The county government is in the living room.

Lu Dongzan, the envoy of Tubo and the prime minister of the Tubo Kingdom, who was tied into zongzi, lay on the ground and struggled desperately.

"Chu Jie, what are you doing here!?"

"I am a special envoy

of Tubo, do you dare to do this?"

"You are trying to provoke our Tubo Kingdom, you want to test the power of our newly minted swords and guns in advance!" Lu

Dongzan's fat body continued to struggle, roaring and threatening.

Chu Jie's child's little face became deeper and deeper.

"Thief, don't talk nonsense, you don't want to be found out that you are Lu Dongzan, and it just so happens that the official doesn't want to be found out that you are Lu Dongzan.

"In that case, today you are not a special envoy of Tubo, an official, or a Chang'an order.

Chu Jie said with a sneer.

"Then what is the relationship between the two of us? No grievances and no hatred, what are you doing with me?" Lu

Dongzan even forgot about the struggle at this time, he couldn't figure out Jie's routine at all.

"What's the relationship, the relationship between enemies!" Chu

Jie said with a sneer.

"Enemy, why do you talk about hatred?" Lu

Dongzan asked through gritted teeth.

"You have set up such a shameless poisonous plan as capturing the princess of the Tang Dynasty, and you have to come to Chang'an to implement it in person, you want to fool us Tang people personally.

"Once your plan succeeds, I can't run away, those sergeants at the East Gate can't run away, and the Cheng family can't run away.

"Then you are like Zhuge Liang, you want to sing what Zhou Lang's clever plan to calm the world on the boat crossing the river, and you lose your wife and fold this kind of pretending language.

"So you stupid dog thought you were smart and sent to Lao Tzu's men, although you didn't succeed, but your heart can be punished. "

Of course, I'm going to mess you up.

Chu Jie said with a sneer.


Lu Dongzan, the prime minister, was suddenly frightened by Chu Jie's almost monster IQ.

Not only did he catch him squarely, but he also guessed all his careful thoughts, how terrifying is this?

However, he did not do so much for the sake of pretending, but the most important thing was to gain political capital.

There has been such a great feat as personally capturing the princess in the Tang Dynasty and dedicating it to the king, and such a thing cannot be replicated for the second time in the world.

He is definitely famous in history, and there is no one before or since.

In the future, no one could match the prestige of his family!

However, his dream was destroyed almost in the first half day of the implementation of the plan.

"You kid, can't you be a monster?" Lu

Dongzan scolded hatefully.

"Let's do it, treat it well!" Chu

Jie sneered and waved his hand.

One of the yacha grabbed him by the ear and lifted him up, while the other wrapped his face in sackcloth and pressed him to the ground.

"Chu Jie, what do you want? You

dare to touch me?" "Aren't you afraid that our army will come here and force you to die?"

Lu Dongzan, who was pressed to the ground, yelled in horror because his face was covered and he couldn't see anything.

"Hehe, the pot of war, this official is destined to be unable to carry it, because your subordinates who used to transport Princess Changle away only succeeded in committing suicide four times.

"Next, the official has his own way of priing open their mouths and making them confess.

"When the time comes, the entire Datang will be angry and demand to fight back. "

Provoking a war?" is not the crime of this official.

Chu Jie said coldly.

"You...... You ......"

Lu Dongzan, who was pressed to the ground, was about to scold, and his face was trampled on by a yacha.

Immediately, a large bucket of water was slowly poured on his face through the cloth.

A magical scene appeared.

"Ah, Chu Jie, you let go of

me!" "

Let go of me!"


At this scene, the officials who watched the execution were all confused.

They subconsciously glanced at the bucket in their hands.

The water in it is all well water from the backyard of the county government, and almost the entire people of the county government are drinking.

Why did a person like Lu Dongzan be embarrassed to be like this when he fell into a piece of cloth wrapped around the prisoner's face?

Without beating or scolding, let alone any torture such as soldering irons and hand clipping, Lu Dongzan and others were already yelling and struggling hoarsely.

"Keep pouring until this grandson is called grandpa.

Chu Jie said expressionlessly.

Waterboarding is a punishment from the Hereafter.

If the burning simply caused severe pain and was endured by professionally trained or strong-willed soldiers, then waterboarding was absolutely inexorable.

Spraying water through a cloth can cause a strong feeling of drowning.

It was a fear from the depths of the soul.

Not only is it mentally tormented, but also physically triggers violent reactions.

Emphysema, dry drowning, tachycardia, and a strong feeling of suffocation.

The human nervous system can also go wrong, and the respiratory system will receive two very different commands, one is to hold the breath, the other is to increase the breathing rate with the heartbeat, and then use the strongest signal to urge the person to flee quickly.

This is simply not tolerated by training.

Even if he was a soldier of the most elite special forces in later generations, at most he would resist for a while longer than a normal person, let alone a Tubo man who did not touch water all year round?

At this time, Lu Dongzan, who was lying on the wet ground, had already begun to go crazy with the scream accompanied by a strong cough.

"Stop, stop!!!, you devil, ahhhh



There was dripping water everywhere on my body, and I couldn't tell which ones were cold sweat and which ones were well water.

"Let go!" Chu

Jie waved his hand.

One of the yacha grabbed the piece of wet cloth wrapped around Lu Dongzan's face and tore it open.

Lu Dongzan's pig's liver-colored face was revealed.

He was still coughing violently just now, and he was already angry at this time.

Like a big fat fish that has been caught, he lies motionless on the ground, his eyes frightened.

"You...... It's terrible......"

Lu Dongzan, who coughed constantly, his face was purple, his eyes were blank, and he muttered to himself.

"Thank you for the compliment, now, can you tell the official what you did?"

Chu Jie replied expressionlessly.

"There's no reason I've set up so many smoke grenades...... How the hell did you find me...... "

Shouldn't you go to that damn Hou Junji at this time...... cough cough ......"

Lu Dongzan, who was already rolling his eyes like a dead fish, had a look of disbelief on his pig's liver-colored face at this time.

"Smoke bombs, hehe, since the official knows that the biggest suspicion of the princess being tied up is you Tubo, why should the official be led by your nose

?" "You are as stupid as

you as you are?"

Chu Jie sneered.

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