However, as the transformation was completed, everyone quickly turned their attention back to the video.

"So, let's start experimenting." Chuang Rider didn't want to talk nonsense with Eber, and after the transformation, he rushed directly up.

Eber meets the attack of the Tron Horse, but when Eber intends to attack the Tron Horse, the Tron Horse suddenly uses the high speed to shift position.

In this way, he can not only dodge Eber's powerful attacks, but also effectively hit Eber to prevent him from dodging.

Under this style of play, Eberl really does not have the advantage.

But Eber was not in a hurry, after all, he was not using his strongest power now.

"You really underestimate me, you can't beat me completely."

Eber said and took out the black hole trigger, ready to insert the drive into the black hole form completely.

“OverTheEvolutino!" (Beyond Evolution).

However, the moment he inserted the black hole trigger, Tron moved to his side and grabbed the hand he was holding the black hole trigger.

"The law of victory has been decided."

Tron said as he activated his power.

“OneSlde!" (one side).

“GyahuSlde!" (the other side).

“AllSlde!" (bilateral).

“Readygo!" (Preparation, on).

“GeniusFinish!" (End of genius).

Tron just punched Eber like that.

"Defeat you before you become full, this is the law of victory." Chuangqi said.

Everyone was stunned when they saw this.

[Tokiwa Shogo: No, is there still this way of playing? Interrupt the transformation? 】

[Kamiyama Hibiha: It's outrageous to say, but it actually seems to be quite effective? 】

[Kujo Kariya: A way to fight that you never thought of...].

[Shotaro Zo: This is okay...].

[Shijima Gang: Okay, I obeyed, I don't know how you came up with this trick. 】

[Kiryu War Rabbit: Nothing, because you really can't beat his complete body, then you can only avoid him becoming a complete body. 】

[Baosheng Yongmeng: I know, so in the subsequent battle, his black hole trigger was never taken off the drive, right? 】

[Kiryu War Rabbit: I still haven't noticed this, but it seems to be true?] @埃伯尔特].

[Ebert: ...].

[Zhan Ji Lingma: It should be like this. 】

[Sarutobu Yikai: So that's the case, this video is really not noticed, it is really interesting. ] 】

[Tan Lidou: It's a pity, I still want to see the black hole form, if the black hole is a black hole, the power should be very strong, right? ] 】

[Kiryu War Rabbit: I still hope I don't have the chance to meet...].

At this moment, everyone saw the message that the Knight Terrier Encyclopedia popped up.

[This encyclopedia will broadcast one of Kamen Rider's famous scenes in three minutes.] 】

[Heroes can't escape the battle! ] 】

[Kiryu War Rabbit: Strange, why is this so familiar? ] 】

[Eiji Honno: It seems that this should be a relatively serious video? 】

[Kazuki Igarashi: It always feels like that kind of video is more miserable? 】

[Sky Temple Venerable: This time it should still be about the war rabbit, right? 】

[Wanzhang Dragon Me: I seem to know when it happened...].

[Kiryu War Rabbit: No, you don't know. 】


Ride the world.

Kiryu had clearly remembered that he had said that sentence, but he didn't want to remember the battle.

Because it was so miserable, he was beaten very badly before that.

He felt that if he released it, he might lose face in front of everyone.

But the video that should be played can't run away, and at this time I have already started watching the video.

Everyone saw the Tron ride through the cracks looking for the dragon.

I was falling to the ground, and when he passed, I suddenly woke up and punched him.

Everyone can clearly see the dragon, and my eyes seem to be red.

Tron quickly dodged his attack, and soon the two men were a certain distance away.

Wanzhang Dragon, I suddenly became Ebelt.

"Ebelt?" There was some surprise in the tron.

"It's a pity that Wanzhang has been absorbed by me." Ebert said.

"What did you say?!"

"As long as I absorb your power again, the evolutionary trigger can be restored, and I can once again obtain the power beyond the universe."

Ebert said as he attacked the Tron Rider.

"Unless you defeat me, the energy will not be released."

"When the two worlds are destroyed, your plan will be in vain." Ebert knocked the Tron back with one punch, and it was clear that there was a big difference in strength between the two men.

"I will definitely create a new world!" Chuangqi did not listen to what he said, but strengthened his beliefs.

"What else can you do if you can't change into a genius form?" However, Ebert knocked him away with one punch.

Ebert then walked over and dragged the Tron Rider to beat him, and the Tron Rider didn't even have the ability to fight back at all, and was quickly knocked down and disarmed.

Ebelt also changed back to his human form.

"You should already be aware, right? Kiryu War Rabbit should not exist in this world. "

"Shut up for me!" Kiryu War Rabbit stood up and rushed towards Ebelt, but the punch he threw was caught by the opponent and failed to hit the opponent at all.

Ebert slammed the hand that Kiryu War Rabbit had hit hard, leaving him unable to break free.

"You are the culprit of everything, if you hadn't created the knight system and became Kamen Rider, there would be no tragedy like this."

"You're just a fake hero I've created!"

Ebert said as he raised his other hand and blasted the Kiryu war rabbit out.

After Ebbert throws him out, he transforms back into his weirdo form again, or rather, this is what he is.

"Let's end here, Kiryu War Rabbit." Ebert intends to unleash a final attack to completely wipe out the Kiryu War Rabbit.

However, before his attack could be released, it was interrupted.

"I can't move? What's going on? "Ebert suddenly couldn't move.

At this time, from his body came the voice of Wanzhang Longme.

"What are you doing? War Rabbit! "

"Manzhang?" Kiryu War Rabbit looked at Ebert in surprise, it turned out that after I was absorbed by him, it had not completely disappeared.

"I'll drag Ebelt, you run away!"

I said.

"War Rabbit, do you know what expression I have now? I'm smiling happily. "

Kiryu War Rabbit was stunned when he heard Manzhang Dragon's words, because he thought of something.

At this moment, everyone saw the picture of memory, which was what Kiryu War Rabbit said to Manzhang Dragon.

"I feel happy from the bottom of my heart when I can help others, and then I laugh very happily, even though I can't see it through the mask."

"If you expect something in return, it can't be called justice."

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immediately preemptive(Event Period: August 10th to August 20th)

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