Supreme Wayseeker of Swallowed Star

Chapter 325 World Tree? Primordial tree clone!

The initial universe, Chaos City.

The Chaos City Lord in a golden robe is standing at the highest point of the City Lord's Mansion, with the endless chaotic air flowing beneath his feet.

From here, you can overlook the entire Chaos City. In this sacred place for human cultivation, there are practice residences for countless ascetics, and mansions for permanent residents of Chaos City. Everything in the entire Chaos City can be seen.

The palace here is not only the highest point of the City Lord's Mansion, but also the highest point of the entire Chaos City.

"Today is the day when the second avatar of the summer solstice, the World Tree, was successfully conceived." Looking at the nine-story tower standing in a corner of the city, the Chaos City Lord said to himself, "His heart is indeed big enough, but he can become a super giant." Existence, which one is careless again.

It has not been heard of anyone in the universe who can have a World Tree clone. If everything goes well this time, our human race will have another super existence, which is the branch of the World Tree. It will also be a rare treasure for our human race in the future. "

Human intelligence has not found anyone who has obtained a clone of the World Tree, but it is recorded that the Manduo God General of the Ancestral God Sect once asked for a branch from the strongest World Tree and planted it in his own kingdom of God. The branch grew up and turned into a huge sacred tree.

This sacred tree formed by the growth of a branch of the world tree is called the "tree of life" by the God of Mandala.

The tree of life can stabilize the kingdom of God. Originally, the immortal gods can gain strength bonuses in their own kingdom of God, and have a huge force of oppression and restraint on the enemy. After having the tree of life, this power is more than ten times stronger than a hundred times .

It is not a secret that God Manduo will rely on this trick to directly kill opponents who have treasured armor or are too big to kill in the Kingdom of God.

"The tree of life is so magical, how powerful should the original world tree be?"

Although the three avatars of the Chaos City Lord also have special life, but in comparison, they are not as powerful as the World Tree.

The strongest world tree is not the cosmic overlord who can rival the weakest cosmic lord, or the cosmic overlord who can save his life in front of the cosmic lord, but the super powerful who can be regarded as the real cosmic lord by the entire universe at the venerable level. exist.

How strong should one's own talent be if one's strength can be recognized across a large level?

The Lord of Chaos City looked at the Taiyu Tower from afar, and neither the distance nor the walls could hinder his sight, and it fell directly on Xia Zhi, with a hint of expectation in his eyes.


The quiet room on the top floor of Taiyu Tower.

All of Xia Zhi's mind has been immersed in the inner world.

On the central plate continent, the avatar of Qiu Pu with a body length of one million kilometers, with four hooves and claws like a giant pillar, but in front of the huge oval gray giant egg in the sky, it was like an ant meeting an elephant.

The gray sphere that gave birth to the world tree clone was only 100 meters in diameter at the beginning, but as time passed, the more gray gas was absorbed from the mysterious space outside the inner world, the volume increased, and now it has a diameter of more than 3,000 Thousands of kilometers, cast a large shadow on the incomparably vast Central Continent.


"It's about to be born."

Xia Zhi's consciousness looked at the gray giant egg above, on which complex and mysterious secret patterns kept flashing, the mysterious gray energy was no longer injected, and the life bred in it seemed to be generating consciousness from the ignorant chaos.

"Such a large volume when it was born, how big will it grow after absorbing energy? Could it be that the world tree avatar has absorbed this mysterious gray energy and produced changes?" Qiu Pu avatar looked up into the air, thinking so.

There are nine World Trees in the entire universe.

The strongest world tree is the level of the universe lord. The trunk of the tree is 12 million kilometers thick, and the height of the tree is 590 million kilometers. The entire crown is as large as the diameter of more than one billion kilometers. The tree-type special life that ranks first in volume.

In addition to the strongest world tree, the other eight are the seedlings cultivated by its own branches after the endless years of loneliness. Among them, there are three immortal world trees with a height of 120 million kilometers, and the world master world tree has Five, the height of the tree is 60 million kilometers.

These nine world trees have absorbed energy for countless years to grow to their current huge size. Now the dome that bred the avatar is so huge, how big will the avatar of the world tree grow after it is born?

"Ka Ka Ka - Chi!"

After waiting for six hours, the oval gray giant egg with a diameter of 30 million kilometers gradually showed a few cracks, which made Xia Zhi hold his breath and look forward to it.

There were more and more cracks that appeared, denser and denser, and with a final "pop!", the eggshell was completely broken, and a towering giant tree with a height of 25 million kilometers appeared in the air of the inner world.

This is an incomparably dazzling big tree, unlike the branches of the world tree that Xia Zhi saw before the whole body were like green emeralds, but his world tree avatar is like the top black jade, under the bright light of the world inside the body , showing a seductive green color, and the endless breath of life filled the air, causing flowers and plants to grow and sway on the land of the whole world.

The canopy is even more like a canopy, with a diameter of more than 60 million kilometers. Every leaf is crystal clear, like carved from black jadeite, faintly emitting light, making it even more eye-catching.

Compared with the trunk and crown, the biggest thing is the countless horned dragon-like roots, waving in the air, and there are countless smaller whiskers on each root. The volume of the entire tree root is larger than the trunk plus the roots. It will be several times larger.

"Ha, what a big tree." Xia Zhi consciously looked at his second avatar carefully, "That's right, tree-like life, in order to absorb energy and supply the trunk to grow, many root systems are extremely developed, but they are rooted underground and cannot be seen .The real world tree plus the root system is definitely several times bigger than what outsiders see, which is a surprise."

The larger the size, the more power of the world is stored. After becoming an immortal god, it means that the god has a larger body, which is naturally a good thing.

"This second clone is different from the ordinary World Tree. It will not be a problem to become stronger than the strongest World Tree after absorbing the gray energy, but it can no longer be called the World Tree. Let's call it the Primordial Tree. My second clone is It’s called the Primordial Tree Clone.”

From this moment on, the deity and the avatar have been determined.

The deity is an earthling, the first clone is the clone of Qiu Pu, and the second clone is the clone of the Hongmeng Tree!

Because of the cultivation of the "Golden Body of the Grand Mist" passed down by the Supreme Master, and the innate secret method "separation" bestowed by the origin of the universe, the quotas for the two avatars have all been used up, and the last obstacle before breaking through immortality has finally been completed.

"Let's study my primordial tree clone carefully first." Xia Zhi's consciousness penetrated into the giant tree in the air, and soon followed the dense network in the trunk to a tree heart that contained incomparably pure life energy. It's because the green is extremely dark, and it's as black as ink.


The 30 million-kilometer-high Hongmeng tree fell from the sky to the ground, and countless roots broke through the ground and took root deep in the ground. A trace of energy was absorbed to the roots along the countless tiny whiskers, and then transmitted to the entire trunk and the tree by the internal network. The branches and leaves on the canopy, and the billions of jade leaves, seem to have countless tiny air holes, which can absorb the energy in the void and gather it together. Just simply absorbing it, it absorbs more energy than ordinary life. Hundreds of millions of times.

"Power, about 3000 times the power of the world lord, and the level of life genes is three times higher than that of ordinary world tree clones." The Hongmeng tree clone made a low voice. The world must be perceived more clearly than seen through the eyes.

"What is the innate secret method? The World Tree should be more than the innate secret method of 'mastering time and space'." Xia Zhi was familiar with the newly conceived clone, and at the same time carefully sensed himself, and soon felt the huge crown, trunk, and There is a faint breath of law in the roots of the tree, which contains a trace of life information.

"So that's how it is." The information contained in the huge body also made Xia Zhi fully understand some mysteries of the Primordial Tree avatar that evolved from the World Tree.

The primordial tree avatar has two innate secrets, one is to absorb the world, and the other is to branch.

The first kind of innate secret method 'absorbing heaven and earth' means that the root system of the primordial tree can absorb all kinds of water and dissolve nutrients in soil treasures. The pores on the leaves can absorb energy in the universe, even energy in time and space.

And the legendary talent of mastering time and space, strengthens the stability of the kingdom of God, and greatly increases the binding force, all because its root system and the surrounding time and space where the trees are scattered will be controlled by the grandmist tree, and this control will also increase with the strength of the grandmist tree clone. Increasingly exaggerated.

When the strength is weak, the impact on time and space is still small, but when the strength is strong, it is like the strongest world tree, and even makes outsiders think that its innate secret method is to "master time and space". The level of the universe venerable can be compared with the master of the universe who fully grasps the laws of 'space and time'. But in fact, this is just a means for it to absorb energy.

The second talent secret method is 'separation'. Branching is a characteristic of the special life of plants, which completes the reproduction of the next generation by dividing itself.

There are two kinds of split planting. One is to split its own life essence like the strongest world tree, which is equivalent to creating a new life. The improvement of strength also depends on the newly generated life to practice the law of perception to improve.

The other is similar to directly splitting the avatar, which can separate up to 10% of the tree's volume to form an avatar rich in one's own soul consciousness to fight. Because it is directly split from the main body, both the genetic level and strength are the same as the main body, but the size is at most only one-tenth of the main body.

"It's no wonder that the World Tree grows on the blood sea of ​​the Lord of the Netherworld. The World Tree can absorb the energy it needs to grow from the blood sea."

"The two should be equal at the level of life, and even the World Tree's life gene level is higher than that of the Lord of the Nine Nethers. If the strongest World Tree can break through to the Lord of the Universe, its strength may not be weaker than the Lord of the Nine Nethers."

Xia Zhi murmured to himself, "It seems that this plant life can absorb energy instinctively, just like the God-eating vine, but in comparison, my primordial tree seems to be stronger."

"Let's try sucking the world first." The primordial tree avatar instantly cast the innate secret technique.


The roots below the ground and countless leaves on the canopy seemed to go berserk suddenly, and the incomparably magnificent energy was absorbed by it from the sky and the earth. Xia Zhi felt that his body was growing at a speed visible to the naked eye under the infusion of this majestic energy, and The endless life force in the tree's heart nourished his soul, making his soul consciousness extremely comfortable, warm as if he had taken the top-level soul-enhancing cosmic treasure.

And a faint control of the surrounding time and space is extremely clear, and the induction of the two original laws of 'time and space' is even clearer, obviously having a strong talent for time and space.

"By the way, why not let the Hongmeng tree try to absorb the mysterious gray energy inside and outside the world." Xia Zhi's heart moved, and under the control of consciousness, the longest roots of the tree were drilled out of the ground to release the gray energy outside. explore everywhere.

Every time this gray energy is used, it will bring him infinite benefits. Whether it is the growth and expansion of the world in his body, or the birth of the two clones, it will play a great role, but until now Xia Zhi can't take the initiative to absorb it, and even how to use it. have no idea.

Swish! Swish!

The two longest tree roots penetrated into the gray energy, and an incomparably thick energy was sucked into the trunk of the grandmist tree along the roots. This is an energy far higher than the divine power of attributes in the ocean of laws , after the almost gray energy entered the body, the primordial tree grew rapidly like a sapling.

The height quickly grew from 30 million kilometers to 30.1 million kilometers, and it seemed to be able to grow, far from reaching the limit.

"The life gene... the level of the life gene has also been improved!" Xia Zhi felt pleasantly, as the primordial tree absorbs the gray energy, not only the size is growing, but the gene level is also improving, "Could it be that the World Tree By absorbing energy, can the genetic level be improved?"

"That's right. Plant life is the most plastic. As long as there is sufficient and high enough energy, it will be much easier to evolve than ordinary flesh and blood life."

"The gene level of the ordinary world master level tree is about 1000 times, and the strongest world tree is said to be 8000 times. If it is not because of the energy absorption, how can there be such a big gap in natural growth?"

Under the excitement, the huge canopy of the Primordial Tree trembled violently, and the violent fluctuation made the world inside his body feel like a hurricane was blowing.

"Hahaha, that's what it looks like."

"Even if it is not a life of flesh and blood, absorbing the gray energy of the primordial tree can also improve the genetic level, and perhaps break through to the perfect gene."

"The primordial tree with the perfect genetic level is definitely the most powerful tree-type special life in the universe, far surpassing the strongest world tree!"

After the excitement of the summer solstice, let more roots extend to the gray energy outside the inner world.

With more roots absorbed together, the growth speed of the primordial tree is several times faster, and it can grow nearly 100,000 kilometers in almost an hour.

"Let the roots continue to absorb energy. Try the second secret method 'branching'." Under the control of Xia Zhi's consciousness, one of the dozen largest forked branches growing from the main trunk suddenly broke and fell. Come down, twist and condense into a human-shaped tree trunk during the fall.

Looking at this trunk split that has just split, it is three million kilometers tall and more than three times larger than Qiu Pu's clone. The whole body is like black emerald, but it is like a crystal-like special life, and part of the soul consciousness is integrated into it , the hands and feet formed by the branches and leaves are extremely flexible.

"The bigger the body, the more inconvenient it is to move. The primordial tree grows hundreds of millions of kilometers behind, and there are countless roots that take root to absorb energy, so it is even more difficult to move."

"Although it can't move, its huge size, vast and endless wood-type vitality, and its talent of crazily devouring energy make the Primordial Tree's divine power almost limitless. It is extremely difficult to annihilate it through divine power. It is simply immortal."

"I can fight with the split 'tree man' that I have planted, or I can bring it into the world ring as a storage device for divine power. Even Qiu Pu's avatar and the earthling's crazily burning divine body can be easily replenished."

"The avatar of the Grandmist Tree sits in the inner world, and after achieving immortality, it will be in the kingdom of God. Haha, as long as the Primitive Tree does not die, I will be immortal!"

Just when the summer solstice felt the split-body 'tree man', the primordial tree kept absorbing energy, and a thick trunk grew again from the stubble where the trunk and branches were just cut off, the power of the world was fully restored, and it was still three thousand tall. A volume of more than 10,000 kilometers.

"Huh?" Xia Zhi looked at the restored Hongmeng Tree's body, and suddenly thought, would it be possible to melt the body and expand the sea of ​​blood infinitely like the Sea of ​​Nine Nethers?

"The primordial tree has been fully restored, and there is a new treant next to it. The energy of the two has the same source, and it may be feasible."


The treant split body of three million kilometers suddenly turned into a huge power of the world. It wanted to merge into the main body of the grandmist tree, but it just turned into a thick layer of power of the world and shrouded the outside of the tree. The breath is absorbed into the body, and the increase in volume is just a normal growth of absorbing energy, and it does not directly expand like the sea of ​​​​blood.

"Isn't it possible?" Xia Zhi was a little disappointed, and then reacted, "I'm so stupid, the essence of blood seas is liquid, of course blood seas of the same origin can be merged together, and there is no volume limit for liquids, as long as the external space is vast, how many can there be?" How big the sea of ​​blood can expand."

Although the primordial tree can be turned into the power of the world, its essence is a plant and a solid body. Although the branched tree still comes from the same source, it has a volume limit after all. Unless the broken branches are restored, otherwise It is impossible to increase the volume quickly in this way.

"One gain, one loss!"

Although the sea of ​​blood is good, the avatar created by condensation is only one-tenth of the genetic level of the main body.

The primordial tree is a split body that can condense the same genetic level, but the largest volume is only one-tenth of the main body.

One is the genetic level, and the other is the volume, but it is also a 10 million-kilometer clone with a stronger genetic level, but its combat power is not as simple as simply doubling.

"When the Hongmeng tree grows to the limit of the world master and I break through immortality, both the earthling deity and Qiu Pu's avatar can carry a branch of the tree as a reserve of divine power. In addition, the branch of the tree with the most consciousness can be used as another main battle force."

Originally, Xia Zhi was one deity with two clones, but now it is equivalent to one more clone! Moreover, with the main body of the Primordial Tree, there is never any worry about the loss of divine power.

"Haha, my foundation has been established. As long as I break through to immortality, most dangers in the original universe can be ignored!"

"Continue. Let's see how far the world master-level primordial tree can grow the tree, and whether it can achieve a perfect gene?"

The countless horned dragon-like roots of the primordial tree root system all extend towards the gray energy, as if a huge network of billions of kilometers has been woven in the air of the inner world, and endless energy is absorbed into the tree through this network.

The volume also grows rapidly under this infinite energy supply, 31 million kilometers... 32 million kilometers... 33 million kilometers... 40 million kilometers... 50 million kilometers...

The genetic level of the body also increases, 3100 times... 3200 times... 3300 times... 4000 times... 5000 times...

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