Superstars In Parallel Time and Space

Chapter 81 Stone Hammer (Happy New Year everyone!)

The turmoil at this moment was unavoidable, and some people even left messages under the "God of Songs" program group, why did they find this kind of star on the program.

There are also some colleagues who deliberately send people to do this kind of thing. After all, if Li Xiyue is replaced by the program group, artists from other companies will rush for this spot, and there are still many stars who are thinking about this program.

For a gold-medal variety show, the word-of-mouth quality is guaranteed, and the audience and fans are also stable after several episodes.

It can be said that there will be no lack of exposure and topics on these programs.

Even if losing will cause some people to discuss, losing to veteran singers is not shameful. Every issue has new singers to fill their seats, and those who perform well will immediately become popular.

In fact, the veteran stars on this show are all once brilliant but now outdated people. On the one hand, they want to regain attention.

On the other hand, I am afraid of failure and being criticized by others, so the veteran stars on the show are very strong.

People with poor skills and self-knowledge will not come to this show, except for those who don't care about fame and come here for money.

It is precisely because of this that this program has made many old singers popular, giving them a new spring in their careers, and it has also given many new singers a chance to become popular.

Therefore, many companies want to fill this program with people. If Li Xiyue is pushed down by public opinion at this time, they will have a chance to win this spot.

Many companies are secretly fueling the flames, wanting to make this matter a big deal, causing the program crew to change people.

Li Xiyue's current exposure can only be said to cause controversy and greatly reduce her image, but it is not black material that can get her fired from the show.

Only by making matters worse and attracting the attention of the public and the program group can the program group force the pressure of public opinion to replace people.

Starway's reaction was quick, Li Xiyue's team quickly issued an apology statement, and said that the breakup with Chen Mubai was a joint decision of both parties, not as rumored on the Internet.

The reason why I separated from Chen Mubai before was because I didn't want to get involved in the unreasonable rhythm, and being with Zhang Yaohui was what happened after I separated from Chen Mubai, and I posted the message that Chen Mubai sent her a long time ago.

There are many messages, most of which are about thanks for this relationship and best wishes for her future, not because of those cruel words after being kicked out.

Li Xiyue's team explained the matter immediately,

Moreover, Chen Mubai's information was used as evidence, which made the rhythm much smaller, and many netizens stopped abusing for no reason after seeing the evidence.

Li Xiyue saw that the rhythm had stopped, and finally took a breath, and calmed down her nervous mood, thinking that it was good to have left a backup of these text messages back then.

I originally wanted to delete it, but because of the guilt in my heart and the reluctance to give up my first love, I didn't delete it completely, but kept it. I didn't expect it to come in handy today.


Li Xiyue thought of the last text message she had sent to Chen Mubai before, she was a little annoyed, she didn't want to reply at first, but seeing Chen Mubai's affection, she couldn't hold back and sent it after all.

I don't know if Chen Mubai deleted it, if he didn't delete it, if he took it out, I'm afraid it will set off a rhythm again.

I hope he deletes it

This WeChat message from Shanghai Satellite TV did cause a lot of turmoil. Many people who supported Chen Mubai left messages below. This can be regarded as good evidence for Chen Mubai.

It is enough to prove that he is not the kind of person that Starway Entertainment said, and they didn't know what to do before, but now there is evidence that their favorite idol is indeed a good person, which also made them firm in their support for Chen Mubai.

Although everything has not yet come to a conclusion, they are not as frightened as before, they are willing to believe in Chen Mubai!

What is a fan, this is a fan!

Sometimes they only need a little evidence to support their idols. As long as they don’t have nothing to say, they have reasons and motivation to support their idols. Fans are actually very simple.

Of course, except for black fans, there are still many people who are still scolding Chen Mubai, thinking that the video cannot be regarded as evidence of whitewashing, but in the eyes of Chen Mubai's fans, as long as there is evidence, they also have the confidence to fight against others!

On the other hand, Entertainment Secret Report has also been secretly trending. They also have an official WeChat account, but not too many people follow it.

There was a news on their wechat, and with this wave of rhythm, this wechat quickly fermented.

"If you want to know more about the relationship between Chen Mubai and Starway Entertainment, you can buy the entertainment secret report. Today's Toutiao fully explains the whole story!"

Below are some audio and video clips of interviews with other people!

Many people clicked on it, and it was all about Zhang Yaohui!

At the beginning of the screen, it was a young man who was also handsome and was chatting with the person who recorded the video.

The screen also marked when he entered Starway Entertainment and when he left.

"I support Chen Mubai, because I have also encountered what he encountered, but I don't have his courage to confront Xingcheng!"

"Then can you explain in detail?" Lu Fang asked.

The interviewer was Lu Fang, who was not on camera, and Chen Mubai asked him to do this before, because he was the manager of Starway trainees before, and he had the detailed information of the former trainees, and he spent a lot of money. It took a lot of effort to find these people.

"I was the one who was hidden by Zhang Yaohui, because I was dissatisfied with his oppression of us. When I first debuted, I went to commercial performances every day. We had no time to rest. I reported this to him, and he hid me."

"Also tell me that I am his tool to make money, what I don't want is what people want!"

This is what one of them said, and then the scene turned to another person.

"I encountered the same thing as Chen Mubai."

"My girlfriend was also caught by his unspoken rules. When I found out about this and went to make a fuss, he blocked me and threatened me that as long as I broke out about this incident, I would not be in this business!"

The scene changed again, and another man dressed in vicissitudes of life was being interviewed. His dress was quite different from the other two. He was very decadent.

The two people above are dressed very refreshingly, and they should still be in the entertainment industry, but they are not well-known.

This person is a bit slovenly, and he doesn't bother to dress up, decadent and vicissitudes.

"My name is Qian Yixiang. I entered Starway Entertainment in the 10th (2010) period. I was also the most popular among those trainees. I had a girlfriend in the company. Later, at the company's reception, Zhang Yaohui Drank too much and raped my girlfriend, he threatened us not to speak out afterwards and blocked me!"

"I sought help from the media to no avail, and there was no evidence to report the case to the police. The people in the company dealt with it coldly. My girlfriend suffered from depression because of this incident. We left the company after the contract expired, and we didn't hang out in the circle anymore. .”

This man in his thirties told this story with a dejected expression. He explained his situation very clearly, and he was not afraid of others to investigate. He was very excited at one point, and his tone was full of hatred for Zhang Yaohui.

He has no ability to avenge himself, but now someone is willing to avenge him, and he is the only one who is willing to avenge him for many years, and he can only hope for this person.

After all, this person and Chen Mubai are in the same group. Chen Mubai's name has been widely heard recently, and he also knows what happened to him. It seems that he is a person with means to make such a noise under the blockade of Zhang Yaohui and Xingcheng.


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