Tales of the Reincarnated Lord

Chapter 373: Ready to field

Chapter 373 Preparation for Field Battle

"Dangdang" A rough wooden raft fell down and formed a wooden bridge across a three-meter-wide trench. A centurion of the Principality of Handra, wearing a black iron helmet with iron leather armor and a bunch of white feathers stuck in it, shouted, "Hurry, hurry up and push the second trolley over!"

A black shadow resembled lightning, and with a "swish" from far to near, the centurion's body flew up, and the crossbow shot from the tower took him three or four meters away, and the centurion fell on the ground. He struggled with his hand to touch the tail shaft of the crossbow bolt that penetrated his chest, but as soon as he struggled, he spit out blood, then rolled his eyes and died...

The centurion’s death caused chaos in the squad of hundreds under his command, but immediately another centurion rushed over. He was not brave and dared to stand by the trench, but hid in a car. After the shield car built with logs, loudly yelling and cursing finally calmed down the team of hundred people who were pushing a few cars and continued to push the cars. At the same time, the centurion commanded his centuries longbow team to launch a lob shot at the three front towers.

This is the second offensive and defensive war in the southern province. It was July 4th, 1778 in Gailint, and it has been a month since the first offensive and defensive war in the southern province. In the past month, the armed forces of the Fesabrunn family and the reinforcements of the four central principalities cut down several nearby mountains and built a large number of offensive equipment and two-wheeled shield vehicles for defensive crossbow arrows. They are well prepared and fully prepared. After the break, he once again attacked the family forces of the four Northland alliances under the command of Lorist.

From the defensive position of the Rock Legion’s large camp to the relatively flat and wide space on the left side for more than ten miles, there are beacons, lights, swords, horns, screams, and the sound of war drums. Both the attacking and the defending soldiers. , The only wish at the moment is to defeat the enemy and let himself survive.

Looking down from a height, the elite infantry of the central four principalities are like the waves at high tide, surging up one after another, and the towers are like reefs in the huge waves, welcoming time after time. The impact still stands. All the crossbow arrows fired from the sentry towers that were under attack even shot up blossoms of blood in the turbulent crowd...

However, in the past month, the troops of the four principalities in central China have prepared a large number of siege equipment. Dealing with these towers is nothing short of a sledgehammer. Trench vehicles are pushed to the trenches and the wooden platoons are lowered, and the trenches are lost. In order to block the attack, the two-wheeled shield vehicles built with logs covered the attacking soldiers and went straight to the sentry tower. The soldiers wielding the giant axe opened the thick wooden gates that entered and exited the sentry tower, and the battle was soon at the sentry. The tower started. There were even wood-hit siege vehicles pushed under the sentry tower. After two or three hits on the sentry tower, large holes were cut out. The soldiers guarding the sentry tower were forced to rush out and start life and death with the attacking enemy. Fight, fall one by one...

The grass-barbarian cavalry attacked the defense position of the Rock Legion camp, but the 20,000 grass-barbarians who launched the attack were dismounted and turned into infantry. They also pushed the trench carts, the log two-wheeled shield vehicle and the wooden siege vehicle. The Fiesabrun family’s third border ranger escorted the offensive, but their cooperation did not have the dexterity of the infantry of the four central principalities. They attacked three times and took more than two hours except for the three front trenches. There was no progress after two or three thousand corpses were left outside the five trench cars.

Lorester was stationed on a mound in the middle of the camp, watching the savage infantry in front of the camp's defensive position again leaving one or two hundred corpses and retreating. But his face was gloomy. There is not a hint of joy in repelling the enemy. . Because Lorist just received a report that the 47 outposts at the forefront of the flat on the left were either captured and collapsed and set ablaze or fell into the enemy’s hands. The family soldiers guarding these 47 outposts were basically all fighting. Die, the guard tower dug three trenches all around to surround the guard tower, so that the soldiers guarding the guard tower could not evacuate, and could only choose to die with the enemy.

It’s a cocoon. The tower tactics have a very good restraint effect against light cavalry, but it has no effect against infantry who are good at attacking fortifications. Especially the enemy has rich experience in attacking fortifications and is good at making all kinds of siege equipment, and they also If you are willing to pay a higher price of casualties, you can push it flat when the enemy's strength is dominant. The soldiers guarding the sentry tower are almost the turtles in the urn, and they can only fight the enemy to death in order to get their money.

I still don't have enough experience. The tactics of using hot weapons in the cold weapon era are not applicable. No matter how strong the steel crossbow is, it can't penetrate the shield car built of logs. If the shield built with logs relies on manpower, then concentrated steel crossbows can be cracked, but if the enemy installs the shield built with logs on a two-wheeled vehicle, there is no way. With a support point, even if the shield is fired and burst, it will not affect the people hiding behind. . Coupled with the trench cart, the enemy would have no firing angle as long as the steel crossbow approached the sentry tower, and the guards of the sentry tower had to fight the enemy in close quarters.

"Is Tiger Rose still holding on to it?" Lorist asked.

"His Royal Highness, Lord Rose still insisted on staying, but when he led a Lancer regiment to support the front line of the first sentry tower, he was covered by the enemy's longbow lob and injured a lot..." the messenger replied.

"How could this happen? Didn't the steel crossbow fight back?" Lorist was a little angry.

"His Royal Highness, the chariot steel crossbow could not go forward. It was blocked by the trenches after the third line of defense, and the range was not enough. Lord Rose also led the Lancers to pass through the intersections of the trenches on the first line of defense. To the enemy's longbowman's lob..." said the messenger.

Lorist wanted to slap himself very much, but obviously it was his fault. He arranged three guard tower defense lines on the flat ground on the left for more than ten miles. The first and second are separated by more than two hundred meters, and the third The road and the second road are separated by more than three hundred meters. The problem is that the guard towers of the first and second lines of defense have been ordered to dig trenches between the guard towers and the guard towers. If you want to pass, you have to turn around for a long time. I thought it could block the enemy's attack, but the enemy used it. Trenching the car makes the trench useless. These trenches did not increase the difficulty for the enemy, but now they have become a problem that hinders the frontiers of reinforcements.

Ugh! I thought that I used the sentry tower tactics to restrain the performance of the Fesabrunn family light cavalry. Everyone was applauded. So when I ordered the trench to be dug, no one raised objections, and now I know I made a big mistake. No, Lorist couldn’t stay here at the camp. He turned around and said to El: “Send someone to inform Bodfinger. I’ll go to the left-wing Ross on the battlefield and let him hold the camp. By the way, here’s Don’t move the flag. Don’t go with me in your guard camp to avoid too much movement. Just let Reddy take a squadron to follow me. Also, order the Perak’s Catapult Battalion in Orviz and the Raging Bear Knights in Terman. Secretly move to the left wing to stand by. Since the four central principalities have worked so hard for the old fellow Feisabrun, then just leave it there."

"Yes, Your Highness." El turned around and confessed a few words, and the three guards rode down the mound.

"Er, if these savage barbarians in front of the camp suddenly and desperately attack, you can let Bodfinger gradually withdraw and give way to the front defensive position, as long as you can hold the camp. In addition, if the battle is urgent, you can bring a guard. The battalion went into the war on its own, do you understand?" As he was about to pull the horse away, Lorist remembered something, and once again told El a few words before taking Sward, Reddy and a hundred guards to the left. go with.

"His Royal Highness, why are you here?" A blood-stained bandage was wrapped around Tiger Rose's left shoulder.

"Why is the lottery?" Lorist asked concerned.

Tiger Rose smiled embarrassedly: "I rushed too fast. I was shot by the longbowmen. I didn't notice it. As a result, I got a piercing cone arrow in the shoulder. Fortunately, the shoulder armor was strong and only opened. A small bite, it hurts the skin and flesh, don’t worry."

"Is it all right? Is there any poisoning, has the pharmacist seen it?"

"I've seen it, and I poured a bottle of antidote. The wounds are taken care of. It doesn't affect my battle, you see..." Tiger Rose also pretended to relax his left hand: "Your Highness, don't do it for me. I'm worried about this little injury, it's fine."

Lorist nodded and turned to look forward, when the battlefield had calmed down.

"His Royal Highness, the enemy is resting. Although they have captured the forty-seven outposts of the first line of defense at the forefront, their casualties are not low. I estimate that they are more than 10,000. The soldiers guarding the outposts are basically One for two or three is not a loss," Tiger Ross quickly introduced the situation.

Because this is a flat terrain, Lorist’s arrangement here is basically three towers connected in the shape of a character. Although the elite infantry of the four principalities in the central country captured these 47 towers, they The casualties paid by myself are also very large. Lorist looked far away with a single telescope, and he could see that the infantrymen of the four central principalities were busy cleaning up the battlefield, carrying the bodies of their dead soldiers one by one on the carriage and transporting them to the rear. There are also some soldiers resting and reconditioning. Several brigades transferred from the rear are overhauling the offensive equipment. If you listen carefully, you can hear the faint sound of repairing log shields from there.

I looked up and looked at the position of the sun in the sky. It is still around 10 to 11 in the morning. It is very likely that the enemy will launch an offensive after lunch. The plan of the central four principalities should be to break through the defense line of the guard tower on this flat ground. The superiority of troops occupy this place, and then the border ranger of the Fesabrun family can go around from here to the rear of the camp to carry out harassment and guerrilla, forcing Lorist to withdraw from the southern province.

"Order, the guard soldiers in the second line of defense sentry tower packed up the steel crossbows, and immediately withdrew from the sentry tower." Lorister ordered.

Tiger Rose was shocked: "His Royal Highness, no, there are guards from the guard towers. The four principalities in the central region want to conquer our three lines of defense. At least they will lose more than half of their troops. At that time, although we sacrificed more than 10,000 of these three lines of defense. The guard tower guards the soldiers, but we can easily clean up the remaining enemies..."

Lorist shook his head: "Our family soldiers shouldn't fight the enemy like this. Even if it is one to ten, I think it's too bad. And when they capture our three lines of defense, I believe in the frontier defenses of the Fesabrun family. It is time for the Rangers and the Reserve Army to play. The enemy will never leave us a chance to clean up and retaliate against the infantry of the four principalities in the central part. Once those rangers get through this gap to our rear, we will lose it. The initiative of the entire battlefield. Withdrawing the guard tower does not mean that we will not fight. In fact, when we guard the guard tower, we have given up our advantage..."

"Advantage?" Tiger Rose blinked in confusion: "Your Highness, what is our advantage?"

Lorist laughed: "Although we have fewer troops than the enemy, our advantage is offensive and field battles. You will not forget it? Look at the distance between this and the second line of defense. The total is three hundred and forty. At a distance of more than ten meters, this flat land is more than ten miles long, enough to hold a hundred thousand horses. We are here along the third line of defense. The guard tower will start a battle. The enemy must start a field battle with us if we want to break through this line of defense. On the sentry tower on the second line of defense, the enemy will want to rely on the advantage of victory and strength to start a field battle with us. Hehe, as for the field battle, who are we afraid of?"

Lorist’s plan is very simple. The two golden knights of Tiger Ross and Pachiko each led a Flying Tiger regiment and a Pegasus regiment of the Felim family. A total of 50,000 horses were placed in battle on the left and right wings, while Malek’s The chariot steel crossbow regiment and the light cavalry regiment, one of the two regiments sent by Earl Shaheen, and the heavy infantry regiment sent by the Kenmes family as the center, had nearly 40,000 men. Set up a font battle formation. The four coalitions in the Northland are about 90,000 troops, plus the light infantry regiment of Earl Shaheen who is guarding the guard tower on the third defensive line and the guard soldiers who withdrew from the guard tower on the second defensive line. The total strength is around 100,000.

The retreat of the guards guarding the guards on the second defensive line quickly alarmed the enemies who were resting on the first defensive line~www.wuxiaspot.com~ They discovered that the guards of the guards abandoned the guard tower and rushed out soon Coming over, they occupied the deserted guard tower, and burst into cheers. It can be seen that the occupation of the second defensive line greatly boosted the morale of the enemy. However, they soon saw the family armed forces of the four Northland alliances in front of the third defensive line, and the cheers gradually fell. Perhaps they have realized that although a cruel battle has been avoided, more **** field battles are waiting for them...

Soon the enemy reacted. The enemy who occupied the second line of defense first began to use the guard tower to guard against sneak attacks. Then a large group of soldiers with various tools came up to landfill the second line. The trenches on the defensive line, and then the shield cars built with logs, were pushed to the forefront to form a line, and finally the infantry battalions moved forward in battle formation.

"It seems that the enemy is preparing for a field battle with us, but it is estimated that it will take a few hours for them to adjust, blow the rest horn, so that everyone can relax and rest, and is responsible for the logistical and rebellious rebellion, so that everyone has a good meal. I have enough energy and energy to prepare for the afternoon fight." Lorist ordered.

"Yes, Your Highness."

……(To be continued.)

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