Tales of the Calamitous Lighting

Chapter 4: Death in the night

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As the night came, the torches in the center of the village gradually ignited, and the shaking light spilled around, dispersing the darkness of the night. People gradually gathered around the well to talk to each other curiously. The doubt in my heart is like the swaying torch. Everyone does not know what happened, why should we gather everyone so late? The uneasy and anxious emotions are silently transmitted ...

During the talk, the three partners squeezed into the front of the crowd and squatted down the edge of the well. At this time, the village chief and the mercenaries who went out also came to the small square.

"Lai Qi, they brought back the news of the empire, unfortunately, they are going to fight again, they will come to recruit troops in a few days, here is to prepare everyone first, especially men over 15 years old, when you decide the direction in the future Hey ~! Because of the need to recruit soldiers in battle, the tax should be doubled today ... If someone in the family goes to the army, they can be exempted from tax. Cough ~~

"Are you going to fight again? Where and where to fight? Why?"

"It's the boring nobles who are doing the same thing again and again. Let's stop living in a few days, can't we lose our spirits!"

There was a lot of discussion, and the emotion of anger gradually diffused.

"One more thing, it is said that the province of Falix, which is close to the Forest of Warcraft in the east, was attacked by a large group of Warcraft from the Forest of Warcraft. Although most of the World of Warcraft were killed by the French Shield Cavalry Regiment, there are still many scattered Very powerful Warcraft escaped to the interior of the empire, we are very close to Falix, everyone should be more careful, do n’t go hunting in the mountains recently. The wind and rain are shaking, I remember the last Warcraft riot was more than ten years ago? The above news And thanks to the mercenaries who went out. Just like that, let it go "

"Warcraft! Wouldn't it be cute? I want to take a look! Would it be furry and fat toot? Yeah ~! I want to raise one!"

Shanna's eyes shone, and Wright and Wright saw straight hair.

"Wright, are you going to be a mercenary with your father this time?"

Wright changed the subject and secretly concealed the uneasiness and anticipation in his eyes.

"Probably, haven't thought about it yet, what about you Wright?"

"I didn't think about it, go home and talk about it ..."

The crowd in the village slowly dispersed, and the light from door to door gradually went out. Only the torch beside the well was still half-deadly burning. A few beast roars could be heard faintly in the distant forest. At this time, a huge black and red leopard appeared on the top of a mountain. The scarlet eyes flashed crazy, and several Mars spewed out of his nose. Several deep scratches. Its eyes are full of madness and bloodthirsty gaze at the quiet village under the distant mountain ...

The next day, the messenger of Lagu Town also came to the village and issued an imperial conscription order. A few days later, the conscription team will come to the village to prepare everyone for Yunyun. As for the Warcraft, nothing is mentioned ...

Most young men of school age are about to go. Follow Lai Qi as a mercenary and prepare to go out to find a way out. Maybe they will become heroes? Young people's hearts are still very exciting. People of this age just like to be impulsive and adventurous. Wright decided to follow his father's footsteps to become a mercenary. Wright also felt that it was better to be a mercenary than a soldier. At least under the care of a familiar elder, would it be safer? The sadness of parting haunted the small village.

That night ... the dog did n’t know what happened, and after stretching out his nose and sniffing in the air, he ran back to his kennel with his tail trembling, no longer coming out, and the cows and sheep also hid their heads in the pen , A scarlet shadow slowly approached the village ...

It clearly remembers that a group of humans dressed in excellent armor and rushed into their territory with sharp weapons, they brutally killed their own kin, their spouse! What makes it angry is that it also robbed its children! ! It rushed out to kill all humans, but they were very powerful and had too many people. Even the strongest self in the same family can only escape with wounds. The black sword, the one stabbed by it, will never forget the pain! The pain that erodes the body and the soul ... Hate and anger make its yellow eyes red. kill! kill! kill! Kill all humans! Kill them! Shred them! Eat them! ... I want revenge! ! ...

Suddenly explosions and flames spread across the small village! Black and red leopard, um ~ huge leopard! Reincarnation of the night and fire, his fangs stretched out and released its madness! I saw it standing on the top of a private house, spitting out one after another black and red fireballs from its mouth, but all the houses that were hit immediately exploded and ignited a poisonous smoke. !

boom! Boom! ! Wright in his sleep only felt a loud noise, and then the whole body hurt with gravel and flame! Panicked, he struggled to get out of the collapsed house. Everything in front of him made his eyes split! The room behind was completely engulfed in fire and gravel! grandfather! grandmother! mom! ! Wright felt his voice was hot, but he could not shout a hint of voice! The wound on his head was bleeding, and blood flowed through Wright's eyes, making his vision flush. At this time, a figure was burst out in the hallway that was spitting flames! It's Klina! Wright's mother! Her back and skirt were still burning with flames, and most of her face was red with blood, and when she rushed out, she saw Wright who was standing still, shouting desperately despite her serious injury:

"Run! Run! Wright! Run! Danger! There is a devil ..." Suddenly a strong paw swept across Klina! Great strength and speed bring up several afterimages in the air! Poof! Wright's mother was beaten like a broken rag doll to the wall of the yard, and a miserable bright red splashed on the wall!

"Mom !!!!!!" Wright ran towards her mother insanely. The huge black and red leopard came to Wright in a slight jump! Just a random claw shot! Wright only felt that he was flying too, and the higher the higher ... and the mother was further and further away from her ... Immediately after a violent impact, Wright felt that his consciousness began to become blurred, and his eyes seemed to be heavy Then there is darkness ...

When Lai Qi rushed out with the mercenaries and the men in the village, one third of the small village was already lit. Shanna and her mother Ou Jina and other old and weak women and children were quickly transferred to the cellar in the south of the village, and people were shaking and crying. I did n’t dare to stick my head to look at it, only to hear the explosions outside, and the screams were still ...

"This is a Tier 3 Junior Warcraft Fire Leopard! How come, how can it appear here! And why does it turn black and red? It should be orange-red!" A knowledgeable mercenary shouted in horror. .

"Can't control so much! There are still many people trapped in the house! Reese! You take a few people to save people! Others form a circle with me, try to run it away!" Lai Qi could not be afraid and sad , Forcing the organization to rush forward.

You ca n’t beat it, there is no chance at all. The strongest here are the three fighters who barely reach the first level, which is much stronger than ordinary people, but, but! That's a Tier 3 Warcraft! The common World of Warcraft is one level higher than the human level! This requires at least 3 or more 3rd-level master level professionals to win? It is difficult to kill it. We ~ we can't ... but this is our own home! Own village! Ou Jinna and Wright ... No way! Only fight! For the family!

Lai Qi was very confused, his hand was holding the hilt, and his finger knuckles were pale because of the excessive force. But he couldn't help it, this is not a mercenary mission ... you can give up depending on the situation, here! This is my homeland! ! Lai Qi took a deep breath and yelled!

"For our family! Fight!" Then rushed up first ... the dark fire leopard sticks out his tongue and licks his nose, as if a cruel and happy smile appeared on the corner of his mouth, and then he fluttered slightly Go out ...

Wright lay quietly on the corner of the wall, with bones visible in the wounds on his chest. Blood saturated his chest and blurred his immature face. The original brown hair was also stained with blood and mud to become a dirty maroon, which was sticking to the face.

A sigh from the soul ... Hey ...............

Why is human destiny always so miserable? I thought you would live happily ever after ... Is this your destiny? Is it your life? It ’s sad enough too ... as you see it, you ca n’t possibly pass through ... Forget it, try your best, if you can still save you ... Zhang Yang sighs helplessly, it seems that if you do n’t want to interfere with his destiny Maybe, can't you watch him die? Forget it……

Suddenly Zhang Yangjing came down and concentrated on mobilizing the power of thunder and lightning that had been steadily stationed in the soul. For so long, he had been able to use a trace of thunder and lightning, and found that the group of thunder and lightning was also divided into many layers , The core of which is the blue-violet electric awn, and then the outer periphery of blue and white. He estimated that using a little bit of peripheral lightning to stimulate Wright ’s heart should save him. After all, Wright ’s trauma is not fatal, but it bleeds a lot of blood and looks miserable. It is just shock. Zhang Yang carefully led a trace of electric current, and suddenly touched Wright's heart, and then ... a vertigo, it was dim and dark ......... light soul! ! ! This is not scientific! Why did you pass out again ...

The fire was still burning, and in the distance Lai Qi, they had begun to confront the Fire Leopard. Only a few people had died from their fatalities, and several people fell to the ground and wailed with their hands broken There were a few unremarkable marks, not even wounds. High-level Warcraft fur is really tough. In less than 10 minutes, Lai Qi and his team desperately stopped the fire leopard paid the price of 12 lives. At this time, Wright's finger, which was lying on the ground, twitched a few times, and then suddenly became a fist!

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