Survive the Fourth Natural Disaster

Chapter 48 The Past of the God of Time and Space

The airship reached a place 200 kilometers away from Keslot and could not go any further.

Thunder and lightning were raging in the sky, lightning one after another, thunder one after another, roaring in the sky. Lightning formed a dense network, surrounding the entire city of Keslot.

Thunder rolled in the sky, it was dusk, but it was as bright as day. The earth also trembled violently, and thunder roared underground.

Keslot, shivering under the protection of a silver-white protective shield.

The three red-clothed archbishops of the Noble Temple were floating in the air, their eyes closed and their faces expressionless.

Three vaguely transparent figures emerged behind them, they were the envoys of the God of Nobles.

This level of divine descent is beyond the reach of mortals. Fran didn't dare to get closer, and the three of them could only look at Keslot under the lightning with melancholy.

Fortunately, although the priests of the God of Time and Space are not very pious, there are enough of them.

The sky was dark and lightning thundered for more than an hour.

It's a pity that no matter how earth-shattering or earth-shattering it is. Although Keslot's protective shield has been trembling, it seems that it will break at any time. But he still persisted tenaciously.

The three of them relaxed a little.

Fran said: ""Look where Dionisio is? There was no way he would only let these three red archbishops fight. "

Hill searched for a long time and found nothing. He said hesitantly: "Those legends just now are back, too, including the one from the Temple of Love."

Fran shook his head: "These few have completed their mission, Dionisio will not let them take risks anymore. Everything now has nothing to do with mortals."

Hill had never felt so weak and helpless, even with his powerful grandfather standing next to him. Even ships that once felt very powerful can now only hide in the clouds.

This is the world where gods exist. Even if it always feels far away from me, when one day I really face the gods, I can only feel the weakness of mortals.

Fran sighed sincerely: "Legendary mages travel everywhere, searching for the truth of the world and the origin of life. Is it also because of such stimulation?

No wonder many legendary mages would give up their souls in their old age and become vassals of gods.

The embodiment of natural law. It's really scary sometimes. "

Adrian suddenly shouted: "Look, directly above Keslot! That's Dionisio!"

This man who is known as the closest to God in the noble temple has now become the incarnation of God.

He is holding the Rose Sword, and the golden and transparent figure behind him is also holding the same sword.

Digionio and the golden figure behind him raised the sharp sword in their hands and slashed at Keslot.

"Oh my God!" Hill shouted loudly, pressing his hand tightly on the crystal window.

The God of Nobility and Royal Power, who once thought that he would only take action when the God of Time and Space ascended to the throne, actually took action in advance!

A figure stood on top of Keslot's protective shield. He holds a golden scale in his left hand and a flat plate in his right hand.

The tablet in his right hand instantly turned into a giant shield, completely catching the attack of the Noble God.

William! There was no figure of the God of Time and Space behind him, and Hill was extremely surprised! Is William the God of Time and Space?

A legendary knight, no matter how much he is favored by the gods, can never stop such a powerful god as the God of Nobles!

Dionisio made an ethereal voice. It didn't seem loud, but it reached Hill's ears very easily.

"Sure enough, William Salar, you are the God of Time and Space! The sinner who broke the order, if you are eliminated, the world will return to normal order!"

A loud cry of prayer came from Koslot. The God of Nobility and Royal Power said disdainfully: "Can this little faith help your weak divine power?"

William was silent and said nothing. He just held up his giant shield to resist.

In all directions in Salal, endless light spots floated out, flying towards William crazily.

"Huh? What is this?" The God of Nobles and Royal Power looked at it interestingly.

"My ceremony to become a god!" A misty voice came from the air.

William stood upright, but the sound was not made by him.

The sound of prayers was heard endlessly, but the God of Nobles didn't know what he was thinking, but he actually stopped.

"Sure enough, you are also curious! You want to know who I am? What happened to William, right?" the voice said with a smile.

The nobles and the God of Royal Power did not speak and acquiesced.

A figure suddenly floated up from below and stood next to the God of Nobility and Royal Power.

It was the saint from the Temple of Love. Colored gauze floated behind her, vaguely covering a figure.

It seems that the goddess of love and literature is also here.

"Haha, don't regret it!" The God of Time and Space said with a smile.

Fran lowered the ship to the ground.

The three people walked onto the deck and watched quietly.

When each god ascends to the throne, world consciousness will allow the entire world to see his key journey before becoming a god.

At this time, a minimum of respect must be maintained. No one but the gods dares to stay in the air, and all birds fall to the ground.

William let go of his hand, and the scale and the original plate floated into the air.

This is an artifact of the God of Time and Space! Why can William use it so easily?

People who are confused can only wait for the truth of world consciousness.

The God of Time and Space was indeed a person from long ago.

At that time, the power of the royal family and the nobility should have been the greatest, and the common people could only barely survive.

What floated in the air was a ragged, haggard and thin woman giving birth to a child.

A figure wrapped in red flags dropped into her belly.

Hill's eyes widened in surprise.

That child was born, grew up, and suffered humiliation.

Because he refused to lower his head and proud back.

His parents had a new child and kicked him out because they thought he was disobedient and always getting into trouble.

The 12-year-old boy was finally beaten, kicked and thrown into the wild.

At the moment of his death, he awakened and became a warlock.

Hill looked at the boy surrounded by blazing flames, and his heart was full of sorrow. What could he do if it was him.

The boy seemed to have changed. He did things much more neatly. Take advantage of your good health and try all kinds of herbs. I found many kinds of food and herbs and selflessly shared them with the poor people around me.

He took the poor people into the mountains to hunt and went into the water to catch fish.

Unfortunately, just as life was about to get better, someone tipped off the nobles in the city.

The nobles are here to capture this rare sorcerer.

Those who had followed him fled without hesitation.

He eventually fled into the wilderness.

In the difficult wilderness survival, he persevered and became stronger and stronger.

Finally fled to another noble territory.

This nobleman was a good and compassionate man. He felt that the poor needed help and the nobles needed restraint.

Looking at the messy laws and rules of the nobles, he couldn't help but help.

Finally, the nobles vowed to implement this set of laws throughout the world, and embarked on the road of traveling around and convincing kings of various countries.

Fran gasped: "God of Justice!"

He worked hard to help the God of Justice and wrote laws and regulations.

But the god of nobility and kingship appeared. At that time, the gods could still easily contact believers on the earth.

He opposed most of the laws proposed by the God of Justice, and all restraints on the nobility were wiped out.

"Haha, I know who you are." The God of Nobility and Royal Power laughed indifferently, "What a tenacious life!"

It is a pity that at this time, all life is restrained by the world consciousness and cannot move, otherwise the noble god will probably take action directly.

He raised his head and glanced at the sky: "Flores! Your face is probably gone."

The god of justice finally gave up those laws in order to become a god.

The God of nobility and kingship did not stop Him from ascending to the throne.

But the God of Time and Space at that time could not understand it. He hated the God of Justice for forgetting his original oath to him.

The devil's blood in his body burned. He became a legendary warlock, of devil's blood.

Having lost his human sanity, he only had hatred for the God of Justice and the God of Nobility and Royal Power in his heart.

But what he hated even more was the God of Justice.

All the laws of justice were laid down by him one by one, and he intended to destroy them one by one.

The God of Justice knew that he was sorry for him, and after enduring it for a long time, he finally took action and wounded him after he almost destroyed the foundation of the just contract.

When he fled to the wilderness, he was thrown into the entrance of hell by the god of nobility and kingship who had been watching him.

It was at this moment that he finally returned to some sense.

Seeing the devils in hell extending their hands to him to welcome him, he murmured silent words and flew outward with all his strength.

With a tear falling, Hill silently recited after him: stick to morals and beliefs, keep discipline and conduct in mind.

Hell is not easy to escape from. He persisted for a long time, and when he was almost desperate, he naturally reached out to help him.

A huge branch pulled him out of the entrance to hell.

The hazy natural consciousness heard his screams and reached out to help.

He sat under the huge tree and felt the devil's laughter in his soul.

He bowed and thanked the natural consciousness for helping him, and touched the tree. Without hesitation, he took to the sky.

In the space rift outside the world, he cut off half of his soul. After using the chaotic space blade to crush half of the devil's soul, he fell into a coma in the chaotic space.

After an unknown amount of time, when he woke up, his body had disappeared, leaving only his silver-white soul.

He is assimilated into space.

But half of his soul made him unable to move, floating in the universe along with the rift in space.

Finally entered the long river of time and space.

Perhaps it was his tenacious will that touched the everlasting and eternally flowing rules of time and space, and he aroused the resonance of the long river of time and space.

But the missing soul prevented him from completely integrating into the long river of time and space. In the end, he had no choice but to completely separate his soul and throw it into the extraterrestrial space.

He wants to find himself in parallel time and space.

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