The world of Kabaneri in the Iron Fortress.

Ikoma wiped his weapon. He who had become Kabaneri before was still quite confident in his own strength.

But when the light curtain appeared, he saw those magical worlds and technological worlds, and felt powerless about them. The gap was really too big.

In this world, the technology is poor, there is no magic, and there is no so-called god. People can only live on the last breath.

"Are old people undead?..."

"It seems that I have to beware of some older sluts in the future!"

Ikoma's eyes were dark. Sometimes what's more terrifying than Kabari are those old and immortal people in power!

They control everything!.......

The world of Academy Apocalypse.

A world crisis has just broken out, and the school is occupied by people infected with the zombie virus.

Within the Kendo Club

"If this holy water can deal with these zombies, it will be much easier to chop them down."

Bujima Saeko shook off the blood on the wooden sword, and her whole body began to feel hot.

The fragrant sweat soaked her clothes and outlined her amazing curves!


The irrational zombies kept coming toward her in the distance, with ferocious looks on their faces, and their mouths were filled with blood and flesh. They looked extremely scary!

"bring it on! More to come!"

Bujima Saeko roared and rushed into the pile of zombies with deadly moves!........

The world of zombies

"Ugly undead, is this our end in the future? Kirigushiko murmured.

She has been a ghoul for hundreds of years. Her body has not been corrupted at all, and even her memory has not been lost.

But as long as their heads are decapitated or their chests are nailed, they will die completely.

This is different from the abnormality. The undead in the world seem to be fundamentally different.

Except that they cannot move during the day and must drink human blood, they do not seem to be any different from humans.

But if one day they turn into that ugly look, then there is no need to talk about establishing ghouls. Society.

It would be easier to die.

"We still need to verify whether the holy water can allow us to reveal our true identity. This may be able to change our ghoul clan....".......

【Screen continues】

【In order to stop the 10,000-number undead army, Seiya plans to deal with them alone....】

【Members of the Knights, dragon boys and girls wanted to help him, but he refused....

【A brave man doesn't need any help...】

【As long as the members of the Knights can protect the town, it is enough...】

【In this way, facing the undead army, your sacrifice will not be in vain....】

【Only then did Lista realize that Seiya was worried about their safety....】

【Seiya ignored Lista and flew into the air, disappearing from Lista's sight in an instant....】

【Seiya is very cautious, but also very gentle. He uses his own way to protect the people of this world....】

【Lista was a little suspicious of Shen Sheng. She was not even needed. She would not be abandoned next time, right?...】

【Lista was so angry when she thought of this, she was a goddess!】

【In order to catch up with Seiya, Lista even summoned the goddess wings and rushed towards Seiya who disappeared into the sky....】

【"Don’t underestimate the goddess!!!"】

【Seiya glanced behind him. What's the point of catching up with this silly goddess?...】

【"It's time to fly seriously..."】

【As soon as Seiya finished speaking, his speed instantly broke through the sound barrier....】

【"So fast! hateful!"】

【"Explode! The power of the goddess!"】

【Lista poured all the magic power into the wings, severe pain hit, and powerful power filled the entire wings....】

【Every time it is incited, the air will vibrate, chasing Yongya like crazy...】

【"hateful! How could we lose to him!!!"】

【"ah! Damn it! Wings are about to break...broken!!!"】

【"But hold on! Lista! You can be a great goddess in the future!!!"】

【The goddess's determination is just to catch up with the hero. Those who don't know it think she is fighting desperately....】

【But the goddess tried her best to fly, but she couldn't get close to Seiya. She watched helplessly as Seiya disappeared into the sky....】

【This future goddess still has a long way to go...】

【However, when she gave up, Seiya came to her and looked at her with some disgust....】

【" annoying..."】


【Seiya took Lista’s hand and looked very gentle....】

【Lista's face turned red with embarrassment. She thought that Seiya had changed her gender. She kept fantasizing about the forbidden love between a human and a goddess....】

【"Hello, Lista..."】

【"It’s time to speed up!"】

【Lista instantly felt a strong pulling force, and her whole body was dragged in the air by Seiya....】

【"Wow baba baba!!!"】

【A large amount of air was poured into Lista's mouth, nose and eyes, making her look even more terrifying than the undead....】

【Even the clothes were torn apart by this force, revealing the strong pectoralis major muscles, but there was a mosaic blocking them....】

【"stop it!!!】

【"My breasts are going to fall out!!!"】

【But Seiya had no intention of slowing down, and went straight to full speed....】


【Until it stopped on a plain...】

【Lista's clothes are messy and her chicken wings are...The goddess’s wings are even bald...】.........

One Piece World

"Damn it! Dog author! Why is there a bunch of confusion blocking it!"

"This is the most failed invention in history!"

Sanji kept roaring at the light screen, his eyes almost spitting out flames, and he almost swept past with his devil wind kick.

"It's enough!!!"


Nami punched Sanji on the head.

This guy is so stubborn that the succubus had already caused his nose to bleed before!

There is no more blood in stock now!.......

【in the screen】

【On the prairie, a group of undead legions were roaring crazily, wearing shabby armor, but they were not moving very fast....】

【The body of every undead is extremely rotten...】.....

Good blessings to the world

"Aqua, stop it!"

Kazuma tried his best to hold Aqua, otherwise she would go crazy.

"Let me go! There are so many undead people watching me destroy them!"

Aqua's eyes were red, as if she would die if she didn't purify them.........

【Seiya looked down at these undead armies and didn't take them seriously at all....】

【"What are you going to do with these armies?"】

【"Blast them!"】

【"well? There are no fighter planes or bombs in this world!"】

【Lista glanced at Seiya in confusion. Could it be that he had some big move?】

【I saw Seiya raising his hands high, as if he was concentrating on something....】

【"Um? shadow?"】

【Lista looked up and was stunned!】

【"What's this!!!"】

【——Small meteorites are flying towards us——】

【I saw a small meteorite falling rapidly from the sky. Although it was not as big as a large meteorite, its power should not be underestimated!】

【The meteorite fell to the ground with billowing smoke....】

【At the moment of contact!】


【The power of the meteorite spread rapidly, and the raging fire devoured the undead army!】

【The grassland that was originally full of life turned into scorched earth in an instant...】

【"So awesome. Where did you learn such a powerful skill?"】

【Lista was extremely surprised, wondering when Seiya learned this trick!】

【Seiya said calmly:"When I beat Celsius in the God Realm,..."】.......

Shen Yong World

"Look! He admitted it! He is beating up the Sword God!"

The gods discussed carefully, not daring to look at the two figures running and chasing each other.

"Let's go save the Sword God, otherwise what if he changes his target to us?"

Some gods looked at each other, thinking that it would be a good deal to sacrifice the Sword God to benefit other gods.

So some gods were ready to step forward to stop the escaping Sword God.......

If the Sword God knew their thoughts, he would definitely greet his whole family and give them pointers!........

【in the screen】

【Seiya felt unsafe, so he summoned a small meteorite to fall to the ground....】


【The scorched earth ground was once again smashed into a huge crater...】

【Dadi:"You can't afford to play, don't blow up! Explode every day! Explode every day! Can't take a break!""】

【They returned to Seme Town, but they learned from Elulu that Matthew went to see him off alone and was captured by Desmagra, one of the Four Demon King's Kings....】

【They saw Matthew being tortured through the mirror...】

【But Matthew didn't ask for help. He was a brave man in the village and would not surrender to the Demon King's army!】

【Seiya looked at Matthew who was so determined and murmured:"Is it Matthew from the Dragon Clan? Just ask him to help carry the luggage!""】

【As Seiya's words fell, he slowly drew out his sword. He had encountered this situation before, and he had just formulated a strategy for this....】

【"Are you dumb! I'm not there!"】

【"Your swordsman can't reach me!"】

【Magla taunted Seiya extremely arrogantly, how could he attack Seiya from such a long distance!】

【But the next second...】



【Magla's right hand was cut off instantly, and black blood spurted out....】

【"The photon sword that cuts through space!"】

【——Dimensional Light Slash——】

【Seiya took advantage of this moment to enter the slow-moving Unified God Realm, looking for a way to save Matthew! 】

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