Technology Bigshot

Chapter 90: $2 Billion Orders (Chapter 2 Consolidated)

Chapter 90: $2 billion in orders (two chapters combined)

At the same time, the Western Hemisphere, where the sun rises three poles.

United States, Pentagon.

A black car drove into the government-controlled area, the driver showed the license plate and evidence, and was immediately let through after a while, and the black car finally drove steadily into the Pentagon-controlled area. Several white men in black suits and black sunglasses in the car entered the interior of the Pentagon silently.

The white men came to an office in the building, and after a while, the female staff in the building came to an office on the fourth floor with one of the men carrying a silver lockbox. A middle-aged man in his forties was in the office. He was wearing a military uniform and the rank on his shoulder indicated that he was an active colonel officer.

The staff left, and the man in black entered the office and shook hands with the colonel. The two talked briefly for a while, and the man in black handed him the silver lockbox in his hand. leave.

The colonel watched the man in black leave the office, and finally focused his eyes on the silver password box. He opened the silver box according to the password obtained. Inside, there were several paper files.

He opened the files and browsed them one by one. The files listed detailed information and proof of personal identity, as well as eleven colorful high-definition pictures of people. All the people on the pictures were yellow faces, ten men and one woman. Judging from the photos, these people are young faces.

The colonel seemed to be looking for something in these files. In the end, he saw an eye-catching authoritative authorization seal in a document. The seal represented a clear authorization instruction. After he confirmed it, he immediately entered the desk and faced one of the computers. One desktop icon stands out—the Navy SEAL badge.

Not only did strangers come to the Pentagon with documents and a warrant, a similar scene was happening at the CIA in the United States. These U.S. government agencies with gray activity signs have been visited by many people in recent times. The internal staff of these agencies do not understand the exact things, but the orders and authorizations from above are beyond doubt.

Their goals are the same, direct guide to a technology company in the China Sea area, which is Matrix Technology XlouS!

The reason why gray activities are called "gray" is that these activities are always carried out outside the public's field of vision. There are organized and purposeful activities. The fact that the public cannot see them does not mean that they do not exist.

In any case, the earth is constantly rotating, and people's lives will not stop.

These days, driven by the news effect that broke out in Hollywood, Panorama Vision PV has become a hot topic recently. Although very few people have really experienced the Panoramic Vision PV, the 6-minute video has already been Viewed and reprinted by countless people.

Panoramic vision PV, augmented reality AR, and virtual reality VR, three popular technologies represented by visual impact, are known as the most cutting-edge visual experience equipment delta. The former is the latest concept proposed by China Matrix Technology and is the first and only company with a mature technology system. The latter two are currently involved in most technology companies in the world, and the competition is extremely fierce. The two fields of augmented reality AR and virtual reality VR are currently led by Magic-Leap in the United States and a subsidiary of Facebook.

Matrix Technology XlouS headquarters.

Cameron came to Matrix Technology less than three days after returning to the United States. He not only came, but also brought a small team. Obviously, Cameron is here to learn more about the panoramic view PV, which is crucial for his upcoming "Avatar" sequel.

If the sequel of "Avatar" wants to take the first bus of the panoramic view PV, it is not so easy, especially for Cameron,

This is a brand-new visual effect, the pictures and scenes are no longer limited to a flat or curved giant screen, but a multi-dimensional stereoscopic horizon.

This will mean the use of a new shooting method, which is a real stereoscopic visual impact, and the audience is integrated into it, rather than limited to a giant screen. The editing method and scene replacement are particularly important, and the use of long shots may be more frequent. In short, "Avatar 2" is enough to shoot once, but there will be two different editing videos, one is screened under the regular screening hall, and the other is screened under the panoramic view PV.

Screen projection and stereoscopic viewing are necessarily different. The giant screen will not be suitable for viewing under the panoramic view of PV, which means that the same movie will be presented in two different forms of editing and shown in the panoramic view of PV. Because of its particularity, the hall must be edited for stereoscopic viewing.

In this way, the post-editing processing of a movie will be doubled, which will also mean that the production cycle of a movie will be longer. Similarly, it will test the director's skills more.

At this moment, Cameron, Ren Hong, and other people from the theater chain are surrounding a miniature panoramic view PV theater model. There is also a huge high-precision display screen hanging on the wall in the room. The stereo modeling of the PV auditorium is presented on the screen.

"A theater will accommodate about 300 audiences. The impact of too many people is inevitable. The audience is outsiders based on the movie. Too many audiences will inevitably affect the viewing experience, and a small number of people will inevitably affect the theater. It’s a very contradictory issue, we can’t just play a two-and-a-half-hour movie for a few audiences and the price is the normal fare, it will lose everything.” said the representative.

"This contradiction must be resolved." He emphasized again.

"Is there any way to hide the audience? Or technology?" Cameron looked at Ren Hong and said.

In this case, the contradiction is naturally resolved.

"No!" Ren Hong replied decisively, he said: "Also, even if it can be done, the audience has to wear special hardware clothing every time they enter the theater to watch the movie. Maybe it can be done, but it is obviously too troublesome. It's not a good idea, what we want is that the audience can watch the movie normally without bringing any peripheral items after entering the PV theater."

Everyone nods in approval when they hear the words. It is definitely not a good idea to add other problems to avoid this problem.

"So, we still have to start with the arrangement of the seats in the projection hall." Ren Hong added.

Obviously, Cameron's arrival is for the discussion of Panorama Vision PV. This discussion will be the process of formulating standards for PV projection halls. Once the standards are established, as long as you want to enter the cinema and film shooting and editing techniques of Panorama Vision PV in the future Its basic standards will also be followed.

As long as it is a panoramic view PV projection hall for the public, its hardware layout cannot be arbitrary, and the negative effects brought about by the multi-person viewing experience must be considered. After all, too many outsiders will appear very inconsistent in the "movie world". And, it will also affect the viewing effect.

After two days of negotiation on the layout of the public screening hall, the result was finally reached, and everyone basically reached an agreement.

The layout of the PV projection hall is not much different from the traditional 3D-iMax projection hall. The establishment of such basic standards also follows the existing objective factors. After all, it is impossible for only a few people to watch the movie in the public projection hall, so the cinema will not have to do business. Only the rich people in Dubai and the world's rich can enjoy a 360-degree audio-visual experience without dead ends. Therefore, the objective problem of profitability is unavoidable, and the PV theater must be able to accommodate more audiences in order to achieve commercialization.

in the process of developing standards. Based on the objective factor of the wide angle of sight of human eyes, the visual wide angle of human eyes is usually around 160 degrees, and theoretically the wide angle can reach 180 degrees. Just look ahead. This standard is also crucial to the director's shooting techniques and lens presentation issues.

With this standard established, the director can shoot and edit effectively.

The final basic standard is established as follows: The Panoramic Vision PV projection hall will accommodate a maximum of 330 audiences, and the audience seats are distributed in a standard 37-degree angle. The difference from the traditional theater is that there is no screen in front of the audience's field of vision, or there is a screen in the field of vision. Another point is that there is a crucial feature in the audience seat position, that is, the audience in the upper echelon of seats can't see the audience in the next echelon at all, such an arrangement will create an illusion of visual deception for the audience. The effect is that an audience can be regarded as the first row regardless of the actual seat row. In this way, the sense of disobedience is greatly reduced, but the space occupancy rate of the auditorium will also be expanded, but it is also acceptable. .

The images presented by the panoramic view PV are three-dimensional. At the beginning of the movie, the audience's horizon and the movie world are integrated, and the objective factors brought by the distance of the seats can almost be ignored.

Because the audience is in the movie world.

It is worth mentioning that, with the concept of the audience looking forward and the wide-angle factor based on the objectivity of the human eye, the director only needs to make a theoretical 180-degree scene horizon that actually floats up and down based on the theoretical wide-angle. This makes it easier for the director to edit and shoot shots. After all, the difficulty of 360-degree panorama presentation and 180-degree panorama presentation is not as simple as dividing by two.

However, the audience's head cannot be fixed, and the horizon will always expand as the head swings from side to side. For this reason, the presentation angle of the movie world must be 180 degrees higher than the theoretical one.

It took three days to formulate the standard for the Panorama Vision PV auditorium. After the standard was established, Cameron had no reason to stay in Matrix Technology anymore. He took his team to leave China first.

The heads of several major cinema companies in the United States did not leave immediately. The reason why they did not leave was naturally related to the construction of the Panorama Vision PV auditorium.

In the end, despite the negotiation and negotiation between the two parties, Emperor Cinemas first signed the first PV order contract with Matrix Technology. The 30 venues where Emperor Cinemas originally planned to build the iMax projection hall will become the construction site of the Panorama Vision PV projection hall, and additional After adding 10 venues, the price of one piece of panoramic view PV projection equipment sold by Matrix Technology is 4.35 million US dollars, plus other purchased seats, renovation and on-site arrangement, the final cost of the cinema company to add a PV projection room is 490 US dollars around $10,000.

This time, Matrix Technology signed a total of 116 PV theater contracts with these major American theater companies, with a total of 500 million US dollars.

According to the content of the contract, one year later, Matrix Technology will send a team to the United States to set up a PV theater.

As these people left China satisfactorily, it didn't take long for Emperor Cinemas to announce the news of the construction of a PV screening hall in one year, and another group of people arrived at Matrix Technology five days later. The heads of major cinema companies around the world are coming to the panoramic view PV, and Wanda International Cinemas, the world's largest cinema company, is also on the list.

The approach of these people is exactly the same as that of the Emperor Cinemas. They have not hesitated to abandon the iMax and the Chinese giant screen. For the same level and the same price theater, they only choose the panoramic view PV. This is the mainstream trend in the future, and it is obvious.

To promote the collective "teaming" of these theater companies, it has to be said that the 21st Century Fox Film Company, CEO Lacklun has become a salesman of Matrix Technology for free. After all, the number of Panorama Vision PV screening halls in the future will affect the box office data of "Avatar 2". As the first Panoramic Vision PV movie to be released, Lack Wheel can smell banknotes every time he thinks about it, the more PV screening halls there are. , "Avatar" the higher the box office, there is no doubt.

A win-win situation, why not do it?

According to Lacklun's vision, on the day of the release of "Avatar 2", the PV theaters around the world must have more than 700 screens to have a sufficient impact on the box office.

This time, a team led by Wanda International Cinema Company came to Matrix Technology and finally successfully finalized a large order.

The Wanda International Cinema Company, which is backed by the Wanda Group, is indeed rich and powerful. It has signed 150 pieces of PV projection equipment in one go, and other cinema companies from all over the world have also placed orders. Matrix Technology has not even set up a PV production line, and a total of 503 pieces of PV projection equipment have been successfully finalized.

503 pieces of PV projection equipment, Matrix Technology has thus obtained a huge revenue of 2 billion US dollars. These theater companies are not afraid, because the high liquidated damages in the contract are guarantees, and Matrix Technology is a technology giant company worth 500 billion US dollars, so its credibility naturally does not need to be questioned.

(PS: Shi Pan is in the process of challenging his own brain hole. If he wants to see the next chapter, please click on the collection to recommend ing~~~)

(To be continued...)

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