Tales of the Reincarnated Lord

Chapter 175: Bingcheng

?The 175th chapter ice city hits a sheep

Lorester stood on the wall and looked around, wherever he looked, there were groups of monsters. The central town of District 6 is like a small sampan floating on the ocean of Warcraft, and is in danger of capsize at any time.

After three days and nights of endless watering and splashing the wall, the original wall made of mud has become a thick ice wall. Everyone breathed a sigh of relief. Some were overworked and even fell asleep directly after lying down...

"My lord, you should go to rest. I haven't closed my eyes for three days." North came to Lorist's side with a very respectful attitude.

If it hadn’t been for Lorist to bring people to the central town and figure out a way to water and splash the walls to build an ice city, then facing such a huge wave of Warcraft without precautions, maybe this central town in the sixth district It can't be kept. More than 13,000 lives will be turned into powder under the hooves of the group of monsters.

Lorist’s eyes were a little red. He shook his head and said, “It’s okay, I’m still staying. I’ll stay for a while to see how the beasts under the wall reflect on the ice wall...”

Now the closest to the city wall is the troll yak two to three meters tall. These big guys weighing more than one or two kilograms are the most grumpy demon cows. They are huge, covered with brown-black long hair, and have thick and sharp horns. It is recognized as one of the most difficult Warcraft. In addition to the garrison crossbow, only golden knights or swordsmen can cause damage to these demon cows.

Most of the land near the central town has undergone preliminary reclamation, and there are very few lichen moss that these herbivorous beasts love, so the beasts on these lands are not dense. But what the guards on the wall saw were those troll yaks who were turning over the snow and eating winter wheat seedlings...

"Oh, all the winter wheat we planted is finished, and it's been ruined by these beasts..." North was frustrated.

"If the winter wheat is gone, we think of ways to grow other grains. Potatoes, millet, and millet are all okay. These do not need to survive the winter. The important thing is that if we want to take root here, we have to find ways to compete with these monsters. This year we were The Warcraft wave was caught off guard, but it won't be so easy next year. They ruined our winter wheat. Then leave the meat on them as compensation..." Lorist said viciously.

A troll yak with a height of three meters walked under the ice wall and scratched its body very comfortably on the ice wall...

Lorist and North were speechless...

After noon, the troll yak near the center wall left, and Lorist let go. After eating something, I went to rest.

It was a good night's sleep, but Lorester was still woken up in his sleep, and Pat's anxious face was imprinted in his eyes, "My lord, my lord. Wake up soon, the monster is in town!" "

What? World of Warcraft?

Lorist hadn't reflected yet, the bed next to El, who slept drowsily, opened his sleepy eyes: "Nonsense, the seven-meter-high city wall, and the Warcraft has no siege ladder, how did they get up? ?"

Pat grabbed El in the past, pushed directly to the window, and carefully opened a gap: "Open your eyes and see clearly, this city wall is not a monster, what is it?"

As soon as the window opened, a gust of cold wind rushed into the room, and for a while everyone couldn't help but fought a cold war. Refreshed. Josk next door also came over with his clothes, and he looked through the window and said: "Strange, how did these magic sheep get on the city wall?"

Lorist laughed: "It's no surprise. These monsters are called Panshan horned sheep. They are best at climbing cliffs and avoiding predators. Our city wall is only seven meters high, which is a piece of cake for them. Dressed and we set off today. There is fresh mutton to eat, the mutton delivered to the door, don’t let it go for nothing. By the way, be careful of being hit by these magic sheep. It is said that these magic sheep often choose to crash into the natural enemy when they can’t escape the hunt and kill of the natural enemy. Falling off the cliff will all die..."

"Are they easy to deal with?" Josk asked, he hadn't seen this kind of magic sheep.

"On the flat ground, a bronze step can handle three or four heads." Lorist replied.

"Cut. I was shocked. It turned out to be a bad guy. He would climb up the wall. This is what..." Pat felt embarrassed. He woke everyone up for these guys. He knew that. Go up by yourself.

"It's okay, are you ready? Let's go hunting sheep." Lorister rushed out the door first.

The sky was not bright yet, but it was not too dark. The wooden house where Lorist lived was very close to the city wall. As soon as they came out, they attracted the attention of the Panshan horn sheep on the city wall, and there was a bleating sound.

"Don't go to the city, just in the open space below, light the torch." Lorist ordered.

Sure enough, the bleating above the torch point became more anxious, and even the anger and irritability of these panshan horn sheep could be heard.

There was a rush of running, and a large group of dark shadows rushed down the **** of the city, and slammed into a few people in the clearing. Pat banged his shield in his hand and collided with the first impacted panshan horn sheep. He settled down and took root and remained motionless, but the panshan horn sheep fell somersault after being hit.

"Killing." Lorist gave an order, and the corpse of a sheep with mountain horns crossed the ground for thirty or so.

"I still take the initiative to attack such a dish, I don't know what to say about these sheep." El commented.

Lorist smiled: "Such dishes are also beasts, don't you see that their eyes are red, attack when you see people. If you are in Manyuan, these panshan horned sheep are known for being timid, and they can escape quickly when they see their natural enemies. . We can go to the city, there are still up there, everyone be careful."

When I went to the city and looked out, everyone couldn’t help but start talking. Under the city walls, and even on the ice walls, there were panshan horn sheep everywhere. Those magic sheep who climbed the city just habitually looked for high places for the night, and from time to time there were heads of panshan horn Sheep climbed the city wall.

It's just that as soon as these panshan horn sheep found Lorist and the others, their eyes reddened and slammed over, but they lay down on the wall soon.

Going around the city wall for a week, killing no less than a thousand devil sheep, at this time has already alarmed the guards in the town, North and the people rushed to the city wall, fighting with the endless stream of devil sheep.

It was not until the sky was bright that half of the Panshan horn sheep regrouped into a large group and left the central town.

Lorist and others were covered in sheep's blood, and the walls of the walls were covered with frozen Panshan horn sheep.

North was also covered in blood stains, and rushed over with a look of shame: "My lord, it was the negligence of his subordinates. No one was allowed to watch the night on the wall last night..."

Lorist waved his hand and smiled: "It's okay. We are facing Warcraft, not a siege enemy. I also told you not to let the guards disturb the group of warcraft below. It is normal not to send people to watch the night. Everyone should have a good rest after being tired for three days. Look at these Panshan horned lambs, but they are fresh meat delivered automatically. You ask everyone to get up and clean up. I heard that the meat of Panshan horned lamb is extremely delicious, and everyone has it today. Good fortune, haha."

The harvest of more than 5,000 panshan horn sheep made everyone smile. North asked people to set a dozen cauldrons directly on the central square of the town, and throw them in and boil them. Whoever wants to drink, just drink enough...

Loriste is enjoying delicious lamb chops. The chefs in the central town of District 6 are very skilled. The lamb chops are tender and juicy. El, who was on the side, had already eaten six yuan in one go, and he asked for another one while his stomach was full.

Lorist was also gnawing on the fifth lamb chop, and suddenly remembered what hadtily ordered North to tell the chefs to tidy up all the lamb ribs, he was useful, and then he asked for the floor plan of the central town. , Thinking hard.

Josk took a roasted lamb shank while gnawing at Lorist's side, and asked, "Why, what are you thinking about?"

Lorist replied: "I'm wondering whether to put a monster into the city..."

"What? Are you crazy?" Josk was shocked.

"You are crazy! I mean whether you want to set a trap in the city. Like today, lure some herbivorous monsters into the city to clean up. You see the entire city was panic and lifeless two days ago. After killing so many horned sheep today, you look at everyone happy and full of life. What I am worried about is that if we can only defend the town, we will make people feel panic and despair about the monster tide. If like I said Taking the initiative to lure some monsters into the city and fall into traps, then everyone will regard the monster tide as a hunting opportunity in the future, and no one will be afraid of the arrival of the monster tide." Lorist quickly explained his thoughts.

"Scare me." Josk said embarrassedly: "My lord, if you are sure, do it. I don't understand the principle, anyway, I'm on your side."

North came in, holding a fresh rib of Panshan horn sheep in his hand. There is also a lot of meat on it: "My lord, do you want to eat this? How do you want to eat it, grilled or boiled?"

Lorist took the lamb ribs and picked up a knife to remove the meat from it. Then use a knife to sharpen both ends of the lamb’s ribs: "Bring a pot of hot water..."

The hot water came quickly. Lorist put the two pointed lamb ribs into the hot water, then slowly broke them into a circle, took it out and told Pat to take a rope to tie the two pointed ends, and then Wrap the culled meat around the lamb rib circle and throw it on the snow.

Everyone was baffled. Lorist explained: "I just made a trap with the ribs of sheep. I specifically deal with carnivorous beasts and beasts."

"Sir, you are not talking nonsense, just this sheep rib can deal with those ferocious carnivorous beasts and beasts?" Everyone did not believe it.

The sheep rib circle had frozen, and Lorester asked someone to pick it up.

"Look, if those carnivorous beasts and fierce beasts find this on the ground, they will swallow it in one bite." Lorist removed the rope on it, because the sheep's rib circle was frozen and remained the same.

"Think about it, the inside of Warcraft's belly should be hot, just like this basin of warm water." Lorist threw the lamb rib circle in his hand into the warm water.

After a while, the minced meat frozen on the ribs of the lamb melted first, leaving the rib circle of the lamb, and then everyone watched the rib circle of the lamb gradually deformed, quickly stretched out, and finally restored to a slightly curved and pointed ends. One.

"If there is such a lamb rib stretched out in the belly of Warcraft, hehe, then the fierce beast or beast will be a dead end. Do you understand?" Lorist smiled and looked at everyone.

"Wow, my lord, you are such a genius. It would be effortless to deal with those carnivorous beasts and fierce beasts like this." Pat and Noth praised.

"It's Locke, only you can come up with such an insidious thing, I like it." El took the lamb rib and praised.

Lorist is full of black lines, hello, El, are you guys saying compliments?

"No," Josk frowned and thought for a while and said: "My lord, if carnivorous monsters find such things, they will bite a few times. With their sharp teeth, the lamb ribs you get will soon The crush of being bitten can't work at all."

Lorist clapped his hands: "Joe, you are right. Just now I had nothing but minced meat wrapped around it. If you really set up the trap, I used mutton. You know how strong the mutton is. It also melts in the mouth, so those beasts and fierce beasts will rush to swallow them instead of biting them."

"This is not a trap I think, but the idea of ​​the greatest adventurer in history, Kaimen Pratt a hundred years ago. He was tied to a desert island for two years, and it was this kind of trap that caught both ends in winter. The World of Warcraft survived the famine and survived the day of rescue. Because of the mountaineering custom, their ribs are very elastic, and they are the best material for making such traps."

Lorist glanced at everyone in the room: "In two days, the monster wave will leave the sixth area and head towards the fifth area, followed by those carnivorous beasts and fierce beasts. These carnivorous beasts and The herbivorous monsters in these cities are different now. The herbivorous monsters attack us only when they see it, while the carnivorous monsters will smell our scent and attack. Although we have the protection of the ice city wall, we can't be careless. Create more traps like this and try to be as prepared as possible."

"Yes, my lord."

"One more thing, I wonder if I would open the city gates and use the characteristics of these herbivorous monsters to attack at the sight of people to release some demon sheep with low attack power, deer and the like into the city, so that we can reserve more Fresh meat. What do you think?" Lorist asked.

"My lord, I'm fine, everything is up to you." North said.

In the last two days of the Warcraft wave, Lorist opened the door twice at the right time, bringing a group of mixed herds of bighorn savage sheep and unicorn sheep and a group of mageweave deer into the city. It’s just the first time I didn’t grasp the door of the door, and the result was that there were too many two kinds of magic sheep put into the city, almost 20,000 heads. Everyone screamed and worked until midnight to clean up the magic sheep that ran around the city. It was clean, and there were nearly a hundred unlucky ones who were bruised by the devil sheep. Fortunately, the garrisons and family soldiers in iron armors participated in the hunting. Proper protection did not cause any loss of personnel.

At that time, the atmosphere was very enthusiastic. The people who participated in the hunting were chased by the devil sheep or chasing the devil sheep. Often a group of soldiers chased the previous devil sheep and found that there was still a large group of demons in front of them. The sheep hurriedly turned around and fled, the devil sheep chased after, and then a large group of soldiers ran in front of them, everyone turned around and chopped down this group of devil sheep and then ran after the remaining devil sheep...

The residents of towns who did not participate in the hunt were crowded with windows and even climbed onto the roof to yell, looking happily ~www.wuxiaspot.com~ and shouting. Even when there was only a small group of demon goats left, everyone didn’t cut it. They took their shields and collided with the demon. Those who lost, got out and won and became a hero. They won the applause and applause of the audience. Blow a kiss with a woman...

Lorist never dreamed that his plan to put monsters into the city would become the most grand festival in the local area in the future, "Bumping the Sheep Festival". Even in order to protect these hard-won goats, they also stipulated that weapons could not be used, and participants could only take them. The shield collided with the magic sheep until all the magic sheep were knocked out...

It was the first time that Kaesong had a fault, Lorist didn't want to try again, but who wanted to meet unanimous opposition from the enthusiastic crowd.

Lorist had no choice but to reopen the city again, bringing thousands of deer into the city and let everyone have another addiction.

The Mageweave Deer is already the end of the herbivorous beasts, and then there are a large number of carnivorous beasts and fierce beasts that follow the tide of beasts to prey. The most common are the various winter wolf populations.

Lorist saw the largest winter wolf population on the city wall with nearly a thousand. So he ordered all the sheep rib circle traps that were made to be thrown out of the city, planning to go out and pick up the dead body in two days...

……(To be continued.)

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