
"He said chasing the Grammys and making an album in a week's time?"

"It's a bit of a big talk..."

"I feel inexplicably passionate, this response is so cool!"

"So handsome, looking forward to ing..."


Not to mention the reporters at the scene, even William and the others were a little stunned.

These final words are... seriously?

It's fine to make an album a week, but also hit the Grammy!

This is a bit whimsical!

But looking at Chen Mubai's expression before leaving, he doesn't seem to be joking.

The reporters wrote down this scene one after another, and then contacted the editor-in-chief. This news cannot be released, and Chen Mubai's words must be released. It's too fierce!


The reason why Chen Mubai said this is because of certain considerations.

Even if he writes a song or two, others can say that he bought it or wrote it before, which doesn't mean anything.

Therefore, he chose to make one album at a time, which has a different meaning, and basically no one can do it.

If he buys songs, many people will know about it, after all, ten songs for an album is not so easy to get together.

Then there is the quality of the songs. If the gap is too large, it will also cause doubts.

Therefore, once he puts out ten songs, no one will doubt his talent, and no one will think that his songs are bought, and those slanderous rumors will be self-defeating.

If he himself has accomplished this matter, he can also take advantage of this popularity to expand his influence and let everyone know about it, which will greatly improve his reputation.

Moreover, the Grammy award, in addition to the quality of the album itself, also needs a certain amount of market sales to reflect it.

Chen Mubai's outrageous remarks at the press conference this time will definitely arouse the curiosity of many people. When his album is released, many people will definitely buy it and listen to it.

The album can be finished in a week, and the release can be completed in a month.

Although there is not enough time for promotion, but taking advantage of this wave of rhythm and enthusiasm, will the promotion of the album be poor?

It must be more useful than traditional publicity methods, at least those who pay attention to this matter will know that Chen Mubai will release a new album to break the rumors!

At that time, I will release two songs to deal with the bet, and let the public listen to it first. If they like it, they will have the desire to buy the entire album. They can refer to the quality of the album from the songs.

Even in this situation, Chen Mubai still wanted to take advantage of the popularity to promote himself and increase his reputation.

For him, things have already happened, and if he doesn’t do something, he always feels at a disadvantage~

This is still the enthusiasm sent up, if I don't do something about it, I'm really sorry for myself!



Caitlin and Trillis watched TV together.

After seeing Chen Mubai's expressionless expression throughout the whole process and the ironic ridicule at the end, after saying that he would make an album in a week, Trillis was blown away!

"Too arrogant!"

"I must make him regret it,

How dare you speak such big words! "

"Make an album a week?" Trillis laughed angrily: "Albums are easy to appear, but can the quality keep up?"

"Even if you are a genius and have a few good songs, how can you still have an album of high-quality songs?"

"I want to use this wave of rhythm and heat to promote my work, and I don't want to see if you can eat it!"

"At first, I thought you were a smart person and wouldn't take this path, but I didn't expect to seek your own death. Do you really think that you can win the bet because of your outstanding talent?"

"This time, I want you to die!"

Seeing Chen Mubai's appearance on the screen, Trillis became angry, and complained angrily: "I want to find top producers and invite them to write songs!"

Caitlin said lightly: "It is impossible for top songwriters to sell the full copyright of the song. For them, the copyright is a long-term flow, and a one-time buyout is not worthwhile."

"I can only hope to find some talented people who are not well-known, or people who are capable but lack money."

"do you know?"

Trillis pondered for a while, and said: "I know, but I don't know if the other party will agree. You know, this kind of art person always has a weird temper."

"Give it a try. Make two preparations. While buying higher quality, you can also try to get someone else to write it to see if the quality can pass."

"Okay, time is running out, I'll get in touch right away."

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There are only two types of people who may sell the full copyright of a song, and those who are slightly famous will not be willing to sell their own songs. After all, the song is popular, and they can follow along as producers. The follow-up copyright income is much greater than once* **.

People who are underappreciated, because of their hard work, it is possible to buy them out if there is a large price.

After all, talent cannot be eaten as a meal. If you want to survive, you must first solve the problem of food and clothing.

Many well-known songwriters lived a very hard life before they became famous. At that time, if someone was willing to buy out their works at a high price, they would still sell some of their works.

There is also a kind of people with a bad reputation, such as personal reputation or other problems, they are resisted by the public, and then they fall out of the circle.

There are people like this, and few people are interested in their works, because the celebrities who buy their works are afraid of being implicated. When everyone sees that it is XXX's work, they immediately boycott it.

Celebrities generally don't export against the wind, so they will stay away from this situation. Even if this work is excellent, they can only change it to another work of lower quality, at least it will not cause disputes.

This kind of people have been punished because of their own problems, their work has problems, and their income is unstable. At this time, if someone is willing to spend a little more money to buy out, they will definitely sell.

Rather than waiting for someone to buy their work, and don’t know when it will be, it’s better to sell it at a good price at one time, at least it’s sold.

Although the work has nothing to do with them from now on, it can be considered as making money anyway, it is better than nesting in their hands.

Regarding Chen Mubai, AMC Company was not careless, and made two-handed preparations to prevent accidents.

They are still confident that they can win this bet.

It was no longer a direct matter of winning or losing a song. Chen Mubai made it harder for himself. He insisted on making an album in a week. If he couldn't finish it by then, he would be slapped in the face.

He said it in front of a global audience. This video has already been circulated. Even if the quality of Chen Mubai's works is better than theirs, he will still be ridiculed by the public if he fails to complete the album.

There is no way, the pretense is too much.


"Mu Bai, I'm a little impulsive!"

Lu Fang and others on the other side of the ocean also saw Chen Mubai's response, and their tone was heavy.

"He didn't even discuss it with us..."

"It's useless to discuss with us, I think he doesn't want us to worry..."

"I think he should have done this for me, otherwise why would he be so high-profile all of a sudden." Li Feng said: "He has always been very prudent in doing things before this, I don't think he would be so reckless."

"So, he must have his intentions, we just cheer for him, don't bother him, let him complete the work as soon as possible, not to trouble him is our greatest help."

"Brother Feng is right, let's continue with our business." Lu Fang nodded.


"Chen Mubai is still pretending as always!"

"Awesome, it takes a week to make an album, and it's an English album!"

"Brothers, do you think Chen Mubai can do it?"

"Theoretically, it is possible, but it is very difficult. I think it is a bit dangling, but judging from Chen Mubai's experience, he should be able to complete it, and I hope he can complete it!"

"Yeah, I am the same, I hope Chen Mubai can slap the American in the face!"

Not only Chinese netizens discussed this video, but also American netizens.

Many people are very supportive of Chen Mubai, about 80% of the people in China are cheering for Chen Mubai.

The number in the United States is much smaller, about 40%. After hearing what Chen Mubai said, many people turned around to support him.

Just because everyone felt that Chen Mubai was very courageous, and his decisive attitude made some people believe him unconsciously.

If he didn't have a clear heart, how could he dare to go forward so bravely, and he would not bypass the three of them by speaking directly, it's too rigid!

On the contrary, Americans appreciate this kind of people. They hate cowardly and indecisive people. Chen Mubai's courageous behavior has made a group of people become fans.

The main reason is that his works are on the air, and everyone likes the role of Mike Chen. In addition, his current approach is very popular, which fits Mike Chen’s character. The realistic approach is superimposed with the characters on TV. Some viewers instantly I fell in love with Chen Mubai.

The impact of the matter has indeed expanded, but Chen Mubai's tough answer has also won him a lot of fans. Everyone saw his tough attitude and supported him one after another.

The bias of public opinion has turned slightly again, but more people's eyes are on the bet between the two parties and Chen Mubai's album.


"Are you sure?" Tao Yaoyao looked anxiously into Chen Mubai's big eyes.

She was very worried that Chen Mubai would not be able to finish what he said, which would make it difficult for him to move forward.

"Or, I'll find someone to write a few songs..."

Tao Yaoyao thought the same as Trillis, chose a few more songs as alternatives, and made two-handed preparations.

Although she was suspected of cheating the audience, she didn't want Chen Mubai's reputation to suffer, and she didn't want him to lose.

"No problem, although I'm a bit rushed, but I can finish it." Chen Mubai stroked Tao Yaoyao's black hair, comforted her, and said with a smile, "Don't worry, don't you know me yet?"

The two can be said to be the people who understand each other best. Tao Yaoyao's words are enough to show that she is upset and very nervous.

In fact, she would be nervous and irrational about everything related to Chen Mubai.

Now that Chen Mubai has been wronged by the outside world, and she is trapped, she wants to resolve this matter urgently, and does not want to make any mistakes.

"But I need your help."

Tao Yaoyao immediately raised her head, looked at Chen Mubai with her nimble eyes, and rolled her black eyes lightly: "Okay!"

"What do you want me to do?" Tao Yaoyao asked curiously, with a hint of lightness in her tone.

She used to care about chaos, so she was anxious. After Chen Mubai comforted her just now, her mood improved a lot, and she was able to help Chen Mubai, so she was very happy.

"Help me with the instrument and the chorus." Chen Mubai said: "Some songs have the chorus part, please help me."

"Well, there is also a MV, you want to be the heroine, how about it?"

"No problem!" Tao Yaoyao replied straightforwardly, with a smile on her face: "I promise to do my best!"

She is very happy to be able to help Chen Mubai, to accompany him to make music, and to be a part of his works.


"Prison Break" has finished filming this week, but Chen Mubai has time to make music.

The crew was still running, but they were missing two of their roles, so Chen Mubai asked the assistant director to shoot the rest of the scenes first, and the scenes about them would be filmed after they went back.

This week's content has been produced, and it will not affect the progress. "Prison Break" can be broadcast as usual, and there is no need to postpone the broadcast because of this incident.

Chen Mubai began to concentrate on soaking in the recording studio with Tao Yaoyao and began to make songs.

He first wrote all ten songs, and then produced them one by one.

When he took out the song, Tao Yaoyao was really surprised.

Didn't expect it to be finished so soon?

"You wrote this in advance?" Tao Yaoyao asked in surprise.

"Yes." Chen Mubai nodded and said, "When I used to have inspiration, I would record and save it, and then I slowly saved some songs."

"It's amazing!" Tao Yaoyao exclaimed.

"Let's get started!"

"From the first song, 'That girl'."

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