Guo Jia studied at Yingchuan Academy, and his grades at that time could be said to be among the best.

He had a vision as a boy.

Seeing that the world would be in chaos at the end of the Han Dynasty, he lived in seclusion after his weak crown (at the age of twenty), secretly making friends with heroes, and not interacting with the world, so not many people knew about him.

In the second year of Chuping, he went north to join Yuan Shao in Jizhou.

But Yuan Shao did not use him seriously when he was under Yuan Shao's command.

He also discovered that Yuan Shao was not the master of the Ming Dynasty, so he left quietly.

Before leaving, he tried to persuade Xin Ping and Guo Tu to leave together, but they did not listen.

Yuan Shao was still left under his command.

I saw something emerging from the aerial screen.

Guo Jia said to Yuan Shao's advisers, Xin Ping and Guo Tu:

"A wise person can measure his master carefully and thoughtfully, so all his actions are thorough.

This way you can make a name for yourself.

But Duke Yuan only wanted to imitate Duke Zhou's etiquette and virtuous corporal, but he didn't know much about the principle of using talents.

He thinks a lot but lacks the essentials, and likes to plan but not make decisions.

I look at the future and want to work with him to save the country and complete the great cause of becoming king and hegemon. It is really difficult!

Why don't you come with me and find another enlightened master as soon as possible? Why continue to bother with him? ?"

However, Xin Ping and Guo Tu were reused by Yuan Shao.

And Yuan Shao was very powerful at that time, so he was naturally unwilling to leave.

Guo Tu, one of the two, said:"The Yuan family is the fourth generation and the third prince, and Yuan Shao is famous all over the world.

Now he controls Jizhou, the largest state in the world, and he is also plotting Qingzhou and Youzhou.

Once he gets it, how can he not achieve great things? Xin

Ping also agreed:"Yes, Yuan Shao is the best lord, and he is the fourth and third lord, a role model in the world!"! You will definitely achieve great things in the future!!"

When Guo Jia saw the two of them like this, he sighed and stopped persuading him.

He turned around and left.

Everyone in Wan Dynasty saw this scene and couldn't help but sigh at Guo Jia's boldness.

Yuan Shaona was the fourth generation and the third prince. The leader of the party.

He is known as a model for the world.

But Guo Jia actually saw Yuan Shao's incompetence at a glance.

This shows how powerful he is.

Especially some people from later dynasties.

Naturally they also know about the Battle of Guandu.

Yuan Shao defeated Cao Cao.

I can't bear it. Zhu sighed.

"This Guo Jia's vision is really amazing. Yuan Shao, the fourth generation and the third prince, all the counselors in the world went to seek refuge, but he was the only one who left."

"Guo Jia could see that Yuan Shao would reuse members of the family, but not himself, right?"

"I remember that Cao Cao defeated Yuan Shao in Guandu in the future, which shows how powerful Guo Jia is!"

Everyone was sighing.

In Yecheng, Jizhou,

Yuan Shao was naturally furious.

He never imagined that this strategist who would rank among the 20th in history would once be under his command.

In the end, he would give up on him and leave.

Still Is there anything more cruel than this?

Especially as the fourth generation and the third prince, he has always been proud of himself.

This was a huge blow to him!!

Immediately, Yuan Shao filled the wine glasses on the document Broken!!


"Is this stupid Guo Jia worthy of becoming a historical conspirator?"

"I, Yuan Benchu, will definitely achieve great things in the future, and he will definitely regret it!"

"I want to see who he is going to seek refuge with? Who can be more capable than me, Yuan Shao?"

Yuan Shao was not happy either.

On the other side,

Yuan Shu was naturally ecstatic when he saw this scene.

After all, although they were both born in the Yuan family, the two brothers had always been fighting among themselves and had a bad relationship.

When he saw Guo Jia leaving Yuan Shao,

Yuan Shu immediately Now that he's thinking about it, Fengxiao won't defect to him, right?

"Filial piety, smart! My brother succeeds more than he fails."

"Presumably, if Guo Jia left Yuan Shao, he must have come to Nanyang to join me, right?"

Thinking of this, Yuan Shu's eyes lit up.

After all, in his opinion, the strongest man among the Han Dynasty now, besides Yuan Shao, is Yuan Shu who controls Nanyang, the largest county in the world.

Guo Jia must have come to join him.!

Immediately burst into laughter.

After that, the vivid picture in the sky continued.

Yuan Shu also looked up excitedly.

At this moment, the time has arrived, the first year of Jian'an.

At this moment, a counselor who was highly valued by Cao Cao and the mastermind of the early stage Xi Zhicai passed away.

In addition to being sad,

Cao Cao also wanted a new counselor.

So he wrote to another counselor, Xun Yu, asking him to recommend a counselor who could replace Xi Zhicai.

So, Xun Yu recommended his friend Guo Jia to Cao Cao.

Both of them had studied at Yingchuan Academy.

As good friends, Xun Yu naturally knew Guo Jia's talents.

Cao Cao also decided.

He summoned Guo Jia to discuss it together. After the discussion on the world's major events,

Cao Cao was very happy with Guo Jia's ability.

He held Guo Jia's hand and said:

"The person who can help me achieve my great cause is you, Fengxiao!"

After Guo Jia left the camp, he also said very happily:

"This is my real master!"

"The fourth and third Dukes of Yuan Shao were not as good as Duke Cao!"

From then on, Guo Jia became Cao Cao's military adviser - the military advisor. He made suggestions for Cao Cao's four-way campaign and served loyally.

Instead, he looked at the scenes on the screen.

Yuan Shao in Bohai County also looked increasingly uglier. Guo Jia left him and Yuan Benchu.

The key was to take refuge in the hands of his most despised younger brother Cao Cao!!

It was like inserting a sharp sword into his heart again.

He even openly said that Yuan Shao Far inferior to Cao Cao.

This is simply putting Yuan Shao’s face on the ground and trampling it!!

"Damn it, Guo Fengxiao, just forget it if you leave me. Who should I turn to?"

"I actually took refuge in Cao A'ao. I, the fourth and third prince of Yuan Benchu, a role model in the world, am I not as good as this eunuch's descendant in your eyes?"

"My little brother took away my counselor, I hate it!!"

Yuan Shao roared.

Xu You was trembling.

And within Nanyang County.

Yuan Shu in the military camp also looked ugly.

I thought he had defected to me.

The result was that he went south and defected to Cao Cao.

Although he didn't like Yuan Shao, he looked down on Cao Cao like his brother.

At that time in Luoyang City.

Cao Cao is the little follower of the Yuan brothers, and now he can actually compete with Yuan Shao for talents?

"Damn Cao Cao. Could it be that he is my threat?"

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