You feel a little discouraged.

You've tried a variety of approaches.

Unfortunately, there is no way to reverse the outcome.

Even if you don't leave the town, you will die at night.

You really have no choice but to ask for help.

The country has a special line that belongs to you.

After you dialed it, you clarified the situation.

Of course, it's not entirely true, just in or around the town.

Someone wants to work against you.

And the enemy is very powerful, even the seven soldiers are not opponents.

Your report was taken seriously at the first time.

The nearest military district around you received an order to send a regiment directly to meet you.

At the same time, helicopter gunships were dispatched, and a large number of soldiers descended on the town to directly control it.

The regiment leader found you as soon as possible and checked that you were intact, and only then did he let go of his heart.

You think that this time there are so many people, and they are all heavily armed soldiers, this time it should be stable.

The first time you took the school flower wife and left in a gunship.

The soldiers will directly block the town and then slowly investigate.

And the seven king of soldiers are not with you, but with a stand-in of yours, protected by heavy soldiers.

Leave the town by motorcade.

This is to confuse the enemy's sight.

Once they make a move, flaws will be revealed.

At that time, of course, the regiment commander will be able to find it out.

The kings of soldiers were also ready to sacrifice at any time.

Unexpectedly, you flew away quietly in a gunship, just when you were about to leave the town range.

Suddenly, there was a white light in front of him.

Immediately after that, he lost consciousness.

Waking up again and back to that morning.

You feel incredible!

So many times in a row, you don't even know who the enemy is and how to move your hands!

Simply outrageous!

You're lying in bed and even have some desire to give up.

Even if the school flower wife is entangled like a water snake, you just put down the sentence of 'move yourself', and you fall into a deep depression again.

Refused to leave in the afternoon as usual and waited until the evening.

You are glued to the alarm clock.

It was near twelve o'clock.

The white light really appeared.

Then you are born again back to the morning.

Just like that, back and forth, bored to spend a dozen rebirths.

You opened it suddenly, and for the first time you saw the sleeping face of the school flower.

You immediately looked away and lay flat on the bed, not knowing what to think.

It didn't take long for the school flower to wake up.

And start asking for love.

Although you are reborn every time, the injuries you suffered the previous time, the physical strength you exerted and so on.

will be reset.

But every morning comes and your spirit will also feel tired.

Especially in the face of school flowers, you feel more and more bored.

I almost didn't even get up last time.

It was necessary for the school flower to help him personally, so as to regain his strength.

And this time, you even pushed the school flower away.

Get dressed and head out.

The school flower looked at your departing back blankly, a little silently lost.

I don't know why your attitude is so cold overnight.

You, on the other hand, decide to have some fun between this boring death and rebirth.

According to previous experience, after throwing off the King of the Seven Soldiers, you wander around the town.

I accidentally saw a beautiful woman with healthy wheat-colored skin and short and capable hair.

Full of vitality and youth.

Instantly captivates you.

You can't help but step forward and talk.

That's how you met.

It's just that it's still a little difficult to sleep with each other in one day.

You don't mind, after all, you have unlimited time.

Wait until you are born again.

You followed the trajectory of the last time and found the beauty again.

Because of the experience of the last time, your speech and behavior are very in line with the other party's temperament.

Let her think that she has met a confidant.

Get acquainted with her faster.

It's just that there is still a gap between you and the goal you want to achieve.

But don't be afraid, it's a big deal!

It's as if you're playing a strategy game, and you have a powerful save mastery.

In the third time, you raided this beauty.

And had an unforgettable evening.

Subsequently reborn.

You completely let yourself go!

Start hunting in the town.

The town is a tourist attraction and famous for the old town.

In addition to the aborigines, the most are tourists from Tiannanhaibei.

You look for targets in the crowd and lock them in.

Then start the Raiders.

I don't know how many times you have been reborn, every beautiful woman you can meet on the street, you seem to have tasted it.

On this day, you meet a superlative.

The appearance is no worse than your school flower girlfriend, and the figure is even better than three points.

You immediately began to raid her, but you didn't expect that when you raided her, you actually came into contact with some black products in the town!

After all, this is an ancient tourist town with a large flow of people, just as the so-called world bustle is for profit, the world is crowded for profit.

It is easy to spawn some black industry chains.

And these industrial chains will give birth to some people who wander in the gray area.

They do not commit major cases, and small cases are constant, even the local police have a headache.

You and the beauty are stuck in a dead end with a group of people.

Fortunately, at the critical moment, the one who is the best at fighting among the seven soldiers who protect you arrives.

With the power of one person, he dealt with the small gangster who was close to the number twenty armed with his bare hands.

It was so easy to knock them all down.

You even noticed that when the superb beauty saw his heroic performance, her eyes lit up.

Apparently attracted by his force value.


You know that if you want to succeed today, I am afraid that it is impossible.

Suddenly, you came up with a good idea.

Learn to fight!

This one who is good at martial arts is the fifth of the seven king soldiers.

The next dozen rebirths, you didn't go anywhere.

It is to learn martial arts skills with the old five.

Amazingly, your ability to learn is very strong.

Reborn fifteen times, which adds up to fifteen days.

You actually learned the fighting skills of the old five.

The difference is only real combat experience.

As for basic physical fitness, in fact, you have always been quite good.

You don't exercise these times because it's a wasted effort.

Every time you finish your workout, even if you make progress, and you are reborn once, your body will return to the state it was in that morning.

It's equivalent to exercising for nothing.

Only experience, skill, and knowledge can carry these things to the next rebirth.


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