The soul-calling ceremony comes from the strange ceremony at the mouth of the road lamp.

Chen Xi had seen this content in "Don't Play Summoning", but he didn't look at it carefully before, but now he turned his attention to the summoning book.

The soul summoning ceremony, to put it bluntly, is still a summoning technique.

The summoner can use the summoning formation to read the words of summoning the soul, and call the soul back into the corpse of the deceased, achieving the effect of returning the soul from the corpse.

This corpse can be someone else's corpse, or the corpse of the original owner.

In addition, soul summoning rituals are used more than creatures in the underworld.

In the underworld, the weak underworld creatures are basically in the form of souls. They long to have a physical body, so there are often summoners who promise to use their bodies to lure weak underworld creatures to come across the realm.

After carefully examining the content of the summoning ceremony, Chen Xi muttered, "So the summoning ceremony is just a simple adaptation of the summoning spell."

First of all, the summoning ceremony requires a summoning array, and the second is to adapt the summoning words.

The summoner then takes the initiative to summon the soul of the dead, and presents someone's body as a gift to the summoner.

The summoned object responds to the call, and borrows the mechanism of the summoning technique to regain its physical body.

Because it is a gift of summoning, there is no discomfort for the new soul to lodge in a strange body, and it only takes a few minutes to get used to the new body.

If there is no bonus of summoning, ghosts will often have a lot of discomfort and often recall the memories of their predecessors.

A powerful ghost needs a long time to get used to the new body.

But weak ghosts will be gradually affected when recalling fragments, and sometimes they will act like the original owner, and even be replaced one day, or become a brand new individual after fusing the memory of another person.

Therefore, the soul summoning ceremony is very important, and this is also the signature skill of the summoner, which is deeply loved by the creatures of the underworld.

After watching the content of the soul summoning ceremony, Chen Xi came to the traditional Chinese medicine hospital, greeted the old, weak, sick and disabled ghosts, and then came to Hu Jing's ward.

Hu Jing was still in a deep sleep, his consciousness was in a deep sleep, and no matter how much he called, he couldn't wake him up.

Chen Xi asked Xiao Hui to check whether there was a camera in the room, but it turned out that there was no camera.

So he closed the doors and windows, tightened the curtains, to ensure that the light from the outside couldn't enter the room, took out the magic pen, and swipe to slide out the white light marks.

Light traces are traced back and forth by the pen tip, slowly forming geometric patterns.

One, two, three, ten minutes later, a summoning circle lit up on the floor.

He removed the thread from Hu Jing's body and moved him to the center of the summoning array.

Then eight candles were lit, and with a whoosh, the faint green flames reflected on Hu Jing's face, looking very deep and strange.

Chen Xi ignored the sense of peeping in the flames, and immediately wiped it away with his hand.


The dark environment cuts off all light other than the light of the summoning array, as if this world is the exclusive space of the summoning array.

And the summoning array under his feet also changed from white to fierce red.

Seeing this color, Chen Xi's first reaction was: "What color will be next time?"

To be honest, Chen Xi's determination of abnormality ability is too metaphysical.

Chen Xi even thought that if Xiao Hui was given the abnormality ability, would it become stronger or weaker?

Thinking about it, I decided not to gamble anymore. Chen Xi didn't have many pets, so he couldn't stand it, and it would be miserable if he became weak.

A few seconds later, the summoning array completed a complete red mutation.

This summoning circle was full of blood and fire. Chen Xi remembered that he summoned a ferocious wild boar monster from this summoning circle.

The wild boar pierced through the hotel room, was later eaten by Xiao Hui, and fell asleep in Chen Xi's backpack.

Now the size of the boar monster has shrunk to nine centimeters long, and the "shadow" is sucked away by Xiao Hui from time to time, and it never wakes up.

Before the summoning formation, Chen Xi was organizing language to adapt the soul summoning words.

A minute later, Xiao Hui spat out Hu Jing's soul corpse, his face was thin, his back was covered in blood, his clothes were torn, and he was wearing a T-shirt of a familiar girl from a two-dimensional anime.

Chen Xi looked at Hu Jing's soul, and silently read in the dark:

"The soul of a man from Huaxia on Earth."

"Did between 00:00 and 3:00 on June 1, 2018. The cause of death was caused by the bad luck of the midnight paper boat. Now you are in front of me."

"Heed my call."

"This body looks forward to your return!"

After speaking, the red summoning array burst into light, and the scarlet flames dyed Hu Jing's body blood red.

At the same time, Chen Xi saw the soul of the corpse emit light, connecting with Chen Xi's consciousness.

That is a very weak consciousness, like a candle in the wind, it only takes one breath to die.

Chen Xi couldn't feel his thoughts, as if he was dead.

The summoning progressed to this point, but the summoned object did not agree to the summoning, and the summoning array was about to be disconnected.

Chen Xi immediately activated the forced summoning function of the summoning array, forcibly summoning the opponent to descend.

buzz buzz --

The red glow of the summoning array became more and more intense, and the torrential fire engulfed the man whose back was covered in blood.

In the next second, the "corpse" was dragged by the flames into the air above the summoning array, and then onto the body, slowly stuffing the "corpse" into the body.

At this point in the summoning, Chen Xi was dizzy.

Summoning three times in a row had consumed a lot of energy in him, and now a deep drowsiness swept over him, and he couldn't help but want to fall asleep.

But he didn't go to sleep, and moved Hu Jing back to the hospital bed before going to sleep, to sense Hu Jing's consciousness, he was having a nightmare, and Chen Xi could even see what kind of dream Hu Jing was having.

In other words, Hu Jing's consciousness has returned, and Chen Xi can wake him up by yelling at any time.

He didn't do that, and was going to cancel the summoning contract between the two.

This step is necessary, Chen Xi has no interest in peeking at the superficial consciousness of his roommate, so taking advantage of Hu Jing's ignorance, he directly cancels the summoning contract.

It is very simple to cancel the summoning contract. Since the summoner is the master, as the master, he can deny the summoning contract at any time.

As long as the strong denial of the contract idea lasts for three to ten seconds, the summoning contract will be automatically cancelled.

Three seconds later.

In Chen Xi's mind, only the summoning contract of Xiao Hui, the street lamp, and the boar monster remained.

After that, Chen Xi sat on the back chair next to the hospital bed, leaned on the chair and closed his eyes, and immediately fell into a deep sleep.

Seeing this, Xiao Hui played with the street lights in the ward by himself.

Outside the hospital, the full moon hangs high, releasing cool moonlight.

It was two o'clock in the middle of the night.

In the dead of night, except for the ghosts who are still active in the hospital, there are almost no voices of living people.

The moonlight shines on Hu Jing's hospital bed.

With a pale face, he slowly opened his eyes, and a ray of red light flashed through them.

When he blinked again, his pupils were already normal black.

Then Hu Jing's fingers started to move, and there was a small sound in the darkness.

Xiao Hui, who was holding up the lamp to look at the moon by the window, suddenly turned her head when she heard the voice, and saw Hu Jing getting up in the midst of the moonlight, wearing a white hospital gown.

In the moonlight, Hu Jing's shadow was very long, directly reflected on the wall, but the shadow's clothes were still torn, and his whole body was in the shape of injuries.

At the same time, a pair of eyes like stagnant water entered Xiao Hui's sight.

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