Jia Xu said respectfully:"I'm thinking of Yuan Shao and Liu Biao."

(It means that Yuan Shao and Liu Biao both caused great disasters because they abolished their elders and established young ones, and were eventually destroyed by Cao Cao.)

Cao Cao laughed at this and finally made up his mind..

So Cao Pi was made crown prince that year.

Jia Xu believed that he was not an old minister of Cao Cao, but he had profound strategies. He was afraid of Cao Cao's suspicion, so he adopted a self-protection strategy and kept to himself. He did not interact with others in private, and his children did not marry powerful people.

At that time, the world was talking about wise men. They all respected him very much.

And Cao Cao couldn't help but sigh when he looked at the picture.

"This Jia Wenhe is really powerful. It turns out that it was because of his tricks that I decided to make Pi'er the crown prince!!"

But Cao Cao's face was slightly unhappy.

After all, for a man like him, he naturally didn't want others to interfere in his household affairs. In the first year of Huangchu,

Cao Pi came to the throne.

In order to repay Jia Xu for helping his heir apparent, he paid homage to Jia Xu. As a Taiwei, he was promoted to the title of Marquis of Shouxiang in Wei Dynasty, and he was given an additional 300 towns, totaling 800 households. He was also divided into 200 towns, and his youngest son Jia Fang was granted the title of Marquis, and his eldest son Jia Mu was appointed as the Commander-in-Chief of the Prince Consort.

It can be seen that Gratitude to Jia Xu

In March of the fourth year of Huangchu,

Cao Pi first conquered Soochow, but failed to achieve the expected results.

At the beginning, Cao Pi asked Jia Xu:"I want to unify the world, which one should I conquer first, Wu or Shu?""

Jia Xu suggested that neither of them should attack.

Instead, they should govern the country first before resorting to force.

Cao Pi refused to listen and returned with no success and a great defeat.

In June of the same year, Jia Xu died at the age of seventy-seven.

His posthumous title He was named Suhou, and his son Jia Mu took the title.

Many years later, Jia Xu, Wang Lang, Cao Zhen, and Xin Pi were paired together to enjoy the temple of Emperor Wen of Wei.

The scene went black.

And Jia Xu's legendary life ended in this way..

He finally became the Third Duke. He died at the age of seventy-seven. His posthumous title was Su, and he was worthy of enjoying the temple court of Emperor Wen of Wei. It was also a perfect ending.

On the screen,

Su Bai's narration and golden characters soon appeared on the screen.

It quickly emerged.

It is a simple summary of Jia Xu’s life!

【Jia Xu was the top strategist of the Three Kingdoms.

As the saying goes, how much does God know? Who believes that it was once said that the name begins with Wenhe and ends with chaos and war!!

As Cao Cao's mastermind, one of the most important counselors in the camp, and one of Cao's Five Strategies.

It can be said that he is the purest strategist when it comes to strategies.

Even in the minds of reviewers, he may be the pure first strategist and wisest man in the Three Kingdoms.

Unlike Zhuge Liang, who held the post of prime minister and was also responsible for running the country and ensuring peace, he was not like Zhou Yu, who held the post of general and was good at leading troops in battle.

Jia Xu's identity is always behind the scenes, and his pursuit is to make suggestions and complete them.

Dong Zhuo, Li Jue, Guo Si, Zhang Xiu, Cao Cao, Cao Pi...

It can be said that Jia Xu has assisted generations of lords and has always been the master. There are a lot of clever strategies, and they are all considered, and they have never failed.

Jia Xu's strongest point, similar to Guo Jia, is his insight into people's hearts, tactics, situations, strategies, and the future.

So if you don't listen to him, you're basically in trouble.

He advised Cao Cao not to wander around after taking Jingzhou, and advised Cao Pi not to use force easily. The father and son refused to listen, and they all returned frustrated.

He advised Li Jue to fight to the death before escaping, and advised Zhang Xiu to use his defeated troops to pursue him. They all won, and his analysis of the situation was amazingly accurate.

The most amazing thing is that he persuaded Cao Cao to make Cao Pi his heir apparent, so that he could enjoy wealth and honor in the future. It can be said that he understood people's hearts.

Even Jia Xu is an absolutely exquisite and perfect egoist, able to rely on wisdom and assess the situation in troubled times. He is the longest-lived counselor.

He also became the third official and saved his family.

This is the real great wisdom. It can be said that Jia Xu was probably the smartest person in that period.

The only shortcoming may be that Jia Xu was too ruthless in his tactics. He invaded Chang'an, killed countless people, and dashed the hopes of the Han Dynasty's revival, thus ruining his reputation.

Combining Jia Xu's resourcefulness and internal affairs methods, he is ranked 15th among all the conspirators in history! ]

As Su Bai's narration ended.

The review of Jia Xu’s life has come to an end.

The golden characters also began to appear!

【Poisoner】Jia Xu and Jia Wenhe.

Ranked 15th on the list of historical conspiracies.

Personal ability value.

Commander: 66 Arms: 31 Intelligence: 110 Politics: 101 Charm: 72

Strategic ability: 9 stars

Tactical ability, 9 stars

Internal affairs ability, 7 stars

Current influence: 8 stars

Historical status in future generations: 7 stars

Overall overall rating: 40 stars

With the ranking of the 15th divine conspirator on the list, the poisonous scholar Jia Xu Jia Wen and the inventory of his life are over.

Everyone in the Han Dynasty couldn't help but continue to discuss it.

Ying Zheng:"Jia Xu is a really terrifying counselor!! He is undoubtedly the smartest person!! He finally lived to be the Third Duke, almost 80 years old, what a perfect life!!"

Li Shimin:"He killed so many people in Chang'an City back then. This person still caused the big man to be completely hopeless.

In the end, such a perfect ending is really amazing. Is this the so-called good man who does not live long and causes trouble for thousands of years??"

Yao Guangxiao:"This man has unparalleled ingenuity. , can still protect himself, and his life span is still so long, it is perfect! No wonder he is on the list!!"

Liu Che:"He is just an absolute refined egoist.

He lives a good life, and he doesn't care if he sacrifices countless people for it. I don’t think that’s the case!"

This man is indeed the most intelligent person in the world!!

Even the smartest person.

The key is to be able to survive.

Live to be almost 80 years old.

He also became the first of the three princes, the most respected minister, and the position of Taiwei.

The family is safe in troubled times.

It’s a perfect life!!

Of course, this person's perfect life also sacrificed many people.

He dashed the hope of the revival of the Han Dynasty and killed countless innocent people by rebelling against Chang'an.

Behind the rapid rise are the corpses of countless innocent people.

Within Chenliu County.

Cao Cao sighed:

"This person is somewhat similar to me. He is an absolute egoist.

What he upholds is that he would rather teach me to betray the world than teach the world to betray me!!"

"It's a pity that this person may join Dong Zhuo's command.

If we attack Dong Zhuo at that time, it will be a bit difficult!!"

"Unless Fengxiao can be found, this person's strategies and tactics can be restrained!!"

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