Cao Cao worried about Lu Bu in the east and rejected Zhang Xiu in the south.

Located in the place of the Four War, it is not peaceful.

In the first month of the second year of Jian'an,

Cao Cao went south to conquer Zhangxiu, but he returned with a heavy defeat.

After Yuan Shao heard the news, he became more confident and felt that Cao Cao would definitely lose.

He even wrote a letter to Cao Cao with arrogant words.

He felt that Cao Cao should surrender to him.

After reading this, Cao Cao was furious and summoned Xun Yu.

After meeting Xun Yu,

Cao Cao showed Yuan Shao's letter to Xun Yu.

Afterwards, Cao Cao said:"The thief Yuan is an unjust person. I am ready to attack the unjust man, but my strength cannot match him. What should I do


He said respectfully:"Since ancient times, those who have been competing in the field of success and failure.

If they are really talented, even if they are weak, they will become strong; if they are mediocre, even if they are strong, they will become weak.

The survival of Liu Bang and Xiang Yu is enough to make a difference. People understand this truth.

The only person who competes with you in the world now is Yuan Shao.

Yuan Shao seems to be tolerant but has a narrow heart. He is too suspicious when appointing talents. You are clear-minded and understandable. You do not stick to trivial matters. You only promote talents and use them only. ,

This is better than Yuan Shao in terms of scale;

Yuan Shao hesitated when things happened, rarely made decisions, and often missed good opportunities, but you are able to make decisions on major events, adapt to changes, and do not stick to rules, which is better than Yuan Shao in strategy.

Yuan Shao's military discipline is not strict, and laws cannot be established. , although there are many soldiers, they cannot be appointed by chance.

Your laws are strict and rewards and punishments must be implemented. Although there are few soldiers, they all fight to the death.

This is better than Yuan Shao in using troops.

Yuan Shao gained fame by pretending to be a noble family and playing tricks..

Therefore, most of the scholars who lack talents and like false reputations belong to him.

You treat others with kindness, treat each other with sincerity, do not seek vanity, act with caution and self-restraint, and do not hesitate when rewarding meritorious people.

Therefore, the world is loyal. Scholars who are upright and practical are willing to serve you, which is better than Yuan Shao in terms of virtue.

With these four advantages, he assists the emperor, supports justice, and conquers rebellion. Who dares not to obey?

What is the use of Yuan Shao's strength?"

Cao Cao After hearing this, I was very happy and regained my confidence.

Xun Yu also offered advice:"If we don't take Lu Bu first, it will not be easy for Hebei to plot."

"We must first wipe out Lu Bu in Xuzhou!!

Cao Cao nodded and said,"As you said." But what I am worried about is that I am afraid that Yuan Shao will invade Guanzhong, trigger a Qiang and Hu rebellion, and lure Liu Zhang south.

In that case, I will use Yanzhou and Yuzhou to fight against five-sixths of the world.

So what to do?

Xun Yu said:"There are thousands of generals in Guanzhong, but no one can unite them. Only Han Sui and Ma Chao are the strongest."

When they saw that there was fighting in the area east of Mount Laoshan, they must gather their own troops to protect themselves.

Now if you appease them with kindness and send envoys to make peace with them, even if there is no long-term stability, at least it will be enough to prevent changes until you pacify Shandong.

As for me, the affairs of Guanxi can be entrusted to Zhong Yao, and he can sit in Guanzhong and ensure stability.

This way you can go on the expedition with confidence."

Cao Cao also followed Xun Yu's policy and asked Zhong Yao to guard Guanzhong.

Later, as Xun Yu expected,

Han Sui and Ma Chao also obeyed Zhong Yao's command. In the third year of Jian'an ,

Cao Cao defeated Zhang Xiu.

Cao Jun also attacked Xia. Pi, killed Lu Bu and pacified Xuzhou.

In the fourth year of Jian'an,

Cao Cao sent his generals to cross the Yellow River north, kill Suigu who was attached to Yuan Shao, capture Shedog, and control Hanoi County.

Because Cao Cao was under Xun Yu's plan, during the internal battle, Concentrate troops, defeat each one, fight quickly, gradually change from weak to strong, and occupy Yan, Yu, Xu and other states, preparing the conditions for fighting against Yuan Shao's group.

And I saw that Cao Cao continued to become stronger with the assistance of Xun Yu.

He even annexed the small princes step by step.

Only with the ability to fight against Yuan Shao's big princes did everyone admire Xun Yu's ability more and more.

"Xun Yu is really a talented person like Wang Zuo!!"

"This person's internal affairs and strategic abilities are probably unparalleled!!"

In Chenliu County,

Cao Cao couldn't help but sigh and said:"Wen Ruo is really my savior, you have helped me so much!!

He is not my subject at all, but my benefactor!.!"

"Without him, there is no way I could be Yuan Shao's opponent!!"

In Yingchuan County, in front of a thatched cottage,

Guo Jia drank all the strong wine in the jug.

Xun Yu couldn't help but laughed.

"As expected of Wen Ruo!!"

"I really admire Wen Ruo's talent as a king, even though I'm not as good as him!!"

In terms of resourcefulness, Guo Jia still has the confidence to compete with Xun Yu.

But when it comes to internal affairs ability, he is far behind Xun Yu.

And then, the scene continues.

When Cao Cao expanded, Yuan Shao also Defeated Gongsun Zan of Youzhou and became the most powerful separatist force in the north.

At that time, Yuan Shao reached the peak and owned four states.

With a million soldiers and sufficient food and grass, he was known as the first prince in the world.

He was extremely powerful.

In June, Hebei was separatist. The leader of the forces, the great prince Yuan Shao, decided to go south to deal with Cao Cao.

So he led 100,000 elite troops and 10,000 horses in an attempt to go south to attack Xudu.

And he heard that Yuan Shao, the number one prince in the world, was going south.

Naturally, the situation inside Cao Cao's camp was extremely fierce. Fear.

Many people even began to think of surrendering to Cao Cao.

They began to write letters and colluded with Yuan Shao, planning for civil strife. Many people persuaded Cao Cao that it would be better to surrender to Yuan Shao.

Around the issue of whether to resist Yuan Shao, another issue unfolded within Cao Cao's group. There was a debate.

On the screen, everyone was talking fiercely.

Many counselors and generals were gathered together.

The famous scholar Kong Rong objected to fighting Yuan Shao, and he said:

"Yuan Shao's land is vast and powerful, and he owns the land of four states!!

With Tian Feng, Xu You and other advisers advising him, loyal ministers such as Shen Pei and Feng Ji working for him,

Yan Liang and Wen Chou bravely leading the three armies and commanding the army for him, I am afraid it will be difficult to defeat him! Xun Yu objected and said:"

Yuan Shao's troops are numerous but the laws are not strict,

Tian Feng is headstrong but easy to commit crimes, Xu You is greedy and undisciplined, the judge is dictatorial but has no plan, he is decisive but willful in his own way.

I think these two people Something big is bound to happen behind the scenes.

If the Xu You family breaks the law, they will not let it go. If they are not lenient, Xu You will definitely rebel.

As for Yan Liang and Wen Chou, they are just ordinary men who are brave and can be captured in one battle."

This sentence also strengthened Cao Cao's confidence in defeating Yuan Shao.

And the changes in the future battle situation were completely seen by Xun Yu.

In the fifth year of Jian'an, the Battle of Guandu broke out.

In September,

Cao Cao's army was about to run out of supplies and his soldiers were exhausted.

Moreover, Cao Cao was gradually suppressed by Yuan Shao due to lack of troops.

The army suffered heavy losses in the battle.

Cao Cao became extremely uneasy and had the idea of ​​​​retreating.

So Cao Cao wrote to Xun Xun Yu told Xun Yu that he planned to retreat to Xudu.

Xun Yu then wrote back and said:"My lord, you must not retreat.

Although our military rations are small at the moment, it is not as difficult as the Chu and Han Dynasties between Xingyang and Chenggao.

At that time, neither Liu nor Xiang was willing to retreat first, so the one who retreated first must be passive. It has been half a year since you, with only one-tenth the enemy's strength, stood firm on the spot and strangled the enemy's throat so that he could not advance. (To read Baoshuang novels, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

The enemy's details have become clear, his energy has been exhausted, and the situation is bound to change.

This is a good opportunity to use cunning tactics. Don't miss it!"

"As long as there are changes, our army can turn defeat into victory!!"

Cao Cao accepted his suggestion and continued to stand by.

Soon, Xu You's family broke the law and was imprisoned.

Xu You was angry and defected to Cao Cao, offering a plan to attack Wuchao.

Cao Cao attacked Wuchao with surprise troops.

As a result, in the Battle of Wuchao, Cao Cao relied on His commander-in-chief and Chun Yuqiong's drunkenness won a great victory.

He finally killed Chun Yuqiong and others, annihilating more than 70,000 Yuan's troops in one battle.

After that, Gao Lan and Zhang He also became angry and defected to Cao Cao's hands. Below.

Yuan Shao's army was defeated and completely collapsed.

In the end, Yuan Shao fled north across the river with only 800 cavalry, and never recovered. Cao Cao finally won this strategic decisive battle, and thus laid the foundation for the unification of northern China.

It replaced Yuan Shao became the number one prince in the world.

Cao Cao won the Battle of Guandu, and

Yuan Shao was defeated and retreated to the north in a state of embarrassment.

And the direction of the entire battle turned out to be exactly the same as what Xun Yu said before about the character traits of everyone.

"The trial judge said that Xu You's family was illegal and took his wife. Xu You rebelled against Shao in anger.

Yan Liang and Wen Chou were beheaded before the battle.

Tian Feng punished him with his remonstrance!" Waiting for the scene, everything turned out to be exactly the same as the character weaknesses Xun Yu had foreseen.

Tian Feng was headstrong and easy to commit crimes, Xu You was greedy and undisciplined, the judge was authoritative but unintelligent, and he was indiscreet. Decisive and willful, with ugly looks, bravery and no plans!

Every step of the way is right.

It shows the horror of Xun Yu's ingenuity.

This also made everyone watching the projection screen completely bewitched by Xun Yu.Shocked by his resourcefulness

"His prophecy reminded me of the previous counselor on the list of divine planners, Guo Jia!!

And these two terrifying guys are actually Cao Cao’s men!!

Why is Cao Mengde so lucky?"

"Could it be that he has the ability to predict the future? Just like Guo Jia!!"

"Not only is this person's strategic and internal affairs abilities unmatched in the world, but what I didn't expect is that his tactical abilities are so terrifying!! Not under Guo Jia!!"

"What a perfect talent!!"

In Bohai County.

I saw that Xun Yu had completely seen through his psychology, and everything that would happen in the future. It was exactly the same as what Xun Yu thought.

Yuan Shao was also completely stunned at this moment, and his back was full of All in cold sweat

"How is it possible that this Xun Yu has completely seen through the psychology and character of several of my Yuan Jun people, and even the future!!"

"Why is there such a terrifying person in the world, but he is my opponent!!"

"Xun Yu and Guo Jia were supposed to be my counselors, but they were all secretly plotted by Cao A!!"

"If Xun Yu and Guo Jia were here, how could I lose to Cao Mengde?"

Yuan Shao said desperately.

Inside Chenliu County,

Cao Cao was also completely shocked.

This Xun Yu was not only a terror in internal affairs.

His tactical abilities were not inferior to Guo Jia's!

He even seemed to be prophetic.

After all, Guo Jia seemed to be the same. Only one person can be seen through at a time.

But Xun Yu was actually able to see through all the futures and personalities of several important figures in Yuan Shao's army.

In front of Xun Yu, the entire people in Yuan Shao's camp seemed to have no clothes on.

It was terrible. Got it!

"~Why are there such geniuses in the world!!"

"No, this person must be in my hands!!"

In Yingchuan County.

Guo Jia looked at everything and laughed.

"As expected of Wen Ruo!"

"Wen Ruo's resourcefulness is not inferior to mine!!"

Gulongzhong, inside the thatched cottage.

Zhuge Liang looked at Xun Yu with a solemn face.

For the first time, he felt the threat of his opponent.

"This person's resourcefulness is truly terrifying!"

"Not beneath me!!"

The scene continues. In

March of the sixth year of Jian'an, after Yuan Shao was defeated by Guandu, Cao Cao felt that Yuan Shao no longer posed a big threat.

So Cao Cao wanted to attack Liu Biao of Jingzhou south who had allied with Yuan Shao.

Xun Yu objected.

He He offered advice and said:"Now that Yuan Shao has failed and his troops are separated, we should take advantage of this opportunity to pacify Hebei in one fell swoop.

With our backs to Yanzhou and Yuzhou, we are like an expedition to Jiang and Han.

If Yuan Shao collects his remaining troops and takes advantage of the weakness to attack our rear, your mission will be over."

Cao Cao accepted his plan, so he marched north in April and raised his troops on the Yellow River. He launched an attack on Yuan Shao's army stationed in Cangting and annihilated Yuan's army in Cangting.

At this point, Yuan Shao's main force was completely lost.

Never again. There was no ability to cross the Yellow River and attack Cao's army.

In September, Cao Cao's troops returned to Xu.

In August of the seventh year of Jian'an,

Yuan Shao was so angry at his defeat that he vomited blood and died.

His sons Yuan Tan and Yuan Shang attacked each other to compete for inheritance rights.

In the eighth year of Jian'an,

Cao Cao made a petition and granted Xun Yu the title of Marquis of Long Live Pavilion.

Xun Yu, who was serving as Shangshu Ling, saw Cao Cao's petition.

He was very humble and thought he had no military exploits, so he suppressed the petition.

Therefore, Cao Cao wrote to him again:"Since I have worked with you, you have helped correct mistakes and assist the government, recommended talents, proposed strategies, and made careful plans. I think you have done a lot.

Meritorious service does not always depend on fighting. I hope you will not give in. Xun

Yu then accepted the title of Marquis Wansui Ting.

In the ninth year of Jian'an,

Cao Cao captured Yecheng and led Jizhou as a herder.

Someone said to Cao Cao:"It is better to restore Jiuzhou to Jizhou, then the people in Jizhou will be vast and the world will be subdued.""

Cao Cao was about to take it, but Xun Yu objected.

Xun Yu said to Cao Cao,"You have just obtained the land of Jizhou, but you have not yet taken over Youzhou and Bingzhou in the north.

Several of Yuan Shao's sons and nephews are still here. Places were ruled separately.

If you can't wait to take back all these territories under your own account now, then the people in these places will definitely concentrate their efforts to deal with you. If Liu Biao in the south is waiting for an opportunity, it will be very difficult to unify the world.

It is not advisable to make too many enemies now, and focusing on dealing with Yuan Shao's sons is the top priority.

Then repair the old capital of Luoyang, send troops southward, and attack with righteous troops, then the world can be settled.

We can wait until the world is unified before we can talk about it. In short, we must not act too hastily."

Xun Yu's words made Cao Cao feel impeccable.

Xun Yu"thwarted" the rapid expansion of Cao Cao's ambitions in his own way, and made it impossible for Cao Cao to find any faults.

Cao Cao also listened to his words and did not change the old ones. system.

Cao Cao then put aside his plan to restore Kyushu to France, and continued to attack Yuan Shang and Yuan Tan northward.

Then he went out to destroy Wuhuan, pacified western Liaoning, and made the Gongsun family in eastern Liaodong surrender, which perfectly solved the worries of the Northeast.

But after that , Xun Yu, Cao Cao's most effective assistant who repeatedly offered advice and stabilized the rear, began to drift away from Cao Cao.……

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