"So I just said, you should stick to your idea." Tiandao Shuhua had just guessed that this might be the case.

"If you look at my brother, he thinks it must be a foreign worm."

"Where? He didn't say anything at all, did he? And is he really watching the video? "

Kaga is skeptical.

At this time, the Heavenly Dao Commander-in-Chief, who was cooking in the kitchen, stretched out a hand, and on his hand was a foreign insect carved from turnips.

Obviously, this was carved by him before, that is, he had already given a guess.

"Huh?" Kaga Mixin was stunned when she saw this scene.

Does this man really concentrate on cooking?!


Levi World.

Sakura Igarashi and Kazuki Igarashi came to Phoenix, they were worried that George Kaizaki was busy now, but when they looked over, he was sitting in his seat watching the video, and the development of the seal was temporarily put on hold.

"Just look at me and say, this must be the case!" Igarashi Sakura knocked on the door.

As soon as George Kaizaki saw the two of them, he immediately knew what was going on: "You should have come to ask that knight terrier encyclopedia, right?" "

"That's right! Because there are still many things that you don't understand at all, I think you know so much about Kamen Rider, you should be able to answer your doubts, right? Igarashi Sakura quickly came over.

"Of course! It's okay to ask anything you want, but if you get spoiled, you can't blame me. "

"Hey, then it just aired, what is the situation of beating yourself?"

Sakura Igarashi pointed to what was playing, and the two monyaji were facing each other.

"Oh, you said this, of course it's a worm, a monster that exists in the Kamen Rider Armor Fighting World."

"So can the emperor ride really travel to other worlds?"

Igarashi Kazuki was very surprised, although he had just watched the video and could probably confirm it, but he still felt incredible.

"Of course, maybe he can also cross into our world." George Kaizaki wished that the other party could cross over, he really wanted to see it.

However, judging by the barrage area, Menyaji is now in the world of the Time King, and after that, he may ...

At that time, there may not be a chance to come to their world.

"What's wrong?" Igarashi Sakura looked at George Kaizaki's face as if he was suddenly not very good.

"Nothing, let's keep watching the video."

However, at this time, the new video has not yet begun to play, only everyone is swiping the screen to chat.

[Kitaoka Shuichi: It turns out that he beats himself like this, but I have to say that the emperor can really get his hands on it? ] If it were me, I might really not be able to bear to hit myself in the face. 】

[Feidian or Ren: Indeed, not only that, he is quite ruthless to himself, and he can only be said to be worthy of being Brother Emperor! ] 】

[Shinji Jodo: It's hard to imagine the scene of beating yourself by yourself...].

[George Kaizaki: Maybe that's true, I think you still have a chance to see it in the video, if only that guy was watching the video. 】

[Shinji Jodo: Huh? Do you mean there is another me? 】

[Lotus Akiyama: Two idiots? Wouldn't that be a disaster. 】

[Asakura: Exactly. 】

【Shinji Jodo:??? 】

[Mishin Kaga: That's a pity! I guessed it all right just now, it's really a worm! 】

[Shijima Gang: So, did he travel to your world? 】

[Kaga Mijin: It's not quite, it's a parallel world. 】

[Fuji Palace Sage: Isn't it very difficult for you to deal with alien insects? 】

[Heavenly Dao Director-General: Grandma said that even if you face difficulties that cannot be overcome, you must face them bravely, otherwise you will never succeed. 】

[Kiryu War Rabbit: Huh? 】

[Tokiwa Shogo: I think it makes a lot of sense?] So in order to become king, I have to start working hard! 】

[GATES: That's not a good thing, I'll keep an eye on you. 】

[This encyclopedia will broadcast one of the famous scenes of Kamen Rider Emperor Riding in a minute.] 】

【Emperor riding M4 driving! 】 】

Everyone was stunned when they saw this, and they could already understand what to say and what to control them, it should be the skill of the emperor horse.

But what the hell is this M4?

[Tsuyoshi Shijima: Is there any knight whose power is M4?] 】

[Ge Ye Qi: What should this sound like the code name of something?] 】

[Feidian or Ren: I don't know, I haven't heard of it at all. 】

[Baosheng Eternal Dream: Is it a game? 】

[Kaga Mijin: It always feels like a weapon? Wasn't that giant cannon before? 】

[Kazuki Igarashi: It's really hard to imagine this, and Dr. Kaizaki doesn't know either? 】

[George Kaizaki: How is that possible?] I've guessed, but I'm not sure if it's that, but to give a hint, the M4 may indeed refer to weapons, but the situation is probably completely different from what you think. 】

[Sky Temple Venerable: I'm a little curious about which knight's power. 】

Everyone is now speculating about which knight's power is used in the M4 harness, and it can actually become a famous scene?

Soon, a minute passed and the video began to play.

However, in the picture, what everyone sees is not the emperor horse, but a knight who has never been seen before.

But someone soon reacted.

[Tokiwa Shogo: Hey? Is that me?! 】

Although he had never seen this form, he knew that sword!

In the video, King Chonghuang is holding a sword and launching a special kill on the surrounding alien knights.

“FinishTime!" (The end moment!) )

“KingGiriGiriSlash!" (King's Extreme Slash).

Under his few swords, all the alien knights were destroyed.

But at this time, the alien Shiwang behind the Chonghuang Shiwang activated the ability to go back in time.

The original night turned into day, and the enemies who had just been defeated by King Chonghuang were all restored.

"Huh? And that's it again..."

Seeing the appearance of King Chonghuang, it is obvious that this situation has not been done once or twice.

"I can easily solve you with this power." The Alien King said, and continued to attack the Emperor King with the surrounding Alien Knights.

Under the siege of several alien knights, King Chonghuang was sent flying.

The alien knights walked in his direction, ready to deliver the final blow.

At this moment, countless bullets hit the alien knights, blocking their steps.

King Chonghuang looked behind him suspiciously, and what he saw was not a Kamen Rider or an alien knight, but a monya wearing a helmet and holding a rifle!

"Come here, Demon King." Menyaishi shot at the alien knight, and after the bullet was finished, he threw the gun casually, said a word to the king of Chonghuang Shi, turned and left.

When King Chonghuang saw such a situation, he immediately got up and caught up with him.

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immediately preemptive(Event Period: August 10th to August 20th)

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