Survival In the Crypt Starting In Tokyo

Chapter 7: Bone Christmas Tree

To the south of Odaiba, Tokyo, a huge building stands tall.

The locals call it the "Bone Christmas Tree". The pillars equivalent to the "trunk" are covered with glass. It is the main body of the building.

Due to the special paint used on it, at night, the building will emit a blue glow like phosphorous fire, as if a group of cone-shaped white skeletons are suspended in the air.

Sen is cold and cruel.

Just like the three behemoths that existed on the bone Christmas tree, they represent their absolute hegemony in their domain.

ANTIBODIES (also known as "antibody"), a special virus disaster countermeasures bureau that continuously produces vaccines that inhibit crystallization and manages the health of base cities throughout the island.

SCAP·GHQ (Supreme Commander in Japan·Allied Forces Headquarters), from ten years ago, replaced the headquarters of GHQ in Hichishima, which had fallen into anarchy due to the "Lost Christmas" accident.

Sefira (Plastids) Gene Pharmaceutical Research Institute, currently has the world's highest genetic research technology research institution, and is also the technology supplier of ANTIBODIES mass-produced apocalyptic virus vaccine.

Antibodies used vaccines to kidnap the lives of infected people on the island, GHQ used armed forces to control the actual sovereignty of the island, and Sefira completed a substantial gene technology monopoly with crushing science and technology.

Since then, Hishima has ceased to be Hishima, but Le Hoshino doesn't care much about the three major institutions in this world that have great influence.

The identity of Kyentaro Miike is really useful.

This chameleon, which was soaring by the east wind, seemed to have vaguely spread his fame to some people.

When Lin Anlan was sitting next to Kentaro in neat clothes by the east wind of Kentaro, and stepped over the wall of sighs that cut off the inside and outside, the ordinary guards who went for inspection even opened Kentaro's car window. No action.

No one, just because the car has the logos of the two major groups GHQ and Enshrinement.

In their view, people who belong to such a force do not need to doubt.

After all, your Majesty took the lead in rebelling against this kind of thing, in their opinion, it was impossible for them to happen.

As for whether Kentaro's car hides the monsters raging outside the wall? Don't talk about it, those monsters, but they don't have any kindness to any human beings. Put a monster in the car, and there will only be one ending—

Torn into flesh and blood in a car.

"...I heard that in the promotion of GHQ, the bone Christmas tree is a symbol of their liberation and saving of the island?"

Lin Anlan pretended to be indifferent and said, the driver hesitated for a while and nodded: "GHQ really helped us calm a lot of turmoil. At this point, I am very grateful to them."

Hearing the insincere words of the driver, he did not continue to ask.

The invaders drove away the original owners of the land, established their own rule on it, and then used a superior posture to tell others that this seems to be the gift I bestowed on you. You should cherish and be grateful.

What is the difference between this world and the ugly races in the crypt?

He turned his head and looked out of the car window. There was a swarm of birds hovering over the white-bone Christmas tree that melted into the night.

Maybe it's a scavenging vulture?

Lin Anlan laughed at herself.

At the same time, in another position of the Bone Christmas Tree—

The young man wore a pure black coat with blood-red lines and stood at the front of the steadily moving boat.

He looks really young, but his mature dress and gloomy eyes always make people aware of a boiling flame from the reflection in his pupils.

The slightly faded golden hair was blown into chaos by the wind, and the leader of the funeral society, Chao Shenya, stood on the boat and sneered:

"This base city of Tokyo is like Tosho Palace. For ten years, people living in Tosho Palace are like apes. They can't see, hear, or ask.

Since when, our compatriots can only be the apes that are kept honestly and have empty dreams?

Someone must start the prelude to change and tear apart this cruel era.

I would like to make the funeral society a knife, to defeat and tear, to let everyone see our determination, let them call our name from the bottom of their hearts, and sing what we have played for this absurd era Funeral song!

So, everyone, one last question, are you ready? "


There was a depressive and long-lasting shout from the scene.

Chao Shenya nodded in response with a chuckle, and drew a large-caliber pistol from his waist, as if to tell them that the funeral society's journey is like a sea of ​​stars:

"Then, the battle begins!"

On this Tokyo Bay, which was dyed deep blue by the brilliance of the bone Christmas tree, there was a feint roar.

The sound of sirens, the sound of pulling the bolt, the sound of intensive running, the sound of Gautier armor galloping on the ground...

Sneak into Ji Qi early and realize that Ya has already begun to act.

In accordance with the combat requirements, her pink hair fluttered with her running under the red light.

The invisibility cloak, like a blooming orange lily, gave her the ability to invalidate optical camouflage.

From then on, she must be more cautious. She uttered a clear voice softly: "Fyu-Neru, follow me~"

The automatic insect "Fyu-Neru" that was accompanying her speeds up slightly and catches up with Ichi's footsteps.

The simulated video was projected on the electronic screen, and she deceived the main cameras. She walked along the blind spot of the camera, like a cat, like a flying butterfly, like entering no one.

Use Fyu-Neru to open the electronic lock.

The crack was successful and broke into it.

Turn off the biohazard alarm.

Remove protective clothing.

Enter the sterilization room.

Protective clothing gloves verification.

In the freezing white fog, a drawer rises from the metal box in front of you.

As the white air-conditioning overflowed, three grooves in the drawer were revealed, and a black glass cylinder was inserted into one of the grooves.

"Same as Ya said."

Qi whispered to herself under the mask of the protective suit, and picked up the cylinder without hesitation.

On the surface of the black glass cylinder, there is a label with "SAMPLE02" attached. When viewed obliquely under the light, the black glass is slightly transparent, with spirally interwoven metal plate-like crystals suspended inside.

However, Fyu-Neru is just an insect-like robot, and its processing power is limited after all. At the moment I walked out, it failed to block the anti-theft system of professional institutions.

In an instant, an alarm sounded across the corridor.

"Sorry, Qi. Let's implement the second plan."

There was a guilty voice from the wireless headset. Fyu-Neru’s electronic lock deciphering function was set by her talented hacker, but now it seems that she still underestimates the wisdom of the group. The problem lies in her. , This makes her proud of herself.

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