Immediately after, Lu Fang sent another message, which was sent a few minutes ago.

The text message stated that after he went to the company, he only read a few influential entertainment newspapers and periodicals, none of which had news about Chen Mubai, but instead had information about several other popular players.

As an entertainment company, they want to know the latest information about the entertainment industry, so their newspapers and periodicals are all customized, and new newspapers and books will be delivered every day.

Because of Chen Mubai's hint, Lu Fang read all these traditional entertainment newspapers and told Chen Mubai after confirming that they were correct, confirming that his guess in his heart was not wrong.

After Lu Fang finished sending his own information, he suddenly saw an employee who had just walked into the company, and she was holding the book "Entertainment Secret Report" in her hand.

Entertainment Secret Report is essentially a small entertainment company, and their newspapers and periodicals do not have many views.

But there are also people who like to read entertainment secret reports, because entertainment secret reports are more about gossip news.

It doesn’t need to pursue the facts, as long as there is traffic anyway, the content is not randomly edited, it’s all half-truth and half-false content, which leads to readers not knowing the reason of the matter, and it’s confusing but very attractive curiosity, many people like to watch gossip news.

Originally, some newspapers and periodicals in the company were written by media affiliated to relatively large entertainment companies, while small newspapers and periodicals were written by other small media companies. It is the traffic that all kinds of celebrity gossip and scandals pursue.

Many of the photos that are speculative will be magnified for hype, and the media under the big entertainment companies disdain this kind of low-level hype, and their positioning is all high-end people

So sometimes these small newspapers sell well, and people like to read these scandals and gossip in their spare time.

Employees already have magazines and newspapers in the company that can receive the latest entertainment news, and they need to buy other magazines that they like to read. Many people also look for material inspiration in those reports.

Lu Fang noticed that there was another reason for the entertainment secret report, and that was that Chen Mubai was on the cover, not other celebrities!

Especially the news about Chen Mubai has been suppressed by the major mainstream entertainment media, but these tabloids actually published Chen Mubai, and still vigorously used the cover to promote the introduction.

Lu Fang felt that Zhang Yaohui only contacted medium-sized and large-scale entertainment media. After all, these media controlled most of the channels, and the small-sized media was not qualified for him to treat them like this.

Besides, there are many small media outlets, and it is difficult to say hello to everyone, so there is no need to bother.

The entertainment news of small media can only occupy gossip and gossip, and there is not much traffic.

The last time Zhang Yaohui didn't buy out a small media company, didn't those entertainment news also report on Chen Mubai, besides, Chen Mubai is just a newcomer, how popular and popular can he be?

He has no effect on the sales of newspapers, and the newspapers have no reason to write about him!

But what Zhang Yaohui didn't expect was that this time the "Dream Singer" program officially broke through 3, and it would already become a gold medal program. The quality of word-of-mouth is very good, and the follow-up ratings may be even higher!

This episode of Chen Mubai's singing once again drove the fiery atmosphere of the scene, and the WeChat hot search was also very popular. He stepped on the well-known Li Qunfan twice. He is already a person who does not lack traffic, popularity and popularity. Coupled with his topicality, as long as some conflicts and gossips are included, the impact will definitely not be worse than the topicality of some celebrities.

Because now is the most popular time for the show, the popularity is very high, and Chen Mubai's personal popularity is also very high, as evidenced by the several hot searches on Weixin.

With this kind of fire, when two top-notch people come together, it will inevitably cause a lot of topicality. Didn't you see that the current media is reporting "Dream Singer" as a program?

It has already shown that the show is hot enough,

Not to mention the popularity of Chen Mubai as the number one on the show!

Those gossip media did not expect that the large media did not report on Chen Mubai, but only on the show and other singers, and because they focused on the scandal and gossip to report on Chen Mubai, the sales volume of newspapers and periodicals increased a lot compared to usual.

There is no way, many viewers who watched the show last night supported Chen Mubai and were also moved by his singing. When I bought entertainment newspapers today, I didn’t see those media writing about Chen Mubai, only those gossip tabloids wrote about it. If you want to know more about Chen Mubai, you can only buy tabloids.

"Zhang Ze, can you show me the entertainment secret report in your hand?" Lu Fang said.

"Okay, Brother Lu, do you like Chen Mubai too? His singing was so good yesterday! I didn't see any news about him in the company, so I went to the newsstand downstairs to look for it, and I really found it!" Zhang Ze said happily.

Zhang Ze also likes to watch variety shows. He is a fan of Chen Mubai, because he thinks what Chen Mubai's songs express is very similar to his life. He likes songs with stories.

He didn't see any news about Chen Mubai in the company's newspapers, so he went to the newsstand outside to look for other entertainment news newspapers, and he bought them when he saw information about Chen Mubai.

"Well, I'll send it to you in a while, thank you!" Lu Fang replied.

"Okay, then I'll go to work first." Zhang Ze waved his hand.

Lu Fang lowered his head and flipped through the entertainment newsletter. It did record Chen Mubai's deeds. There were introductions from his first performance on stage, including photos from the audition scene. I have to lament that these people's work efficiency is really high , just recorded all the movements after Chen Mubai joined the show in one night.

At the end, I also wrote about Chen Mubai's own deeds. He said on stage last night that he was a trainee but never debuted. Although he didn't say anything later, the newspapers and periodicals made up his own brain, and what he said was modeled. Sample.

This is the foothold of tabloids like entertainment secret reports. Some of the news they don’t know will make up some news to attract attention. The fabricated news is inferred based on the existing clues. .

At least Lu Fang made sense when he saw what was written on it, including the shocking title written on the cover.

"The singer of the big fire was once hidden in the snow and was silent for many years. Who was offended?"

According to what Chen Mubai said on the spot, the entertainment secret report wrote some inferences in detail, including the possibility of being blocked in which company, and wrote about several companies, and the focus was on Starway Entertainment.

Because they searched on WeChat according to all the things about Chen Mubai before, but there was no entertainment news about him the next day, so they deduced that it was very likely that Starway Entertainment hid him, and now they saw Chen Mubai again Only when it got hot did I think about continuing to suppress it.

Although it is also possible that this behavior happened because Starway was dissatisfied with Chen Mubai for stealing Li Qunfan's dark horse, but they didn't care, as long as they put up an attractive headline and reported selectively, they would not care about the authenticity of the matter, everything Mainly eye-catching.

But by mistake, their deduction is true, maybe they don't even know it.


The following is a shameless begging for votes by a small author!

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You guys must have read a lot of books. There are many popular authors or great authors. Recommendation tickets are useless to them. They are all asking for monthly tickets!

It doesn’t feel like your votes were given to the great author, but we are actually very grateful to the young author, and of course I am also sincerely grateful!

But I am different. I am happy when I have a ticket.

Go down and be a big servant...

Although it's a bit embarrassing to cheat tickets so blatantly, it's okay, thick-skinned!

Besides, I don't want votes, I want confidence and support, right (whispering).

Yes, that's what I'm looking for, thank you all!

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