The world of Detective Conan.

In a laboratory.

Dr. A Li looked at the Iron Man suit with an extremely excited expression.

I wonder if he can develop such technological products in his lifetime.

If he could, his fame could spread throughout the world.

You can even become a steel A Li!......

Naruto world.

Orochimaru, who has devoted himself to technology, is constantly tinkering

"Suigetsu, have the materials for the reactor been collected?"

Orochimaru is standing in front of a petri dish, adjusting various potions.

They are making energy that can replace chakra!......

The world of outsourcing princesses.

Lala excitedly began to study the Mark Armor, which was a piece of cake for her!

"This way we can protect Rito!"

There was a crackle in the laboratory, and Mengmeng, Lidou and others looked horrified outside the door.

It's over, Lala is probably going to invent something terrible again.

She must not use her invention at will!......

Arale world.

Zemaki Senbei is researching a battle armor that he can also use.

At the same time, research on new artificial intelligence began.

After all, Arale has already decided to give up, as long as she doesn't cause trouble for herself.

Don’t just come back with poop every day and everything will be great!.......

DC world.

The old man had the same feeling when he looked at Iron Man

"I can improve my suit......"

The master has no intention of becoming Iron Man and will not choose to show up.

Tony's armor gave him a lot of ideas.

This might be able to reach the strength of a Kryptonian!......

Marvel world.

Nick Fury has found Tony and suppressed the toxin in his body.

And tell him something important.

And when they were about to say something, someone noticed them.

Helpless, they had to return to Tony's residence......

【Screen continues】

【Tony, who revealed his true identity, was challenged by the top management of the United States, who wanted to keep his technology as their own.】

【But Tony refused to hand over the latest technology at the congressional hearing, and he would not provide this devastating war machine!】

【This was supported by many people, and they all ended happily....】......

In the world of pirates, Dressrosane.

Doflamingo smiled arrogantly, thinking that Tony was a bit arrogant.

"Jie Jie, how could he possibly be able to keep such a terrifying weapon?"

Tony is not the powerful man in front of him. He is just an unarmed ordinary person without his armor!

Just like the three major weapons, if the navy cannot get it, it will not let others get it. Even if it is destroyed, it will still be in vain. No matter what!......

【In the picture, Tony's state became more and more wrong, until he found that his reactor was consuming faster and faster, causing palladium poisoning in his blood!】

【Frustrated, he handed over all the CEO duties to Pepper.......】

【Tony was willful and refused to listen to dissuasion, so Rhodes fought with him!】

【Rhodes even brought the armor back to the military base, where people from Hammer Technology appeared and transformed it!】

【At the same time, Tony began to prepare to study new elements under Nick Fury's words...】

【Tony opened the box sent from Nick Fury, and inside there was a yellowed newspaper recording Vanke's betrayal...】

【and several rolls of film...】

【Tony looked at the video, and soon a person appeared, and this person was his father...Howard Stark...】

【"Everything can be achieved through technology!"】

【"people's lives, health and the possibility of maintaining world peace..."】

【Tony kept flipping through the notes left by Howard and looking at the research records above....Didn't care at all what he said...】

【Until little Tony took a model and was discovered by Howard, who said sternly:"Tony, what are you doing, put it back, put it back quickly!"】

【Tony continued to flip through the notebook with a blank expression, until he stopped recording later and put it aside....】

【Tony sighed deeply and held his forehead. He didn't find the answer he wanted in the notebook....】

【At this time, Howard on the screen shouted in a rather gentle tone:"Tony..."】

【"you are too young not understand anything...So I took this picture..."】

【"I created all this for you..."】

【"One day you will understand that this is not just a human invention, it is my lifetime achievement...."】

【"This is the key to the future..."】

【"I am limited by the technology of this era...But one day you will understand..."】

【"Then you will change the world..."】

【"My greatest creation will always be..."】


【Tony stared blankly at what his father said, tears welling up in his eyes, but he did not cry out....】

【Howard Stark, a great scientist, was limited by the times, but he still left a lot behind, and his lifelong inventions were left to Tony....】

【This is a lifelong gift from a father to his children...】.......

Outside the video, Tony looked at the box that Nick Fury handed to him. What was about to happen appeared on the light screen.

"your father was a great man...Next, I will arrange for Natasha and Agent Kesen to keep an eye on you!"

After Nick Fury said all this, he left Tony.

Only Tony was left in a daze.

In his impression, his father had always been a stern, unsmiling existence. He would severely criticize him whenever he made the slightest mistake.

When he went to boarding school At that time, he still looked happy.


Could it be because he was happy that his child had grown up?

What a joke!

It may take Tony a long time to understand the love and words of his parents.

Until he becomes a father............

【In the picture, Tony successfully created new elements!】

【Tony looked at the glowing elements around him and murmured:"You have been dead for 20 years and you still have to teach me lessons...."】

【Tony successfully synthesized the new elements, and the reactor accepted it perfectly!】

【At this moment, Iron Man once again appeared in the public eye. At the Hammer Technology exhibition, Ivan controlled many armors to attack Tony and others!】

【However, the two of them blocked these mass-produced armors until Ivan fell from the sky and stood in front of them....】

【Ivan was wearing a huge armor, and two lightning whips fell to the ground, burning the ground instantly!】

【"Things are not going well!"】

【"I'm going to use a special weapon against him!"】

【Tony was stunned and wondered, what weapon do you have that is better than mine?】

【"What to use?"】

【Rhodes stood up and opened the armor on his left shoulder, revealing a small missile.】


【The small missiles kept spitting out flames, looking like a tiger coming out of its cage!】

【three seconds later...】

【The small missile instantly ejected and hit Ivan's armor!】

【But there was no explosion as expected, just a collision sound.】


【Then he fell into the water, flopped stubbornly twice, and completely lost his temper....】

【The three of them were stunned on the spot....】

【"Hammer Technology?"】


The people at Hammer Technology were completely dumbfounded when they saw this scene.

Especially Justin Hammer, who stayed where he was, his proud"ex-wife".

That's it! ?

"Damn it, it’s over, Hammer wants nothing!"

At the same time, everyone who worked with Hammer felt a chill. Is this so ridiculous?

They all wanted to return the product for a while.......

I'm afraid even the Black Spider's small firecrackers are more powerful than this so-called small missile.

At least it’s not a dud!......

【in the screen...】

【Tony was firing on all cylinders, but he couldn't break the defense of Ivan's armor!】

【The two men's armors were bruised and bruised by Ivan, and the system was in an extremely unstable state....】

【They are trapped by the lightning whip and unable to move...】

【"Rod, do you want to be a hero?"】


【Tony stretched out his hand and gathered energy. Rhodes reacted instantly, and the two energies collided instantly!】

【And the center of the explosion was Ivan...】

【The terrifying energy swept through Ivan's armor, constantly destroying it until Ivan could no longer move....】

【When the crisis was resolved, Tony came to Pepper...】

【The two fell in love so deeply that they kept asking for kisses...】

【At this time, Rhodes sat aside and said speechlessly:"I feel weird...."】

【"You two are as close as two seals snatching grapes...."】

【The two were shocked, looking at Rhodes on the side, and kept urging him to leave....】

【The scene changed, in a secret place...】

【All kinds of news are constantly reported on the surrounding screens...】

【And in front of Tony, there was a document...It clearly says on it...】

【The Avengers!!!】.....

Nick Fury was dumbfounded when he saw this man, why wasn't his secret plan a secret?

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