter and aimed it at the wicker to light it, but they didn't move yet.

"How much time?"

"8:59:01 AM Beijing time."

After finishing speaking, everyone stood still and stared at the time on the phone, as if the second-by-second beating was related to whether the game was started or not.

Chen Xi estimated that they would have to wait at nine o'clock in the morning.

Having said that, supernatural games can still be played in broad daylight, so he has gained a lot of knowledge.

He thought that ghost games were played at night, but he didn't expect that there would be ghost games in broad daylight.

"Can I get supernatural powers in the fourth round of this ghost game... I really want to play." Chen Xi lay on the bed and watched Xiao Hui's superficial consciousness, feeling extremely envious in his heart.

Fifty-five seconds later, with four clicks, the wicker was lit and inserted into the incense burner.

At this time, the time came to nine o'clock, and the sunlight outside the window shone through the thin curtains, just hitting the center of the incense burner.

Four flutters of green smoke began to circle around the four of them.

And from Xiao Hui's angle of view, he suddenly saw the green smoke that existed in the house, and surrounded them frantically, layer after layer, until it was wrapped into a small ball, and nothing could be seen.

Chen Xi didn't know what happened inside, Xiao Hui's perspective was blocked by the green smoke, and he fell into confusion.

Seeing this, Chen Xi frowned.

It seems that this supernatural game cannot be watched by outsiders.

But he couldn't just leave when someone at the member level showed up.

Chen Xi planned to catch one of the weak ones secretly after the four of them separated, secretly inquire about how to become a member of the forum, and then join his roommates to play supernatural games of normal difficulty.

As time continued to pass, Chen Xi was playing with his mobile phone while waiting for Xiao Hui's warning.

During the waiting period, he asked Xiao Hui to come back and eat the green smoke on his body, and then he asked Xiao Hui to retreat into the room.

Slowly, the time came to eleven o'clock.

It was also at this time that Chen Xi heard a knock on the door.

bang bang bang.

One sound is more powerful than the other, and very rhythmic, sounding every second.

Chen Xi tensed his body, walked to the door, and looked outside through the small hole.

He saw a face made of green smoke, without eyes and nose, only a mouth, which was pursed.

Chen Xi just looked at it and said nothing.

And the Qingyan man outside the door didn't move, just stood there quietly.

bang bang bang.

It knocked on the door three more times, the sound was powerful and crisp, and it was transmitted into the room very clearly.

Chen Xi took a deep breath.

This is a ghost, and the yin energy on it can be seen through the yin and yang eyes.

It's a pity that the small hole on the door panel can see only a limited range, and Chen Xi doesn't know if it is a big ghost or a little ghost.

So Chen Xi contacted Xiaohui, wanting it to go out to fight.

At the same time, Chen Xi heard a girl's voice, which was suddenly far away and near, and it was unknown where the voice came from.

"next door."

So the faceless green smoker floated to room 723 next door and knocked three times.

Chen Xi noticed that the bodies of the four people in the room moved, and quickly told Xiao Hui not to move, and continued to hide, ready to fight at any time.

Room 723.

The four of them opened their eyes when they heard the knock on the door.

"Who's at the door?"

"How about I go and have a look?"

"Don't go, now is the time for supernatural games, the people outside the door are definitely not normal people, don't bother." The down man said.

On the other side, Chen Xi from the next door saw three smoky human beings without eyes and noses floating in the aisle through the small hole.

Looking in that direction, it is room 723 next door!

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