Survive the Fourth Natural Disaster

Chapter 375: Other magical powers brought about by the knight’s virtues

William pulled Spencer up and gave his cousin a warm hug: "It's good to come back! It's good to come back!"

Spencer smiled faintly, and there was a pride between his eyebrows that Hill felt he had not seen for a long time.

Hill suddenly remembered the Spencer he met for the first time when he went on a trip and returned with information.

At that time, he was very proud.

When he and Adrian stood together to greet Hill, they were high-spirited and not weak at all.

However, as the world that William comes into contact with becomes more and more high-end, Spencer, who can only slowly transform himself from a guardian to a server, becomes more and more low-key.

Of course he is still proud. Although he is powerless in terms of force, he is no worse than anyone in handling government affairs. But this kind of Spencer is no longer willing to show this kind of pride. He becomes more and more silent and behaves more and more steadily.

Maybe this is the heart of a knight!

The sword in their hands is where their hearts lie.

Hill stepped forward and smiled to congratulate the guardian knight who finally got his wish: "Congratulations on being promoted to legend, Knight Spencer."

Spencer had stabilized his mood: "Thank you Hill. Although it was a little late, we finally succeeded."

Hill didn't say anything more and walked to the side quietly.

Members of William's Guards are preparing to offer their heartfelt congratulations and blessings.

To them, Spencer's success was like a bright road ahead of them.

These were just knights and knights' guards at first. After so many years of training, half of them have become celestial knights.

It stands to reason that they can already leave the town and become the city lords on Salar's long border.

However, few people are willing to leave the Guards in order to become a city lord.

Nowadays, the power of the nobility is actually becoming more and more restricted. If there is no threat of war, these knights would rather stay in the Guards and work hard to go further.

After they became knights, they officially became a part of the Salar noble system. It does not mean that if they do not become city lords, the noble titles that should be given to them will not be given to them.

Legend is the goal pursued by these Guardsmen, but they are actually very hesitant, not knowing whether their persistence is right or not.

You should still leave the army to establish your own noble family as you did in the past, so that your bloodline can be passed down.

Hill's case is the exception, and Spencer's long-term suffering is the norm for legends.

But on the day they saw Spencer finally succeed, all the hesitation and anxiety of the Guardsmen disappeared.

This is the way they want to go!

Hill turned around and left. According to Trahill's rules, he also had to give Spencer a gift for his promotion to legend.

Of course not now. What Spencer needs now is to accept the sincere blessings from those close to him.

Hill is just a friend and will not disturb the communication between Spencer and William after congratulations.

Although I don’t know why Spencer’s promotion took so long, it almost caught up with the legendary mage’s promotion.

But this is Spencer's secret, related to his legendary skills, and Hill doesn't plan to ask more.

Liszt found many legendary high-level weapons in the warehouse. As an alchemist with abundant ore resources, Hill built a lot of alchemy equipment for practice.

If you want to make a semi-artifact, not only must the materials be good enough, but your hands must also be skilled enough.

Hill finally chose the long sword between the shield and the long sword.

The armor and shield on Spencer's body were legendary equipment prepared by William out of fear that his cousin would encounter misfortune, but the long sword was a bit lacking.

Hill chose a shield-back sword that could be stuck on the inside of a large shield and put it into the gift box with satisfaction.

This kind of sword is actually shorter and thinner than the normal knight's long sword. The scabbard is open on the side and can be attached tightly to the large shield of both hands. It is the auxiliary sword of the shield knight.

When really needed, you can just pull the sword out of its sheath and kill directly.

The most important thing for a guardian knight is the shield, so it is quite difficult to find a good enough sword behind the shield. Generally speaking, if the materials are good enough, they can be directly used to make knight's swords, which are the ones that need the most attack power.

Moreover, for alchemists, the demand for shield swords is not high, and knight long swords sell faster.

Especially the former Trasil, not many knights were willing to give up their lethality in order to protect others.

But Hill made these equipment just for practice. He made a lot of weapons of all kinds until he was so familiar with this type of weapon that he could build it perfectly without even having to look at it.

Even now, Hill has only completely completed the research on sword weapons. He can make other types of weapons into legendary ones, but it is difficult to reach high levels.

He can't give congratulatory gifts and still use flange products, right?

Hill closed the gift box, sent it to the Stone Palace before nightfall, and handed it over to the giggling captain of the guard.

He is the only one who doesn't feel anything at all now. Everyone else is exercising as if they were on a high.

The current captain of the Guards is just like Hill back then. Although he has reached the stage of being a magician, what he thinks about every day is how to suppress his own advancement.

However, a warlock family like theirs with an orderly inheritance is better than wild warlocks, and being around William is often suppressed and purified by divine power, which is of great benefit to the captain.

For William, at least he knew their bloodline, and the Time and Space God System was not worried about actually receiving devil or devil bloodline.

The more he knows what is going on, the more wary the God of Time and Space becomes about the devil's bloodline.

His mental power and willpower are already very strong, but he still lost self-control for a period of time. For the God of Time and Space, this is a very scary thing.

Therefore, although the time and space divine system is not hostile to warlocks and is willing to accept warlocks to stay in Salar, unless the bloodline is really clear, some jobs with higher confidentiality levels will not accept warlocks.

But for the warlocks of Trasil, the time and space god system is already the most tolerant god, and he will always leave a door open for the warlocks.

Even if they were devils or devils, Salar would allow them to enter the country before they actually committed a crime.

It's just that you can't settle in the city, and you will be noticed by the undead.

That is enough to make these warlocks who are still fighting against their own blood shed tears of gratitude.

There are always people who, in the face of powerful forces, still choose to be individuals.

Hill turned around and went home. His fine gold ball was only half polished, and he planned to hurry up and finish it as soon as possible.

Spencer, who received an unexpected gift in the palace, took the box to William's palace.

"Congratulatory gift? A gift from Hill?" William sat up from the couch where he was half-lying. "I didn't expect that Hill would follow tradition so much! I was thinking of giving you a replacement promotion gift after I return to Salar. Woolen cloth!

Otherwise, I wouldn’t have given so many legendary gifts to so many people in vain! "

"Hill always respects etiquette." Spencer opened the box on the desk and exclaimed in surprise, "Oh my God! The sword behind the shield!"

William couldn't help but walked over: "Is this made by Hill himself? He is indeed a rich man! He can refine things as he pleases!"

He looked at the weird long sword in Spencer's hand: "But it's really suitable for you to use. What a careful boy. Why don't you take out your shield and try it?"

Without him having to say anything, Spencer took out his legendary shield from the ring, opened the ordinary sword in half, and stuck the sword behind the shield firmly inside the shield.

"Just right!" Spencer laughed. "I'm still thinking about changing to a legendary dagger! But it's really hard to find a scabbard that can be attached to the shield."

William shook his head, walked back to the sofa and sat down: "If you have a chance, ask Hill if he still has any more. I estimate that he can refine the legendary high-level shield sword, and there must be at least a dozen of them. Not even close.

He is a Frenchman and never likes to take chances. He must have made the same thing many times. "

He finally showed his heartfelt joy: "I believe your promotion will make many people in the Guards choose to take the path of guardianship."

Spencer nodded in agreement: "If Hill is similar to Adrian, then I guess he has many legendary swords in his hands.

I know Adrian very well. When he makes medicine, he must make all types of a certain medicine the best. Generally, we start from the most popular to the least in demand. "

"Can we use the money from selling mass merchandise to make up for it?" William soon understood. "It seems that although they are very good at spending money, they also know how to balance their expenditures!"

Spencer put away his big shield with satisfaction and sat on the small sofa.

William looked at his cousin: "Naven, are you really fine? If you are really injured, don't bear it."

"If I was really injured, Hill wouldn't just walk away." Spencer couldn't help but laugh, "His senses are so keen.

Don't worry, it took me a long time to get promoted because the world of Genns gave me too much. "

William was stunned for a moment and couldn't help but say "Huh?"

"I didn't expect Him to be so excited, but I can actually understand it. In the world of Gerns, how can there be laws such as protection, sacrifice, and sincerity?" Spencer smiled helplessly, "He did it for Let me talk more about the knight's beliefs, but he actually left me in the room of the law and let me feel whatever I want."

Spencer said lightly: "Remember the virtues of knights you told me? Humility, honor, sacrifice, heroism, mercy, honesty, justice, spirituality.

The most important things for a guardian knight are honor and sacrifice, heroism and mercy, but it is best to do other things.

I even told you about the oath of guardian knight you made in the first place. "

But it's not without its benefits, a faint white light rose from his hand: "It's a bit strange, the law of mercy allowed me to learn the magic of healing.

This is not magic, I can feel it, this is a kind of magic.

What's wrong? Why are you looking at me like that? "

Spencer looked at the dumbfounded William very puzzled.

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