Tanky Mage System

Chapter 121 ?

Open the door of the cosmic potential in the body.

Gugne put the remains of Akhtov, which was half the size of a bedroom, into his body.

Immediately, the cosmic potential began to wash away.

At the same time, Gu Nie felt the Cthulhu embryo deep in his body, and began to wash and absorb the ruler's flesh and blood, and grew up again.

"Fortunately, I have the Cthulhu biological embryo, which makes my body and soul extremely strong, otherwise it will be difficult to escape from this demigod's attack this time."

Gu Nie, who had calmed down, flipped her hands, and started to play with a black bead about the size of a fist.

This black pillar is Akhtov's relic.

It is also the core point of the content of this adventure.

After some thoughts, Gu Nie's mind slowly penetrated into it.

With Gu Nie's mind seeping into it.

With a sound of "hum!", the soul trembled.

When Gu Nie stabilized her mind, she found that she was already in a vast expanse of cosmic starry sky.

There are nine dull planets floating around.

And in front of Gu Nie, a gigantic, indescribably huge monster with a bull's head and black horns crawled on the starry sky.

The length of its body extends infinitely towards the rear, and Gu Nie can't see the end at a glance.

It seems to be a strange creature composed of a bull's head and a snake's body.

"This should be the so-called Akhtov." I have seen Akhtov.

The huge Akhtov lowered his head slowly, and looked at Gu Nie who looked like a small ant compared to his body.

"What an amazing Cthulhu embryo."

The words of the minotaur creatures do not belong to any language, but Gu Nie can understand them perfectly.

"I met Senior Akhtov!"

Immediately Gu Nie said respectfully.

"You know me?" Akhtov looked at Gu Nie.

"I have seen your stalwart body from ancient historical records."

If it weren't for the system, Gu Nie would naturally have no way of knowing the real name of this Akhtov.

After staring at Gu Nie for a while, Akhtov said softly, "Have they succeeded?"

Akhtov is so cute, Gu Nie naturally knows what he wants to be cute.

Gu Nie learned from Andrew that one of the goals of some powerful Cthulhus is to use Cthulhu's corpse to give birth to new Cthulhu creatures.

And Gu Nie has a Cthulhu embryo, which looks like a newly born Cthulhu creature.

No wonder Akhtov had such a question.

"At present, it seems that it has not been successful in the area of ​​​​Saint Hygar. My birth is quite special, and I was not born specifically using the corpse of Cthulhu. As for whether the great Cthulhus in other areas have achieved something, I will No way of knowing."

"It hasn't been born for such a long time, so it should be a failure." Akhtov said without the slightest fluctuation in tone.

Then Akhtov spoke in a steady tone.

"Since the birth of our Cthulhu creatures, although our group is powerful and terrifying, you must know that the Cthulhu creatures are not perfect."

"To be precise, we are too strong, which leaves us with little potential for improvement."

"Do you feel that what I said is contradictory?" Akhtov looked at Gu Nie.

"Perhaps it's because the great Cthulhu creature has reached the upper limit of its stalwart power." Gu Nie thought for a while, and responded like this.

"it's not true!"

Akhtov sighed.

"For Cthulhu creatures, the growth of strength is not static."

"For existences as powerful as the Three Pillar Gods, it is good that they are born strong, and at the same time they have grown up step by step."

"It's just that our group has been wandering in the universe and starry sky for too long, and we have long forgotten to grow stronger."

"At the same time, the great three-pillar god has not changed for too long."

"The ancient gods and old gods who are stronger than us have not changed for a long, long time.


"We are born strong, but in the long river of time, we slowly solidify and remain unchanged, let alone adapt to this world."

"When I say, we need to adapt to the world."

"My words, among my people, became words of ridicule."

"We are already strong enough, we don't need to change, and we don't need to adapt to this world. This world needs to adapt to us. This is the perception of this world by the strong people of our ethnic group."

"Blindness, ignorance, arrogance! This is my evaluation of our ethnic group."

"If the Cthulhu creature remains unchanged, it will be replaced sooner or later, won't it?"

Gu Nie couldn't help but widen his eyes.

It's hard to imagine that Akhtov, who is already at the peak of his strength, actually has such a deep understanding.

"Your wisdom is as transparent as the holy light." Gu Nie praised sincerely.

In fact, Gu Nie has already realized the disaster of the Na'er source creature and the more powerful Qiyuan creature that came in later.

Compared with the power of Cthulhu creatures.

Gu Nie thinks that this new generation of Qiyuan creatures may not be powerful.

But they will have endless potential to grow.

If the Cthulhu creatures can't kill them all, then the Cthulhu creatures will only die.

"They were too confident in their own strength."

Akhtov shook his head lightly.

"Be confident that the world must revolve around us."

Akhtov sighed slightly.

"When those Qiyuan demons descended, I vaguely sensed that something was wrong, but no one would listen to my words."

"And later, we all tasted the consequences."

"So, we started to create Cthulhu creatures and grow our group."

"However, those of us who never seek change, and those of us who don't change much ourselves, change is so easy there."

"Our flesh and blood are as rigid as our thoughts, and it is difficult to breed more powerful life."

"Fortunately, there are still some results after all."

Akhtov half-reminisced about it.

"The 'controller gods' we created have half the body of Cthulhu, and at the same time they are in charge of divine power, comprehend the profound meaning, and learn a little of our Cthulhu's power. Among them, the powerful ones are even comparable to the rulers. .”

"However, this is not enough." Akhtov shook his head.

"What we need is to be able to give birth to a race that is stronger than ourselves."

"Although the luster shining on your body is different, you are too similar to us. You must know that too much similarity may not be a good thing."

"But no matter what, your birth was an extraordinary breakthrough after all, which is a good thing."

"Compared to the birth of the same race, my research in another direction also hopes to give some help to my fellow race."

"However, the disaster came too soon."

"Before I have achieved anything, I am dead."

"Fortunately, my life form is quite special. After death, I can still maintain a certain degree of thinking activity."

"This is a peculiar method belonging to our Cthulhu creature. It can use source power, divine power, and even our Cthulhu's physical strength as a defense method."

"After studying this strange and powerful defense method, I fell into a deep sleep."

"After all, if I don't fall asleep, as time goes by, I will also enter the real eternal death."

"Now, I want to pass on the defense method I have studied to you, and I also hope that you will pass on this powerful defense method to more people."

At this time, Gu Nie finally understood what Akhtov's relic he touched this time.

This is a defense against the mighty Cthulhu creatures.

With this in mind, Gu Nie also became more cautious.

You know, this is a powerful defense method developed by Cthulhu biology.

One of the purposes of Gu Nie's coming to the Emocogu Mountain this time is to obtain these powerful means of attack or defense.

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