Technology Bigshot

Chapter 324: Military Parade Celebration 2

"Welcome to the evening news, this is Radio n, you are about to watch the 'Live Report of China's Military Parade'. The current time is 8:30 in the East Eighth District on the other side of the Pacific Ocean, and more than 650,000 people gathered in the world's largest square 'Tiananmen Square', there's a lot going on there at the moment. 650,000, God, I'm afraid no one can break this record except himself..." - US n radio media station live report.

"108 heads of state or envoys from around the world were invited to visit the Republic's military parade." - "Beijing Times" front page headline.

"It's the military parade, and the 'Rocket Army' will debut a series of new equipment?" - The headline title of "Military Observation Room".

"The moment when the muscles are plucked out, the global vision focuses on the eastern country!" - "New York Times" headline.

"This country is worthy of the pride of all the sons and daughters of this land!" -- "NetEase News" front page headline.

Time officially ushered in October 1st, and the global vision gathered in the same country, the same coordinates, and the same city.

At 8:35, the sun shines on the entire capital. Under this national grand occasion, Tiangong has to be beautiful. Today's weather is exceptionally sunny.

In the world's largest square, there are crowds of people at this moment, and a total of 650,000 people are gathered together. Among these 650,000 people, there are people from the north and south of the Republic, as well as international people from all over the world, from more than 150 countries and regions. People gathered together at the same time and in the same place to watch and welcome this global event.

As time goes by, exciting times are coming.

At 9 o'clock, the welcome officially started. The envoys and guests from various countries will enter the venue and take a group photo, and they will go to the Tiananmen Tower together.

At this moment, at a side gate of the Pearl Forbidden City in Beijing, a young couple, a man and a woman, are walking along with arms in arms.

Another young man was rushing to the scene, anxious and holding two small bright flags in his hands. Suddenly, he accidentally installed the man in the pair, and the man and the woman had to be forced to separate their hands.

"I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I... my God, who did I see?" A young man on the road suddenly said in shock and inexplicable, he ︾,▲m holding two small bright red flags, sideways A striking flag was also printed on his face, apparently to watch the military parade.

"Ren Da! And my sister-in-law!" he said excitedly.

"Hello!" the man said with a smile.

It is Ren Hong, who is the woman beside him if not Gao Yue? Obviously, how could he be absent on such a grand day? However, this time the two of them didn't have the slightest attire and cover up, even the bodyguard Ding Yang was no longer by his side, there were only two of them. At this moment, in this place, Ding Yang and any bodyguards are not needed at all.

Who dares to die?

"My super idol, are you also here for the military parade?" This person is obviously a fan of Ren Hong, as can be seen from his excited face.

"Can I ask you for an autograph?" he asked impatiently, his eyes very expectant.

"Of course!" Ren Hong looked at Gao Yue, and the two smiled at each other.

"Yes!" The fan jumped three feet high when he heard it, and couldn't wait, "I have a pen, I brought it! Can I sign it on my clothes?"

"No problem." Ren Hong took the other party's pen and signed a rather artistic autograph. At this time, the fans looked at Gao Yue again, and the meaning was self-evident. Gao Yue smiled slightly and readily accepted the other party's request. He took the pen and signed his name.

"Happy National Day!" Gao Yue laughed.

"Yes! I love your country, I'm so lucky, oh no, it's about to start, I have to go!"

Ren Hong watched the elated fans leave contentedly, smiled at Gao Yue and said, "This time, don't be afraid that he will show in the circle of friends."

After a brief episode, the two headed towards the direction of the city. The two of them were sitting on the Tiananmen Gate.

But it didn't take long for Ren Hong to see a group of people with equipment at a glance. These people locked him and Gao Yue one by one. It didn't take much to think about who they would be other than reporters.

"The noses of these people..." Ren Hong shook his head and laughed. Fortunately, there are not many, only less than ten people.

"Mr. Ren..." One of the reporters just said, Ren Hongfei quickly raised his hands to block him and everyone, saying: "There is no matrix technology today, there is no Ren Hong today, and there is no matrix today. Chairman and CEO of Tech.”

"Are you patriotic?" Ren Hong asked rhetorically.

A group of reporters looked at each other. There were a lot of questions, but at this moment, all the questions in their minds seemed to be forgotten.

Ren Hong didn't say a word again, Gao Yueben had always remained silent, and naturally he wouldn't say anything.

I saw Ren Hong looking at a reporter who was blocking him in front of him. The latter subconsciously stepped aside when he saw this. The two nodded to the crowd and walked towards the city without any hindrance.

A reporter looked at the direction the two were walking, hesitated for a moment, and murmured, "That direction..."

"The direction of the tower." The partner answered him. "Let's go, reporters from small newspapers like us are not qualified to enter. I thought I could get a new harvest by accident, but it seems to be a joyous occasion~!"

Ren Hong and Gao Yue came to the city tower unimpeded and sat in the predetermined position. His position was closer to the front row in the center and also the first position on the flank. At this moment, the important guests who watched the ceremony have basically arrived.

"Honey, look behind!" Gao Yue reminded suddenly.

Ren Hong, who was overlooking the crowds of people below the square, withdrew his gaze. He heard the sound of cameras around him more and more frequently, and saw the chief and a group of envoys and guests from various countries coming to the tower. At this time, the applause sounded naturally, and the chief also waved to the guests on the tower.

The chief quickly saw Ren Hong, and he walked towards him with a friendly smile. Ren Hong was in the first place, obviously, he knew what was going to happen next.

Ren Hong was a little nervous, but he managed to calm down. He held the head's vigorous right hand with both hands, "Hello, head!"

"That's right, you really didn't disappoint us." The chief looked more and more at the young man in front of him, and couldn't help but say something more: "Work hard and let go to strengthen the technology of the motherland. The Republic is your most solid backing!"

"Ren Hong will definitely live up to the high expectations of you and the Republic." Ren Hong said firmly.

Only then did the chief nod in satisfaction, and the hands of both parties were released. The handshake with Ren Hong was the longest among the following polite shakes with a series of guests.

After a while, the chief shook hands with Gao Yue again.

"Hehe. This is the jewel in Lao Gao's palm, not bad! He is a man and a woman."

"Thank you chief for your compliment."

The chief looked at the two young men, nodded in satisfaction, and then headed towards the center of the tower, shaking hands with Lu Jin's guests one by one. Compared with the time spent staying by Ren Hong's side, the speed was very fast. It can also be seen that the chief is very satisfied with him.

Next, Ren Hong shook hands with the President of Russia, and shook hands with the invited guests from various countries one by one.

There is no doubt that Ren Hong's face will be familiar to everyone present, whether they are domestic or foreign. During this period, the chief stayed with him the longest time, and he expressed condolences and encouragement, which made people look sideways. But especially one of them, the republic will be your most solid backing, surprised the listeners. Obviously, this was for Ren Hong, and it was also for them.

They knew that Matrix Technology had a good background, but they really didn't think that the background was so scary.

After shaking hands with more than a hundred foreign guests and envoys, Ren Hong also sat in his seat again, and Gao Yue beside him said in a low voice, "Do you think it will appear?"

"What?" Ren Hong didn't react for a while, but he quickly understood what she meant. He looked at the soldiers of the Republic who were inspected on the main road ahead and couldn't see the end, and muttered: "Yes!"

On October 1st, domestic Internet traffic quickly converged at one node, which was the military parade. There are more than 650 million game player bases in China, but today, there is a huge gap in the activity of major domestic game categories.

Because at this moment, a large amount of traffic is almost gathered on the major streaming video sites on the Internet. Others are watching the military parade, and you are playing games, so you are embarrassed.

(To be continued) (To be continued.)

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