Rhine shook his head: "It still has an impact - they will drive us out so that I can't see the giant."

"As long as you don't get discovered, that's fine, right?"

An ambiguous smile appeared on Hela's face.

Hela's body pressed against Rhine calmly. She activated her magic and asked softly:

"Your Highness, look, what is this?"

Rhine was stunned for a moment: "A general-purpose forbidden spell, sublimated light?"

Hela activated another magic and asked, "Look, what is this?"

Rhine: "An ordinary invisibility spell."

Hela slowly moved her hands closer together, adding the light of sublimation to the invisibility technique.

[Has self-regulation] [Has self-regulation] [Has self-regulation] [Has self-regulation] [Has self-regulation]

[Has self-regulation] [Has self-regulation] [Has self-regulation] [Has self-regulation] [Has self-regulation]


When I saw everyone talking about eunuchs, I was so scared that I quickly stayed up late and made up for the updates I owed. Let me emphasize that I am really just a little sleepy today. I am in good condition and have sufficient creative motivation. I insist on saying that today is the best. If there is a reason, it should be that the editor asked me to choose the cover of the big bookshelf. I had a hard time choosing the cover and finally squeezed out the time for typing.

This book cannot be a eunuch, it cannot be a eunuch. The first subscription of this book is more than the three books I have written before combined. As a full-time author, I will definitely do it even if it is just for the money. Keep writing, and it will take a long time, so please rest assured!

Chapter 73 Departure to the Hometown of Order

Rhine and Hella, after spending a colorful month in the monastery.

The monks who recalled the Pure Land finally sent a piece of good news to Rhine.

"Your Highness Rhine, you have completed the first test of recalling the Pure Land. During this month of practice, you have perfectly maintained the purity of your heart. Now your soul has returned to tranquility. Degeneration and corruption have left you. You have Having passed the sacred test in the lake, we will now allow you to meet and recall the Saint of the Pure Land - the Giant of the Lake."


After paying another golden prop as a ticket, Rhine finally had the opportunity to meet the Giant of the Lake.

The ceremony to summon the Giant of the Lake is held that night.

The monks took Rhine to the lake next to the monastery.

In fact, this monastery and these monks are just unwarranted interruptions from a group of mortals from the world.

Only this lake is the real "pure land of memories".

Here, the monks began the ritual of summoning the sacred within the lake.

Under the bright moon, almost all members of the monastery were mobilized. In the quiet night, they softly chanted the true name of a certain saint, set up altars, prepared sacrifices, and used spells to transmit their voices to the surface of the lake.

They are using their own methods to get in touch with the wise saints under the Lake of Memories.


The Giant of the Lake is a sacred being that recalls the Pure Land. It is not something anyone can see if they want to.

But Rhine is a special case.

As the prince of the Haine Empire, he had a noble and distinguished status. If he could visit the Pure Land of Memory, he must have obtained some information that tempted him.

Therefore, the monks acquiesced that this noble man must have brought a forbidden soldier to visit the Pure Land for the sake of the Giant of the Lake.

the reason is simple,

The Giant of the Lake has an extremely alluring ability.

The Giant of the Lake has infinite wisdom, knows history, and has insight into the future. When a mortal has withstood the test of the Giant, the Giant can answer any of his questions.

no doubt,

This is why the Prince of Rhine came.

Unfortunately, the monks were only half right.

Rhine did come for the Giant of the Lake, but he had no questions to ask the Giant.

The long ceremony lasted for a full three hours.

Under the quiet lake, ripples finally appeared,


Along with a soft light, mist began to fill the lake.

A tall figure nearly three meters tall gradually emerged from the mist. He stood quietly in the center of the Lake of Memories, looking at the mortals on the other side of the lake.

"Your Highness, the Sacred Lake has responded to your request. Go see him and accept his final test."

After speaking, the monk pointed to the small boat prepared for Rhine and heading to the middle of the lake.

But Rhine did not take the boat, because Hela had already raised her hand and formed a crystal bridge on the water of Rhine Lake.

Lain looked at Hela tenderly: "Hela, do you remember what I said to you?"


Hela nodded slightly: "I will block my perception. I will not eavesdrop on the next conversation between His Highness and the giant."

After explaining to Hela, Rhine walked towards the crystal bridge leading to the Giant of the Lake.

Under the encouraging gazes of hundreds of monks who recalled the Pure Land,

Rhine is about to complete the final part of the ceremony,

Be tested by the Giant of the Lake.

In fact, the lake giant in front of Rhine is completely different from the Titan he encountered in the Golden Land before.

Compared with the Titans that can be made into EVA by dwarves, and the 50-50 Abyss Sacred Titan.

The giant of the lake is too small.

But it doesn't matter,

The so-called Giant of the Lake is nothing more than the personified image of the lake at the feet of the Rhine, this lake of memories.

His size is meaningless.

At the end of the Crystal Bridge,

Rhine finally saw the true face of the giant in the fog.

The image of the Giant of the Lake is an enlarged mortal old man with a kind face and kind eyes. He showed a friendly smile to Rhine.

"Hello, guest visiting the Pure Land of Reminiscence."

The giant of the lake had a gentle voice:

"I would venture to mention that I feel the aura of depravity from your body. Are you blessed by the God of the Nether Realm?"

Rhine nodded and admitted generously: "My Forbidden Army and I stopped an invasion of the Gospel Blood Riders in the Golden Land last month, and then it seemed that... I received some unnecessary protection at that time."

"Golden Land...that's what it is."

Giant of the Lake: "So, you came to me to find a way to remove the blessing of the Nether Realm?"

Rhine: "No, but if this corruption makes you uncomfortable, you can temporarily seal it first."

Giant of the Lake: "It is indeed difficult for me to resist the corruption of the netherworld. Thank you for your consideration."

The giant expressed his gratitude to Rhine,

Then, under the guidance of the giant, the Lake of Memories established a connection with Rhine, and instantly absorbed all the corruption of the netherworld from Rhine.

Enzhu's dragon eyes and Enzhu's blood eyes were quickly extinguished.

The two gates to the netherworld in Rhine's eyes were temporarily suppressed.

The giant of the lake continued:

"If you want me to answer your question, then you need to withstand my test first and drink the lake of memories. You will have no secrets in my eyes. If your soul can endure my scrutiny, then I Three questions will be answered for you—answering everything you want to know.”

Rhine: "No problem,"


On the quiet lake, a solid ball of water floated into Rhine's hand.

Rhine took up the lake water and drank it.

Rhine: "Then, be prepared mentally - to return to the light."


The giant of the lake was stunned.

Did this person just now... tell me my real name?

As Rhine drank the lake water of memories,

The final ceremony finally begins.

Rhine established a connection with the minds of the Lake Giant, and Rhine's soul was fully revealed in front of the Lake Giant.

Rhine's memories were continuously poured into the mind of the Lake Giant - the Holy Spirit of memories began to examine this confused soul who longed for guidance.

The monks on the lake shore watched the ceremony nervously.

In fact, the monks who recalled the Pure Land had a good impression of this generous guest from Rhine. After all, he gave too much.

I just don’t know whether this guest, after paying the price of two golden items, can withstand the test of the Lake Giant and achieve his wish.

A monk said to Hela: "Your Majesty the Forbidden Army, His Highness Rhine will bear some pressure under the gaze of the Lake Giant, which will make him very painful, but please don't be nervous, it will never hurt him."

However, Hela ignored him.

Although Hela has been tamed by Rhine, she still has the same bad attitude towards mortals except Rhine, so arrogant that she no longer treats them as the same kind.

Ignoring the noise of the ants in my ears,

Hela concentrated on admiring her lover's charming back.

She must take advantage of now to take a few more glances at her beloved His Highness Rhine...because the day after tomorrow, her vacation in the imperial capital will be over.

the other side,

As the ceremony began, from the center of the Lake of Memories, a howling like a slaughtering pig was heard unexpectedly.


An old voice screamed and asked incoherently.

"It hurts!! My soul... is about to burst!!! So many memories! Why are there so many! Why are there so many things in your mind!!!"

"Wait, what kind of memory is that?! No...impossible!! How could our world...be...ahhhhhh!!!"

Compared with previous ceremonies,

The screams of those being tested today were particularly harsh and painful! It broke our hearts! !

The monks closed their eyes helplessly... But wait? !

The monks were suddenly startled,

This scream doesn't sound like Rhine Hein's voice!

On the contrary, it looks very much like the Giant of the Lake? !

The monks quickly opened their eyes, stuck their heads out with all their strength, and even activated the spell to enhance vision, trying their best to look towards the center of the lake!

Looking through the thick fog,

They saw the great and wise giant of the lake, screaming and covering his head, twisting into a maggot on the lake! !

Giant of the Lake: "Ahhhhhhh! It hurts so much! Stop!! I beg you!!!"

what's the situation? !

The guy who is currently suffering from the pain of his soul being torn apart, collapsed and screaming, is actually the Giant of the Lake? !

But Rhine looked calm, watching the giant of the lake twitching in pain - as if he was the tester,

The monks' heads were full of questions, and their faces were twitching wildly in shock.

The screams of the lake giant still echoed in the clear lake of memories.

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