Survive the Fourth Natural Disaster

Chapter 31 Jealous Hill becomes a big deal

The undead work very quickly and never feel tired. Although Spencer feels that his days are like years, he is still in line very quickly.

The chef already knew that he was queuing up, so he smiled and asked: "Mr. Spencer, which kind do you want?"

"Hot pot! I want them all! You also have the king's share, can you give it to me?" Spencer said crisply. He would never give up his share to William.

The chef agreed crisply. Looking at the slowly filling pot, Spencer fell into a fierce psychological struggle.

He was still embarrassed and ate in the crowd, almost as fast as he could, carrying the pot steadily back to the Lord's Mansion.

He looked at William sitting in his room in surprise: "Why are you here?"

"When you said it was the king's share, I knew I had to come here by myself!" William said with a displeased face, "I don't believe you will send it to me, I will definitely eat it myself!"

"What should we do tonight?" Spencer put down the pot in his hand and sighed inwardly. He couldn't stay in the dark. "You can't go out! Did you teleport here using magic?"

"Ah! I have magical power in the church and can directly locate and teleport." William took out two bowls and said enthusiastically, "Let's eat together!"

"You can't go out at night!" Spencer sat down helplessly, picked up the fork, and watched William skillfully use the two sticks. "I know you are not afraid of danger! But you should be at the southern border, preparing to resist the devil. !”

"Then you go out and buy a few portions of everything, no matter what it is!" William raised his head. He had already eaten the three special meats in his portion, and looked at Spencer's bowl with greedy eyes.

"It's so delicious!" Spencer ate slowly, completely ignoring William's eyes.

As night falls and the moon rises, the undead celebration officially begins.

Standing at the highest point of the Lord's Mansion, looking at the fireworks blooming in the sky, and the long food street with the lights shining under the fireworks, the two people could not feel the resentment in the hearts of the people on the other side.

After all, Spencer can go over and buy it at any time. The two people pointed happily, and Spencer was already ready to go.

Hill, who could only squat on the second floor of the church, looking at the giant screen, was already cursing crazily.

"Why can Spencer buy it! And bring it to His Majesty the King? William is still far away in Cortez? Did he teleport there just to deliver a bowl of soup?"

He turned to look at Liszt, his eyes full of longing: "Can I buy it?"

"I can make ordinary seafood products, sir." Liszt refused him calmly.

"That's the chef! Didn't you hear? The chef school in the university town! It must be a high-end school! The chef there!" Hill was a little excited.

"It's a pity that the ingredients they can cook must be those legendary ones." Liszt broke Hill's last extravagant wish, "When you go, you can only smell the taste, and not much can be eaten. .”

Hill understood the implication of Liszt's words, and he would only be more greedy if he went there.

"Go back! Stop looking. I will pay attention to their cooking methods at night. When I buy the seafood, I will cook it for you every day!"

"What do you think?" Hill turned her head and looked at the commentator who had already blended into the carnival crowd. She was flying in the air, chasing the fireworks.

"The old cat took the territory tablet with him." Liszt said quietly, "I can contact him through that."

"Can that thing be taken out of the territory?"

"Just come back within three days."

"Then everything depends on you, Liszt." Hill glanced at the screen for the last time and turned his head resolutely, "I'm going back. Looking at it again will only make me sadder!"

Liszt sent Hill back with a smile, carefully diverting his attention. Just now, he discovered that Adrian, who had been watching for a long time, had risen into the sky and flew east.

Lister asked the players not to take them back to the territory. The implication is not to eat intelligent creatures in public places in the territory. It is simply a provocation to those who love nature and will definitely deduct reputation.

But their home belongs to them, and the territory has no control over it.

The undead are not stupid and understand.

If it was really that serious, Liszt would just tell them not to eat there.

As for Adrian and Fran, Liszt was sure that they knew what they were doing and would never bring them back to eat.

Adrian would definitely send back their own magic tower, so it wouldn't matter.

However, Hill had better not know about this, even Spencer was so jealous that he called William.

This was the first time that Liszt saw Hill so excited, actually because of the delicious food that could not be eaten.

It was rare that he didn't want to appear in the magic tower, so he took the initiative to contact Lao Mao.

"What's wrong?" Xiao Chenhuan held the big bowl in front of his chest and struggled to move forward in the crowd, "At this time, I felt that the Loli account was not fun anymore, and I always felt like I was going to be stepped on.

Could time and space not be so real at this time? I don’t care about wearing a model here! "

"What a beautiful idea!" Yue Xiaoluo complained, "Who will pay for adding more modes!"

"Liszt asked me to record the cooking skills of the chefs." The old cat said with a smile, "He is very eager to learn."

"Has Hill watched the giant screen?" Xiaochenhuan reacted, "He wants to eat but can't?"

"A natural lover can't eat intelligent creatures, right?" Yue Xiaoluo asked with a smile.

"So he can only watch. There is nothing he can do about it even if he is so greedy. I set the screen to be here before I left." The old cat raised his feet and put his hand on his forehead to look at it. "Originally, I wanted to avoid a climax, but now that I'm going to If you get the task, then go queue up!"

"Can't we really buy more and take them back?" Yun Che put Ye Yu Qingyu on his shoulders and hesitated, "Ye Yu has a lot of favorites, and I want to buy more."

"Just don't give up your own home!" The old cat glanced at this guy who was worried about gains and losses, "Have you lost your mind in dating? If you don't smell at all, Liszt will warn us not to come.

It cannot be eaten in public places in the territory. Lords are natural favorites. "

"That's good." Yun Che didn't care about being ridiculed, "Xiaoyu tries a few more things, and if we like them, we'll buy more."

"There are a lot of NPCs here!" Yue Xiaoluo stood on tiptoe to look, "Spencer ran down again. What kind of box is he carrying?"

"The space box made by Hill is more exquisite." Old Mao took a look and said, "The space is also larger than that standard. Moreover, the things made by natural warlocks naturally have purification capabilities, which is very suitable for nobles.

It's just more expensive. "

"Hill, the price of the things I made after I arrived at Mage has almost caught up with Master Flan's products." Xiao Chenhuan chewed on the skewers of octopus balls in his hand and pointed, "I used to think they were selling celebrity products. , the result is because it comes with purification blessing, why don’t we feel it?”

"Because we are not afraid of poison!" Lao Mao complained. "According to the settings here, our bodies are created by gods. No matter how powerful the poison is, it can only have a little effect."

"Spencer, do you need to be on guard against poison?" Yue Xiaoluo said suddenly, "Has he offended so many people?"

"The Spencer family is now very competitive with the Salar royal family!" Xiao Chenhuan said, "William has divided all the royal family property and doesn't owe the Salar family anything. He is also a god, You basically won’t get married and have children, right?

Then it's not certain which family he will choose as his heir. "

"It's such a beautiful thought," Lao Mao complained, "How could we send the leader to the sky just after the server was launched? I don't know how long William will stay on the ground!"

"Ah!" He suddenly paused, "Look at the front left, is that Adrian?"

"Yes, that's him." Yeyu Qingyu, who was sitting high and looking far away, said simply.

"Hill, I'm afraid I'm going crazy." The old cat murmured, "I'd better shoot more carefully!"

"Don't let it slip when you come back." Liszt saw this and quickly sent a message to the old cat, "Mr. Adrian will not bring anything back to the territory. In the past few days, I will try my best to prevent Mr. Hill from going to town. .”

"Pfft!" Old Cat laughed out loud after seeing the message.

Everyone else looked at the tablet in his hand curiously, and then laughed.

The old cat finally lined up in front of a chef and carefully took pictures of the master's cooking techniques.

This is a stone feast. One of the real ways to prepare the best seafood.

If it were in their world, you would first have to find a suitable stone, clean and disinfect it repeatedly, and then put it in the oven to heat or fry it.

Moreover, each stone can only be used once, and the material and size of the stone also have very strict requirements. It is a pure luxury.

Many chefs can do it, but they may not have the opportunity to do it.

It's different in the game. The chefs don't care about the influence of water and fire practitioners on each other. They don't come in to fight.

The elemental body allows them to quickly feel the essence of water and fire, control temperature, control moisture, and move freely.

Stone, even find an earth mage and practice hard for a few days, and you can convert it.

The chef is currently making a dish of Ding Zhong Ding Salted Grass Shrimp. The cauldron is placed on a hot stone. Salty grass is placed in the cauldron as a bedding. Then lobster meat and various ingredients are put in. Soon a strange and delicious fragrance will hit your nostrils.

Several people took a deep breath uncontrollably. They didn't care about the high price at all. When they heard the purchase limit, they wanted to hit someone.

But I had no choice but to buy the limit of 2 servings per person, eat it all in one bite, and then painfully turn around and walk to the next stop.

"I think Liszt actually doesn't have to worry about us taking it out to eat." Xiao Chenhuan said helplessly, "I just think it may not be enough to eat today, so why should we keep it?"

"Liszt uses cooking puppets, right?" Old Cat said in an ethereal tone, "Even if it doesn't reach this level, as long as he has 70%, I would be willing to bow down to him."

"You take good photos!" Several people around him shouted in unison.

The players were working hard to take pictures, and Liszt, who was listening, also felt that he needed to make careful calculations.

Hill, who returned to the Magic Tower angrily, was completely unable to concentrate on alchemy and could only spin in circles, not knowing what to do.

Finally, he sighed helplessly and prepared to go to the quiet room to meditate.

He tried his best to calm down his emotions, but the mental sea was still rough. In the end, he could only continue to describe the wind runes to divert his attention.

However, Hill's mental sea was still shaking, like the sea before a storm. He didn't know how his mind jumped. He suddenly remembered the poem: The waves were shouting in the angry droplets, contending with the strong wind. See, the squally wind picked up layers of huge waves and threw them viciously onto the cliff, turning these large pieces of jade into dust and debris.

Hill suddenly smiled and entered into a resonance with nature. Yes, the wind never exists alone. It is affected by the sun and even more affected by the water!

Temperature and moisture are the basis for the formation of wind.

The rolling wind gradually took shape around Hill, and the first wind rune flashed in the spiritual sea.

Hill finally summoned the world's first wind element.

His power is still very weak, just a small spinning wind ball.

Power is just the rune on Hill that represents wind power from small to large.

However, Hill was not worried at all. He quickly added a children's song he liked while the runes in the spiritual sea had not yet completely stabilized.

Seeing the halo formed by this wind song slightly enveloping the primary rune, Hill smiled, and the world consciousness recognized Hill's preliminary classification of wind.

Seeing the new wind element spinning around him, and eager to let out the storm from childhood to adulthood, Hill smiled. The world's first wind element would soon become a legend, and Hill could name him Yeah, that's Hill, right as a waker.

"Kes." Hill smiled and said to the wind element, "Your name."

The overly excited wind element returned Hill's blow with a strong wind, which made his hair messy and he could only close his eyes.

Hill opened the door of the quiet room, and Liszt stood outside: "A bright new star lit up in the starry sky, and a new element appeared."

Then, he saw the wind element behind Hill, peeping his head, and said with difficulty, "Congratulations!"

Liszt didn't know what to say next. The surprise came so suddenly?

"This is Case!" Hill introduced them and turned to ask Case, "Currently, I don't have the ability to let you appear in the outside world. Can you stay in my pendant temporarily?"

Keith didn't mind at all. After all, he was a newborn and was still a little afraid of everything outside. He felt at ease when he could be with Hill at any time.

"Sir, do you have four elements in your body now?" Liszt looked worried as Hill put Case away.

"I'm fine, better than ever." Hill looked at Liszt, "The power of the water system has also increased a lot. In the past, there were only a few engraved spells, but now there are more, and they are the same as the wood system.

On the contrary, for the wind element, I can only rely on myself to find it bit by bit. "

Hill looked at Liszt: "I can't care about the outside world for the time being. I can only rely on you. I must retreat to rebalance the elements in my body."

"I thought you would go straight into the legend?" Liszt was a little surprised.

"I suppressed it." Hill shook his head and said, "If I enter the legend because of the laws of the wind system, then I must be the weakest.

The wind element with only one rune cannot support the legendary power.

Now, I can become a legend anytime I want.

But I don't want to. Hill's eyes were shining, "Liszt, the power I have now is natural!" As long as I find the balance of these four series and enter the legend according to the laws of nature, who else can threaten me again? "

"Then you'd better pay attention, the gods of the earth system will not end well." Liszt suddenly said.

"Liszt also noticed it!" Hill smiled, "It doesn't matter, I rarely use earth spells. I only summon earth elements.

My grandfather didn’t want anyone to know about the Earth Bear, so he always put the elven blood first.

The outside world should pay more attention to my wood inheritance, right? "Hill knew that not many elves could possess spells like the Forest Formation.

To be honest, he really doubted that his grandmother was not an ordinary half-elf.

If Melanie was not indeed a human, Hill would have suspected that his grandmother was from the elf royal family.

Hill sighed, helplessly feeling the carnival of natural consciousness around him. He tried his best to divert his attention, but could not stop the terrible cheers in his mind.

Hill frowned and felt his natural consciousness counting his elemental composition. Why is there no gold?

No, why is there gold?

Hill thought in a daze, how could Jin exist independently of the earth?

There are too few tickets!

Do you have other cats?


Crying Nasiriya

Wind Speed ​​Song

Level zero windless smoke is upward; level one soft wind smoke is slightly slanted;

Level 2 breeze makes the leaves rustle; Level 3 breeze causes the branches to sway;

Level 4 mild winds cause dust; Level 5 clear winds cause waves;

Level 6 strong winds shook the trees; Level 7 winds made it difficult to walk;

Level 8 strong winds caused tree branches to break; level 9 strong winds destroyed chimneys;

Level 10 storms can uproot trees; Level 11 storms are rare;

Category 12 hurricane with huge waves.

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