Technology company, I will become the light of China!

Chapter 378: Three trillion funds fled, causing turmoil all over the world!

On the night after the voting meeting ended, the relevant passed bills were publicized on the official website of the United States and authoritative media.

Asian Subdivision Act

"Longxing Cell Phone Ban Act"

The two bills that have been passed mean that they will be implemented.

The moment the bill was announced, the Chinese community in the United States and the Asian immigrant community made huge waves and completely detonated public opinion.

"Damn it, the "Asian Segmentation Act" has actually been introduced, and you have to go to the corresponding community to register within 15 days. What on earth do these damn Americans want to do?"

"I smell danger, especially when the Nord Stream pipeline was bombed not long ago."

"Do you want to go back home?"

"I feel like I can go back to my country and take refuge."

In Chinatown, the most famous place where Chinese people gather the most, various shop owners were communicating on chat software, and they all smelled something unusual.

The groups that can influence the United States are not simple people.

Either wealth, power, or life.

Needless to say about wealth, as long as you have money, you are a citizen of the world. You can spend money on whichever country you want to go to or which university you want to attend. Even if your academic performance is poor, you can get a top academic degree.

Quan, I understand everything.

As for life, without money or power, if you think about the United States, you have to risk your life and go through the ordeal of "walking the line."

What is routing?

To put it bluntly, it is illegal smuggling.

First take a flight from a visa-free country to Ecuador, then use the map to pass through several small countries and tropical rainforests, arrive in Mexico, and then sneak into the United States through the border fence.

This process leads to a narrow escape from death.

Because the reality is not "Wolf Warrior". In a place like Ecuador, people are like nothing, and the weak are preyed on by the strong.

Even if you are lucky enough to pass through Ecuador and reach the tropical rainforest, death will be more common, and the darkness of human nature will be infinitely magnified.

You must know the international impression of the people of the Dragon Kingdom. In addition to the fact that everyone knows martial arts, they are stupid, rich, weak and fearful. This is why people in the Dragon Kingdom are often targeted by gangsters when they go abroad. People will bet that you will not Dare to fight back.

Considering the warm climate of the tropical rainforest and the countless snakes, rats, insects and ants, it only takes less than half a month for a corpse to turn into a set of bones.

The high seas are dangerous, the tropical rainforests are dangerous, and any place without legal restrictions is dangerous.

Those who can enter the United States through these three channels can be imagined that they are not ordinary people, and their IQs are definitely above average.

With the introduction of the "Asian Subdivision Act", influential Chinese Americans have been making banners overnight and plan to go to demonstrations tomorrow morning, hoping to cancel the bill.

They did this because there was no way out.

Those who want to demonstrate must either go to the United States or have obtained a green card. They only have the blood of the Dragon Kingdom and no longer have the identity of the Dragon Kingdom. Legally speaking, they are Americans.

The Chinese who still retained the Dragon Kingdom nationality and went through legitimate channels booked flights overnight, thinking of returning to their country to avoid the limelight.

In addition to the Chinese community, Asians from Japan, South Korea, and other countries are also criticizing the implementation of the "Asian Segmentation Act" in their respective social circles, believing that this is blatant discrimination.

However, when they wanted to stir up public opinion online and tried to get the United States to cancel the bill through their own methods, they found that they could not send it out at all and they were all "banned".

All entries with the "Asian Segmentation Act" must be manually reviewed, and only if there are no problems with the content are they allowed to be published.

On the contrary, the "Longxing Mobile Phone Banning Act" is highly searched.

As Longxing Group continues to open up the Mao Xiong and Japanese and Korean markets, the name of Longxing Mobile Phone has spread throughout the global Internet, and Baile Group and Linghang Group can no longer suppress its news.

Now 70% of the American people know that Longguo has deployed 5G high-speed network and launched 5G mobile phones, and the technology provider is Longxing Group.

The content of the "Longxing Cell Phone Banning Act" is very simple. It bans all models of mobile phones produced by Longxing Group from entering the United States. The reason given is also very simple, that is, it may endanger the security of the United States.

The announcement of the two bills caused a sensation in countries all over the world.

There have been two "Segmentation Acts" targeting Asians in the United States. Without exception, they were all wiped out and eventually deported.

Of course.

These are not the most important.

What matters is the signal the bill sends and the connection of events.

In the past, there were several rounds of interest rate hikes in the U.S. dollar and the bombing of the Nord Stream pipeline. Later, the discovery of South Africa's super gold mine, Dragon, Bear, and German joint maritime military exercises and the Dragon currency challenged the hegemony of the U.S. dollar.

Now, the "Asian Segmentation Act" has been introduced to purposely differentiate between Asian groups. What signal does this send?

It is no exaggeration to say that less than half an hour after the two bills were announced in the United States, the price of international strategic materials soared, almost reaching the sky.

In the Dragon Kingdom, during this period, the five major military regions are conducting frequent troop drills to prepare for the possible war.

S3 season?

We are a little stronger this time!

On the other side, the external consultation hotlines of the Immigration Administration and the embassy have been flooded with calls, and people are constantly thinking about surrendering and returning home.

Can it be useful?

It’s hard to get out, and even harder to get back.

The introduction of the "Asian Segmentation Act" is in the interests of both the United States and the Dragon Country. The former is greedy for money, while the latter is worried that there is no way to severely punish these people who are cheating.

Like the online group, they will borrow all the loan software in the country before going out, and cash out ranging from a few to hundreds of thousands. These bad debts will eventually be borne by the state.

Now that they are being criticized outside, watching the fun is the best option.

However, what is interesting is that as the Hong Kong stock market opened, the market, which has been panickingly green during this period, began to change.

In the absence of the national team, the Hang Seng Index surged by 1.2% in just 15 minutes. Individual stocks rose broadly and only a handful of stocks fell.

The sudden rise shocked the chiefs of the China Securities Regulatory Commission in both places.

"what happened?"

“Foreign investors are buying the bottom of Hong Kong stocks?”

While Xiao Gang and the village chief of the Hong Kong Securities Regulatory Commission were stunned, stock investors had already seen the changes in the market and were gunning for money to enter the stock market.

On the Weibo information platform, the entry "Hong Kong Stocks Surge" has been viewed by tens of millions of people, and all investors are very excited.

[Quack but not quack]: "Has it bottomed out? Has the stock market bottomed out? Is there any expert who can tell me whether I can copy it?"

[Bed layman]: "What an opportunity! Hong Kong stocks are still rising, and A-shares are also rising. It's obvious that the main force has attracted enough chips and is raising the stock price!"

[Brother Batian]: "The bull market is coming, come home quickly!"

[Brother Niu’s trading record]: “Something is really wrong this time. Both the K-line and the graph show that it is going to fall, but there is a general rise. Is it possible that the stock market has really bottomed out?”

Who is the real main force in the stock market?

Retail investors!

According to statistics from relevant agencies, Longguo has 200 million securities accounts with different identity information, which means there are 200 million shareholders.

Even if 200 million shareholders buy 100 yuan each, the inflow of funds will be 20 billion.

Which institution dares to confront retail investors under a bullish trend?

It is clear.

No organization dares!

Under the general rise, a large number of retail investors have followed the stock market, expanding the increase again, attracting a group of chasing retail investors to enter the market, and raising the stock price and index for the second time.

The institutions that were originally bearish saw this, and in order to avoid being short, they also started to enter the market and go long, thinking of taking a sip of soup.

In one morning, the Hang Seng Index rose by 4%, a huge positive line that penetrated the decline in the previous half month.

Under such a strong trend, some institutions became emboldened, thinking that this was just a long-term inducement, and began to borrow tickets to cash out and go short.

However, no one expected at that time that the stock market would still be strong the next day.

Hang Seng Index rose 3.1%!

The Shanghai Composite Index rose 1.7%!

The third day.

Hang Seng Index rose 2.7%!

The Shanghai Composite Index rose 2%!

The market has been rising for three consecutive days, which has led to a general rise in individual stocks. Retail investors who chased the gains on the first day have already made at least 4% of the gains.

And short-selling institutions and short-selling retail investors have liquidated their positions one after another, which is terrible to watch.

No one expected that the A-share and Hong Kong stock indexes would rebound across the board.

However, after three days of digging, some people in the industry already have a vague idea of ​​why the stock market is rising.

The introduction of the "Asian Segmentation Act" and related questionnaires have allowed many overseas funds to return.

There have always been rumors that the Chinese ethnic group in the United States has a wealth of three trillion and is the real rich.

Three trillion yuan flows into A-shares and Hong Kong stocks through various channels. Even half of the money can cause a bull market rise in the short term.

Only fools are short-selling after knowing the reason. Domestic institutions and retail investors are basically unanimously bullish.

Li Daxiao also rarely issued a message asking investors to embrace this short bull.

In the Interactive Brokers headquarters building on Wall Street, salesmen and fund managers couldn't help but look at the long queue on one side.

Some uninformed fund managers couldn't help but ask the colleagues next to them: "What happened over there? Why is there a queue?"

"Didn't you notice? These people are all Asians. After the "Asian Segmentation Act" was introduced, not only did they want to escape, but they also had to find ways to escape with the funds and assets in their hands."

the colleague responded.

"is it so serious?"

The fund manager was puzzled.

"Who knows, I'm probably being cautious." The colleague shrugged.

People in their profession are very persistent in hedging risks.

Just like the decline of the stock market, if you can avoid a 3CM decline, it is equivalent to making a profit of 3CM. Only when you avoid the decline sometimes can you be called a master.

The fund manager showed a hint of envy and murmured to himself: "I envy the manager who handles business for them. Just the commission this time will probably allow him to buy a nice sports car."

Under their envious gazes, Wei Yan, who was wearing a suit and slicked-back hair and looking very elite, was extremely busy.

The day before yesterday, I accidentally helped a Chinese rich man transfer assets and successfully got the money out. Unexpectedly, he became popular among overseas Chinese circles. Countless Asians queued up to handle business, and they all asked him to handle it.

What can Wei Yan do?

If you have money, you must make it!

Moreover, it is not difficult for him to transfer assets. He only needs to sign a fund entrustment investment agreement, and he can openly hold shares in overseas assets with Interactive Brokers through international investment channels.

But a soldier who doesn't want to be a general is not a good soldier.

On the surface, Wei Yan made international investments through legal channels. Behind the scenes, he also launched a private equity fund to secretly help the Asian community run funds and escape from the United States.

What private placement?

Funds are divided into public offerings and private placements.

Public funds are securities investment funds that raise funds from public investors in a public manner, such as in the name of a company, and use securities as their main investment objects.

Such foundations are subject to strict supervision and need to comply with industry norms such as information disclosure, profit distribution, and operating restrictions.

Private equity funds are completely different. These are funds raised privately or directly by fund managers from specific groups.

It usually recruits investors in a non-public way. The investment threshold is relatively high. Generally speaking, the starting price is tens of millions. It has great flexibility, diverse investment strategies and extremely high returns.

As long as there is a capable fund manager, his final destination is private equity.

Just like a lawyer, when you can stand alone, are you still willing to rely on others and eat your salary?

Another example is chefs, car mechanics, and hairdressing apprentices. When you are skilled in skills, who doesn’t want to open a shop and make a lot of money?

Publicly raised to work for the company.

Start your own company privately.

Wei Yan's two-hand operation and his gradual reputation also made him realize that the time had gradually matured and he needed to open an investment institution of his own.

The outflow of a large amount of wealth has also attracted the attention of rice regulators.

But they didn't care, because most of the funds were under their care, and now they just had to wait for the opportunity.

When the capital market was in turmoil, Long Guo representative Zhao Jian was speaking in the WTO hall of the United Nations.

"We are firmly opposed to the U.S. proposal to list China as a developed country. Our domestic per capita salary is far from reaching the standards of developed countries."

"According to last quarter's statistics, the average income of people in the Dragon Kingdom is only 3,400 yuan, which is 566 US dollars when converted into US dollars. Even in the most prosperous city, the per capita monthly income is only 800 US dollars, which is far lower than that in developed countries. According to the average income standard, the United States wants to classify Longguo as a developed country. I would like to send you these four words, wishful thinking!"

Although Zhao Jian's eyes were small, his eyes were extremely sharp. He scanned the country representatives in the room and finally focused on the representatives of the United States.

The representatives on the scene looked at each other, surprised at the income of the people of Dragon Kingdom.

If the data released by Zhao Jian is true, then Long Country cannot be called a developed country, but a developing country.

Perhaps many people don't know that the WTO has regulations that developing countries have the right to enjoy tariff preferences and technical assistance, but developed countries do not.

This is also the reason why the United States wants to designate Dragon Country as a developed country.

Do you think it is a discovery of conscience?


It just wants to cancel the rights and interests of the big eastern countries in the WTO.

As soon as Zhao Jian finished his speech, the representative of the United States immediately retorted: "We believe that per capita income cannot be used as a basis for judging whether a country is a developing country."

"You surpassed the island nation in 2010 and became the world's second largest economy. You already have the conditions of a developed country and have the size of a developed country, but you enjoy the benefits of a developing country. This is very unfair to other countries."

Faced with the aggressiveness of the U.S. representative, Zhao Jian smiled and continued to respond: "I think it is a hooligan to arbitrarily designate other countries as developed countries by only looking at size and not population!"

As the representatives of the two major powers quarreled with each other, other representatives could only look at each other and dared not speak.

In fact, both sides have a point. From the perspective of size, Longguo does belong to the level of developed countries, but from the perspective of per capita income, it is far from reaching it.

The meeting lasted into the evening, but in the end no result was reached.

However, after the United States mentioned it like this, some representatives of developed countries began to whisper bad things and agreed with the United States' statement.

They believe that the world's second largest economy enjoys the treatment of a developing country, which is like a rich man receiving a relief meal, saving more than ten yuan.

At a time when the stock market, finance, and the game between great powers were intensifying, Charles, the chip chief at Gaotong's R\u0026D base, was looking frightened and asked in disbelief:

"Are you crazy? The only company in the world with 5G high-speed network is Longxing Group. You want me to disguise their 5G baseband chips?"

Just after he finished speaking, he added: "Able to analyze 5G signals, all fools know that we have stolen the patent of Longxing Group."

"Just do it."

Mollenkopf said calmly.

"Have you really thought it through?"

Charles couldn't help but ask again.

"Yes." Mollenkopf nodded first and calmly explained: "We were all deceived by Chen Xing. The 5G network they developed is not a true 5G high-speed network, but somewhere between 4G and 5G. network of."


Charles was stunned.

A network between 4G and 5G?

So what is this called?

4.5G network?

Seemingly aware of Charles' inner doubts, Mollenkopf said in a deep voice: "After our joint research with experts from the United States and Israel, we came to the conclusion that it is infinitely close to the 5G network, but it belongs to the 4G network category."

"After discussions among various parties, we are ready to jointly develop a 6G network. We will use Longxing Group's methods to develop a network that is infinitely close to 6G. However, in terms of throughput, DSP multi-core architecture technology may be needed."

"This..." Charles hesitated for half a second, nodded and said, "I understand."

Last time, he stole Longxing Group's DSP multi-core architecture technology and faked a new generation of Snapdragon 4G baseband chip that perfectly deceived everyone. Even the top experts did not find the problem.



Can 5.5G also be successfully disguised?

Charles was unsure.

But what he knows is that once this scandal is exposed, Gaotong Company will be completely plunged into a desperate situation.

But what can be done?

Without disguising the baseband chip, Gaotong Company would have been doomed two months ago.

It was the advent of the new generation of Snapdragon baseband chips that gave it a breath of fresh air and prevented it from immediately falling apart.

When Mollenkopf planned to continue to steal DSP multi-core architecture technology, other Silicon Valley giants took action.

At Apple's headquarters, Puke is holding a meeting with internal technical staff, planning to send them to Israel to develop a new generation of communication technology and chip technology.

When the powerful enemy Longxing Group appeared, all the scientific research capabilities in the United States were twisted into a hemp rope.

The Jewish consortium, Angsa consortium, Wall Street giants, Silicon Valley companies, and conference halls all rarely cooperate with each other and jointly develop.


There are exceptions.

NVIDIA founder Huang Renxun chose to go against the grain in the face of highly unified opinions among many parties in the United States.

Send technical engineers?


But they are all shrimp soldiers and crab generals.

After these two days of struggle, he also understood that the United States does not regard Asians as native residents of the United States. The introduction of the "Asian Subdivision Act" is the best evidence.

Huang Renxun also decided that while capital is flowing out of Asia, he also needs to move, and then completely move Nvidia out of the United States.

Not only Nvidia, but Su Fengzi, the current chairman and CEO of AMD, also felt the sickle hanging on her neck, and she also had the idea of ​​​​running away.

The people at the bottom may not have enough sense of crisis, but she belongs to the top circle. If the United States really wants to acquire Asian wealth, it will definitely eat the big ones first, then the small ones, and finally wipe them out.

Su Fengzi had been meditating for two days. Looking at the dark night again, she picked up her phone, found Huang Renxun's contact number, and sent a short text message to "make an appointment."

Last time they went to Longguo together to seek cooperation in 5G high-speed network, Chen Xing also extended an olive branch to both of them.

If she really goes back, Su Fengzi cannot leave Huang Renxun behind. After all, the two are relatives. Although they are rivals, they are actually friends.


Huang Renxun's mobile phone alert sounded.

He took out his mobile phone, checked the content on it, and quickly packed up his things, preparing to go to the AMD headquarters base.

And at the same time.

the other side.

The imperial capital of the Dragon Kingdom.

In a suite in a star-rated hotel, as the morning approaches, the room is gradually occupied by sunlight.

In a daze, Chen Xing also lost a lot of sleepiness. He turned over and avoided the sun. He pondered for a while, and then muttered silently: "Open the talent market."

【Ding! Opened! 】

[Talent Market]: Level 6 (It costs 1.5 billion to upgrade the level. The higher the market level, the higher the quality of talents that can be recruited.)

[List of talents available for recruitment today]:

1. The blue quality has been folded.

2. Wang Qing, purple quality, one academic degree, scientific research talent, focusing on battery energy storage, the funds required for recruitment: 7,000 yuan.

3. The blue quality has been folded.

4. Xu Linlin, purple quality, college degree, sales talent, five years of experience, recruitment funds required: 7,000 yuan.

5. Wu Ping, purple quality, one academic degree, scientific research talent, focusing on electronic control technology, recruitment funds required: 7,000 yuan.

"Not bad, three purple qualities." Chen Xing muttered to himself.

It has become his habit to wake up and refresh himself every day.

Even though he came to Di Di this time to discuss new energy licenses and electric vehicle pilot cities, he did not forget to recruit talents. After all, this is the cornerstone of Longxing Group.

After the daily recruitment refresh, Chen Xing was no longer sleepy. He went to the desk on the side of the room, opened the laptop placed on it, and skillfully turned it on to check his mailbox.

Yesterday was the day that Longxing Mobile Phone was officially launched on the Peninsula after half a month of promotion. He needed to know the exact single-day sales statistics to facilitate subsequent supply.

As soon as he opened his mailbox, the email from Li Zhenzhen's mailbox, which was marked with an asterisk by Chen Xing, was particularly conspicuous. It could be found almost at a glance. The title "Peninsula Market Far Exceeds Expectations" made Chen Xing secretly relieved.

It seems that his decision is right. If you want to defeat the chaebol, you must rely on the power of the chaebol, instead of blindly acting recklessly and internal disintegration, which is the best strategy.

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