Tales of the Reincarnated Lord

Chapter 419: �第�

Chapter 419-War begins

On July 5th, 1781, the General Calendar of the Gailint subcontinent, the Four Northern Alliances of the Antinac Kingdom and the Feisabrun family suddenly launched an offensive against the Principality of Sabaki, the four principalities of the central part.

On July 6, the Flying Tiger Legion armed by the Norton family launched a fierce attack on the station of the Second Legion of the Sabagi Principality in Limad Province. The Second Legion of the Principality finally collapsed after a long period of resistance. The commander of the Legion Golden Knight Merlin De led the remnants of the Legion to escape fortunately in the dark, and fled to the Duchy of Fakel...

On July 9th, the Shahin Family Legion of the four alliances of the Northland and the noble coalition besieged Meishan Castle. The Grand Duke Sabaki saw flags and bonfires everywhere outside the city. Roughly estimated that the enemy was no less than 100,000, he was hit by the bluff of Earl Shahin. He didn't dare to send out the First Army of the Principality to fight with the enemy in the field, waiting for reinforcements at Meishan Castle.

On July 11, the Pegasus Legion of Count Felim and the Reserve Legion led by Archduke Fesabrunn and the Third Border Ranger Regiment arrived in Chixes Province and began to burn, kill, and loot. Chixes Provincial Soldiers were in a panic and raging. The province of Zamora in the Duchy of Faker, which is adjacent to Chixes Province, and the Province of Forivod in the Duchy of Forlundo, were shocked when the police heard that the three legions that had gone to the Duchy of Sabaj for reinforcements hurriedly accelerated their pace. Go to the province of Samora.

The surprise attack launched by Lorist this time really caught the Four Central Duchy by surprise. For the Central Four Principalities, what they are most concerned about is the movements of the Second Highness, but they don't pay much attention to the Four North Alliance. This is actually a blind spot of the spies sent, and there is also a problem of the effectiveness of intelligence.

Since the Central Four Principalities sent troops to reinforce the Fisabrun family in the Southern Province and the Northland’s Four Alliance’s family armed forces in a general battle, they were beaten and fled in embarrassment. The Central Four Principalities and the Northern Alliance have been in Because of the hostile position, the Principality of Sabaki, which is adjacent to the Southern Province, formed the Principality's Second Army and deployed it in Limad Province, stiffened the walls and cleared the land, and cut off traffic. Count Philim of Southern Province also dispatched Pegasus regiments to patrol the border, and the two sides looked like enemy countries.

This resulted in a result of a lack of information. The secret report of the four northern states sent by the four principalities of central China about the four alliances in the north was transmitted from the southern province to the imperial capital, and then from the southwestern provinces to the Principality of Handra, and then to Saba. Principality of Kyrgyzstan. Obviously it is two neighboring provinces, but it takes two or three months to pass a secret report in a big circle.

It has been three years since the offensive and defensive battle in the Southern Province. The information about the four Northland alliances obtained by the Central Four Duchy was nothing more than the battle between the Feisabrun family and the Norton family. For example, the Rock Army attacked Mount Baldorridge and Set up defensive positions on the border between the Southern Province and the Eastern Desolation Province to appear as a long-term garrison, and the Archduke Fesabrun led the cavalry to defeat the Norton family’s Cavalry Regiment in Makinohara Province, and the Felim family in the south. The development and construction of the family territory of the province, etc...

The Central Four Principalities finally relieved their minds. Compared with the Second Highness, the attention of the Northland Four Alliances is not on the Central Four Principalities' side. They have been entangled with the Fei Sablon family. It seems that before the two sides have a victory or defeat, they will not target the four central principalities. After understanding this, the four central princes are very regretful. It shouldn’t be because the four Northland alliances are the nobles of the Antinac kingdom that they have listened to the slander of the Fei Sablon family and sent troops to reinforce the Fei Sablon, which not only offended them. After the four alliances in the Northland, they also suffered a big defeat, consuming the six to seventy thousand elite infantry of the principality.

In three years, the four principalities of central China have already relaxed their guard against the four Northland alliances. In their view, Duke Feisabrun dragged the Northland four alliances on the northeastern prairie. The Northland four alliances were basically No time or energy to deal with the four principalities in central China. So they turned their attention to the Second Royal Highness. They knew very well that His Highness's betrayal of the Central Four Principalities was deeply hateful, and they were staring at the Central Four Principalities all the time. Regarding the Second Highness, who is known as a new generation of military gods, they dare not care about it at all.

Last year the Second His Royal Highness was successfully promoted to the first-level Great Swordsman, which scared the four great princes of the Central Four Duchy, and then the Second His Royal Highness to patrol the northeastern region made their eyes wide open. It is a pity that the Second Highness successfully persuaded the Grand Duke Fesabrunn to return to the Kingdom of Antinac, and was preparing to accompany the news of the Four Central Duchys. The spies quickly circulated a large circle and sent him to the Four Central Duchys. It's the end of May. Even if the four principalities in the central region immediately formed a legion, it would take a certain amount of time, so that their reinforcement legion did not reach the Sabaj Principality.

The military system of the four principalities in central China is basically that each principality has only one standing legion, and the Sabaj principality is a special case. Once an enemy invades, the Principality will recruit young men and expand the standing legion into two legions in half, so that the combat effectiveness will not drop much by the way of veterans and recruits. Then the two regiments stayed on the front line, and then rotated after a period of time.

After receiving the exact news that the Second Royal Highness was going to attack the four principalities in the central region through the Southern Province, the Principality of Handra, the Principality of Fakel and the Principality of Volendo all carried out combat mobilization, expanded the army and sent a second army to Limad province. At the same time, he closely watched the movements of the Second Highness. From the perspective of the four principalities in the central part, the Second Highness will return to the imperial capital, and then transfer the White Lions from the borders of the two southwestern provinces to the southern province. The light march will arrive in August, and it will definitely be mid-August for the attack. At that time, the reinforcements arrived in Lidmar Province early to set up a defensive line, waiting for the White Lions to come and smash their heads.

Therefore, the four principalities of central China are not in a hurry, and everything is proceeding step by step. They did not expect that Lorist would not wait for the arrival of the Second Highness and suddenly attacked fifty days in advance. This made the four princes who received the news almost all dumbfounded. Didn’t it mean that the Second Highness and the White Lion Corps had just entered Dremque? Wouldn't they join the two heavy armoured regiments of the Duke of Kenmes? Judging from the progress of the infantry on the road, it would take them at least a month to get to the Southern Province. Why did the aristocratic coalition and Fesabrunn family forces in the North begin to attack? Are they not afraid of the thunderous fury of the Second Highness?

When news of the front line reached the ears of Duke Fakel and Duke Frundo, they were really anxious. The Pegasus Legion of Count Felim and the two light cavalry regiments of Grand Duke Fesabrun have frequently entered theirs. Villages and towns were looted in the Principality. It is said that they not only needed money and property, but even the residents were forced to move. The two grand princes shouted at the Fisabrun family for ungratefulness, and at the same time they urgently called up young men to form armed forces to garrison at the border to set up a defensive line, and at the same time asked for help from Grand Duke Handra. Now none of them care about Grand Duke Sabaki who is trapped in Meishan Castle.

It's just that the armed forces of the four central states are mostly infantry and lack mounts. One of the main purposes of their willingness to send troops to support the Feisabrun family was to get a sufficient and stable supply of horses. It is a pity that this plan was destroyed by the four alliances in the Northland. Lorester wanted to cut off the business route of the Fesabrunn family to the Central Four Duchy. What he didn't expect was that the way the Central Four Duchy obtained the horse was also shattered.

Even some of the war horses of the four central dukes were mostly in the hands of the nobles in the territory. There were not enough war horses to build a large-scale cavalry force. As a result, they faced the Pegasus Legion, the Reserve Legion and the Third Border Ranger Regiment. The harassment, guerrilla, and captivity of the hussars, the garrison forces of the Duchy of Fakel and Frente have been passively beaten. This situation did not come to an end until the three reinforcements formed by the three principalities arrived at the border of the province of Samora.

However, the three reinforcements stabilized the borders of the Duchy of Fakel, while the Duchy of Forundo on the other side suffered. The Grand Duke of Fesabrun and the Earl of Felim negotiated, leaving the Third Border Ranger regiment to contain Samoy. The three reinforcement regiments arranged on the border of the province of Latin America led the reserve regiment and the Pegasus regiment to drove straight in from the governor of Forivod in the Principality of Forando, and reached under Pedro, the capital of the Principality of Forando. For a while, the warning was issued. The wolf smoke spread throughout the Principality of Frondo, and Grand Duke Frundo took care of this and lost the other, while sticking to the towns and important places of the Principality, he eagerly asked for help from the Grand Duke Handra and Faker.

After breaking through the garrison of the Second Legion of the Sabaj Principality, Lorist ordered the Flying Tiger Legion to continue to attack, destroy all the castle fortresses, and capture the village fortress in Limad Province. At the same time, the accompanying two cavalry regiments were ordered to conduct search and arrest activities across the province. Whether they were broken soldiers or residents, all the arrests were handed over to the guards of the two guards and returned to the north.

It took more than half a month for Tiger Ross to lead the Flying Tiger Legion to Meishan Castle and rendezvous with the Shaxin Family Armed Legion. At this time, the entire Limad province has been cleaned up hastily by Lorist, leaving only ruins that are devastated everywhere, and no one is left...

Duke Sabagi, who was trapped in Meishan Castle, finally decided to break through. Although Meishan Castle is called a castle, it is actually an expanded city centered on the castle. The population of the entire city is nearly 70,000. In addition, the number of residents who have fled into the city has exceeded 100,000, although there are enough manpower to guard it. , The stored food is enough for so many people to eat for a year, but the Grand Duke Sabagi who is trapped in the castle is very disturbed. For more than 20 days, he did not sit still, and he often sent troops to fight against the besieged Count Shaheen’s family armed army, but he did not get any benefits in the hands of Shaheen.

The reason is simple, Earl Shaheen used a deep ditch barrier to besiege Meishan Castle. Meishan Castle has gates on only three sides. The configuration of the Shaxin Family Armed Corps is two light infantry regiments and two light cavalry regiments. Earl Shaheen asked the two light infantry regiments to establish two defensive camps in front of the two side gates, and the front was handed over to the noble coalition forces to guard. Their task was to hold on to the camp when they were attacked by the First Army of the Principality of Sabaki, while Earl Shaheen personally led two light cavalry regiments to counterattack.

Using bluffing to stop him, he confuses Grand Duke Sabagi for a few days, and during this time Earl Shahin established three camps urgently. When Grand Duke Sabaki wakes up, the camp has been built. Grand Duke Sabaki once sent three corps of 30,000 to attack the camp on the north side, but under the attack of the two light cavalry regiments led by Baron Shaheen, he was beaten and abandoned and lost more than 5,000 men.

So Grand Duke Sabagi never had the idea of ​​attacking again. Although Grand Duke Sabagi is a first-level great swordsman, his great swordsman is not really talented and promoted successfully. Instead, he used countless precious medicinal materials and heaven and earth treasures to forcibly improve his realm before he was promoted to the great sword. Master, so he was very sorry, never led his troops to charge into the battle, and even the second great swordsman who was guarding him would not send him into battle. Otherwise, Earl Shaxin might suffer a big loss.

After staying at Meishan Castle for more than 20 days, Grand Duke Sabagi also sent out many help-seeking messengers and spies, but they didn’t have much to come back, and only two or three of them came back. The news they brought back was very bad. , Especially the news of the Duchy of Falkel and Principality of Frundo made the Grand Duke Sabagi fall into the abyss. The Principality of Falker was able to hold the border, and the Principality of Frondo could not protect itself. It was obvious that they could no longer come to rescue themselves. There is only one dead end in Meishan Castle. So when Grand Duke Sabagi found out that the Flying Tiger Legion of the Norton family had reached the city, he had only one thought, to get out of the danger as soon as possible...

Tiger Ross also never expected that he was going to let the Flying Tigers rest for a day, and then attack Meishan Castle the day after tomorrow. He had to take a good rest no matter how far he was. As a result, in the middle of the night, the gate of Meishan Castle suddenly opened. The First Army of Sabaki Principality attacked from the gate on the south side. While sending a corps to attack the front camp, large troops bypassed the camp towards Chixes Province. Flee in a hurry. Tiger Ross and Earl Shaheen just lay down and heard the alarm. They thought that Grand Duke Sabagi wanted to attack at night. They sent people to support and sent people to alert. It took an hour before they felt wrong, and then some soldiers reported that the gate of Meishan Castle It was left open, and the immediately attacked camp also sent a report that a large force from the Principality of Sabaj had bypassed the camp.

Tiger Ross and Earl Shaheen suddenly realized that they hurriedly led the cavalry to pursue the escaped Grand Duke Sabaki, and at the same time sent people to occupy Meishan Castle and sent a messenger to report to Lorist. No one had expected that Meishan Castle would fall into the hands so easily. Lorist hurriedly rushed to Meishan Castle with a cavalry regiment.

Lorist arrived just in time, and the swords were drawn in front of Meishan Castle, and they were about to merge. The reason is very simple. Tiger Rose took two Lancers and Chariot Steel Crossbow Regiment and Earl Shahin took two Hussars to chase down the Grand Duke Sabaki and the first regiment of the principality. The remaining regiment and Shahin The two light infantry regiments of the earl captured Meishan Castle. At this time, the more than 10,000 aristocratic coalition forces who assisted in besieging Meishan Castle quit. They asked to enter Meishan Castle to harvest the spoils they deserved. Because no one could call the shots, the aristocratic coalition was stopped outside the city gate, so they were very angry~www.wuxiaspot.com~ began to curse and clashed with the guarding soldiers.

Looking at the aristocratic coalition yelling "Enter the city, grab money, grab women!", Lorist cut the mess quickly, gathered all the nobles of the territory and quickly allocated the spoils. The Norton family dignitaries, Earl Shaheen wants wealth. So it's very simple. The residents of the city were taken away by the Norton family. All the property in the central castle of Meishan Castle, the palace where the Grand Duke Sabaki lived, belongs to Earl Shahin. As for all the residential areas in the city, all the residential areas are divided into areas for the nobles to draw lots. Which piece is drawn is up to them. Everyone is resigned to the fate of the money they get in the raid. Lorist will send a cavalry squad to patrol, and anyone who crosses the border and provokes a dispute will be severely punished...

Although some aristocrats were aggrieved that there was no woman to let them vent, they finally agreed to this fairer distribution requirement due to the threat of Lorist's powerful strength. As the lottery ended, the soldiers of the regiment and the cavalry regiment left by the Flying Tiger Corps began to drive the residents of Meishan Castle out of the city along the street. Soon, tragic howls and screams began to sound throughout the city...

Lorist closed his eyes and said to Genorio: "Go and tell the residents that we are saving them by driving them out of the city. If we let them fall into the hands of the noble coalition forces, they will cry without crying. of……"


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