Lelouch world

"Just saying nice things won't change anything!"

"interesting! The battle between the two demon kings is about to begin!"

Lelouch covered his face with one hand, grinning, his purple eyes emitting a strange light!

The battle between two real demon kings!

He was looking forward to it!

Although Rimuru only had 20,000 troops, each of them Monsters can ride as many as a thousand!

All of them are stronger than Suzaku, more than a little bit stronger!


How dare he compare an ordinary person with those monsters with nuclear bombs in their hands?

Are you polite?........

World of Arslan War

"teleportation magic...It's magic..."

"Used on the battlefield, it is a nightmare for the enemy!"

Narsa held his chin. As the crown prince's strategist, he naturally understood the importance of teleportation magic....

If there was such magic in this world...

Then only one month...

He will be able to help Crown Prince Pars completely resolve the chaos!........ fairy tail world

"Let the war begin! Let the war begin!"

Natsu breathed out flames that reached to the sky, and his face was full of fighting spirit!

He wished he could join Rimuru's camp right now and push Clayman's insidious demon king to the ground and blast him with a hammer!

"Fool! What are you trying to do?"

Erza raised her iron fist and struck it on Natsu's head!

Although she didn't like people like Clayman, but since he was the Demon King, his subordinates would not be too weak!

Benimaru led The team might get into a tough fight!........

【Screen continues】

【Before the attack, Benimaru thought of a surprise attack on Clayman's residence. Demon King Kalion might be imprisoned there....】

【But Zhu Cai insisted on going with Bai Lao and the others! That guy Clayman has the ability to control others!】

【As long as Shuna is here, then they don't have to be afraid of mind control...】

【Rimuru looked at Shuna's serious eyes and knew that he couldn't stop her....】

【However, there were two people, Shirai Lao and Souei, following him....】

【Shuna should not be in any danger...】........

Clayton City

"hehe...Little girl from the ghost tribe, you think too highly of yourself!"

"How stupid!"

Kleiman never thought that someone would attack his castle.... to this end...He had already been prepared!

This time the ghost race will never come back!.......

Monster Kingdom

"Is there no problem with Xiao Zhucai?..."

"There must be no problem, she is very strong!"

"Woohoo (sure)!!!"

The three dwarf brothers are not even thinking about blacksmithing. They don't want to see little Zhuna in any danger!

However, they support Zhuna's choice!

There will be no casualties among them!

Otherwise, Lord Rimuru will definitely be very sad!........

【Screen continues】


【Clayman's direct subordinate, Five-fingered Yamza, led the army in a mighty advance....】

【Benimaru stood at the top of the valley, quietly looking at the densely packed monsters below....】

【"According to the plan...Clayman's army is heading towards Groot's trap..."】

【"It seems that it is quite difficult to lose...."】

【These monsters are walking so densely in the valley, aren't they afraid of encountering enemy attacks?...】

【Since they are so careless, they will not show mercy...】

【Even though there are demons from the Clown Company among the army, they cannot change the situation of inevitable defeat!】

【"Groot! let's start!"】

【Following Benimaru's order, the pigmen led by Groot came out from the commanding heights....】

【The pigmen's armor shines brightly in the moonlight!】

【"start to act!!!"】


【The pig-human troops raised their feet and stepped hard!】


【Strong shock waves spread rapidly in all directions, the earth continued to tremble, and the ground began to shake until the ground collapsed...】

【Countless soldiers fell into the huge pit of the abyss, and screams continued one after another!】

【They never dreamed of walking on their own...It’s gone...】

【But the monster with wings flew up from the pit and looked at the pit with lingering fear...】

【But before he could relax, he was pierced by a trident from behind....】


【The blood of the monsters was scattered in the air, and the winged people fell to the ground one after another.....】

【Benimaru had already expected that there would be air troops and had Gaviru on standby in the air at any time!】

【"Don't let anyone go!"】

【In the air, it is the territory of their dragon tribe!】

【"Vortex gun water jet!!!"】

【The attack power of Gaviru's evolved skills has been greatly improved, and the winged people were penetrated by the water flow without any resistance!】

【"Lord Gaviru is so handsome!!!"】

【At this time, Gavilu’s boys did not forget to send him the most sincere flattery!】

【Those monsters that didn't die after falling into the pit kept climbing up!】

【However, as soon as he reached the ground, he was taken away by a sword from the pig tribe....】

【The battle situation is completely one-sided!】

【Clayman’s army was powerless to resist, but Rimuru’s army didn’t suffer even half a casualty....】

【This is the most significant gap between named monsters and unnamed monsters!】........

Clayman lives in the city.

Kleinman looked gloomy and crushed the wine glass in his hand.... boom!!!

Red wine drips from the fingers to the ground...

"My army is actually powerless to resist?"

"What bastard planned a marching route through a valley with cliffs on both sides?!"

"What are Fordman and Tia doing?!"

Kleiman was so angry that his teeth almost broke. He was so angry at this humiliation!

He thought at first there would be casualties on both sides!

But he really didn't expect that his army couldn't even kill a single Goblin!

He It’s not like that slime is a naming monster!

Not only does he not have such a huge amount of magic energy, but because of his personality, he will not name low-level monsters....

But now it has led to this situation...

Really envious...hateful!

If he also had that much magic power...

As soon as Kleinman thought of the strange emotion, he shook his head crazily!

He would never admit that he was sour!........

【Screen continues】

【Benimaru gave the order to the three beast warriors to move freely...】

【However, he was still worried about them and asked Gaviru and others to assist them....】

【The three beast warriors are very grateful. Now is the time for their revenge!】

【Gavilu follows Sophia...Flying to Priest Midre who believes in Milim...】

【Phoebio traveled through the forest and smelled the two demons who had used him before....Futterman and Tia!】

【"Yo! Thank you for taking care of me last time!"】

【Phoebio suppressed his anger. If it hadn't been for him, maybe Lord Kalion wouldn't have been targeted by Lord Milim!】

【He even thought about whether it was because of him that the Beast Kingdom was indirectly targeted.....】

【In short, it was all because of his stupidity that these bastard clowns took advantage of him!】

【However, Futterman didn't care at all, and even kept mocking Fbio....】

【next moment!】

【Ferbio didn't intend to continue talking, so he teleported in front of them at extremely fast speeds, aiming his claws at their abdomens!】

【"So fast!"】

【Fordman was shocked, no wonder he dared to declare war on them!】

【The two of them quickly retreated and dodged Phobio's blow....】

【At the same time, Groot came behind the two of them through teleportation, with scarlet eyes, waving a sword that emitted cold light, and slashed down on Fordman's head!】

【Fordman turned sideways, raised his hands and clasped the sword tightly!】


【The powerful force shattered the ground, and the harsh vibrations continued to spread!】

【"did not expect...did not expect..."】

【"long time no see! Futterman!"】

【Groot's murderous intent enveloped Fordman. The leader of the pig tribe, who usually seemed very gentle, wanted to cut Fordman in half with a knife!】

【It was precisely because of him that the former king had such a fate!】

【If his king is still alive, he will definitely do better than his clumsy self, and the pig people will definitely be happier!】

【Fordman recognized Groot at a glance. Taking advantage of the gap in his words, he spun his body and slapped his shield with a palm, pushing it several meters away!】

【He looked at Phoebio who was aside...Come and help!】

【"Very helpful! Brother Groot!"】

【Phoebio was grateful, although he was conceited...But it was still a bit difficult to face two demons. Groot came at the right time, which greatly relieved his pressure!】

【And he knows very well Groot's strength. He is much stronger than himself. It's enough if he doesn't hold him back!】

【You can always trust Piggy!】

【This is the sense of security for a reliable man! 】

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