Templar Sun King

Episode 5. Sigil City (4)

"XXIV Universe No. 524 Plane Arrival Report"

Reporter: Henry (nine-ring arcanist, elemental faction specialization, conjuration, summoning faction assistant)

The coming time of the plane: 135-142 years of the third era (2012-2019 of the plane time)

1. Plane Analysis

1. Plane nature: science and technology plane

2. The number of planes descending: 1

3. Plane environment: The four major elements and two major energies are available, and the degree of activity and abundance is less than 10% of the main material plane of the multiverse.

The first arrival of the nine-ring arcanist was suppressed by the plane, and the level was weakened to the third-ring arcanist. As of the return of the reporter's consciousness, the arcane level was raised to the sixth ring, which took seven years.

4. Plane scale: small plane, with a land area of ​​120 million square kilometers (close to the area of ​​the Yasha continent), an ocean area of ​​490 million square kilometers, a population of 5 billion before the disaster (a special undead natural disaster), and a population of 13 after the disaster 100 million.

5. Overview of plane development:

The original natives of the plane are committed to the research and development of science and technology. The main subjects are mechanical kinematics, electromagnetism, thermodynamics, relativity, quantum mechanics, genetics, molecular biology, probability theory, quantum mathematics, polymer chemistry, etc. See details

Attachment 1.1: "Summary of Natural Science Information on Plane 524 of the XXIV Universe (Life Science, Chemistry, Physics, Space Science, Main Star Science, Environmental Science)"

Attachment 1.2: "Summary of Applied Science Data on Plane 524 of the XXIV Universe (Computer Science, Mathematics, Engineering, Military Science)"

Attachment 1.3: "Summary of Social Science Data on Plane 524 of the XXIV Universe (Anthropology, Economics, Psychology)"

The 524th plane of the XXIV universe is based on technology and researches thermal weapons that are different from the multiverse. Conventional weapons include pistols, rifles, submachine guns, machine guns, and special guns. Military weapons include bombers, fighter jets, attack aircraft, missiles, guided missiles, and guided shells. , intercontinental missiles, etc., see details

Attachment 2.1: "Conventional Weapons Information of Plane 524 of XXIV Universe (Ground, Aviation, Sea)"

In addition, Plane 524 also possesses weapons of mass destruction and destruction, such as nuclear weapons, biological weapons, and chemical weapons. For details, see

Attachment 2.2 "Weapons of Mass Destruction and Destruction (Nuclear Weapons, Biological Weapons, Chemical Weapons) on Plane 524 of the XXIV Universe"

Remarks: Due to an accident, the biochemical giant Parosut Pharmaceuticals leaked an original virus, which caused as many as 3 billion people outside No. 524 to become walking corpses (an undead creature similar to zombies, but at a faster speed), and the entire The world is in chaos.

It is understood that the original purpose of the original virus was to be used in the research and development of biological and chemical weapons, details can be found in

Attachment 3: "Research Report on Original Virus and Walking Corpse (1) (2) (3)"

In terms of space and universe exploration, the 524th plane has a preliminary exploration level, and has launched spaceships to explore outer galaxies many times. However, no other intelligent creatures have been found, and it cannot break through the space barrier of the plane, and it does not have the technological conditions to travel within the galaxy.

6. Single plane strength evaluation: D (bronze)

Before the accident of walking corpses on plane 524, groups without any strength (including martial arts and supernatural powers) accounted for 95% of the total human population, and the remaining 5% were mostly special occupations such as soldiers, special forces, mercenaries, and agents.

After receiving years of training, these special professionals are proficient in various styles of fighting skills and first-class anti-strike capabilities. They are good at conventional weapons, pistols and other weapons. Their martial arts level is equivalent to that of black iron professionals in the multiverse. In terms of damage level, it can be compared with the Bronze primary professional, but its weakness is that its own combat ability and defense ability are relatively weak.

Remarks: Ordinary people can also exert the destructive power above the middle level of black iron after obtaining firearms, and firearms do not have too high conditions for use.

After the accident of the walking dead, the physical fitness of the human beings infected by the virus but not turning into walking corpses has been greatly improved.

Compared with high-level black iron fighters, the combat power of evolved walking corpses is also comparable to that of bronze junior professionals.

7. Comprehensive strength evaluation of the plane: A- (Legendary)

Plane 524 is not strong alone, and weapons of mass destruction are in the hands of government agencies, and can be mass-produced in large quantities, and the military armed forces are quite strong.

Special forces whose average individual strength is less than the black iron mid-level are equipped with fighter jets, tanks, missiles and other large war equipment and weapons, and the destructive power they cause directly matches that of silver professionals.

The destructive power caused by intercontinental missiles can be compared with the natural disaster spells of seven rings and eight rings, but the users can be ordinary people with mediocre or even no strength.

The destructive power of a nuclear bomb is comparable to that of the nine-ring arcane destructive wave bomb, which produces terrible nuclear radiation and nuclear pollution, turning the attack area into wasteland, and causing unpredictable deformities to the creatures in the area.

As of the return of the reporter's consciousness, plane 524 has a total of 30,000 nuclear bombs (mainly in the hands of three superpowers, equivalent to 30,000 nine-ring arcane spells), which can destroy the plane repeatedly 23 times.

8. Comprehensive evaluation of the plane: Individuals do not have high threat and combat capabilities, their bodies are relatively fragile, and they are highly dependent on firearms and war equipment. After the firearms, the strength is greatly weakened.

After the national government machine is in operation, it can explode with legendary combat power, and it can continue to fight for several years.

2. Exploration Overview

1. Plane background: The reporter descended with consciousness through the imprint gate in 135th year of the third era (2012 on the plane time), and found that plane 524 was in a special natural disaster of undead, walking corpses were raging, the government was out of order, and the whole world was in chaos.

The original virus spreads through blood and water sources - infected people include but not limited to humans - coupled with the secret research of the original virus by the Palocut pharmaceutical company and some governments, the crisis of walking corpses has become more and more serious, and each region has established its own base to protect humans and resist walking dead.

2. Evangelism, arcane and power development:

From the day of advent, spread the glory of His Majesty the God King and cultivate the seeds of faith. Due to the limitation of occupational categories, the only materials available for missionary evangelism are:

His Majesty’s divine name, priesthood, merit and holy emblem (every intelligent life in the multiverse will probably know it), the hymn of glory (this is a very popular hymn, Henry went to church with his mother when he was a child) learned from time), and legends related to His Majesty the God King (Sun God Horse, Sun Bible).

Affected by unknown factors (maybe the elemental energy is not active and abundant enough), the missionary work on the 524th plane was not smooth, and only one of the first six missionary targets managed to experience the divine light unexpectedly in a desperate situation two years later. Release the first divine spell, and officially transfer to the priest.

After seven years, Plane 524 has 16 official priests and 1 million believers in the sun god and the gods of Tiantang Mountain.

Remarks: 16 priests used the local special method of the 524th plane, created a special way of casting spells, gathered believers to sing hymns in the church, recited the name of His Majesty the God King, prayed day and night, and initially gathered the holy light.

Similar to sermons, limited by unknown conditions such as plane elemental energy, the speaker’s arcane level was six rings before the return of consciousness. During the coming of the plane, a total of 27 magic apprentices were developed, including consciousness carriers (because they could not touch the magic net, use Spellcasting in the second era), except for the consciousness carrier who barely advanced to the elementary level of black iron, the remaining 26 people are zero-ring arcanists.

In addition, the reporter cooperated with the local government to establish a base centered on the church, the Illuminati, to accommodate believers and resist walking corpses. It is one of the most famous and powerful bases in the plane.

3. Exploration and harvest: Plane 524 has no other supernatural beings other than science and technology, and the resources of magic materials are relatively poor. The most valuable items are science and technology and research materials based on walking corpses.

The weapon system represented by the pistol has a certain reference value. Based on relevant weapon information, magic equipment and weapons can be developed and designed to arm the imperial army.

3. Suggestions

1. It is the first time for new legends to use the imprint gate to receive training courses before the plane descends, including precautions for plane descending, information on the gods of Heavenly Mountain, and basic knowledge of missionary evangelism.

2. The capacity of the personal space of the magic net has been expanded, which is convenient for carrying relevant technical knowledge and important information of different universes. Due to the limited personal space of this consciousness return, it is not possible to bring back all the information collected during the period.

3. Plane 524 of the XXIV universe has value and potential for further development. It is recommended to send the legendary priests of the temple to preach with the Illuminati as the center. The doomsday world urgently needs a strong belief; or specialize in arcane magic of the illusion faction Master, the human beings on this plane have extremely low resistance to illusion arcane magic.


The first time the plane comes to the assessment result: E (good)

The examiner can find out the lack of preparation and conditional constraints for the coming of the plane, and propose reasonable countermeasures, spread the glory and belief of Tiantang Mountain, and perform well. It is recommended to arrange the second coming of the plane in five years, and recommend the VII universe No. 12 magic school plane .

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