Survive the Fourth Natural Disaster

Chapter 691 Shangtia’s opponent

Shar didn't care about Selune's answer that didn't grasp the point, and just laughed clearly: "Artemis, her own priesthood is not the moon goddess.

She prefers hunting. "

"Huh?" Selune asked a little confused, "What? The old man finally thinks that Shantia is not useful anymore?"

Hill calmed down and tried to think about how the words of the sisters were transferred to Shangtia.

What does hunting...have to do with the Earth Goddess?

Then he finally remembered the beast god, Maura, who was rumored to be the son of the Earth Goddess and the Forest Father.

Once Artemis really appears in Toril as the goddess of hunting, the one she will directly suppress is Maura, who wants all human life to be extinct and only animals and plants to exist on the earth.

Maura, Toril's well-known useless god who could almost kill even a demigod, actually died.

It's just that he has a pair of biological parents who usually don't say anything, but will work hard to save their son at critical moments.

Therefore, it is not without reason that evil druids often choose to cooperate with Ma La's followers, or even simply become Ma La's followers.

Although Hill remained silent, he could actually feel the chilling side of nature from Maura.

It's just that his parents are quite selfish... Shangtia and the Forest Father obviously have a connection between their souls. In fact, there is no friendship between them. They just want to give birth to a descendant who is bound to appear in destiny.

For Shantia, who is supposed to be the mother of the earth, she has actually avoided many responsibilities that should be hers.

The underground space from Toril's ground leading to the Underdark is the most typical place that was abandoned by her and then used by evil races.

Others don't understand this and may think it's because Shar has deprived her of her land rights.

But Hill, as a descendant of the earth, knew very well... what Shar had taken away was only the lightless land.

That, is actually all in the deepest part of the Underdark.

It stands to reason that as long as plants can grow, even those special spore plants underground, Shangtia has divine rights.

However, in those places, Shar's shadow power is the strongest.

Therefore, Shangtia simply gave up everything under the earth.

Dwarves, whether good or evil, were the first outsiders to discover this and turn Moradin's faith into the main faith of the underworld.

Although the drow are making a big fuss in the underground world, under the earth, the real power holders are still the dwarves.

This is all because of Shantia.

The same goes for the earth.

She is obviously one of the oldest gods in Toril, but when people encounter danger in the forest or grassland, they never think of asking this earth goddess for help.

Not to mention the natural god system that came from behind, even the elf god system was more worthy of help than her.

Even the elves born in Toril eventually became vassals of the elves.

The most powerful god she gave birth to in this world was Maura.

In the end, people only regarded her as the harvest goddess for help, so that she had to find ways to come up with an agricultural goddess who separated this priesthood from herself... This was all due to Shantia's own efforts.

Hill always thought that even though this guy was useless to a certain extent, with AO's strong desire for control, she would live a more comfortable life... In the end, even if he was too useless, wouldn't it be enough?

By the way, Lansander can no longer be the father of the goddess of agriculture... AO, do you think Amaunata is not suitable?

Hill originally wanted to see a big fun!

However, it seems that AO is planning to overturn the table.

Hill can be sure that as long as Artemis determines that her mission is just to make Maura disappear in Toril... then she will definitely show her true nature as the goddess of hunting.

What about Apollo?

Although Tempus is not a good person, comparing him with Shantia is really humiliating.

Tempus is just thick-skinned, but it's not like he can't even do his job well.

So, is Apollo meant to fill the void of Tyr, who is clearly not focused on Toril?

However, Apollo's own attributes... Tsk, you can't find someone who Lansendre won't be too bored to inherit the prophetic priesthood, right?

Nowadays, in Toril, except for racial prophecy, everything else is basically contracted by the prophecy mages... And these guys are becoming more and more crazy because of their lack of scruples.

Mages are always obsessed with power... Therefore, even if they know that prying into the line of fate will hurt their souls and become more and more crazy, these mages still will not stop.

Especially when the crazier the prophecy mage is, the more accurate the predictions are.

But, can the water that has been spilled be recovered so easily?

Although the mages of Toril may suffer misfortunes due to various incidents, it is obvious that they are all those who cannot let go and are reluctant to part with them.

Those who truly know what to do and know what not to do will live a happy life!

As long as you pass level 30, the mage will not be dragged into the water so easily.

Hill shook his head... He couldn't figure out the plan of a cunning guy like AO.

If Shar and Selune hadn't mentioned it, he really wouldn't have imagined the consequences of Artemis's appearance in Toril.

Sure enough, one move affects the whole body.

Thinking of this, there was only one thing in Hill's mind: So, if Ransondel didn't become the father of the God of Agriculture, would it have such a big impact?

He thought of Maura again... If Shangtia's children were all negative beings of that father, it would not be incomprehensible that AO would change the fate line.

Amaunata has only a few advantages.

It was obvious that Santiago couldn't do it. agricultural goddess like Atta...Is this because Amberli is no longer causing trouble, so why should she create a more wicked one?

Hill suddenly agreed with AO's approach, and was a little embarrassed... He found that he could no longer intervene in this topic.

So, was it really because Ransander was pulled away from that unfortunate fate by him?

This is really...fate, after all, is a trap.

If one link is gone, the rest will fall into dust.

Some people feel that they can control the existence of this trap game. Once they get tired of it, they have to start it again... or change it to something else.

Hill understands that this is the basic law of this multiverse, but he still doesn't like it.

He touched his locked throat... and finally realized that what fate didn't want him to mention was not Artemis's existence being wary of Shantia.

With the cowardice of the earth goddess, she would rather have her priesthood replaced by the goddess of agriculture than have the courage to resist when she finds out that AO intends to deal with her.

When she, because of her request, caused the war between Selûne and Shar to last for tens of thousands of years, but she herself hid deep in the earth without saying a word, she found that Selûne was seriously injured. He had to seek help from others, but because he was afraid of Shar who was too powerful, he pretended not to know anything. Instead, he went directly to find an alliance with the father of the forest who followed the elves to Toril, and was willing to give him life. When the child was born, it was no longer possible for Shantia's bones to become hard.

She has abandoned everything she can, and it doesn't matter if she abandons some fundamental laws... Doesn't she even have the most fundamental laws of the earth under her control?

The earth goddess of Trasil has never abandoned her principles even though she has been sleeping for so many years. In Shantia's heart, it is always not as important as her comfortable life.

Therefore, even if this guy knows AO's calculations and Shar and Selune's disdain, he can at most try to find an alliance... If it doesn't work, he will just break the pot and ignore everything.

As long as she doesn't die and doesn't suffer, she can do anything.

But AO's real target is Apollo, who has a good relationship with Cyric.

Apollo's neutral tendency is actually very obvious.

Unlike Athena and his sister, he was extremely averse to evil.

Although he was arranged to become the sun god by Zeus because of his light attribute...but this handsome little prince actually didn't like this job at all.

In fact, he is quite like Ransondel in some aspects, he pursues freedom and likes happiness.

But Apollo abides by the rules more than Ransondel. No matter how bored he is, he will complete his work... No way, he has a weakness.

Between the two siblings, although it was Artemis who was charging ahead on the surface, in fact, it was Apollo who really made the decision.

He is the only one who can compete with Athena in strategy.

But, he is a male god.

It is Zeus who is most on guard, his son.

The Greek pantheon's usual way of ascending to the throne always frightens those who ascend.

Although in the prophecy, it was the youngest child of Zeus who killed him... but the prophecy did not say that the Greek plane would collapse!

Zeus believed in the prophecy, but he would not fail to be wary of other children.

Apollo was one of the children he was most wary of... The patrilineal inheritance of the Greek pantheon made these goddesses have a strong sense of existence, but their sense of threat was not that strong.

And Artemis is the double-edged sword: although she usually stands in front of Apollo, the other end of the sword also points to the brother who loves and protects his sister.

No one knows whether Apollo's sometimes madness is really mad or just a disguised madness.

Just like Athena, that kind of completely fair and equitable trial... She is never biased. Is it true that when she really wants to see her own people being hurt, she can only cry and bear it according to that unfair law?

But that was all she could do.

Once she does something unnecessary, she will inevitably be exploited by Zeus.

That’s why the Greek pantheon seems to have no good people.

Kindness is always the sword that stabs themselves.

However, Hell gave them a fair trial, and Heaven Mountain also recognized the attributes of these gods, which were indeed righteous.

AO can't even raise his own integrity. ()

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