Vertical sun.

Outside Wuhou Mansion.

"We welcome the arrival of the eldest son."

Following Yuan Tan's dismounting, the guards and officials of Wuhou Mansion all around knelt to the ground.

In the distance is the admiring eyes of the people.

This time, Yuan Tan went to the meeting alone with no foreign ministers.

On behalf of Sun Jian, Sun Ce led the members of the Sun clan to greet him outside the gate.

Sun Ce's heart at this moment is very complicated. The person in front of him, not to mention the person who robbed him, now wants to rob his sister and become his brother-in-law.

It is impossible.

"Bo Fu, where is Gong Jin? You always stay focused on Meng, and Meng is not focused."

Sun Ce smiled reluctantly, "Lord son, today is a family dinner. It is a meeting between you and my sister. My mother will also be there. There are no outsiders."

Yuan Tan nodded.

Sun Jian is the Jiangdong Tiger, and Sun Ce is the Jiangdong Xiaobawang. The father and son are not afraid of any man in their lives, but are soft-hearted to two women, the mother Wu and Sun Shangxiang.

For a while.

Yuan Tan entered the Wuhou Hall in the lead.

This hall is also quite large, with hundreds of seats, and at the moment it is full of people from the Sun clan.

"Grand Prince."

"Grand Prince..."

Seeing him coming in, the tribe led by Sun Jing got up.

Sun Jian was sitting in the hall more than a foot high, the old man's identity, did not get up.

"I have seen Wu Hou." Yuan Tan Yili.

Sun Jian is still very willing to have such a son-in-law, who can solve the problem of her daughter's difficulty in getting married, and also enhance the prestige of the Sun family.

If Sun Shangxiang agrees, he will definitely not kill Yuan Tan. Who makes his daughter unwilling. Nodded, "Grandpa, please come in."

In the wing on the right side of the hall, rows of elite fighters with swords and axes squatted.

Only Zhou Yu stood and whispered: "Listen to my orders later, don't have to estimate other people, turn to kill Yuan Tan."

No one said a word from the soldiers, but the murderous aura here is obviously stronger.

Zhou Yu came to the pierced window. This design can't be seen inside without getting close. He looked out, "Yuan Tan..." The corner of his mouth curled up, revealing an elegant smile.

The banquet began.

Yuan Tan said this to Sun Jian, Sun Jing and others while dealing with the toasts of the crowd.

But he started to mutter in his heart, didn't he mean the meeting, why didn't the mother-in-law and daughter-in-law show up?

At this time, Dianwei came back from the outside and said privately: "Grand Prince, his subordinates pretended to go to the toilet and turned around in secret. Seeing that there are no wing rooms on both sides, there are hidden swordsmen inside."

Yuan Tan was shocked, could it be that Sun Jian was persuaded? This is to kill him, no wonder you can't see Sun Shangxiang.

Sister, brother is going to marry you, can't you stand up and say something, can't you give up too?

He always thought that marriage was true on Sun Shangxiang's side.

It now appears that Sun Shangxiang has another choice.

Zhuge Liang watched his words and thoughts, and said privately: "The eldest son, maybe the eldest lady does not know this."

"Yes, yes!" Yuan Tan nodded repeatedly.

Zhuge Liang said again: "The previous incident showed that Sun Jian did not participate, and now he is involved. It must be moved. Now only the eldest can save you. Only the eldest can make Wuhou get rid of the thoughts, so other people should not worry ."

"Then what should I do?" Yuan Tan was already messed up, but fortunately there was Wolong standing beside him.

Sure enough, Zhuge Liang never failed Yuan Tan, "So, so, and so...."

Yuan Tan nodded heavily.

"Grand Prince, what are you and your subordinates whispering to each other?" Sun Ce said coldly.

The eyes of Sun Jian and others were attracted, after all, this was very rude.

Yuan Tan calmed down, smiled, and said, "Everyone, Kong Ming just reminded me that this is a meeting, why didn't you see the eldest lady?"

Sun Jian was embarrassed, "This... my daughter is a little sick."

Yuan Tan felt that someone backed away from behind.

"Then I'll go and see." He immediately got up and ran away before everyone could react.

Zhuge Liang shook the feather fan lightly and smiled. The old man is really witty, and most people certainly can't understand the meaning of the push just now.

Sun Ce, Sun Jian, and the Sun family, even if they were an attendant, were all dumbfounded.

Especially Sun Ce, the cooked duck wants to fly!

Suddenly, Yuan Tan had already left the encirclement. He didn't know how to deal with it. He was a little dazed and looked out to covertly.

Zhou Yu opened half of the window with flowers, winked fiercely, and pointed at Sun Jian again.

Sun Ce understood, and said in a deep voice: "Father!" He also started to wink. That meant, he hurriedly threw the cup as a sign and caught up to kill him.

Sun Jian hesitated, after all, he was not sure to kill him in the mansion. If he ran outside, he, Wu Houmin, would lose his heart, how could he do great things in the future?

So in history, it is not just Sun Jian at this moment, others can only be assassinated, not knowingly.

"Xiangxiang, where are you?" Yuan Tan shouted outside and drifted away.


Sun Shangxiang is in the confinement yard.

Sun Jian also knows that his daughter likes to practice martial arts, and the confinement is broken, and the confinement yard has been very large since she was a child.

At this moment, Sun Shangxiang held the sun-shooting bow, bent the bow and set the arrow, aiming at the scarecrow a hundred steps away.

With the word Yuan Tan written on it, when she was free, she would think of Ma Yunlu marrying Yuan Tan.

Even ate grass on the edge of the nest.

The anger exploded his lungs.

I don't know why I was so angry, maybe it was due to another kind of abandonment by my brother and sister.


Three in a row, five in a row, without any arrows, worthy of being Jiangdong's first eldest lady, and the archer's C position does his part.

Another arrow ran like a meteor, right in the middle of the Scarecrow's right eye.

The maids cheered together.

At this time, a hurried call came from outside, "Sister, sister, where are you?"

This shout may not be felt by the maids, but Sun Shangxiang was too familiar with it, and was shouted into the soul.

The Jiao body was shocked, and looked at the scarecrow not far away with a terrified look, "Dao... has spoken!"

This is definitely scary for anyone.

", where are you?"

The voice came again, far and near.

"Brother Yi?" Sun Shangxiang was taken aback, only to realize that it was not the scarecrow who shouted, and immediately became happy, "Brother Yi, I am here, here! Have you heard?"

It was just a blink of an eye.

"Who would dare to break into the forbidden area!"


Sun Shangxiang saw that the gate was brutally knocked open, and the two guards fell to the ground and had been knocked out.

A tall and majestic familiar figure came into view.

"Big Brother!" For Sun Shangxiang, it was incredible that Yuan Tan actually appeared here.

"Sanmei! I want to kill you!" Yuan Tan was so happy, Wuhou House was so big, it was really not easy to find. Ran over.

Sun Shangxiang kicked the Scarecrow first, and then greeted him.

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