Superstars In Parallel Time and Space

Chapter 16 The Perfect Work

Chen Mubai held the microphone again with both hands, his mind was empty, he didn't think about any skills, he didn't think about the shortcomings of singing before, and he didn't think about singing skills...

He didn't think about anything, and he didn't have the idea of ​​making the song perfectly. His nervous expression was released, and he immediately felt a lot more relaxed.

Slowly, a picture appeared in his mind. It was the scene of him living with his parents in his previous life. Although it was very bitter and tiring, he was very happy...

Many memories emerged in Chen Mubai's mind, both beautiful and regrettable, "That is the person I miss and love deeply day and night."

"How should I express it..." Chen Mubai opened his lips slightly and sang the lyrics.

At this time, he thought of how when he was young, his parents would get up early and be greedy to make money every day. They would buy him whatever he wanted, but his parents would not even be willing to eat buns, leaving all the good things to him...

The scene at that time appeared in his mind, and there was a tremor in Chen Mubai's voice, and his singing was intertwined with the picture in memory.

Everyone will have different feelings when they hear a song, because everyone's experience is different, and the focus of dealing with things and feelings is also different.

Others may think about the pure and innocent love in the student days, but at this moment what Chen Mubai thinks about is the picture of his parents pulling him up!

Everything was not easy. At that time, the family was very poor, the parents ate, and Chen Mubai ate the meat. They never ate it themselves. When Chen Mubai asked, he only said that they had eaten it. Only when they became sensible did they know that they were not willing to eat it. what!

Chen Mubai was still singing, and the images in his mind also flashed while singing, his eye sockets became moist, and all his thoughts drifted back to the images in his memory.

What I sang are all the purest emotions, including love for my parents, and reluctance to part with my parents. Regret and repentance are about not being able to fulfill my wish and becoming a superstar...

Li Feng listened to Chen Mubai's singing. At the beginning, Chen Mubai's voice expressed his emotions very well, and there were memories and regrets in his voice.

But just after he sang a few lines, his voice trembled a little, which seemed very abrupt.

When Li Feng was about to interrupt, Chen Mubai continued to sing, as if he didn't know that his voice was trembling.

The voice that followed was very warm, as if the wind was blowing, telling a warm story.

Just when he was about to interrupt Chen Mubai's singing, Li Feng's expression suddenly changed, he became very excited, he even unconsciously made his breathing quieter, for fear of affecting Chen Mubai's state, although it is impossible to affect...

At this moment, Chen Mubai seemed to have abandoned everything and returned to the most essential emotion of the song.

There is no technique, but only the purest feelings in his heart, and he is using his singing to convey this feeling to others.

Originally, the song "Old Boy" expressed more feelings about reminiscing about youth, the helplessness of life and the regret of giving up dreams, as well as the passion of youth...

Chen Mubai sang another kind of emotion "beautiful" at the beginning, which is far from the meaning of the lyrics, but Chen Mubai's interpretation has no sense of disobedience.

It even made Li Feng feel that there is nothing wrong with expressing this kind of emotion, and he sang very well.

Chen Mubai trembled a little in the "beautiful" emotion, as if saying that good things would also have regrets, which caused waves in his heart.

This trembling voice actually became the finishing touch, on the contrary, it deepened the expression of the two opposing emotions of beauty and regret, making the emotion stronger.

The singing this time is far from the feelings that the original version wanted to express, and it is even somewhat opposite. One is regrettable memories with good memories, while what Chen Mubai expresses is good memories with regretful memories.

But the effect presented this time is the best among all versions. The sincere and beautiful emotion is the core expression of the song.


After Chen Mubai finished singing, his eyes fell on Li Feng outside the recording room, waiting for comments.

He felt that singing this time was very relaxing, not just mental relaxation. During the singing process, he had no distracting thoughts in his mind, only various memories of the past. He missed the scene at that time very much.

He misses his parents, but he can't go back.

This kind of good memory made his singing in the first half full of emotion, full of joy and warmth, but in the second half it turned into reluctance and regret for the good memories.

He also knows that in the process of singing, some good memories make him smile, contrary to the meaning of this song, but this is his story!

This is the emotion he wants to express. He has his own understanding of this song, so he chose his own emotion and sang different emotions.

Chen Mubai's eyes stayed on Li Feng, feeling very nervous, he didn't know what Li Feng would express to his singing.

Li Feng was blunt after Chen Mubai finished singing, then stood up and applauded loudly: "Perfect!"

"Really!?" Chen Mubai couldn't believe it, he thought he would be criticized by Li Feng.

This time I didn't have any singing skills at all, and I didn't add any skills. As long as I have sincere emotions, it's better than any previous singing!

This is also the most profound state expressed by this kind of emotional expression song. If it is put on other songs, it will definitely not work.

"Really, I don't think there will be anything better than this." Li Feng praised.

Chen Mubai showed a happy smile. He was not happy because the recording was completed, but because his singing moved Li Feng. He admitted his story, and his emotion is also an expression that can move people.


"Actually, I never thought that you would perform it in another way. The performance is perfect. I am glad that you have used the strictest attitude to ask you, and you have produced a perfect work."

Li Feng sat at the table to eat, and talked to Chen Mu while drinking.

After Chen Mubai and Li Feng finished recording, they left the studio to eat together. At the wine table, Li Feng also praised Chen Mubai's perseverance and ability.

He didn't expect that Chen Mubai's final performance was beyond his expectation, it was perfect.

Chen Mubai is like a spring, the greater the pressure, the higher the jump, as if he can't see his upper limit, no matter how demanding Li Feng is, he believes that Chen Mubai can complete it.

"Your ability is very strong. It's obvious that you have been tempered this time. After today, your singing skills will definitely improve." Li Feng drank another glass of wine.

Chen Mubai also felt it himself, just like the last time he sang, the feeling was different from before.

Moreover, after Li Feng's guidance, he has become more sensitive to the emotional expression of songs, and many flaws in singing skills have been changed, and his singing skills will be improved to a higher level!

"I would also like to thank Brother Feng for your guidance. I would like to offer you a toast." Chen Mubai picked up the wine glass and drank it with his head raised.

"You realized it yourself. I can only point out your shortcomings. If you don't think about it yourself and don't want to change, I can't help you."

Li Feng didn't take the credit, and put it all on Chen Mubai himself.

"I made an extra copy of your "Old Boy". I want to treat it as my treasure, and I can also say that my recording studio has produced perfect works in the future!" Brother Li Feng drank a little too much .

He was very happy and laughed loudly: "I never thought that I could create such an excellent song in my own hands. My persistence for many years has not been in vain!"

"No problem, Brother Feng, I still have songs to record with you in the future, as long as you don't find me annoying!"

Chen Mubai smiled and looked at Li Feng as happy as a child who got candy.

This time he gained a lot. If Li Feng hadn't trained him hard and demanded him harshly, he wouldn't have made such great progress in a short period of time.

"There are still songs? Are they all your originals?" Although Li Feng had drunk too much, he was still not drunk. Curious!"

"Well, but I can't do it now. I participated in "Dream Singer", and I will sing these songs on the show. When the show is over, I will come and record the songs." Chen Mubai said.

"You can come to me at any time... I, how could I think you are troublesome, you are welcome to come... I can't wait, I can't wait to record, record... your new song."

Li Feng's consciousness was a little weak. Obviously, the aftertaste of the wine came up, and he spoke with a bit of a tongue. He was clear-headed, but it was a little difficult to express.

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