Random killing!

Assassinate the top government officials!

Bomb the police station!

These incidents, one after another, plunged Gotham into complete chaos!

All the people of Gotham were panicked.

They don't know what else the lunatic clown will do!

For a time, countless people wanted to escape Gotham......

What's even worse is that Harvey has turned black!

Originally, Harvey was a bright knight who hated evil.

In him, Batman sees the future of Gotham!

That's why we put great effort into cultivating him.

But now, Harvey's beloved Rachel is dead, with half of her face burned off.

The half of the face that was burned directly turned into a skeleton, which was extremely terrifying!

Also destroyed was Harvey's belief!

After turning black, Harvey became a"Two-Face" and began to seek revenge from spies in the police station and gangsters in a crazy way!

After knowing this, Batman was devastated.

He knew that he had lost again.

And he lost miserably!

Batman had counted on Harvey to become Gotham's Light Knight and lead Gotham into a bright future.

But now, he has been spoiled by the clown.

Gotham's last hope is gone!......

This is not the end.

When Gotham fell into chaos and countless citizens wanted to escape.

The Joker releases big news again!

All the bridges, tunnels and roads in Gotham that lead to the outside world have been planted with bombs by him!

It will explode at any time!

After the news spread, greater fear engulfed the citizens of Gotham!

In desperation, Gotham City's top brass could only use waterways to transport panicked citizens who wanted to escape.

There are only two large cruise ships in the entire Gotham City.

The higher-ups used one to transport civilians and the other to transport felons.

Because there are rumors that the clown may break the prison and release all the prisoners.

So the official can only do this.

As everyone knows, this is another conspiracy of the clown!......

Two cruise ships gradually left the harbor in the night.

But when they were driving in the middle of the road, a face smeared with white paint and a smiley scar appeared on Gotham TV!

It's the Joker who has become Gotham's nightmare!

When they saw this face, everyone's breath stopped.

There is a feeling of suffocation!

The clown on the screen licked his lips and said with a sly smile:

"Let me tell you some bad news. The two cruise ships you are on were bombed by me!

Let me tell you another piece of good news, you still have a chance to live!

The detonators on both cruise ships were on the other ship.

In other words, as long as one cruise ship presses the detonator first and blows up the other cruise ship, you will be safe.

One is an innocent civilian, and the other is a criminal with a long history of crimes.

Who will press the detonator first and get a 1/2 chance of survival?

Let’s wait and see!

Hahaha! Hahaha!!!"

In a burst of crazy laughter, the image of the clown disappeared from the TV.

However, a deep fear has been implanted in people's hearts!

The people on the two cruise ships were naturally very panicked.

But deep down The citizens in Gotham City are also extremely panicked!

Because they can feel that something is being destroyed bit by bit by the Joker.

This thing is called the system!

Human society is built by the system. Success.

The clown wants to destroy all systems and plunge everything into chaotic and disordered madness!

What's terrible is that he is moving towards success little by little!............

On two cruise ships, passengers have found the detonators in the clown's mouth.

Just press the detonator and they're safe!

But......But he had to kill an entire boatload of people with his own hands.

On the civilian ship, the captain held the detonator and was extremely confused.

Seeing this, someone below shouted:

"Click now, don’t hesitate!

The people on that ship were all extremely vicious criminals!

They don't care whether we live or die, as long as they find the detonator, they will press it!"

Hearing this, the captain gritted his teeth and wanted to press the button, but he couldn't do it.

Seeing this, a middle-aged man in the crowd rushed out and grabbed the detonator.

His hands trembled and his mouth was dry and he said:

"I can not......I can't let those criminals kill us.

My wife and my daughter are all on the boat.

They can't die, absolutely can't die!"

After giving himself some reasons, the middle-aged man showed a fierce light in his eyes and pressed the button fiercely.

But at this moment, a red figure jumped past like lightning. In the blink of an eye, the middle-aged man The detonator in his hand disappeared.

When he turned around, he saw a man wearing strange clothes with two detonators in his hand.

This man turned out to be The Flash!

The man with extraordinary power in Gotham finally took action!......

In fact, the cruise ship full of criminals immediately rioted after hearing the clown's words!

They found the detonator and directly tried to blow up the people on the other ship.

Fortunately, the Flash took action and grabbed the detonator.

Next, he used the same method to steal the detonator on the civilian ship.

A crisis was resolved like this......

The clown who installed monitors and listeners on the cruise ship is very angry!

This was supposed to be a good show, but it was ruined by a few idiots.

How could this make him not angry?

But at this time, the clown is facing the biggest crisis ever!

The clown's body and strength are at the level of an ordinary person from beginning to end.

There is no advantage in confronting an extraordinary person head-on.

Soon, the Flash found the Joker

"A lunatic like you should die quickly!"

The Flash does not have the procedural justice and non-killing principles that Batman insists on.

After finding the Joker, he was behind him in an instant

"There was a"click" sound.

The clown's neck was twisted and his breath was cut off.

But before the Flash could relax, something strange happened!

A dark force enveloped the clown.

Then, his body unexpectedly Disappeared in front of the Flash!

This scene made the Flash stunned.

At the same time, an extremely ominous feeling emerged in his heart!

It was as if something extremely terrible was about to happen!..............................

The second update is here, let’s go write a new book!

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