Sweet Wife in My Arms

Chapter 2202: That's your mother

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He walked over to the bed, and the snoring continued in small steps, and he knew how real this person was sleeping. Even if there was a big noise outside, it would be impossible for people to wake up.

Go to death, just as he was about to stab, there was a loud noise from the outside door, and there was no clarity in his eyes at this time. He just wanted to kill, and he had to die with these people.

He almost exhausted all his strength and stabbed the knife in his hand, and there was also a pig-killing voice.

And he hasn’t come and reacted yet. I don’t know where it came from. A foot sticking out was also kicked over, directly hitting him in the face, also hitting him against the wall. Slammed on the ground.

"Huh, is this someone?"

Someone suddenly shouted a name, which also shocked Lei Qingyi prepared outside.

"How could there be someone, isn't this a vacant room?" And he opened the door, and sure enough it was someone, the fruit knife was now stuck in the quilt, and the person in the quilt was trembling, no, it was twitching With.

Lei Qingyi strode over, and his palms were all sweaty. He didn’t say that no one can come here, it’s impossible, Lu Yizhen is here, and the more he thinks, the more scared he is, and he is also out of his body. In the cold sweat, even the clothes are almost drenched.

With a clatter, he opened the quilt, but he was also taken aback, and the room was almost full of **** smell.

There was a woman lying on the bed, and the fruit knife was directly stuck in the woman's body. The woman rolled her eyes, her mouth was also spitting blood foam, and her body was pumped.

"Call an ambulance," Lei Qingyi said quickly to the people around him, and when he saw the middle-aged woman who was twitching from time to time, he felt his scalp instantly numb.

"Lu Qin, you stupid pig," he strode over and pulled the man who had just been kicked to the ground.

"Look, look at it, who did you kill?"

"That's your mother, your mother."

Lu Qin’s kicked face was swollen, and his eyes were full of blood, almost unable to open, and he looked at the woman with wide eyes in the bed, and there was a grunt in his throat. I couldn't see everything in an instant, only the foggy piece remained.

Lu Yi walked in, and when he saw the chaos inside, he frowned slightly, "What's wrong?"

"What's the matter, look!" Lei Qingyi pulled Lu Yi forward.

"Why is Qin Xiaoyue here?" As soon as Lu Yi came in, he smelled the **** smell. Of course, he did not worry about Lei Qingyi. This bureau was laid down by him and Lei Qingyi, just to let Lu Qin be here. He was arrested and attempted to kill. In the end, he had to die. Even if there were ten Su Muran, it would be impossible to rescue him. Moreover, there was only one Su Muran in this world, and that Su Muran It was almost the same, and it was almost gone.

Of course, the **** smell here, he always thought it was on Lu Qin, after all, Lei Qingyi's skill is there, he could not be injured.

And he is also accidental, why is Qin Xiaoyue here?

"I don't know," Lei Qingyi shook his head. "We are all well laid out, but in the end, there is an extra Qin Xiaoyue, and Lu Qinran wants to kill his mother."

"I can't die yet," Lu Yi glanced at Qin Xiaoyue's injury lightly.

Such a light injury, I can’t die, yes, I can’t die, I don’t get to the point, I bleed a lot, make up the internal organs, and then sew a few stitches, but Yan Huan was then turned into a hedgehog by Lu Qin. Even the blood on her body was running out.

He will never forget how his Huanhuan, how his wife died in his last life, how to close his eyes forever, and how he is alone all his life.

In this life, Lu Qin really did such a thing.

He really hates them until they die.

Lu Qinting's eyes were glared, but only one eye was glared, while the other eye had swollen into a slit.

Lu Yi walked over, grabbed Lu Qin from the ground, and then hit his other eye with a punch. Lu Qin just felt his eyes hurt, and finally he could not see anything.

And he tucked forward, but he didn't know what he wanted to do, whether he wanted to run or escape, but in the end he was powerless and couldn't move forward more than half a point.

He knew that he was over, he was completely over, even a hint of opportunity was gone.

And the hatred of his body, this life is also here, his life is destined to lose to Lu Yi, in the end, Lu Yi got everything, but he lost everything , Lu family, money, power, reputation, and finally his life.

Qin Xiaoyue was taken away by an ambulance, as they saw, although Qin Xiaoyue was miserable, she also bleed a little bit more blood, but her injury was really not fatal, after all, after the quilt And, for a body like Lu Qin, I don’t see much strength. So, the knife is not so heavy, but it hurts Qin Xiaoyue’s internal organs. However, if you get more knives, Even if Qin Xiaoyue is not dead, he has to take off a layer of skin.

And these things, Yan Huan didn’t know. After she fell asleep, she still pulled to the beautiful street, and ate from one end to the other. When she was full, she started to record this issue. Show.

The festival list was very successful. She was also very happy to eat. Of course, she also learned a few authentic snacks. Of course, she didn’t spend any money. The people in the program asked others to come and teach, and they also came. After learning it, I also learned it. Of course, these are not some kind of ancestral secret recipes. They are some authentic local snacks. The places here are small. Almost every household will make some, but the taste is different. Of course. What Yan Huan learns is authentic.

And she didn't know at all, just what happened during their escape, she still happily ate, drank, and then recorded the program.

Until one day, Lu Yi told her one thing.

"What?" Yan Huan was a little surprised or very surprised. "You mean, Lu Qin is going to be executed today."

Yan Huan's recent days have been a little too good, so she has put some things in the house, but even if she forgets, she still has some uneasiness in some places.

And this uneasiness is also due to the name Lu Qin.

But she was still inexplicably uneasy, and Lu Qin over there was about to be executed.

Death penalty, what a crime is this?

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