Taoyuan Mountain Village

Chapter three hundred and eighty fifth flood of leeches

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The goat caught by Xiao Hei tasted very good, and even the bones were swallowed clean by the big brown bear.

"Who can't learn from Xiao Hei?"

Jiang Xiaoye stretched out his hand to pick up the little brown bear and handed the little brown bear a radish.

The little brown bear hurriedly stretched out his paws and hugged him, and immediately protested, who has learned from niggas?


Licking the bear and courting death, you dare to learn the stunt that Mr. Hei finally learned by stealth!

Xiao Hei, who only ate a sheep's hoof, was mentally unbalanced, looking for an opportunity to overturn the little brown bear, but seeing Jiang Xiaoye carrying the little brown bear, he went to Li Lan to eat.

"Didn't you eat?"

"Wang Wang Wang!"

Master, when Lord Xiao Hei grows up, he naturally needs to eat more!

Jiang Xiaoye didn't have time to deal with the dog, and after returning the little brown bear to the big one, he went to the paddy field.

The little owl hooted and flew after him. The swollen head had not disappeared. This little guy has forgotten the pain after recovering from the scar. He will have a new big bag tomorrow morning.

At night, the sound of frogs is heard.

Jiang Xiaoye saw that Chu Shiyuan was following with the little brown bear, and Mr. Ma followed from a distance.

"Let it run on its own, and never know how to exercise when you're full."

Jiang Xiaoye greeted him and tapped the little brown bear on the head with a smile.

The little brown bear looked up, then lowered his head and continued to nibble on the radish. Mom got fatter and couldn't walk anymore. I can still run!

"If you don't go, you'll hug your legs." Chu Shiyuan couldn't help laughing at the little brown bear. After the big brown bear grabbed a few pieces of meat and bones, he just ignored the big brown bear.

Jiang Xiaoye smiled, the little brown bear is indeed this virtue.

The sound of frogs in the rice field obviously attracted a lot of frogs and toads.

"The night in the mountains is really relaxing."

Chu Shiyuan touched the little brown bear's head and took a breath of fresh air.

"Xiao Shi, what did you do last night?" Jiang Xiaoye looked at Chu Shiyuan's intoxicated face, and was a little bit confused, what's so easy about it?

"Work overtime, study, socialize."

After Chu Shiyuan finished speaking, she couldn't help laughing.

"It's too tiring, isn't it?" Jiang Xiaoye said speechlessly: "I think I know why Brother Chu is unwilling to take over the company. He is so dashing, just go there and play if you want."

"In the future, if he doesn't pick it up, he will pick it up. In the past, the company was unstable and had external and internal troubles. Now it's different. Now Jiangbei Chu family has completely become the first wealthy family in Jiangbei, and the business has begun to spread everywhere. It's not something I can manage by a woman. already."

Chu Shiyuan's previous dream was to control the Chu family, so she did not dissuade Chu Qing from giving in.

But after a series of shocking changes in the Chu family, her thoughts were also changed.

There are some irresistible forces in this world. One Xin Menghu almost drove the entire Chu family to death. If Chu Jinhe had committed suicide at that time, even if the rest of the Chu family evacuated, it would be difficult for them to make a comeback.

After coming to Yushan Village, her feisty heart became more and more calm.

"Why be so tired, so you can't enjoy life and waste your youth."



After chatting for more than an hour, Jiang Xiaoye picked up the little brown bear holding his leg and handed it to Chu Shiyuan. He smiled and said, "Take Xiao Huang back. I have some things to deal with tonight."

"Well, good." Chu Shiyuan nodded, reached out and hugged the reluctant little brown bear and went back.

Ma Sanye, who had been hiding far away, immediately followed.

Even at night, the small creatures in the rice field are very active, after all, it is irrigated by the spiritual spring.

Jiang Xiaoye didn't go to see how many leeches he caught, but returned to the fish pond. He directly threw the mountain god sword-raising gourd at the bottom of the fish pond, constantly collecting the groundwater in the underground world.

The time for this day is estimated to be full.

Flocks of silver fish shuttled, and from time to time, Jiang Xiaoye could see koi foraging. Jiang Xiaoye dived into the bottom of the fish pond. Sure enough, the mountain god sword raising gourd no longer receives the underground spring water here.

"not bad."

Jiang Xiaoye picked up the mountain gourd and wanted to see Zhenshui Xuanwu, but after thinking about it, he still didn't go. This big tortoise didn't know how long he would sleep, and it was probably normal to sleep for a few years.

After taking the mountain god Yangjian gourd out, he went straight to the rice field.

Xiaopuyushu plus Lingquan, one more night of hard work, and I don't care about it in the future!

Jiang Xiaoye didn't notice that there seemed to be colored streamers flickering in the spring after he left.

There are more than 500 acres of rice fields, and one acre of rice fields has 666 square meters. This is a big project. Jiang Xiaoye must not irrigate the spiritual spring repeatedly.

"I won't be waiting for you after I finish tonight!" Jiang Xiaoye felt that he had been delayed in the past few days. With so many resources, it was really unreasonable that he had not yet broken through the Evergreen Finals.

Rice growth, fish and crabs, snails, frogs, leeches, loaches, etc. in the water have all received huge benefits.

At the same time, Jiang Xiaoye saw the leeches swim to the bamboo tube, and quickly got in to suck the pig's blood.

After a busy night, Jiang Xiaoye threw the mountain god sword gourd to the bottom of the fish pond and continued to irrigate.

"Why does the water temperature feel a little cold?"

Jiang Xiaoye is in

It felt a little strange in the water, but the silverfish and koi didn't feel any discomfort, so he didn't think much about it.

The bamboo tube is collected!

A group of people came to help. Among the bamboo tubes, there were seven or eight bamboo tubes in excess, and three or four as few, all of which were poured into black plastic leather buckets.

"Brother, this thing is disgusting, what are you keeping?"

Chu Qing wanted to vomit, especially some leeches that were full of blood, all of them were fat and messy, and they felt sick at a glance.

"Research, these things are medicinal materials, it seems that this time it is not clean, grab it for another night and see!"

Too many, tens of thousands of leeches!

In other words, dozens of leeches were caught in every acre of rice fields!

"This thing is still a medicinal material?" Chu Qing pinched his nose and took a few steps away, the bloody breath, the sticky body, the most important thing is that these ghosts suck blood!

According to Chu Qing's idea, sprinkle a bag of salt directly, fill it with water, and drown all of them.

"Second girl, what are you doing?"

When Jiang Xiaoye saw Er Niu holding a handful of salt and throwing a few fat leeches on the ground, she couldn't help laughing and crying: "This is not a toy."

The leech struggled frantically in the salt, constantly vomiting blood and twisting.

Er Niu directly covered a few leeches with the salt in her hand.

The unfortunate leech vomited up the blood in a short while and died in it, the mucus blood mixed with the salt powder.

"Xiaoye, do you want to sell it?" The old village chief saw that he had caught so many leeches, and his scalp was numb. Fortunately, he found it. Otherwise, these things would have caused heavy losses to Jiang Xiaoye's rice fields in a few days.

"Don't sell it first, I'll study it."

Jiang Xiaoye shook his head, selling this one that won't sell for much money, why don't you study it yourself to see if it can play other roles.

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