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Although this year's Spring Festival, he still has a starring movie that needs to be released, and he also needs to start a promotional event, and the time will be very tight.

But he can only be regarded as the third leading role in this drama, and he doesn't have to promote it very frequently like "Master of Hypnotism".

For one thing, Qian Duoduo and Xia Fan can share a lot of the burden of publicity for him. They are the two most important people. As for him, they just need to cooperate with the publicity.

After all, Cheng Chen Mubai's name is on the list of leading actors. Everyone knows that he has appeared and is one of the leading actors. He will also cooperate with the promotion, but not so frequently.

The second point, the biggest difference between "Lost in Thailand" and "The Master of Hypnotism" is that there are three leading actors in "Lost in Thailand", and he is not obliged to go to the promotional activities.

There are only two in "Master of Hypnotism", and the rest of them have too few roles, so they can only be counted as guest appearances. It's not reasonable to let the guest actors to promote, and besides, others may not be willing!

It’s okay to be a customer role, but do you want to help you promote?

Think beautifully.

Furthermore, their appeal is not good!

"Master of Hypnotism" is still a relatively critical movie, and it is a critical period for Chen Mubai and Mubai Entertainment.

The first two films were successful, and the third one has attracted much attention. It is impossible to treat it lightly, whether it is in terms of strategic importance or box office.

Therefore, at that point in time, Chen Mubai and Tao Yaoyao would definitely not be able to attend the Spring Festival Gala.

This time, CCTV invited him again, but he still chose to go.

He didn't know it before, but later he found out that the official expressed his support and protected his works. Chen Mubai was very grateful in his heart.

As an official program, it is also the biggest party, if there is a chance, how could he not go?

It's just that if he agrees to the other party's invitation, he will become busier and his rest time will be severely squeezed.

Because it takes a lot of time to rehearse to participate in the Spring Festival Gala, so as to ensure that there are no mistakes at the scene.

The Spring Festival Gala is a nationwide live show. Once a mistake is made on stage, it will be irreversible. In order to minimize mistakes, everyone will conduct a lot of rehearsals and exercises.

Although going to the Spring Festival Gala will make him suffer, this kindness must still be shown, and the Spring Festival Gala can also spread his reputation more widely.

Now his name is basically in the youth group, and the middle-aged group pays less attention. These people are busy making money to support their families. They don't have high cultural needs for film and television and music, and they don't pay attention to things in the entertainment industry.

Most people's parents don't know about the hot stars or new stars in the entertainment industry in recent years. They know that they are all hot stars when they were young.

These stars are now either old drama stars in the circle, or superstars, and they rarely appear, let alone act in film and television dramas.

The Spring Festival Gala is a joyful festival for the whole family. Most families will choose to watch this gala, and the whole family will gather together to have fun.

At this time, it is also the best channel for them to learn about stars through TV.

If there is a program with outstanding performance, it will definitely arouse the curiosity of the elders. They do not know this person, and they may ask the younger generation: "Who is this?"

Most of the juniors know each other, and they will give the answer. In this way, the Spring Festival Gala becomes an opportunity for celebrities to become famous among the middle-aged and elderly people.

Although they may not be too star-chasing on weekdays, but these people have money, and they are willing to spend money to buy things they like.

For example, after they got to know Chen Mubai, they felt that his performance was good, and his works would be included in the category of priority support in the future.

For example, middle-aged people who like to listen to music will support Chen Mubai's music works, and those who like to watch movies and TV will support his film and television works.

"Then what about the post-production and promotion of your movie?" Tao Yaoyao was a little surprised.

She can skip the schedule and go to the Spring Festival Gala, Chen Mubai has a work!

"The post-production is already in progress,

I've done quite a bit, just a little bit, no big deal. "

Chen Mubai said: "Now the company is getting bigger and bigger, and there will be more and more works in the future. I can't pay attention to everything. I have trained a lot of talents in this field. They have studied with me for a long time. I will give them a The general desired effect, they already know how to make what I want."

"As for the publicity, let Duoduo and them do more publicity, I will run less and take time to go to the Spring Festival Gala, it's not a big problem."

As early as when the company was growing, a lot of these late-stage reserve talents had already been recruited, and this was all a rainy day.

Especially the field of animation has begun to dabble, how could it be possible to miss the talents of film post-production?

Most of the edited content of "Tai囧" has come out, only a small part is left.

He took some people to edit the plot and told them the effect he wanted.

There is no need for special editing, as long as the roughly desired content is done.

They can't cut a specific full version, but it's no problem to cut a rough version. At that time, Chen Mubai will edit on top of this version.

In this way, the workload will be much smaller. Otherwise, it would take a lot of energy to cut different contents into a movie in chronological order. After all, the shooting is not based on time and plot, but according to the scene.

There are many scenes shot in a movie. If you want to find the plot you need in many scenes, each scene may have many similar plots, which is quite difficult.

Therefore, even if it is a rough edited version, it takes a lot of time and energy to sort out the complete plot.

There are scripts for movies, and the plots are more detailed. Chen Mubai gives the general scope they want, and they can cut out the general plot.

Then fine editing is performed on this version, which greatly reduces Chen Mubai's workload, and greatly reduces the workload for his future works, once and for all.

In this way, if Chen Mubai goes to the Spring Festival Gala, there will be no problem in the later stage of the movie, as long as Chen Mubai cuts out the second half of the fine plot at the end.

"You are so tired."

Tao Yaoyao said distressedly: "The company is getting bigger and bigger, and you are getting busier."

"I don't get tired of fighting for my dream, besides, I also want to earn dowry money."


Tao Yaoyao was shy, who did Chen Mubai want to give the gift money to, no one knew!

This was the first time that the two of them talked about the topic of marriage. In the past, both of them avoided this topic because of Tao Qingchao.

However, as Mubai Entertainment became bigger and bigger, and Chen Mubai's career was booming, Tao Qingchao no longer obstructed the relationship between the two.

Although Mubai Entertainment is developing extremely rapidly, there is still a big gap between the size of Dow Group and Dow Group. After all, Dow Group is like a giant!

However, the prospect of Mubai Entertainment is very good. If it continues to develop according to this trajectory, if it becomes an internationally renowned entertainment company in the future, it can also become a giant that shocks the world!

"Take advantage of this time to rest more, otherwise you won't have time to rest after the rehearsal begins." Tao Yaoyao said.


"Then I'll tell Sister Qin later and ask her to reply to CCTV. This time we will sing a song together. Is that song we will sing "Because of Love"?"

"For a new song, I will send it to CCTV for review. After passing, we can rehearse."

Each program of the Spring Festival Gala needs to apply to the TV station first, and only after the other party passes it can it be considered qualified, then it will be rehearsed on the TV station, and finally it will be performed on the stage.

"New song!" Tao Yaoyao was very excited, she asked, "A love song?"


"I like love songs~"

Tao Yaoyao said inwardly, "Especially yours."

The reason why I like Chen Mubai's love songs is because Tao Yaoyao always feels that the lyrics are written about her, and these songs contain Chen Mubai's feelings for her.

This kind of thing is the biggest killer for Wenqing girls.


After Tao Yaoyao went back, she replied to the invitation of the crew of the Spring Festival Gala, and Chen Mubai replied at the same time.

"Director Sun, the other party replied, Chen Mubai and Tao Yaoyao will come this year!"

Director Sun Liping said happily: "Good!"

"Hurry up and report to the director and tell them the good news!"

Inviting Chen Mubai and Tao Yaoyao was originally the meaning of Taili, and it was also a request from the leaders above.

So when Sun Liping heard the news, he immediately thought of reporting it.

In fact, everyone knows about Chen Mubai from the Internet, and has never met a real person.

But everyone knows his story very well, and they also know the truth of the matter, Chen Mubai's conduct is indeed without flaws.

The cultural department is trying to protect Chen Mubai. Many people in the cultural department are very curious about Chen Mubai, and everyone wants to know more about him.

Therefore, last year, CCTV sent an invitation to Chen Mubai.

It's just a pity that the other party didn't have time to come. This time they agreed to come, the leaders in the station will be very happy, and they can get close to Chen Mubai himself for a while.

For this "talented" young man, everyone still appreciates it very much.

In particular, the first film won the Best Actor and Golden Lion Awards at the Venice Film Festival at the same time, which is indeed unprecedented.

"Oh, that's right!" The subordinate called Director Sun Liping again.

"What's wrong?"

"Chen Mubai gave them the song they want to sing, it's called "Coral Sea", it's a new song."

"New song?"

Sun Liping originally thought that they would continue to sing "Because of Love", because this song is widely sung, and the audience of middle-aged people is also wide, and they have a deeper understanding of this kind of love.

"The lyrics have already been sent, why don't you read them first?"

"Okay, print it out for me, and I'll take it to the director to discuss it."

Sun Liping is the chief director of the Spring Festival Gala and also the person in charge.

Every program of the party needs his approval to pass the review, but Chen Mubai's new song is not easy for him to make a decision, so he wants to discuss it with the director.

Generally speaking, the programs of the Spring Festival Gala need to be stable. Old songs have passed the test of the market and time, and most of them have no problems.

There are too many unstable factors in the new song, which makes him embarrassed.

However, they still recognized Chen Mubai's talent and the strength of the two of them. This was recognized, and it should not be a big problem in terms of singing and singing.

After Sun Liping got the lyrics of "Coral Sea", he immediately went to the director's office.


In the office, Sun Liping talked about it with the director.

"Don't get entangled, let Chen Mubai record a song demo first and submit it for review. If there are no major problems, it will be passed."

The head of the station smiled and said: "In today's society, young people are gradually becoming the mainstream. There is nothing wrong with singing some popular songs. Maybe it can attract more young people!"

Middle-aged and elderly people will definitely watch the Spring Festival Gala, which has been a habit for many years, but young people have gradually given up this activity because there are too many things to entertain.

Therefore, the Spring Festival Gala is also slowly changing, and some young stars will be invited to the stage to attract young audiences.

This time, the arrival of Chen Mubai and Tao Yaoyao will definitely attract many people to watch. It's fine for them to sing a new song, it's still a promotion for the Spring Festival Gala!

Perhaps this year's ratings can be higher than last year's?

After all, the two hottest new stars are coming to the Spring Festival Gala, and many teenagers like them!

As for the problem with the song, the director still believes in Chen Mubai's musical talent.

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