Tanky Mage System

Chapter 98 System Containment

After Gu Nie's perception.

Gu Nie looked at the position of the extraordinary gate very accurately.

"Before, I didn't watch it. Just the blooming of perception made me feel the fear of death."

"At this time, even if I release my perception, the feeling of danger is almost very small."

"Sure enough, after reincarnation, I have a strong resistance to this strange meme curse."

After pondering for a moment, Gu Nie opened his eyes again.

What catches the eye is the dry flesh and blood barrier.

But after staring at it for three or four seconds, Gu Nie felt a soreness in his eyes.

Fortunately, you can continue to read.

In about twelve or thirteen seconds, Gu Nie felt a burst of darkness in front of him.

At the same time, there was a sudden pain deep in the eyes, and two streams of blood flowed out from the corners of the eyes.

Gu Nie also quickly closed his eyes.

He touched the blood from the corner of his eye.

"It has lost its activity. Although I have resistance, I still need to be careful in the face of this terrifying power. It doesn't mean that I can ignore the existence of the opponent because I have resistance."

"The power of terror is still a power of terror after all. Having resistance is just to prevent me from being cursed by the meme that blooms, and even the ability of high-level life to crush low-level life will be directly killed."

"Now I just have the capital to survive with my head down."

"If I want to compete, I need to have strong strength myself."

Gu Nie, who closed her eyes, had blood rushing out of her eyes.

Soon, the injuries of the eyes recovered, but the extraordinary blood that had lost its vitality could no longer be recovered.


Gu Nie exhaled lightly.

Then Gu Nie, who closed her eyes, opened the adventure page of the system.

Then he began to follow the guidance of this system and move forward with his eyes closed.

Just entered the gate of the extraordinary and took two steps.

Gu Nie felt it, and stepped on the flesh and blood barrier.

The flesh and blood were hard, like a stone, and at the same time, Gu Nie could feel the flesh and blood under his feet squirming slightly.

Stepping on it, my body undulated with the squirming muscles.

"While extremely hard, it is still wriggling, which means..."

"While these flesh and blood have the vitality of flesh and blood, their strength is far beyond my imagination."

"That's why it has the two common characteristics of 'hardness' and 'creep'."

"The life level of this 'squirming flesh' is very high." Gu Nie thought lightly.

Gu Nie, who wants to have a strong physical defense ability, has a lot of research on physical defense.

Human beings, the superficial skin of the fleshy body and the sarcolemma under the skin do not exist for combat defense.

Therefore, humans need to borrow extraordinary armor.

For example, the chain mail suit that Gu Nie wanted to buy.

However, it is difficult to achieve one's own "meat tank mage" goal just by borrowing equipment.

Self-defense is strong enough and the vitality of the physical body is strong enough, this is the ultimate meaning of the meat suit.

Humans have never had a strong physical body and super defense.

In the natural world, some extraordinary creatures have excellent defensive abilities.

The representative is the thick fur, and the more advanced form is the hard scale armor, and even the rune armor of some strange creatures.

This squirming flesh and blood has such a hard special.

This inevitably made Gu Nie feel a little strange.

"Come and try the hardness of this flesh and blood."

Quickly opened his eyes and looked around, there happened to be a corner ahead.

After briefly opening his eyes for two or three seconds, Gu Nie closed his eyes again.

Then Gu Nie directly recited the "Magic Blade Curse".

In the past few days of hanging up, the magic blade and the curse have been successfully promoted to the first level.

Its power is naturally much more powerful than the fourth-level common magic rocket spell.

After Gu Nie finished chanting, at the same time as he released the magic blade spell, Gu Nie also quickly opened his eyes.

About half long and 20 centimeters wide, the half-moon blade with the color of obsidian spar quickly tore through the air and slashed towards the front of Gu Nie.

The speed of the magic blade and curse is very fast, much faster than the fourth-level lightning arc technique and rocket technique.

In the blink of an eye, it has already passed through the distance of nearly thirty meters and bombarded the flesh and blood barrier at the corner.


The magic blade spell exploded directly.

Gu Nie looked carefully, the position that was slashed by the magic blade's curse seemed to be unharmed.

Koune, who closed her eyes, walked forward.

Coming to the corner, Gu Nie opened his eyes again, stared carefully for two or three seconds, and Gu Nie closed his eyes again.

"There is no trace of damage at all."

"This flesh and blood defense is unreasonably strong." Gu Nie sighed secretly.

With this in mind, Gu Nie looked forward to the "indescribable flesh and blood" guided by the system even more.

Gu Nie, who didn't stay any longer, followed the guidance of the system and went deep all the way.

Along the way, all those wriggling barriers of flesh and blood are trampled under their feet.

Fortunately, Gu Nie was wearing mithril-grade short boots on her feet, which prevented Gu Nie from falling down on the wriggling flesh and blood barrier because of its constant wriggling and undulating.

Gu Nie walked very carefully all the way, advancing about two hundred meters or so.

Gunnie stopped.

The piece of "indescribable flesh and blood" guided by the system is right in front of you.

When facing the indescribable piece of flesh and blood, Gu Nie once again felt the threat of fear and death.

Facing this piece of flesh and blood, the whole person seems to be facing death.

Anyone who touches it will die.

And the way the system guides is also very clear.

Can't touch.

It needs to be slightly touched with the puppet secret line or the source force and then collected into the system space.

Casting out the puppet secret thread, Gu Nie quietly touched the indescribable piece of flesh and blood.


Borrowing the special ability of the system, Gu Nie directly collected the indescribable flesh and blood into his own system package.

The moment the indescribable flesh and blood was included in the package.

That sense of danger was gone.

Gu Nie also breathed a sigh of relief.

After thinking about it for a while, Gu Nie slowly opened her eyes.

What catches the eye is still the wriggling barrier of flesh and blood like smoked bacon.

After waiting for a few seconds, there was no abnormality in the eyes.

Ten seconds later, the squirming flesh and blood squirmed as usual, but it didn't have the powerful destructive power of stinging eyes or even damaging eyes.

Obviously, after that piece of "unspeakable flesh and blood" was charged.

These flesh and blood barriers formed because of "indescribable flesh and blood" immediately lost their terrifying destructive power.

"Indescribable flesh and blood."

While thinking about it, Gu Nie looked at the package of the system space.

Looking at the past, the indescribable flesh and blood did not bring Gu Nie an abnormal state.

"The particularity of the system space directly caused the inefficiency of the meme or curse of this indescribable flesh and blood. It should be like this. The containment capacity of the system is amazing!"

This indescribable piece of flesh and blood caught the eye.

About the size of an adult man's two palms pressed together.

The whole body is as black as ink, and there are golden blood streaks flowing on it.

The whole piece of indescribable flesh and blood is like a piece of "black gold", revealing an indescribably strange feeling.

"Currently, it is not possible to touch this piece of 'flesh and blood'"

"Unless it is to let it touch and kill me again."

"When I come into contact with this flesh and blood, my resistance can also resist the erosion of this flesh and blood. At that time, maybe..."

Gu Nie narrowed her eyes slightly, and ambition grew in her heart.

"At that time, I can use the blood pool to digest this indescribable piece of flesh and grow my physical body."

The blood pool, when the level is low, can only digest blood and flesh and blood of average quality.

And after the level is high, it can digest powerful flesh and blood of high level.

Gu Nie, who was staring at the flesh and blood enveloping the space, suddenly heard something falling down.


This voice was very familiar to Gu Nie, it was the sound of flesh and blood falling.

"What's going on?" Gu Nie was startled.

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