Survive the Fourth Natural Disaster

Chapter 671 Selune comes to chat

Shar, who had disappeared for some time, appeared again.

She sat there with a smile and softly comforted Lansander: "Have you never considered that there is a powerful enough mage in every humanoid settlement.

They are not good at other things, but it is still no problem to release a light canopy that can last for three months.

Therefore, you only need to consider how to make the unlucky star that suddenly awakened and has been burning for a long time fall asleep as soon as possible? "

Lansendre was indeed caught in a chaotic rhythm, and he was obviously really making calculations based on Shar's words.

Hill pursed his lips, glanced at Shar who was looking at him from the corner of his eye, picked up a glass of juice, lowered his eyelids and drank slowly.

Shar looked at Little Bear, who unexpectedly remained silent, with some confusion.

Based on her knowledge of this child, unless Hill couldn't think of the trap in her words, he wouldn't do nothing.

Although this child is in a neutral position, it is because he is not the kind of person who does his best to eliminate evil... no matter what kind of evil it is, he will shout and kill... but his nature is much kinder than that of most guys from the good camp. .

In other words, Hill is truly kind.

When he looks down at the world, he will not regard the lives of those people as something that should not exist just because of the camp they are in.

In this regard, William is more consistent with him.

When saving people, it doesn’t matter whether those people are good or evil, let alone who their believers are, but after everything is over, a formal trial will be held... Those who cannot get out of his scale of justice will Even Shar couldn't find any excuse to keep them alive.

William would not decide that those people must die just because they were believers of the gods of the evil camp, only whether they had committed any sins.

Just like Nasr who followed Edna back then, although his hands were stained with blood, he was the most standard killer... he only killed those whose lives were bought and rarely affected innocent people.

And in Toril, among the people who are eligible to be put on the altar of the Dark Night Temple and killed on the killing list, even a thousand people may not be able to find a truly good person.

Therefore, in William's judgment, Nasr is not truly evil.

Hill seemed to have the same logic, so when Nasr was walking in the town of Aglaia, Hill's magic circle had little reaction, just a slight blush.

Hill's city executive, Lin En, only came out and took a look before giving him the right to pass through the perimeter... even though she knew this guy was her night messenger, Shar.

From that moment on, Shar really took Hill's eyes.

Although it is always said in the multiverse that deeds do not matter what the intentions are, in reality, most of the distinctions between ourselves and our enemies are based on camp and identity.

People like Hill and William, who really only look at what they do, not where they come from... Shar found herself seeing them for the first time.

Although some people have done this... but they don't think so from the bottom of their hearts, but for some special reasons, such as war requiring temporary peace.

When the war is over, everything will be back on track... Anyone who can give people from other forces time to evacuate before they fall out can be considered relatively upright.

After thinking about it, Shar thought that only Tire's believers had such persistence.

And Hill like this would never choose to side with her just because of her relationship with William.

Just like if William were sitting there at this moment, he would not hesitate to remind Lansander, even if this is Shar's goal... Therefore, William is determined not to appear in front of any Toril gods and powerful men.

He knew Shar so well that he could almost immediately deduce what Shar wanted to do.

And if he didn't see it, William could pretend that this matter didn't exist...but he would never allow Shar to do evil under his eyes.

Shar pursed her lips and smiled: her relationship with William was like love on a tightrope.

Although it was strong, it was trembling and required the two of them to be cautious at all times.

However, this kind of love with a little excitement can stay fresh forever, right?

At least now, Shar will immediately become energetic when thinking about her lover... instead of feeling dull and boring because of the passage of time like those guys.

Shar is very clear about her own nature. If she really loses this sense of excitement, no matter how passionate her love is, she will gradually return it to nothingness... This is determined by her coldest dark night nature.

Before she fell in love with William, she could never have imagined that one day there would be someone who would cause such ups and downs in her mind, which could only be stirred up by Selûne.

Although they haven't been in love for a long time, Shar can also be sure that William is a lover she can never control... This makes Shar never be able to strategize when facing him like she does with other things.

Although she was reluctant to let William and Selûne meet, Shar was actually certain of one thing...her lover would never be at a disadvantage in front of Selûne like other gods.

Even Selune is still so messy and unpredictable.

Because of Hill's unexpected performance, he once again thought of his lover Shar and was unable to pursue the victory. Therefore, Lansander got some time to think by himself.

He quickly realized the problems hidden in Shar's words... Indeed, the mage and even his Dawnbringer can open a curtain of daylight that can cover the entire city, so that ordinary people will not suffer from the darkness of the three Monthly mass deaths.

But what about the fields and plants?

What about wilderness and forest?

Three months of no sight of the sun is enough for the people of Toril who have never had to worry about starving to death... Although there seems to be little to eat or drink, except for places of the dead like Sere, as long as people from other places dare to leave their homes, If you go to the wilderness to pick wild vegetables and small fruits from the bushes, you will rarely starve to death... From then on, you will understand what real famine is.

Cities originally only existed to give humans a sense of security, but if they didn't want to go, people with some professional abilities could live very well in the villages outside.

And ordinary people in those villages can also survive because of the existence of these professionals.

But once there is a three-month period of darkness, the city becomes the only living space.

Crazy humans, who have lost their food source and can only rely on the kindness of mages and priests... Probably, they would rather live in the most terrifying Seer, right?

Lansendre knew very well that once Toril really turned into that, he, the Lord of the Dawn, would gain the greatest source of faith.

Even places that have never welcomed his Tower of Dawn into the city will worship and invite his envoys to re-enter the center of the city.

But, does he need that kind of false belief?

People who can only survive by relying on the dawn he brings, Lansander will not despise that humble and pitiful power of faith, but he will never want to steal it by himself!

He has always looked down on Amaunata's shamelessness, could it be that just for that little bit of power...

Ransander clenched his fist tightly... If this power allowed him to completely destroy AO, then he would still have room to struggle.

But, it's just another old man's experiment. Why should he be the test subject?

Shar, who was on the side, finally realized her loss. Looking at Lansander who was obviously struggling more fiercely, she quickly lowered her voice and whispered softly with her charming voice known as the Night Singer: "Compared to stupid Amaunata, dawn is the sunshine that humans crave most.

Only dawn is hope.

Only the dawn is bright. "

Hill silently glanced at Shar... He said it very nicely, but unfortunately, it was a little late.

Although it was a bit strange that Shar was taking a slow shot, Hill was quite happy to see the result in front of him.

Lansander opened his eyes and spoke decisively: "No need to say any more, Shar.

When did I ever care about the beliefs of mortals?

When they love me, I welcome them.

They chose to grow up and move toward so-called maturity. When they left me, I never tried to hold them back, and I even wished them all the best.

My shelter and warmth are originally only for those who agree with my path, not for mortals to have to offer their faith to me.


You and I are different! "

Probably because he discovered Shar's hidden murderous intention, Lansander's tone was very serious and cold.

Of course, this only received a sneer from Shar: "But you know, what I said is the right path for Toril.

Is there any difference between those mortals, living and dead? "

"For themselves, yes." Ransander answered simply.

Then he ignored Shar and spoke in a slightly shocked tone: "Selene, what are you still doing on the moon?

I have something to ask you. Come down and have a chat? "

A ray of moonlight came quickly and gently knocked on the window outside Hill's terrace.

Hill's eyes widened slightly, and he opened the window for Toril Silver Moon, who responded.

"What are you doing with Selune?" Shar asked his doubts.

Lansander laughed and looked at the white-clothed goddess Shi Shiran who walked in: "Selene, you haven't killed that Aislin yet, have you?"

"Of course not." Selune walked slowly to the seat reserved for her and turned to look at Hill on the other side of the fountain. "Hill, I want to drink the mint julep you brewed yourself."

She complained a little: "Although you gave me the recipe, the one brewed by my divine servant doesn't feel that way at all.

The taste is much different! "

When Hill smiled and asked Liszt to serve drinks and snacks to each table, Shar expressed her dissatisfaction: "Why do you keep her?

Are you waiting for someone to study how the Silver Moon turned into the Dark Moon? "

Selune glanced at her: "Then why don't you clean up the moon?

Silver Moon here, if you turn her into a dark moon, I can pretend you didn't see her.

Are you going to do it? "


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