Levi World.

Igarashi Kazuki couldn't help but feel a little emotion, George Kaizaki had talked to them a lot in private, but once it was sent to the barrage, there were very few.

It seems that he is very jealous of Menyashi, but if you think about it, if the other party is angry, maybe he will really come to their world to fight.

At that time, it is estimated that you will not even be able to escape.

"Can't tell them it's okay, I'm curious to know why Menyaji has amnesia?"

"This..." George Kaizaki was a little helpless: "To be honest, the cause of his amnesia is probably not so clear to himself." "

"But in fact, it doesn't matter, after he lost his memory, he kept passing through various worlds until he returned to his own world, and then recovered his memory."

"Huh?" Igarashi Kazuki suddenly realized one thing when he heard this.

"So we'll know his true identity right away?"

"Yes, but I think it's better not to know." George Kaizaki put on an intriguing expression.

Igarashi Kazuki is really a little confused.

"So what is his identity?" Igarashi Sakura asked curiously.

"This... You'll know right away. George Kaizaki pointed to the video.

In the video, Menyaji is thinking about who he really is.

"My travels... My goal... Who am I? Who am I? Menyaji was trying to recall.

When he saw the moon in the distant sky, he suddenly remembered.

At this time, there is a mark on the moon in the video, and apparently everyone has noticed the sign.

[Shinji Jodo: What is the pattern on that moon?] 】

[Feidian or Human: I seem to see DCD on it, is it Decade?] Emperor Ride? 】

[Ge Ye Qiqi: Could it be that he is the leader of what organization he is?] 】

[Shotaro Zo: Judging by that memory fragment, it seems to be true, but I don't think it's a good organization...].

[Kiryu War Rabbit: I feel that there must be something wrong with that organization! ] 】

[Philip: I've found out, that's the logo of the Overhaul Card Organization. 】

As soon as I heard the three words of the overhaul card, I immediately exploded a certain senior who had been diving.

[Hongo Takesh: Overhaul Card Organization? If there is no mistake, it should be similar to the nature of the card repair organization? 】

[George Kasaki: That's right, whether it's a repair card or a major repair card, their purpose is to rule the world. 】

[Eiji Naruno: So... The truth about the world breakers is here? 】

[Feidian or Ren: Wouldn't it... Is Emperor Rider a member of the Overhaul Card Organization? 】

[Shijima Gang: No, looking at the posture in his memories just now, it's not as simple as a member, at least it has to be a cadre, right? 】

[Kujo Kariya: If you look at it this way, then I think it's more like the boss? 】

As he said this, the picture of the video changed very appropriately.

Monyaji changed his clothes and appeared in front of everyone, Mitsukai and Yusuke Onodera surrounded by a group of members of the overhaul card below.

The ambassador of hell saw Monyaji coming over and quickly whipped Mitsumi and Yusuke Onodera in front of him.

"Put your head down for me!"

Under his whip, let alone bow their heads, the two of them were directly knocked down, and they could only lie on the ground and watch Menyaji sit on the throne.

Menyaishi put on a leader's posture, completely different from his previous temperament, and he said to the two below.

"You did a good job and deserve to be commended."

"What?" Yusuke Onodera looked confused.

The ambassador of hell explained to them, "You helped us defeat the other Kamen Riders. "

"Xia Hai did a good job and found the lost emperor riding drive of the big leader." Dr. Death added.

Hikari remembered that he had first picked up the Emperor Rider Drive and gave it to Monyaji, and after he got the drive, he began to travel through various worlds to find his memories.

"On the way to the crusade against the knight, it was lost along with the memory." Monyaji explained.

"You said crusading knights?" Yusuke Onodera quickly got to the point.

"I'm here to save the world." Menyaji said disapprovingly.

"If the emperor horse becomes the final victor, can he save all the world? Is that so? "Guang Xia Hai is a little unbelievable.

"Almost." Menyaji said casually, but with his eyes closed, he knew that what he said must be much worse.

"But that's the real beginning." Dr. Death spoke about their next steps.

"The Great Boss is about to embark on a new journey, that is, our Overhaul Card will conquer the world!"

"Conquer the world?" Of course, Yusuke Onodera could not have allowed such a thing to happen.

"Better than destruction, right?" Menyaji said.

This is what he just called almost, rather than letting the world destroy, it is better to let them overhaul the card to rule.

At this point in the video, most people's three views have collapsed.

They just had a very good impression of the emperor horse, but now how did it come to a 180-degree change?

His name as a world destroyer is indeed not without reason!

[Tokiwa Shogo: Huh?! The emperor horse is actually the leader of the overhaul card organization? The purpose is to rule the world ?! 】

[Baosheng Yongmeng: I really didn't expect that Mr. Monya could actually do such a thing? 】

[Sky Temple Venerable: Does recovering memory really have that much impact on a person? This is simply a different person, it's hard to imagine that he has experienced those things before, and he can still do such a thing...].

[Kitaoka Shuichi: @门矢士, don't you come out at this time to refute a rumor? ] 】

[Monyaji: I don't seem to deny that I'm a world breaker. 】

[Shinji Jodo: Huh? 】

[Ryotaro Nogami: No...].

[Narita: Didn't I say it all?] He is a world breaker! Why don't you believe it? Regret it now, right? 】

[Kiryu War Rabbit: So now I have a question, do you know so much about him, who are you? 】

[Naritaki: ...].

[Kujo Kariya: Alas, it seems that these two are not ordinary people. 】

[Kamiyama Hibiha: I'm more concerned about what the world has become now. 】

[Shotaro Zuo: Well, don't get excited, in the battle that saw him in full form before, wasn't it against the people of the Overhaul Card Organization? 】

[GATES: It seems to be true, so... He, the big chief, betrayed the organization? 】

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